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Steve J. Rogers

Are there any CDRs/CDR-Ws that have more than 80,

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Yes I posted this in two folders, but I need an answer this weekend


I'm making a set list for a wedding rehersal and going WAY over the 80 minute level, anyone know if there are CDRs or CDRWs with more space on them?


Its something that should be seamless which is why it should be on one disc (I don't have a clue if they are going to be using a CD changing stereo as their audio equipment and I don't want to find out)




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Guest Shoes Head

I don't know about WAY over the 80 minute mark, but I've burned Maxell CDRs with 81, 82 minutes of music and they play just fine.

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Guest DVD Spree

I bought some 90-minute CDRs from Micro Direct in the UK (http://www.microdirect.co.uk I think), and they work great... depending on your burner.


Somewhere online there exists a list - I've no idea where - that tells you which burners are and which aren't compatible with 90-minute discs, and I'm damn lucky that mine worked fine with them, because I bought a pack of them for a buddy at work and when he tried to use them, they melted in his drive and knackered his PC.


But if you're one of the lucky ones, give that website a try.

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If you're willing to spend, get one of those portable CD players that play MP3 audio. You can burn the CD as a data disc as MP3 files and have around 700 minutes of acceptable-sounding music. I don't mean one of those big decks, but a Walkman-sized device that you can plug into a stereo.


It's the poor man's answer to iPod, so you should be able to find them at Circuit City or wherever.

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Guest DVD Spree

Portable CD players that are MP3-compatible aren't actually that expensive (not here in the UK at least), so that's probably a good idea if you can pick one up, and just jack it into the line-in of whatever stereo is going to be used.


Hell, get yourself some campy disco lights and you can record 10 CDs worth of parent-dancing wedding music and DJ the reception afterwards too.


God bless MP3.

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