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Guest korndogg123

My Survivor Series card

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Guest korndogg123

Smackdown matches:

WWE championship

Booker T vs JBL ©


Eddie Guerrero, Big Show, RVD, Rey Mysterio

vs Kurt Angle, Luther Reigns, Mark Jindrak, either Carlito or Orlando Jordan


Undertaker vs Heidenreich (God I wish Taker would have used his power to veto this crap and just make them captains of SS teams.)


Chavo Guerrero, Paul London, Charlie Haas (will he be back in time?), Rico

vs Billy Kidman and The Dudley Boyz


Raw matches:

Chris Benoit, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Maven

vs Evolution and Edge


Shelton Benjamin, William Regal, Eugene, Rhyno, Tajiri

vs Christian, Tyson Tomko, Gene Snitsky, La Resistance


*I realize Smackdown is left w/ the bulk of the matches, but w/ Hardy, Kane, and Michaels out, it's hard to come up w/ anything else for Raw. I also realize I happened to leave off the Smackdown tag team champions Rene Dupree and Kenzo Suzuki, but that's why I'm not a booker!

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Guest Banders Kennany

Carlito definitely for the Angle/Eddy match. Orlando Jordan has no business in this feud, and Angle's team is weak enough)


I wish Heidenrech/UT wasn't on the card but don't we all.


Make the secondary Smackdown tag 5 men each. The midcarders don't need as much time in the ring to save face for their eliminations, so I'd do that. Replace Paul London though. I love him, but he would interfere with the Chavo feud and he shouldn't be brought back until that climaxes. Plus 5 on 5 would match the other secondary tag elimination.


Chavo Guerrero, John Cena, Shannon Moore, Charlie Haas, Rico


Billy Kidman, The Dudley Boyz (D-Von and Bubba), Kenzo, Dupree


Shelton Benjamin, William Regal, Eugene, Rhyno, Tajiri

vs Christian, Tyson Tomko, Gene Snitsky, La Resistance


I'd add a quick diva match (Trish vs. Lita) and Spike Dudley versus Funaki to get both of them a PPV payday and to even out the card. That's 8 matches. Otherwise I agree with everything you said.

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The Following are Rudo's thoughts and may not be what he thinks will exactly happen...



Eddie Guerrero, Big Show, RVD, Rey Mysterio

vs Kurt Angle, Luther Reigns, Mark Jindrak, either Carlito or Orlando Jordan


Why Carlito or Orlando? They have nothing to do with any of these guys, nor do they fit in character-wise.


Undertaker vs Heidenreich (God I wish Taker would have used his power to veto this crap and just make them captains of SS teams.)


Taker wants this, why would he veto it?


Chavo Guerrero, Paul London, Charlie Haas (will he be back in time?), Rico

vs Billy Kidman and The Dudley Boyz


I dunno if they'll do this. I think they might just leave the two "traditional" survivor series matches up there for the big stars and leave the rest as normal matches. I could see Kurt screwing the Dudleys and the Dudleys doing a run-in in that match costing Kurt a fall.


London vs. Kidman vs. Chavo is a possibility. Jackie/Torrie vs. Dawn Marie/??? (Hiroko? - is that her name?? Is she still around? Kenzo hitting on Torrie, Torrie and Jackie getting involved with DM, seems about right... I use "right" loosely. I use "loosely" as a pun.) That transitions into a Kenzo/Dupree vs. Haas/Rico feud.


Raw matches:

Chris Benoit, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Maven

vs Evolution and Edge


Likely. Maven gets eliminated first and comes back in the end and joins Evolution? I mean, why else would he be involved? Edge teaming with Evolution is wrong, simply by their own storyline purposes of Edge trying to defeat all of Evolution during the Summer. They'd have to explain that, perhaps with Evolution buying his support.


Shelton Benjamin, William Regal, Eugene, Rhyno, Tajiri

vs Christian, Tyson Tomko, Gene Snitsky, La Resistance


Again, I don't think they'll be doing a full card of traditional SS matches. Eugene vs. Snitsky is more likely, Benjamin vs. Christian too. They'll probably do a battle royale or something with the rest of em.

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Undertaker vs Heidenreich (God I wish Taker would have used his power to veto this crap and just make them captains of SS teams.)


Taker wants this, why would he veto it?

Taker might not be that keen on this feud with Heidenrape. Heidenrape costing Undi the WWE Title was meant to happen at SummerSlam, but Undi got it put off until No Mercy. Whether that means he wanted to try and put off the Heidenrape program in the hopes of getting it dropped altogether , or he just wanted to extend his program with Bradshaw, I'm not totally sure on. What I am sure on is that Undertaker isn't totally sold on his current program. We'll find out for sure at SS, because if Undi dominates the match and wins decisively, then it's a safe bet that his program with Heidenrape is history.

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What I can accurately predict today that will be confirmed for the pay-per-view…


Match One: WWE Championship

John Bradshaw Layfield © v. Booker T


Match Two: Smackdown! Elimination Match

Angle, Reigns, Jindrak and Spike Dudley (w/ Buh-Buh and D-Von)


Guerrero, Van Dam, Mysterio and Show.


Match Three: Casket Match

The Undertaker v. Heidenreich


Match Four: RAW Elimination Match

Evolution and “one-time only partner” Edge


Orton, Jericho, Benoit and Maven


Match Five: Intercontinental Title Match

Shelton Benjamin© v. Christian


Match Six: Women’s Title Match – No Disqualification Match

Trish Stratus © v. Lita



What's left?


A. The workers with programs.


1. Dawn (rep’d by champions Suzuki, Dupree) v. Jackie (rep’d by Rico, Haas).

2. Kidman’s respective feuds with Chavo and London.


B. The “hot” commodities; they’re of yet to have a program set up for the PPV. They will be on the card, but in what capacity is unknown.


1. Gene Snitsky

2. Carlito Carribbean Cool


Here's my idea to flesh out the card...


Match Seven: Smackdown! Elimination Match #2

Carlito, Kidman, Suzuki and Dupree (with Hiroko, Dawn Marie and CCC’s bodyguard)


Chavo, London, Rico and Haas (with Jackie and Torrie)


Idea: Each feud seems to blend together, while Carlito hasn’t found a solid program yet. The WWE could find his next opponent in this match, then extend that until Cena rolls around.


Match Eight: RAW Elimination Match #2

Gene Snitsky, Garrison Cade, La Resistance (w/ Bischoff and Coach)


Eugene, Regal, Rosey and Hurricane.


Idea: Have Snitsky squash them all with little effort expended by teammates?



EDIT: The last two matches are open to suggestions.

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Guest Rrrsh

I think there will be 3 SS traditional matches




Evo and Edge (but Edge will not trust Evo and there will be an uneasy alliance)


Canadian Chris's, Maven and Orton























John H.


Angle, Raines, Jinjrak and Cool (Carlito already has jawed with Rey and can easily pop off at RVD to make the choice logical for Angle)


Show, Eddie, RVD, Rey


Captian Kidman - Dudleyz (no Spike) Renee and Kenzo (Yah, those Tag Champs)


Captian Chavo - FBI, Haas and Rico.


Haas is hurt, has to bow out the day off. Suprise entrant is London (ala Randy Savage 93)

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Guest korndogg123
Captian Kidman - Dudleyz (no Spike) Renee and Kenzo (Yah, those Tag Champs)


Captian Chavo - FBI, Haas and Rico.


Haas is hurt, has to bow out the day off. Suprise entrant is London (ala Randy Savage 93)


This is a great idea. FBI fits cuz they had a program w/ the Duds at No Mercy and it gets the tag champs on the card. I agree w/ how you could get Carlito in as Angle's 4th man, but I'd think they want Spike to be on the card somehow.


Chavo Guerrero, John Cena, Shannon Moore, Charlie Haas, Rico


Billy Kidman, The Dudley Boyz (D-Von and Bubba), Kenzo, Dupree


This is why I think the above idea is better. Nobody knows yet how long Cena will be out filming his move, but I doubt he'll be at SS (bummer cuz I'd mark out for him at the Gund). Plus how would he fit into this match? A better idea would be to put him in w/ Carlito somehow. Another thing is Shannon Moore? What has he done at all lately besides jobbing on Velocity? Plus w/ his new hair and ringwear look, is he even a face still?


Match Eight: RAW Elimination Match #2

Gene Snitsky, Garrison Cade, La Resistance (w/ Bischoff and Coach)


Eugene, Regal, Rosey and Hurricane.


Idea: Have Snitsky squash them all with little effort expended by teammates?


Well that is an idea, which explains the reason for Rosey and Hurricane, but the way it's going right now, Rhyno and Tajiri seem to fit the card better than Rosey/Hurricane. As for Garrison Cade, nobody's seen him on Raw since he and Coach jobbed out to Rhyno/Tajiri at Vengeance. Has he been on Heat lately? If anything, he might be best served for Heat duty in possibly a SS match against a Smackdown Velocity team.

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Guest Phenom

We've got:


JBL vs. Tha Bookman


Team Angle vs. Team Guerrrrrrrrero


Taker vs. livejournal


and, from WIA, Kidman vs. Chavo Guerrrrrrrrero


That's 4 matches right there: A championship match, a Survivor-style match, and 2 grudge matchs. RAW's half could look like this:


Shelton Benjamin vs. Christian


Evolution (HHH, Flair, Batista, and Steven Richards) vs. Team Jericho (Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Maven, and Eugene Dinsmore)


Simon Dean's First Match (probably against Hurricane)


and Chris Benoit vs. the Christian Coalition (Edge/Christian, Edge/Tomko, or Christian/Tomko) in a hanicap match for the Tag-Titles.


That's my Double-Lincoln.

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Booker T Vs. JBL


Team Angle(Angle, Jindrak, Reigns, and Carlito) Vs. Team Eddie(Eddie, Rey, RVD, and Show).


Undertaker Vs. Heinirich


Chavo Guerrero Vs. Billy Kidman




Team HHH(HHH, Batista, Flair, and Edge) Vs. Team Orton(Orton, Y2J, Maven, and Benoit)


Benjamin Vs. Christian


Gene Snitsky Vs. Eugene & Regal(Handicap Match)


Trish Stratus Vs. Diva of the month

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