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Guest bigm350

What is the most important title

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Guest bigm350

What do you guys think is the most important belt to hold in today's landscape of wrestling in America. Is it a WWE belt, ROH, TNA, or indy belt? I'm only doing belts considered to be in North America, so overseas belts don't count.

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Guest krazykat72
What do you guys think is the most important belt to hold in today's landscape of wrestling in America. Is it a WWE belt, ROH, TNA, or indy belt? I'm only doing belts considered to be in North America, so overseas belts don't count.

In Japan, it's the GHC Heavyweight Title, held by Kenta Kobashi.


In the US, it's the RAW title by default since they're the only major promotion and that belt is treated better than the Smackdown one.


The best booked title in the US is the ROH heavyweight title.



-Paul Jacobi-

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Guest LooneyTune

Either of the WWE World Titles by default. The fact it's the WWE Titles and it's not WCW Circa 2000 makes it the top of the mountain because it's the WWE!.


The NWA (TNA's) Title has lost anything it had when it became pretty much a prop over the last 8 years.


ROH...can't comment, since Independent Promotions are all equal, except ROH is the most popular (most likely)

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Right now I'd say the World Heavyweight Championship on Raw is the most important, because it belongs to the biggest wrestling company in North America and it is treated the most importantly. Normally, I'd say the WWE title, but there are two problems with that one 1) WWE title matches headlined THREE pay-per-views this year out of 13. 2) Bradshaw is the champion.

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