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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

This whole "throwing liquid" deal is ridiculous. There's been mani instances in wrestling when "liquid" has been thrown at a wrestler, and they don't snap. I remember Shawn Michaels would just go with the flow, and he was the biggest hothead around. As Pis said, athletes are supposed to be "professional". They get paid so much more than pizza guys to act with CLASS and DIGNITY.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Same thing.  The crowd is the exact same thing as wallace.  If he's pissing off Wallace, the fans would be pissed too.



In your opinion, what should the NBA specifically do to Artest?

Artest should get 15 games


Jackson and O'Neal 20-25 for throwing haymakers.

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How is Artest lying on the table being a punk? If he gets back in Wallace's face it becomes "See, we all knew Artest was just some thug who hasn't figured anything out yet". If he runs away (he was already backing off), Wallace likely keeps pursuing and something comes from that. By laying on the table he shows how stupid the whole ordeal was.


(god I feel so dirty defending Artest)


And I think the NBA did the right thing here. No matter where you stand on the issue, it is known there would be suspensions for going into the stands. This way Stern can say they came down swiftly and harshly. If after reviewing the tape they decide to be leniant then they can make a proper response, but still showed they took care of the matter swiftly.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Artest is a punk in general, surely not just for laying on a table.


He instigated all of this.


And I need to watch the video again to accurately determine how many games Artest should get. I'm getting conflicting reports of whether he was throwing punches. If he did, and started all of it, he may get the season.

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This whole "throwing liquid" deal is ridiculous. There's been mani instances in wrestling when "liquid" has been thrown at a wrestler, and they don't snap. I remember Shawn Michaels would just go with the flow, and he was the biggest hothead around.

You see, this is the problem...


Michael Hickenbottom is being paid to play a CHARACTER. As a heel, he expects it. In fact, he CRAVES it.


Ron Artest isn't being paid to play a character. Same with a referee (who also got hit with a full cup). Same with a pizza boy.

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Guest Brian

How did he instigate any of it. Wallace totally overreacted on a rather weak foul. The fan put himself in that opening when he assaulted Artest. He deserves three games. :P

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
This whole "throwing liquid" deal is ridiculous.  There's been mani instances in wrestling when "liquid" has been thrown at a wrestler, and they don't snap.  I remember Shawn Michaels would just go with the flow, and he was the biggest hothead around.

You see, this is the problem...


Michael Hickenbottom is being paid to play a CHARACTER. As a heel, he expects it. In fact, he CRAVES it.


Ron Artest isn't being paid to play a character. Same with a referee (who also got hit with a full cup). Same with a pizza boy.



Laying on the table has nothing to do with basketball, it was done to incite the same type of reaction Shawn Michaels did as a wrestler. Artest clearly knew what kind of reaction he was going to get in Detroit by doing that.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
He was staying out of Wallace's face.

Lying on the announcers/scorekeepers table?

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Guest Vitamin X
He was staying out of Wallace's face.

And Wallace only made the situation worse, to boot.


Ron Artest isn't being paid to play a character.

He sure does a fine job of being one, though.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

I'll take this all one step further


If Todd Bertuzzi was suspended for the whole season, so should the guys who threw punches at fans during a game. How 'bout that? Both completely crossed the lines of their sport. While hilarious, O'Neal running fist to that unsuspecting fan could've done serious damage.

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Guest Brian

Does it matter how he did it? He wasn't in his face. He was throwing punches. He wasn't yelling or making hand gestures. He was being restrained.

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Either inciting a reaction out of Wallace (which is why Ben threw the towel) or showing how Wallace was blowing the situation out of proportion.


Laying on the table has nothing to do with basketball, it was done to incite the same type of reaction Shawn Michaels did as a wrestler.


Throwing a towel isn't either.


For instance, if the game was played at Conseco, and Ben threw a towel at Artest (let's say he was unprovoked in this instance), would the fans be justified in pelting him with stuff?

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I have a question because I thought I only saw this once, when Artest first laid on the table, when Ben threw that towel did Artest get up for a second and then laid back down? And did Wallace throw the towel when he saw Artest put the headset on?

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If Todd Bertuzzi was suspended for the whole season, so should the guys who threw punches at fans during a game.

Wasn't there a cheap shot, a malicious driving of an individual into the ice, and a broken neck involved in that case?

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Guest Brian
I'll take this all one step further


If Todd Bertuzzi was suspended for the whole season, so should the guys who threw punches at fans during a game. How 'bout that? Both completely crossed the lines of their sport. While hilarious, O'Neal running fist to that unsuspecting fan could've done serious damage.

I've already forgotten most of the specifics of the incident, but didn't Bertuzzi come out of nowhere, totally unprovoked, and sucker punched an unsuspecting player?

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I'll take this all one step further


If Todd Bertuzzi was suspended for the whole season, so should the guys who threw punches at fans during a game.  How 'bout that? Both completely crossed the lines of their sport.  While hilarious, O'Neal running fist to that unsuspecting fan could've done serious damage.

I've already forgotten most of the specifics of the incident, but didn't Bertuzzi come out of nowhere, totally unprovoked, and sucker punched an unsuspecting player?

A few months earlier, one of the Colorado players hit one of the Vancouver players so it was pretty much pre-determined something was going to happen. Bertuzzi had a motive.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Think outside the box people


The incidents are not the same:


But the action of Todd Bertuzzi are just as reprehensible as those of the Pacers players. Watch O'Neal's punch on that fan again and try to tell me that that isn't as bad as Bertuzzi's? Just because the fan, not even a player, a FAN didn't get injured doesn't mean it was a cheap shot. It doesn't mean that O'Neal, outside of murdering someone on the court, did the worst thing an athlete could do in a game? Never ever ever ever ever should these guys be hitting fans.

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Guest Cerebus

I don't blame Artest for jumping into the seats, I can understand why he snapped.


But he decked that fan for no reason other than being on the court. While a fan being on the court is, in and of itself, is unexcusable it is not a crime worth getting the shit knocked out of you by a player. And as far as I could tell the guy who O'Neil clocked wasn't doing anything but helping his friend that Artest had punched a minute earlier. Punching him like that was far worse than a fan coming on the court.

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Guest Brian

The fan came out on the court, mind you, where he had no business being, and after getting up, who's to say he wouldn't have gone after the players again. He showed absolutely no restraint at all in going out there, looking for a fight, and he got one. I have absolutely no sympathy for someone who trespasses and has intent to commit assault.

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Guest Cerebus

You don't know he had intent to commit assault. He might have said something foul, we don't know, but from what i saw he didn't deserve the punch he received.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

You're all missing my point.


These athletes get paid money to be more mature and responsible than the fans. I am not saying the fans should get off scot free at all. Its just the Pacers had an obligation to act with more class.

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In Artest's sitution I wouldve done the same thing. In Stephen Jackson or Jermaines position I still wouldve done the same thing.

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You're all missing my point.


These athletes get paid money to be more mature and responsible than the fans. I am not saying the fans should get off scot free at all. Its just the Pacers had an obligation to act with more class.

Athletes arent getting paid money to be more mature. Theyre getting paid because of how much money is made off of them. They dont have to stand for anyone throwing shit at them. Professional athletes deserve every penny they make. They are used until they cant perform at the highest level and then in most cases tossed aside like an empty beer can.

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You're all missing my point.


These athletes get paid money to be more mature and responsible than the fans.  I am not saying the fans should get off scot free at all.  Its just the Pacers had an obligation to act with more class.

Well, I guess with that thinking, Eddie Guererro for instance...should have been fired months/years ago? I mean, that ladder match, he just straight decked a fan. A fan who technically...never even touched him. And then, the house show reports of him getting into a fight with a fan...just because he poured beer on him? That's a disgrace...because you know...he's not a normal person...he gets paid a lot of money.


Yea, that was a little cynical, but instances like those two are no different..The fan had no right to even be on the court in the first place. Even if he was..just jabbering. Should you not hit/attack a guy who sneaks into your house, because you weren't sure what he was going to do? (Referring mostly to the comments of we don't know what the intent of that fan was.)


IMO, should he be penalized? Yea, possibly. But should he be penalized harshly? Hell no. A few games is all it should be...

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

i. Artest should not be "fired" he should be suspended. So should have Eddie.


ii. When a fan enters a wrestling ring, there is pluasable cause that their well being is going to be threatened. Thus, it is fine to hit them to get them out of the ring. But they wouldn't chase the fan into the stands afterwards to get even more shots in on them.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
If any of them get season long suspensions, lets try to vote them into the All-Star game and see what the NBA does then.

Thats a dumb comment.

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