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Guest bigm350

If Rock returned full-time

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Guest bigm350

Would he make an impact on the ratings? Would he be able to remove HHH's nose from Vince's ass? Would he freshen things up and cause another boom in wrestling? What do you think?

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He would. He won't. He can't.


Don't get ya hopes up. ;)


Rock's "rub" is practically useless now anyways.

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Guest LooneyTune

The Rock probably doesn't care anymore. Anytime he puts someone over in any way (See: Chris Jericho, The Hurricane as two examples) Triple H makes sure to make whoever it is looks like the biggest loser on the face of the earth.

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If Rock did return full time it should be on Smackdown. I think the Rock would be a big boost to smackdown, and he wouldn't be lost in the shuffle. He could be an ally against Angle's stable.


On raw he just gets lost in the shuffle against evolution.


Although i wouldn't mind seeing The Rock vs Shawn michaels @ WM 21.

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Guest bigm350

I wouldn't mind seeing another HHH-Rock feud. It was one of the greatest overall feuds in the WWF. Of course, we all know how it would end; with Rock looking up at the lights. Still, I don't think these two have ever had a bad match together.

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He'd probably just cut his 30 minutes promos of "down boy" "strudel" and all the other nonsense until after about a month when everyone got tired of it.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: What this guy said!!!!


Seriously, Rock will force "entertainment" through "comedic" promos which won't be funny. As for matches there is a lot that can be done, but I think his days where putting someone over and it actually having a profound effect are over(for now at least) because he has done it with Jericho and Lesnar and look where that went. With that said he will blow away the whole roster with charisma until someone in "management" says Rock can't work wwe style ;)

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Guest LooneyTune

It was pretty damn entertaining from February-April of last year when he was a heel. However, as a face, it doesn't work.

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That is true. Now only if he could work matches like he did in 2000 and 2001(even 1998 and 1999). I think since going more hollywood he tries to act too much. I mean look at his matches to see this. His match with Hogan in 2002 compared to the 2003 match. His match with Austin I'll leave alone for obvious reasons and was nice to finally see him get a pin on Austin at Mania. The Goldberg match was kind of disappointing, but it was Goldberg he was working against. However, look how he MADE Lesnar champion in 2002 and I wonder if he couldn't carry Goldberg better. Of course, he wasn't active as much as the roster either, so he gets some slack.

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Guest theanswer1824

he's never been a major political player so no, i don't think he'd be able to disrupt the click backstage.


as far as ratings, he has a drawing power, heel or face. but i don't think he has the pull to make raw better.


he should go to smackdown though. i'd love to see eddy vs. a heel rock. that match they had on raw when rock was the champ was awesome. i loved how eddy reversed the rock bottom. i wish i had that shit on tape.

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Just like other "major" return...




But damn if those two weeks wouldn't be entertaining.


Why would Rock be able to do anything about HHH's stranglehold on the booking now if he wasn't able to before?

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

It'll be interesting to see what Rock and Vince set up for WMXXI, in Hollywood. You have to assume Rock isn't going to just come for his one major paycheck to work a tag match or give another person a rub just for HHH to shut down. I doubt Rock would even consider doing the job in his "market".


I really wish they go with a Rock V. HHH program leaving a Heel Benoit V. Jericho for the title. The Rock has been set the last four Mania's in "dream" matches with Austin II, Hogan, Austin III, Return of the RNS Vs Flair/Batista/Orton.


If WWE was really smart and The Rock was cooperating, I wouldn't put it past them to have Rock give Orton the ultimate rub and you know HHH likes the guy, so would Rock feel a little more comfortable putting over the guy who was already getting the push anyways and won't be looking behind his back to see if HHH is already screwing his work.


Then again, screw it. HHH isn't going to let rock have his way, HHH will get his shitty program with Orton and I gues Rock comes in and works another "dream" match, this time with HBK. Maybe he can give Christian a rub.


Rock would be best served to just not bother working a program and just make an apperence and cut a rocky promo and perhaps then, they can have the next ovw hotshot make his debut ala Jericho and cut down Rock on the big stage.

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It was pretty damn entertaining from February-April of last year when he was a heel. However, as a face, it doesn't work.

You mean you actually enjoyed Rock coming out to the ring and singing a half hour concert which was reaptidly interrupted?!?!?


Then again, Stone Cold did have a beer party in the ring once and that lasted a good while.


I'm going to bed.

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Guest curry_man2002

The rock is probably my favourite wrestler of all time, his mic skills, in ring action are second to none. He always has me entertained and that is something i desperatly need living in the uk, you see here in england the ppv start at 1:00 in the morning and back in 2000/2001 i would stay awake usually because of the great one. now he has gone along with austin, goldberg , lesnar i am finding that i cant keep awake (putting tag matches featuring la resistance do not help either).

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The rock is probably my favourite wrestler of all time, his mic skills, in ring action are second to none. He always has me entertained and that is something i desperatly need living in the uk, you see here in england the ppv start at 1:00 in the morning and back in 2000/2001 i would stay awake usually because of the great one. now he has gone along with austin, goldberg , lesnar i am finding that i cant keep awake (putting tag matches featuring la resistance do not help either).

Why not just set the video to tape them?


As for The Rock I don't think he would make too much of a difference now.


Besides, as was said earlier, he just seem to cut the same 30 minute promo featuring the same old crap which usually amounts to a bunch of dick and gay jokes. Much like John Cean really...

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Guest curry_man2002
Why not just set the video to tape them?


I have mates who watch wrestling religiously and would tell me the results and i prefer to see the match unfold for myself

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Why not just set the video to tape them?


I have mates who watch wrestling religiously and would tell me the results and i prefer to see the match unfold for myself

Fair enought I suppose.


I just used to tape them and then get up early to watch them instead before they could be spoilt. The only one that was ever spoiled for me was Wrestlemania X8 (the match between Hogan/Rock) becuase it was four hours long.

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Guest curry_man2002

I used to have football training on a saturday morning (first thing) and i used to tape the raw on Friday night


So i used to have this loud mouth spoil raw for me by telling me the main event result. One time he told me that kurt angle had won the wcw title from booker T and i was so PO'D i could have killed him.

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It was pretty damn entertaining from February-April of last year when he was a heel. However, as a face, it doesn't work.

You mean you actually enjoyed Rock coming out to the ring and singing a half hour concert which was reaptidly interrupted?!?!?


Then again, Stone Cold did have a beer party in the ring once and that lasted a good while.


I'm going to bed.





"Cleveland, is so totally lame, how did they get the hall of fame, the rock has to say oh shucks, cuz cleveland doesnt rock, no cleveland sucks"


taken from a raw in 2003 from cleveland



and the hurricane/rock segments rule all



Rock:what kinda superpowers does the hurricane have? hamburglar, what are you going to do throw a chicken mcnugget at the rock? or you gonna hit the rock in the head with a cheeseburger? what powers do you have?


Hurricane: My hurri-powers BITCH


Taken from the same raw above after the rock sang that song

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and the hurricane/rock segments rule all



Rock:what kinda superpowers does the hurricane have? hamburglar, what are you going to do throw a chicken mcnugget at the rock? or you gonna hit the rock in the head with a cheeseburger? what powers do you have?


Hurricane: My hurri-powers BITCH


Taken from the same raw above after the rock sang that song

Yes! That was an awesome feud/angle where The Rock tried to put The Hurricane over.. I had alot more respect for The Rock when he did the job to The Hurricane in their match.

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