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Matt Young

Recommend some Xbox games

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I'm getting an Xbox finally and I need some game recommendations. Any type of game will do, as I can find something I like in every genre. However, I just got a few sports and fighting games, so I don't need more of those.


I went to Toys R Us and took advantage of their buy-2-games-get-1-free sale, but they didn't have a lot of the games I wanted, most specifically Street Fighter Anniversary Collection (delayed?) and Ultra Bust-A-Move. Regardless, here's what I got:


Mortal Kombat: Deception

SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom

Guilty Gear X2 #Reload: The Midnight Carnival (will be exchanging for another $20 game)




Ultra Bust A Move and Halo should be in my possession soon. Otherwise, please recommend away.

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SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom

Guilty Gear X2 #Reload: The Midnight Carnival (will be exchanging for another $20 game)

Keep GGX2#2 and get rid of SVC


Other games I would get:

Outrun 2

Panzer Dragoon Orta

Jet Set Radio Future

Ninja Gaiden


And some other non-exclusive stuff.

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Guest Coffey

Tiger Woods 2005

NBA Live 2005

Burnout 3

X-Men Legends


Get Burnout 3 first, you should love it.

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Don't get Panzer Dragoon. It's a horrible game, and can be beatin within hours.

For a shooter PDO is actually quite long. Also for a game PDO is actually very good.

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