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The Czech Republic


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I was just watching Reading Rainbow this morning on public broadcasting, and Levar Burton was at spring training with the 1989 Oakland A's! He then worked out with them in what was the most homoerotic segment I've ever seen. Lots of big men in tank tops with mustaches, working their hard bodies, helping each other with leg lifts, sit-ups, and push-ups, all with a cheesy synthy 80s beat. Natch.


Then they read some books. But it was weird. They were wearing those horrid green pullovers and everything. I got sad when they showed mascots, such as Youppi!, committing hilarious shenanigans. No more Expos. :(


I felt this had to be shared.

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Lots of big men in tank tops with mustaches, working their hard bodies, helping each other with leg lifts, sit-ups, and push-ups, all with a cheesy synthy 80s beat.

Don't forget: mullets galore

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Guest Smues

Wow now that brings me back. I must have seen every episode of reading rainbow 500 times as I got stuck watching it every week all the way through 6th grade. As a kid though I liked the star trek one over the A's one.


But you don't have to take....MY word for it! (do do do)

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