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Guest Jason

WWE: As dumb as we think?

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Guest Jason

Before I start here I should say this isn't my actual opinion on the WWE but it was rather just something I was pondering.


The IWC is constantly on the back of the WWE for mis-using great talents such as Jericho, Aiko and Paul London. The thing is none of us actually know why they do this, I mean to say Vince or the people he employs don't know wrestling is wrong. You can't build up the biggest, most well known wrestling company in the world without knowing wrestling. You have an entire roster of wrestlers who are of course wrestling fans who will without a doubt watch other promotions such as ROH, TNA, 3PW and CZW to name a few. Now all these wrestlers are going to know that good work is being done in these promotions and they could all easily say to Vince, look at whats being done here, if we incorporate this kind of talent our product will be better. Now not even a boss with the largest ego could ignore his entire roster.


So the question is, why does Vince push guys with limited skills over guys with immense talent. Could it be a genius business plot?, well maybe it is. The biggest thing the IWC will comment on is the lack of a credible CW Division, so lets break this down. Almost every wrestling fan is introduced to wrestling through the WWE, with very few exceptions. The majority od Indy's out their allow their CW's to do their outlandish moves and basically do their thing, and for us IWC fans this is great viewing we love seeing this stuff, but what about the casual fan.What Vince seems to have done is purposely destroyed the CW in order to demean the product of other promotions. This may be hard for us to imagine, but say your a new wrestling fan, a mark for lack of a better word, you see that the CW's are really not much in the WWE, and then you watch TNA. All this fan will see is a promotion full of "inferiour" CW wrestlers, and why? That is the way the WWE have trained them to think. Every week the WWE are telling the world that Heavy weights are more talented, by default than CW's, for the casual fan that will translate across promotions, therefore although the casual fan might tune into TNA every now and again, they will always see it as the minor leagues compared to the WWE.


Then there is the fact that these huge guys get pushed to the high heavens. Guys like Snitsky, Heidenriech, Big Show, Luther Reigns and so on. Is this really as bad as we think? The WWE rarely actually push these talentless big men right to the very top anymore, the last real talentless big man at the top was Sid. Guys like Heidenriech and so are actually glorified jobbers, it would seem like a big deal if say Eddie went over Hedienriech, however it's a certainty, the WWE would put Eddie over Heidenriech any day of the week. So it therefore seems like Eddie has really got over, while staying out of the main event and not going over someone who could possibly make an impact in the mid card. Plus there is the fact that some of these guys turn out to have some talent such as Big Show and I still believe Luther Reigns has what it takes to be big.


The WWE offers a main event scene that no other promotion offers, so why push anything else over it? Insead they seem to be pushing their actual main event scene rather than actual wrestlers to make the other promotions product look weak. When ECW was doing it's hardcore stuff, the WWE copied it but lessered it, so that the WWE fans could see some of what was going on elsewhere but make sure that they make it a lesser division to demean the efforts of the other company and therefore keeping the fans on their side. To me I see the WWE doing the exact same but with the CW Division, they know that the X Division is amazing and that they could lose fans to TNA because of it, so what they do is that they have a couple of matches in the CW division everynow and again to keep the fans straying but also make it look less important than everything else the WWE are doing to create that stigma in the casual fans head.


So while we might not like it, could it be that Vince and Co are actualy a hell of a lot smarter than we think they are? Sure we would all love to see a 40 minute match between London and Chavo, or between Aiko and Jericho at the main event level, but that would almost level the playing field with other promotions, therefore risking losing or more specifically sharing with the potential to lose fans.


Any thoughts are welcome and as I said I'm get frustrated as much as everyone else with the WWE at times but this is merely a thought and speculation on my part.

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Guest Loss

I don't think WWE is dumb, I just think they are extremely set in their ways and unable to change with the times, or at least that's been the case since Austin and Rock have fallen out of the picture. I do think they work the Internet just as much as the fanbase, as HHH is the top heel, so they ensure that he's hated online. Benoit and Jericho are babyfaces and they're loved.

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the last real talentless big man at the top was Sid.




I still believe Luther Reigns has what it takes to be big.

An interesting take on things.







I still believe Luther Reigns has what it takes to be big.



He's not much at all in the ring but the guy is great on the mic.



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All this fan will see is a promotion full of "inferiour" CW wrestlers, and why? That is the way the WWE have trained them to think. Every week the WWE are telling the world that Heavy weights are more talented, by default than CW's, for the casual fan that will translate across promotions, therefore although the casual fan might tune into TNA every now and again, they will always see it as the minor leagues compared to the WWE.


The casual fan doesn't know TNA even exists, most likely. I hardly even believe in the existance of "casual fans" (they probably all left when Rock went bye-bye. Without characters like Rock, Austin, etc--they don't give two shits about WWE).


They likely would be pulled in by spotfests to a certain extent, because it is something you don't see on WWE. The stupid angles might turn them off in a big way, though.


I don't think WWE fans are oblivious that, aside from a few exceptions, hosses tend to suck. They care about the same amount about No-Name-Nothing-Hoss #132 as they do Billy Kidman--not a damn bit.


Characters like Snitsky and Batista--maybe they would care.


I don't get the argument at all, though. When has the lack of a decent CW division been the IWC's main concern, BTW? I though it's been the same thing for the past several years--shitty writing. We still see talented guys on TV a lot--it's hardly as bad as it was in the past.

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Guest Jason
I don't think WWE is dumb, I just think they are extremely set in their ways and unable to change with the times, or at least that's been the case since Austin and Rock have fallen out of the picture. I do think they work the Internet just as much as the fanbase, as HHH is the top heel, so they ensure that he's hated online. Benoit and Jericho are babyfaces and they're loved.


Well sure but they're are plenty of heels we love and faces we hate. I think the WWE has changed with the times, in the sense that they are taking the main feature of the best competitor and down playing it on their show to make the other promotion seem less important, and I believe the WWE have done for other companies. I feel they were unable to change with HHH as top heel because he wasn't up against any one that would merit that change, Steiner, Nash and so on. However since Benoit and Orton have entered the main event on Raw I see a big difference, I see and I'm sure the fans see HHH as beatable. HHH has single handedly created a whole new generation of main eventers by having them go over him directly and indirectly, some Raw was lacking last year.

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A 40 minut Yang match would be infinetly more entertaining then any of the 40 minute matches HHH has done in the past year or so.




It'd be so much better than Benoit/HHH Ironman or Benoit/HBK/Benoit (both of them) or even HBK/HHH from December last year.


THINK before putting your fingers on your keyboard




Jimmy Yang is an awful spot monkey, he's no better than any of the WWE's current cruisweights...including Shannon Moore and Spike Dudley

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It'd be so much better than Benoit/HHH Ironman or Benoit/HBK/Benoit (both of them) or even HBK/HHH from December last year.

uh... but Benoit/HHH wasn't good. Besides, how often does Akio get the chance to do anything like that?


Jimmy Yang is an awful spot monkey, he's no better than any of the WWE's current cruisweights...including Shannon Moore and Spike Dudley

I actually haven't watched much of Akio's work so I can't really say, but Moore and Spike have never shown anything that would make me think ofl them as spot monkeys.

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It'd be so much better than Benoit/HHH Ironman or Benoit/HBK/Benoit (both of them) or even HBK/HHH from December last year.

uh... but Benoit/HHH wasn't good. Besides, how often does Akio get the chance to do anything like that?


Jimmy Yang is an awful spot monkey, he's no better than any of the WWE's current cruisweights...including Shannon Moore and Spike Dudley

I actually haven't watched much of Akio's work so I can't really say, but Moore and Spike have never shown anything that would make me lable them as spot monkeys.

I said he is no better than them. I never said they were the same style as him.





Most of what i have seen of Yang is in Japan and his stuff in WCW. Maybe the guy has improved since then but from what i have seen, the guy botches one move out of every 5.



As for Benoit/HHH...it wasn't great, i never said it was. However, it is far better than any 40 minute Jimmy Yang match.

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You can't really say that as I doubt you've seen any 40 minute Yang matches. Nor have I, for that matter.

I haven't....i'm just using common sense.



I haven't seen any 40 minute Michael Cole matches either so i could use the exact same analogy and say that would be far better than any HHH match.

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You can't really say that as I doubt you've seen any 40 minute Yang matches. Nor have I, for that matter.

I haven't....i'm just using common sense.



I haven't seen any 40 minute Michael Cole matches either so i could use the exact same analogy and say that would be far better than any HHH match.

But have we seen any Michael Cole matches? I think it's safe to say he hasn't been trained for ring action like, say, Jimmy Yang.

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You can't really say that as I doubt you've seen any 40 minute Yang matches. Nor have I, for that matter.

I haven't....i'm just using common sense.



I haven't seen any 40 minute Michael Cole matches either so i could use the exact same analogy and say that would be far better than any HHH match.

Common sense would dictate that you actually have knowledge of something before passing judgement.

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