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Sleepy Hollow - pic!commentary 1

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I've posted 5 of these in my LJ, and I figured I'd post the first here. If anyone's interested in reading more, I'll either post more to this thread [so as not to crowd the forum] or post the link to my lj.



Sleepy Hollow commentary

Chapters 1-4





Firstly, if you're running from some enemy, it is probably a good idea *not* to stop at the scary pumpkin head-thingy. Really..I suggest that you continue to run. And secondly, I totally love the sound of the Hessian's sword being unsheathed... as soon as you hear it, you *know* the shit has just hit the fan... but, more simply, someone's gonna lose their head. Just good, clean, family fun, eh? ;)




I'm a total Ichabod-fangirl and so I don't fill up this commentary with too many Ichabod-pics/comments, I think I'll state my reasons here for the fangirlness. First of all, I love all the layers to him.. he's a detective whose obsessed with 'sense and reason..cause and consequence'. He believes everything is logical, nothing is supernatural. This reasoning was borne from his childhood: his mother was an 'innocent child of nature' who was murdered by his father, a priest. Such memories are repressed, but he slowly starts to remember them as his his reasoning shatters.


His...methods of investigation are ahead of his time, which makes him quite the outsider in his field. Yet he's so damn SQUEAMISH! [Quite amusing, acutally ;) ] Ya know, I don't think Ichabod ever thought he'd get a chance to try out his theories before coming to Sleepy Hollow... which could explain his hesitance to examine any of the bodies.


In a very late chapter, another layer of his personality is revealed; when we get there, I'll discuss that. But for now, let's discuss his hair, shall we? As the movie progresses, and his logical reasoning continues to fail him, his hair becomes more and more mussed/wild. It's like Mort Rainey's hair psychology..only backwards. Mort's goes from mussed to neat; Icchy's from neat to crazed. Side note: Does anyone else besides me notice how there's similarities in all of Burton's movies? [i can't speak for Mars Attack! since I haven't seen it.] But Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, and Ichabod Crane: all wear black, all have INSANE hair, and all three are beautiful and unique in their own ways.


Another thing I enjoy about him, and one I can relate to: he hates the church. The Church is nothing more than a tool to be used to herd weaklings about. Heaven is a place of blind, empty promises; a utopia that noone can attain as they are 'sinners'. The thought of priests and other religious leaders damning their congregation for what they term 'sins' is sickening to Ichabod. Righteousness. What an ugly word. Who got to choose what was right and what was wrong, anyway?


Uh...heh. Moving on...




See that torture device? Heh...Depp kept that. Also, I like his snobbish/'I'm so above your stupidity' look here. Depp is just *amazing* with his facial expressions and his eyes. You could look at him and his face could be passive, yet one look at those eyes tell so much. For instance..Sam in Benny and Joon. With one look he could reveal so much emotion.. anger, sadness, desperation. Just another of the reasons I like him.




This is, I believe, something Ichabod wishes for: freedom. Once the bird is let loose, it can fly to wherever it chooses to; while Ichabod is burdened by reason - nay, 'beaten down by it!' - and trapped in a world of Victorian prudery and restrictions. He can't practice law the way he wishes, he's insulted each time he tries to veer the courts into the right direction of justice and, I'm guessing, he's probably the target of many snide remarks due to his good looks, his effeminate appearance, etc. [Ya know, almost every *living* guy in the movie - save for *maybe* Bram - is old and/or quite unattractive. Hmm....]




Awww...he's trying to sleep. Heh.. *drifting..drifting..HOWLING...great. Now I'm awake again.* So he tries it once more. *drifting...drifting...THUNK...dammit! >.<;* Side note: Isn't he just beautiful when he sleeps?




*Goddess* is this town beautiful! In the movie, it's Sleepy Hollow, but in the real world... I shall name it...Mini-Burton! No, wait. Burtonville? .... Whatev. Anyway. I love Tim Burton's choice of coloring for the movie. Everything is *mostly* black and white or very dulled, save for Icchy's childhood memories and the end. [Note: I have not altered these caps in any way; usually when I cap from a movie, I use Auto-Contrast in PS7 to brighten them. Not in this instance ^.^]




Ahhh!! Sex!! Poor Icchy's virginal mind is corrupted!!! ...Sorry. I'm just in love with Depp's facial expressions in this movie. He does the 'OMG,WTF?!' and 'OH, SHIT!!' expressions so well. Now, I know I'm not alone on this, but... there should be a silent film made. And Depp should be the lead. And we fangirls will go 'squee!'




Again, his expressions are priceless. Perhaps now, however, I shall like to comment on the relationship between Ichabod and Katrina. Personally, I think it's fine for the movie, but I *much* prefer the pairing of Ichabod and Hessian [i was corrupted by this beautiful fic]. But, speaking purely of canon, I don't think the two have enough chemistry between them for a husband-wife relationship. Sure, she shows him that not everything is logical - even protecting him with spells - and he even saves her, yet I'm not certain if they could last beyond a friendship. They're so *different*; he seems like the type to be content with reading by candlelight, and while I believe Katrina would be too, on occasion anyway, I think she's more of a social butterfly. More of an outgoing type of person; one who attends many rich parties, knows who made Lady So-and-So's dress, gossips about this noble and that married lady....well, you get the idea. Please tell me that I am not alone in this?


Also, when her hands first touch Ichabod, the sound reminds me of a slap to the face... I don't know why, but I wince whenever I hear it.


Despite my adamant for the two not going beyond a friendship, I like the kiss she gives him before she knew who he was, or his intentions. And their reactions - him being scared stiff and her playful - tell so much about their personalities. I told myself I would only post ten but I shall cheat because I can ^^ But it is only 8a, therefore, I do not break my 10-cap limit, savvy? ;)




See what I mean about the expressions? 'Course you can't tell much of Kat's but..who cares. I'm focusing on Icchy, anyway.




Now, here's a question for the Depp fans: did Johnny have his 3 square tat during the production of this movie? If he did, then, I notice, he wears that ring to cover it up. It's amusing how, for each character of his, they think up ways to cover up tats [though, unfortunately, that means a lot of long sleeves...]




I'll close out this first commentary by discussing the side characters. They're such a small role, yet they're such memorable characters at the same time. What's amusing is that the true culprit of the crimes keeps you guessing until the very end. This I can say for sure by reading my friend's comments whilst she watched the movie for the first time. For a while it was uncertain then, as the clues started to come together, she first suspected Katrina. Then...nope, it's the insane wifey! Heh. Brilliance on Burton's part [then again...when is he NOT brilliant?]


Well, that about wraps up my first commentary. Shall I continue? Feedback - good or bad - feeds my insanity.

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