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Guest Neuro

Anyone have some figures for trade/sale?

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Guest Neuro

I'm trying to expand my collection, if anyone has any that they'd part with, I'm looking for a bunch; the posting of a list would be greatly appreciated. If you want, I'll post a list of the ones I'd trade, or you can just check this link for Games, music, books, etc.; and all of my feedback from online transactions.





Thanks for looking, and I hope we can get a trade/sale going.




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What sort of figures are you looking for? I'm looking to clear out a lot of my collection, since I'm trying to empty the place so I can move in the spring. I've got mainly the older Marvel Super Hero figures, X-Men and the like.

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I've got about 80-95 boxed wrestling figures. WCW, WWF. I'm looking to sell the whole lot, so if you're interested pm me, and I'll try to get back to you with a listing of all that I have.




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I can get a list together by tomorrow. I wouldn't be asking for too much; definitely not book price. It really depends on what the item is. I'll at least be looking to get back what I paid for them, but details will be ironed out after I produce the list.

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If someone could hook me up with loose/good conditioned of the following X-Men/X-Force figures, I'd be happy:




The Blob






That'd actually complete my set of every X-Men related figure from 91-98...I skipped some of those figures in the later X-Force releases.

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