1234-5678 0 Report post Posted October 29, 2004 Cactus Jack Prodigy Chat - October 1995 (All credit goes to Prodigy) Do you think that youll ever face Sabu again? We just had our first match as teammates in Chicago...That was more fun than wrestling him. But, if any promoter wants the match, I'd be happy to do it anytime. What is your greatist accomplishment? CJ: The fact that I'm still around and making a living, and still feel good enough to play with my kids. I feel better now than I did several years ago. For people who wrote me off as a guy who'd be done soon...I guess I proved them wrong. What are your views on WCW and WWF ? I am watching more than I used to. I watched the Nitro and Raw, and I think it is better than it's been in a long time. Obviously there are some things that I don't like, but those groups aren't catering to guys like me. They have a diverse audience. What is your greatest accomplishment in ECW? CJ: The time I spoke about the Cane Dewey sign. I think if I retired today...I'd have to say that was the best and most emotional thing I've ever done. It was all true. Cactus, telll us about your more serious injuries you have suffered in the ring. I hear there have been many CJ - There was a chart in PWI listing all my injuries. I guess there isn't room to go into how many there have really been. The worst one from an athstetic standpoint was my ear because I'll look like a freak when it comes time to get a real job. But my knee and torn stomach muscle hurt a lot worse. Cactus, will you ever become a face again? CJ: I'm whatever you want me to be. Will I ever go out of my way to be cheered again...I don't know. It got to the point in ECW where I would become so damn mad at the audience that I was thinking about leaving. A lot. So, what I'm doing now is my way of saying...I'll stay but I'll do it my way. Why did Ole Anderson dump you out of WCW? CJ: I think you have your facts missed up. I left WCW on my own in 1990. I actually had a long talk with Ole before I gave my notice. Some people were mad at Ole for his low opinion of me...but if I had stayed even without Ole in charge, I would probably be out of wrestling now. Thanks Ole. Will you ever sell out to Bischoff? CJ: What do you mean sell out? I made a move with my heart when I left...and found out that your heart shouldn't get involved in your business decisions. People criticize Ric Flair for selling out. The only difference between Flair and the fans saying so is that Flair's price is a helluva lot higher. What is the best match you have ever had? CJ: Best match I've ever had...barbed wire match in Japan with Funk. It was my first tour there, and it was kind of a tone setter for credibility in IWA. Even though it was the only time I wrestled Funk until the recent show, people talked about it and kept interest in it. How do you come up with your interviews? Do you just think about it and then do it, or do you have another system? CJ: I usually just have a couple of thoughts. Then just go with it. Sometimes I don't have any thoughts, and those interviews probably aren't that good. People seem to like the ones I'm doing now...and if they are as good as people think they are, it's simply because I feel I have something to say. Would you ever team with Raven to form a formidable force and go for the ECW tag titles? CJ: I'd love to. Raven and I have hit it off since the day we met. He's never quite forgiven me for not inviting him to my son's first birthday party, so I feel like I owe him. Besides, I just had to get in on this Dreamer thing. He's such a hardcore brown noser. How do you see the sport of wrestling in say,10 years from now? CJ: I see it continuing the way it's happening now. You will have hardcore fans, the ones wanting violence. Despite what most people think...I don't think they are the same thing. With UFC a strong style wrestling, anybody that wants to see wrestling has a choice. Cactus, how is your son and wife? CJ: Don't you like my daughter? They are all doing very well, and are happy to be moving back to Atlanta. What is your opinion on Stevie Richards? CJ: I think Stevie is great. It's great to see the change in reaction to Stevie. The respect that people are gaining for him. To be honest, when I first saw where they were going with Stevie....I didn't think it would work. I guess that is about the most wrong I have ever been. Will you ever be in another barbed wire match? CJ: Probably several hundred. I'm doing 18 tours in IWA next year, and chances are probably decent that I'll see barbed wire again. I'll take barbed wire in my flesh than that Steve Williams suplex in my head any day. Kick ass match in Chicago last weekend. How do you like working in front of a Lucha-oriented crowd, and do you plan on working for AAA/IWAS on a regular basis in the future?? CJ: I thought it was great. I have no problem with the different crowd. I have confidence that what I do will work anywhere. Even the challenge of throwing fans out of our dressing room, and dodging bottles was kind of fun. What do you regret most about your career in pro wrestling? CJ: The night in 1988 I was supposed to wrestle Bruiser Brody, but they changed the card...I got Atlas, and Brody got Johnny Valiant. He would probably have beaten the hell out of me, but at least I could have said I was in there. Do you think you'll ever wind up in the WWF? CJ: Yes, I'd like to. I grew up watching WWF and I think everybody in wrestling wants to at least see what it's like there. I've always said there was nothing wrong with being there. Some of the matches they have are as good as anything in the world. If done right, it would probably be a helluva run. How is your ear? CJ: Still MIA...if you see it, let me know. Who do you think is the best champ right now? Hulk Hogan or Diesel? CJ: Well, Hogan is the biggest draw in the history of the sport. My feelings for Diesel are a lot more personal because I've only met Hulk a couple of times. I think anyone who has ever known Diesel is happy for him, because he always wanted to improve...and made the dressing room a funnier place to be. Why are you so up on WCW and Bischoff? They are the ones who almost ruined your career. CJ: Do you have any idea how easy it is to be a WCW wrestler right now? I work 3 times more, am away from home at weeks at a time, and make less money than I used to. What's not to like. Believe it or not, Eric Bischoff is a friend of mine. A young wrestler is a fool if he doesn't consider WCW. What is your opinion on the former ECW stars that have switched to the Big 2? Do you think this was a wise choice? CJ: Sure it was wise. I've been lucky enough to have made good money the past several years. It's easy to be a standup guy when you have options. But, for guys who happen to be tremendous wrestlers...and don't have the options, you have to go where the money is. Just keep the quality the same. How will you feel fighting Dreamer with Funk in his corner? CJ: Probably great. Dreamer will be trying to have the best match of life. I'll be trying to have my worse. So, Dreamer says he is gonna drag the hardcore out of me...I think in the future he'll be thankful that I'm so bad. You have to work really hard to be as bad as I am. Do you have any bad feelings towards Eric Bischoff? CJ: Lot's of feelings. I think he has taken a bad rap from a lot of fans who overlook the positive. Some of his moves have been great business. It was his idea to end the non-stop traveling, and I have a hard time being mad at someone who gave me an extra year of free time to know my kids. Loved your series of matches late last year in SMW (especially those where you worked with Candido). With the exception of payoffs (HAW HAW), how did you like working in the territory for the stretches you did?? CJ: SMW was great. Actually the payoff worked out fine, and I might be doing some shows around Christmas. Candido was great, and it was a nice break from the ECW fans. What do you think of Dan Severn? CJ: One of the nicest guys I've ever met. I'd love to wrestle him sometime and learn some of that bone breaking stuff. We have a deal...I teach him the death match style...he teaches me the UFC style. Will you ever go to the WWF? Will you ever change your Cactus Jack gimmick, if Vince says so? CJ: I'd change my name, but as far as changing my gimmick, I don't see any sense in it. If I was asked to, I'd have to decline simply because this is what I do and I don't see any value in trying to start over now. HOW DOES IT FEEL to know tape traders around the world are just scurrying to pick up a copy of the camcorder footage of you jumping off the roof of your house? CJ: I wish I had a piece of the action. I think I'm the only wrestler to get his foot in the door that way. But, it's a real kick to think that this little movie I made with my friends has reached such an audience. I really thought I was going to be Dude Love, instead of Cactus Jack. In your opinion whose the best wrestler in the WWF? CJ: Mabel What do you think of the Dean Douglas gimmick in the WWF? CJ: If the Dean likes it...then I like it. Shane got to a point where he no longer believed in ECW. WWF became a better option. Paul E's attitude is if you are not happy then do something about it. Shane left and is becoming a household name. I think the Dean is opening up and I like it. What do you plan to do when your wrestling days are over? CJ: I've been hearing since day one how I would never last with the style that I had. So, I have been saving money since day one. Wrestling has given me the option to have a lot more freedom with my choices. It's too bad I'm not qualified to do a damn thing. Hopefully, I won't have to. Say there Cactus, what do you think of Alanis Morissette ?? CJ: I'd like to catch a movie with her. I think you rule. Your interviews as of late have been nothing short of spectacular. My question is, is WCW where the big boys play? CJ: Well it's where SOME of them play. As far as the interviews, if the shoe doesn't fit you probably don't need to wear it. I know I'm a lot happier since I started giving these interviews...Confession is good for the soul. What do you like to do when you're not wrestling? CJ: Heal up. Play with my kids and stay awake at night with all these ideas running through my head. How many Broken Bones have you had? CJ: Broken toe, wrist, thumb, nose (3 times), seven broken ribs. That's it for the bones. As Jimmy Snuka once said...'You can break a bone in there brudda...and I mean any part of a bone' How does the ECW compare to the other leagues that you have wrestled in? CJ: I'd say more fans who really love it and live for it. Just as many who don't care if we live or die, just as long as they get their money's worth. I'll never forget how low I felt in Florida after a barbed wire match with Sandman...we busted our asses and they threw beer at us. I can't forget it. Cactus are you really crazy or just acting? you would win an oscar for your performance CJ: Yes, I am just acting. I'll be starring in 'Man of LaMancha' at the Schubert. No, actually...I can't act. At least not very well. I'm just emphasizing emotions. Right now, those emotions are 90% real. Actually I just want to see if I can call you all SOB's and have you enjoy it. Apparently you do. Cactus....do you have any other wrestlers that you watch in amazment everytime they wrestle? CJ: A lot of them. Rey Misterio is in another world. So is SABU, but at his rate he won't be on that world long. Then again, that's what they said about me. I love a great technical match so the Malenko/Guerrero series were a thrill. But you shouldn't have to be the best in the world to get respect. In your opinion, other than yourself, who is the best wrestler in the world right now? CJ: OK, you brown noser! I'll answer your question. Actually, by some criteria I might be considered one of the best...by other criteria I'm not even close. As far as the US....I'm only going to list my top five...Chad Austin, Mabel, Mo, Chic Donavan, and Dr Feelgood (Herb Abram's Supershow) What is your opinion of Feinstein? CJ: He asked me if I wanted a tape list. When I said sure, he handed me something that I could have sworn was the New York Yellow Pages. Doesn't this guy have a life? Do you think Maxx Payne/Man Mountain Rock will ever make his way to ECW?? CJ: I doubt it. He just lives so far away and I think he'd have to trim down a little to keep up, but anyone who saw our series with the Nasty Boys knows he can do it if he wants to. He is a good friend and a great guy. Do you ever see yourself returning to WCW or joining the WWF or are you going to follow in Bruiser Brody's footsteps and stay indyand Japan? CJ: Right now I think I'll take the Brody path. I like staying off national TV for quite awhile and it hasn't been long enough yet. At the same time, I'm able to be on a cutting edge show like ECW and tell the truth, have the worst matches in the history of the industry, and get paid for it. Cactus, compare the Funks, the Briscoes, and Harley Race with (in my opinion) their 1990's equivalents Benoit, Guerrero, Michaels, and yourself (among others)... CJ: Do you really think my name belongs there. Actually the biggest compliment I ever received was when Harley called me at 3 in the morning and told me I was the new Harly Race. I don't think he throws that compliment around to everybody. Sorry I don't have room to really answer the question in detail. How did you become the best interview in the sport today? CJ: Order a copy of my new book "How to become the best interview in the sport today;.....Actually, it is just a matter of finding yourself. I think one of the biggest shames in wrestling today is that young guys don't have a place to develop their interviews. They get a shot on national TV and it shows. Who has the "right stuff" to be the next Cactus Jack? CJ: I'm not really sure how to answer that, so I'll tell you one guy I'm really proud of. Diamond Dallas Page, simply because nobody actually believed he could do it...even I as one of his best friends made jokes and through hard work and determination he's really made a difference. Would you ever enter the UFC or a similar "real" wrestling program? CJ: I did enough of it in high school. Is wrestling fake? CJ: Are you a moron? What was Abdullah the Butcher outside of the ring? CJ: He was like a father figure to me. Actually, when I was a freshman in college, I had a picture of Abdullah on my wall and had everybody believing that he was my dad. Do you plan to stay in ECW? CJ: Yes, because I have a higher purpose. I believe it, even if you don't. Do you ever come out of feuds with maliciousnesss towards the wreslter you have faced? CJ: Sure. Maliciousness and respect...and generally over time a better friendship. In some ways, I think Terry Funk is the greatest guy in the world....but, you better believe I hate his guts...for his comments about me and my family. I'm sure he hates mine for the 'liver' comments. Did you see that Avatar gimmick that Al Snow has? What did you think of it? CJ: I've only seen it once. I'm sure Al will make it work. If anyone deserves to be successful, it's Al. Did you ever have any role models growing up as a child. Did any wrestler ever influence you when you started your career? CJ: I met Jimmy Snuka last year. I told him if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't even be in wrestling. As I broke into the sport the guys I looked up to were Funk, Brody, and Dynamite Kid. Do you think it was a good idea for Lex Luger to go to the WCW ? CJ: Luger has made a career out of making good decisions. To my knowledge, he has yet to see his first piece of barbed wire and he has a lot more money in the bank than I do. Cactus, you seem to like Race, but yet, he nearly killed you with a 'taser'..what gives? CJ: Time heals all wounds. What is your real name ? CJ: My name is Elmer J Fudd, and I own a mansion and a yacht. Actually, it's Michael Francis Foley...but I've always been called Mick. After Mickey Mantle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest curry_man2002 Report post Posted October 29, 2004 How do you see the sport of wrestling in say,10 years from now? CJ: I see it continuing the way it's happening now. You will have hardcore fans, the ones wanting violence. Despite what most people think...I don't think they are the same thing. With UFC a strong style wrestling, anybody that wants to see wrestling has a choice. Little did cactus know that wrestling would be so water'd down. There is hardly any hardcore wrestling to have fans of. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest curry_man2002 Report post Posted October 29, 2004 Will you ever go to the WWF? Will you ever change your Cactus Jack gimmick, if Vince says so? CJ: I'd change my name, but as far as changing my gimmick, I don't see any sense in it. If I was asked to, I'd have to decline simply because this is what I do and I don't see any value in trying to start over now. I have the utmost respect for what foley has done in wrestling and for the legend he is however the whole i would have to decline comment surely didnt come true did it. Cactus Jack sold out!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Precious Roy 0 Report post Posted November 8, 2004 Great post, thanks for that! So is SABU, but at his rate he won't be on that world long. Prophetic...... I have the utmost respect for what foley has done in wrestling and for the legend he is however the whole i would have to decline comment surely didnt come true did it. Cactus Jack sold out!!! Did you ever read Foley's first book? Or better yet did you ever actually WATCH old school Cactus Jack or original Mankind? They're different versions of the same character, aspects of Foley's psyche amped up to the brink, and based on the sheer awesomeness and success that Mankind brought him I'd say he made the right choice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites