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Just How Much of a Mess is Iraq?

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Guest Salacious Crumb

That's good to hear.


5 out of 6 of my friends have made it back without injury so far and the 6th has about 6 months to go.

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What does Haliburton have to do with anything?

You know when C-Bacon dropped the line about 'military interventions that serve their own interests' he was just dying to go there, so I accommodated him. But you're right, it has nothing to do with it.

Well, besides them, the Caryle Group is raking in the dough from death profiteering. Of course GWB's daddy is part of the group as well as the CIA so he get's daily intelligence briefings. All and all, the group stand billions from the war. Hmm, conflict of interest?

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The Saudi Binladen Corporation are managed by them. Conveniently, the Bin Laden family sold their stock in the group days after 9/11 to help ease future scrutiny concerning their relationship.



And as the Carlyle investors watched the World Trade towers go down, the group's prospects went up.  In running what its own marketing literature spookily calls "a vast, interlocking, global network of businesses and investment professionals" that operates within the so-called iron triangle of industry, government, and the military, the Carlyle Group leaves itself open to any number of conflicts of interest and stunning ironies. For example, it is hard to ignore the fact that Osama bin Laden's family members, who renounced their son ten years ago, stood to gain financially from the war being waged against him until late October, when public criticism of the relationship forced them to liquidate their holdings in the firm. Or consider that U.S. president George W. Bush is in a position to make budgetary decisions that could pad his father's bank account. But for the Carlyle Group, walking that narrow line is the art of doing business at the murky intersection of Washington politics, national security, and private capital; mastering it has enabled the group to amass $12 billion in funds under management.



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Guest GreatOne

Considering that Bush I supposedly profitted from the Carlyle Group two years before he actually joined yes labeling it as more than a conspiracy isn't exactly front-page news.......................

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Guest MikeSC
What does Haliburton have to do with anything?

You know when C-Bacon dropped the line about 'military interventions that serve their own interests' he was just dying to go there, so I accommodated him. But you're right, it has nothing to do with it.

Well, besides them, the Caryle Group is raking in the dough from death profiteering. Of course GWB's daddy is part of the group as well as the CIA so he get's daily intelligence briefings. All and all, the group stand billions from the war. Hmm, conflict of interest?

Do you realize how utterly full of shit that conspiracy theory is?


The ENTIRE "conflict of interest" is based on Carlyle owning a group called BDM, who is a major military contractor?


Did you know that Bush Sr. joined Carlyle AFTER BDM was sold off? Five months after they were sold off, to be precise (source: CARLYLE GROUP)


Do you know who all is involved with Carlyle? Well, George Soros, the patron saint of the psychotic left, was and is a MAJOR part of the group and has been for years. Add in former Clinton chief of staff Mack McLarty, Arthur Leavitt (Clinton's SEC chief --- and what a job HE did in that role. Enron et al did their crimes directly under his watch), William Kenard (Clinton's FCC chief).


Sadly, the Bush/Carlyle connection is tenuous --- even the author of House of Bush, House of Saud states that.

Yup, them be conspiracies alright. That Carlyle group is just one of those crazy manifestions from the minds of those nutty liberal characters.

Considering how many high level libs are directly involved --- yup.


Your conspiracy theory is laughable.


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Whoever else is in the group is irrelevant.


The point is, Bush I has intelligence briefings and used this knowledge to land the $1 billion contract from the Iraq war. So to say the group isn't profiting from an unjust war is very convenient. No conspiracy there.

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Guest MikeSC
Whoever else is in the group is irrelevant.

Why? Because it pokes holes in your irrational conspiracy theory?

The point is, Bush I has intelligence briefings and used this knowledge to land the $1 billion contract from the Iraq war. So to say the group isn't profiting from an unjust war is very convenient. No conspiracy there.

I suppose even the tiniest sliver of evidence will, of course, soon be forthcoming, right?


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