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Official Results for IWS Born to Bleed

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Franky the Mobster is Rated Champion




Franky the Mobster was crowned the new International Wrestling Syndicate Champion on Saturday night concluding another tremendously successful IWS gala - Born to Bleed. Franky, who had been brought into the IWS by former champion Kevin Steen to watch his back, saw an opportunity to seize the IWS gold and took it, outlasting five other men in a six man elimination match.


Born to Bleed began with IWS Commissioner Joseph FitzMorris and IWS President Seska, in a rare moment of unity, coming out together to announce that the IWS would be returning to the Medley in downtown Montreal on March 26th for Un F’N Sanctioned with the main event being a Fans Bring the Weapons match. The IWS is notorious for putting on legendary shows at the Medley and March’s show promises to be no different. Seska and FitzMorris also announced that the IWS was changing its name from the “Internet Wrestling Syndicate” to the “International Wrestling Syndicate” to reflect the increasingly international presence of the company and its’ wrestlers.


This announcement brought out D-Vyn, the valet of Sexxxy Eddy, to complain that Eddy was in Europe wrestling for wXw in Germany and IPW:UK in England, but that no one had thought to inform her that he was leaving the country. D-Vyn was also upset by Sexxxy Eddy’s rather shocking appearance on Bloodstream. (Watch Bloodstream here: http://www.syndicatewrestling.com/images/m...odstreamnov.wmv to see why D-Vyn was so upset. Not suitable for all viewers. Recommended for mature audiences.) For some reason, D-Vyn blamed President Seska for all of this and much to Commissioner FitzMorris’ disgust, a cat-fight broke out that took three referees to break up.


Born to Bleed’s first match saw the returning Latin Brothers, Carlos and Juan Carlos take on the makeshift team of Crazy Crusher and Hell Storm. The crowd gave the Latin twins a muted welcome back, but the brothers quickly won the approval of the crowd with a number of incredible double team maneuvers including an amazing double moonsault from the top rope to the outside where both brothers landed on their feet. Despite some miscommunications, Hell Storm and Crazy Crusher kept up with the flying Latinos, delivering stiff double teams of their own. While they do not tag with each other as a general rule, Crusher and Storm are also brothers and as the match went on, the two brothers began gelling as a team. In the end, the Latin Brothers appeared to have won the match, but Carlos celebrated too quickly and while he was on the top turn buckle posing for the crowd, his brother was busy being pinned by Storm and Crusher at 6:21. After the match, a mysterious stranger came to the ring saying that he had just finished a tour promoting brotherhood and good-will through wrestling and offered his services to the two as manager.


Matt Classic made his return to the IWS, quickly angering the crowd by announcing that he had not made his return for them, but rather had come back for the cameras of Smart Mark Video who tape the IWS shows for release in the United States and around the world. Matt announced that he had scoured Quebec for a wrestler good enough to show off Matt’s skills... and then brought out Frank le Vengeur. The match that followed was an extended squash with Matt breaking some innovative offense including his “Classic Finish” a fireman’s carry power bomb onto his knee for the win at 4:04.


Many people wondered how Viking would react to Damian’s betrayal of the leader of the SLI, Fred la Merveille. Before their match with 2.0, Viking announced to the crowd and Damian that Fred would always be his “chef” but that Damian was his best friend and that if Damian was quitting the SLI, so would he. Despite this, Damian walked away from Viking and the match two minutes in, leaving his former best friend to be double-teamed by 2.0. Eventually, Marc le Grizzly came to Viking’s aid, but 2.0 had already beaten Viking down so much that they were able to throw Grizzly out of the ring and hold on for a count-out victory, their third in a row, at 7:08. After the match, to the roars of the crowd, Fred la Merveille came to the ring to deliver a beat down to 2.0 ending with his trademark “101” pedigree to Shane Matthews from the top rope through a table.


Kid Kamikaze has spent most of the year trying to get into the good graces of IWS Commissioner Joseph FitzMorris, but when push came to shove, the Commissioner chose Evil Ninja to be his personal assassin. Kid Kamikaze challenged the Evil Ninja to a match at Born to Bleed to prove that the Commissioner made a mistake. The “Technical Wizard” of the IWS did prove once again that he is a great technical wrestler, but Double K allowed his anger to overcome his good judgement and finished a series of counters and reversals involving a chair by punching that chair into the Evil Ninja’s face... and breaking a bone in his hand in the process. The Evil Ninja took advantage of Kid Kamikaze’s injury to land a tombstone pile driver from the top rope through a table. At this point, the Evil Ninja could have simply pinned Kid Kamikaze. Instead, the Evil Ninja, at Commissioner Joseph FitzMorris’ prompting, put Double K into the Stretch Muffler, EXesS’ submission finisher. Kid Kamikaze’s limp hand was raised and dropped three times giving the Evil Ninja the win at 10:37. No doubt this was intended as a message to EXesS.


Beef Wellington asked permission from IWS management to have the night off at Born to Bleed so that he could make an important announcement. Beef, who made wrestling history by beating a live Grizzly Bear earlier this year, announced that for the Un F’N Sanctioned gala in March that he was issuing “an Open Challenge for an Inter-Species Match!” Any animal species interested in answering Beef's open challenge should contact Beef Wellington at [email protected]


At this point, Damian came to the ring and mocked Beef, demanding to know why a clown like Beef was being invited to the United States while a superior wrestler like himself was left behind. An impromptu match quickly broke out. Beef proved once again that in addition to being the funniest wrestler in North America, he is also a gifted technical wrestler matching Damian move for move. The two men also proved that you don’t need weapons to have a hardcore match, beating the living hell out of one another. In the end, Damian won because he was simply prepared to be more brutal than Beef, delivering multiple top rope foot stomps to Beef’s head and ribs that left Beef bleeding from internal injuries. Damian finished Beef off after 10:49. Damian had little chance to celebrate his victory however as Fred la Merveille hit the ring and Damian took off through the crowd with Fred in hot pursuit.


The Flying Hurricanes, Takao and Kenny the Bastard had their second title defence against the team of Dan Paysan and his consigliere Tomassino, in a match where Tomassino elevated his game, dominating Takao and Kenny the Bastard. In fact, he elevated Kenny so much it looked like Kenny was being repeatedly dropped from a second story building. The Flying Hurricanes proved their incredible resiliency again in this match, surviving Tomassino’s offensive flurry and Dan Paysan’s high-flying antics and then sneaking out the win as Takao pinned Dan Paysan at 15:33, with Tomassino distracted outside the ring.


The six pack elimination match, pitting EXesS against Kurt Lauderdale against El Generico against Franky the Mobster against Pierre Carl Ouellet against IWS champion Kevin Steen, will probably go down on the books as the best IWS main event ever and that is saying a lot. In front of a crowd so molten that fans had to be prevented from attacking IWS champion Kevin Steen, the six men tore the house down. The hi-lite of the match was Kevin Steen risking his life with a forward moonsault from a fifteen foot scaffold onto his five challengers, but that was just one of many incredible maneuvers.


EXesS was the first to be pinned, falling victim to a run-in by the Evil Ninja who broke a light tube on EXesS’ head. This led to EXesS being pinned by Kevin Steen at 19:05. Kevin and Franky the Mobster combined to eliminate Kurt Lauderdale at 21:09. To the shock and approval of the crowd, El Generico hit a huge Brain Buster on Kevin Steen to eliminate the champion at 22:17 and guarantee that a new IWS champion would be crowned. To the crowd’s disgust, Kevin Steen in a fit of pique and bad sportsmanship, returned to the ring to give PCO a blistering chair shot and then stun El Generico with his patented Package Pile Driver on to the open chair, allowing Franky the Mobster to get the easy pin to eliminate El Generico at 23:21.


That left just Franky the Mobster and PCO. The two big men brawled in and out of the ring with Franky breaking out a suicide dive to the outside to slow PCO down. The three time WWE tag team champion had a number of golden chances to win the IWS gold for a second time, but a series of delayed pins gave Franky a chance to stay in the game, and when Franky had the chance to hit his Credibility Statement choke-slam power bomb, he took full advantage, getting the pin at 30:18 and becoming the new IWS champion.


Almost a year ago, some IWS fans showed their contempt for Franky the Mobster at a Quebec inter-promotional show by chanting “Over-Rated” at him. Now Franky, perhaps the most hated man in Quebec wrestling, has his sweet revenge or as Franky puts it, “How do you rate me now?” For the moment, IWS fans are forced to rate him: Champion.


The International Wrestling Syndicate presents Season’s Beatings, December 18th at Unison Bar et Billiard, 3500 Boulevard Cote Vertu, Montreal, Québec. Doors open at 7:00 PM, IWS Bloodstream begins at 7:30 PM, show starts at 8:00 PM. Tickets are fifteen dollars. For information about the show e-mail [email protected] or visit the International Wresting Syndicate at their web-site: www.syndicatewrestling.com For information about IWS merchandise & DVDs, our wholesale prices or our customer referral program e-mail [email protected] or order from www.xrv.com/its or from Smart Mark Video: www.smartmarkvideo.com


(To reach Unison on foot, go to metro Cote Vertu and take either the 121 or 177 bus and get off on the corner of Cote Vertu and Beaulac. For those coming to Montreal from outside of town, take Autoroute 13, turn off on the 40 service road to Cote Vertu and take Cote Vertu to Beaulac.)


On a personal note, this is National Novel Writing Month http://www.nanowrimo.org/index.php and your humble correspondant for some inexplicable reason has decided to write a 50,000 word novel about wrestling in a month. You can read the novel as it progresses here: http://the-w.com/thread.php/id=23022 (Follow the links for more chapters.)

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Llakor, I just wanted to say thanks for posting these recaps, and pictures and whatnot ... I follow IWS, but only through TSM so I'm grateful that you take the time to post all the time.


Just saying thanks.

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Guest macheteofodin

Great show, in my opinion.


Damian came out to "Odin" by Landser (HEIL HEIL HEIL!) so I'm assuming the Aryan gimmick is back. I must say that makes me very happy, because I'm one of few that really enjoyed it.


I THINK I know who Beef's opponent is going to be. The inter-species thing really drove it home. I'm going to mark like a little bitch when it happens.


My personal favorite match was probably Evil Ninja vs. Kid Kamikaze, but that's probably because I was half dead during the last two matches.


Picture of the best sign ever (held by Team Anglo member Mike Rotch):




When it was shown to Kurt Lauderdale he had a really serious face and went "Yeah!" Best...reaction...ever.

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Franky is a great promo man. I've only seen him wrestle one match before (as I've only seen one IWS tape before), but he can cut awesome promos and has a good look, so good for him. Kind of surprised Steen lost the belt, but maybe he's leaving? Didn't he have an OVW tryout a while back?

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

It didn't take long for the haters to come out, having a look at the IWS board, there's already people bitching about Franky winning the belt. I'm not sure why though, he looks the part, has more charisma than 90% of the roster put together, is gold on the mic and is somebody different. While he's not exactly superb in the ring, he's still more than capable of holding his own too.

Why all the hate for Franky?

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Guest macheteofodin

I don't get the Franky hate either. I don't think anyone in the IWS (possibly El Generico, Green Phantom and if he comes back, Arsenal) has the crowd in their hands like him. He's definitely one of the most fun people to interact with.


I think the core complaint about the IWS from it's fans is the lack of blood and tits (two things the IWS was built on). The wrestling is great but that little edge IWS had over other feds is missing to some.

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I don't get the Franky hate either. I don't think anyone in the IWS (possibly El Generico, Green Phantom and if he comes back, Arsenal) has the crowd in their hands like him. He's definitely one of the most fun people to interact with.


I think the core complaint about the IWS from it's fans is the lack of blood and tits (two things the IWS was built on). The wrestling is great but that little edge IWS had over other feds is missing to some.

The thought that we are somehow lacking edge when we just had Eddy getting a blow job on Bloodstream drives me nuts. (heh)


Also as I have bitched elsewhere, the fact that a show where:


Kevin Steen did a forward moonsault off a 15 foot scaffold

Franky did a suicide dive into the second row

Fred gave Shane Matthews a 101 pedigree from the top through a table




Kid Kamikaze took a tombstone Pile Driver through a table




Damian gave Beef repeated top rope double foot stomps to the chest


...that all of this is somehow not hardcore. Drives me crazy. Mind you, I tend to believe that hardcore doesn't have to involve steel, glass or fire.


Mind you this stuff cycles. We do a show where we break out glass and barbed wire and stuff and someone bleeds buckets and then we do shows where the hardcore comes from moves and holds and dives for a couple of months and people bitch and then we break out the barbed wire again and the cycle starts over. (This cycle by the way has been going on since 2001. I remember people complaining about the IWS losing its edge a mere two months after our second FBTW match with Lobo.)

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Guest macheteofodin

I agree, Llakor. I'm not one of the people that are complaining. I actually like where the IWS is at right now and seems to be heading. You probably don't remember, but I was one of the people thinking out loud that the IWS should probably cut back on the blood letting to make the real instances (FBTW, No Ropes Barbed Wire, etc...) seem spectacular. I like the idea of 2 BIG deathmatches per year with random sprinklings of lighttubes and barbed wire here and there (not neccessarily every show).


As for the sex stuff, I don't see how it's been toned down either. Eddy's still Eddy. We get the occassional tit flash. Elsa is always out to make me feel like a 12 year old boy. I certainly hope people don't want the sex stuff to be on par with what happened at the first IWS show, but I understand if they want to see more T&A. We're all adults (at least in age) so I guess we could see some legit lesbianism, but there are instances where it could be deemed "pushing it" (legit sex acts). Some people can't get enough of it. I am indifferent to it. I go for the wrestling and the singing. Any boobage is an added bonus.

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