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Bootleg DVD's

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I found a few bootleg DVD's listed on eBay. Mostly season sets of TV shows repackaged for the foreign market.


Now, I'm not an advocate of stealing or anything - but paying upwards of $30 for a plastic disc is kind of insane.


Does anyone know of sites where I can order, um, "backup" copies of popular DVD releases?


The packaging means nothing to me - so long as the discs play in my Region 1 player.

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Um, where are you paying $30 for a "plastic disc"?


Maybe I shouldn't be so anti-piracy when it comes to DVDs, since I rarely buy CDs, but all things considered, I just don't think there's a valid reason to go through the hassle of burning DVDs, when they're so inexpensive as it is.


Figure most catalog titles cost about $15 new and many TV box sets rarely break $30 or $40 (depending on number of discs) and most of the content you get on any given DVD, and I just don't see a point in burning them.


But I know you weren't looking for a lecture on a matter you've already solidified your opinion on. Look around in this folder. There was a thread about some piece of shit site overseas selling the kind of crap you're looking for. That place was a paradise for people who were opposed to spending a reasonable amount of money on worthwhile discs, just like yourself.

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Well, the DVDs can play on R1 players and are inexpensive, so I figured that's what you were looking for. I still don't see why you don't shell out a few more bucks to own a legit copy, but then again, that's just me.

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