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Guest DeputyHawk

NWA Wildside

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Guest DeputyHawk

Larry Goodman's report off the Wildside forums from the 12/4 TV tapings. The title's back on Onyx, hotshotted from Jason Cross to Ray Gordy to Onyx. Whatever happened to Onyx, Chad Collyer & Hotstuff Hernandez as Jeff Jarrett's Elite Guard in TNA?


NWA Wildside’s TV Taping, titled “Unexpected Turbulence” was all that and more. The company broke out the booking malaise of recent months with a show infused with fresh ideas and an abundance of clean finishes. Onyx regained the NWA Wildside Heavyweight Title, as the belt changed hands twice in one night. Here’s what went down.


Bill Behrens ended the suspense about A. J. Styles’ involvement at Christmas Chaos by announcing that Styles would in fact face two opponents, Jason Cross and Jimmy Rave.


Quentin Michaels lead his Michaels Incorporated contingent from NWA New England to ringside. Michaels said they came to Wildside to make a great impression. They did this crazy ass carny stunt where Gino Martino, billed as having the hardest head in wrestling, put a cinder block on top of his head and Michaels busted it with a sledgehammer.


(1) Brandon P & Brett Anthony & Biohazard beat Gino Martino & Sonny Roselli & Danny Duggen (with Brett Michaels) in 8:30. The Wildside guys hammered green boy Duggen. Biohazard and Duggen both drew a little hardway blood on a collision. The heat spot was a sneaky knee in the back followed up with a rabbit lariat. The chowder-heads worked over Anthony. Roselli had some impressively agile moves, especially for a guy that’s built like John Tenta. Anthony hot-tagged P. Six way action. The heels doubled on Biohazard on the outside. It was Anthony to the rescue with a plancha. P pinned Duggen with a dangerous looking Drop Zone. Match could have been a lot worse.


Urban Assault Squad, now an equal opportunity employer with the addition of Jacey North, attacked the faces with an assortment of weapons. Nick Rampage made the save.


Zero X came out demanding respect. He claimed he was “blatantly distracted” when Destiny beat him two weeks ago.


(2) Destiny beat Zero X in 45 seconds. X attacked Destiny as she entered the ring and laid her out with a slam. X played to the camera. Destiny went for a schoolgirl pin. X grabbed the ropes but to no avail, and ref Mike Posey made an ultra quick three count.


(3) Jeremy V beat Masada via countout to retain the World TV Title in 9:28. Crowd seemed to favor Masada more than V, whose babyface pop is fading fast. V struck first, dropping Masada on his head with a german suplex for a near fall. V surprised Masada with a VKO. Masada went to the outside to check for missing teeth. They brawled on the floor. V hit an Asai moonsault. V escaped from the Masadamizer but not from a decapitation grade clothesline. Masada destroyed V’s back. Masada stretched V with a hammerlock octopus that ruled. They traded ridiculously stiff strikes. Masada hit the Masadamizer, but Todd Sexton pulled V out to prevent the pin. Masada went out to get in Sexton’s face. That rat bastard Sexton waited for Masada to turn his back and ran his head into the rail. V rolled back into the ring in the nick of time to beat the count.


(4) Two out of Three Guys That Totally Rule (Salvatore Rinauro & Seth Delay) beat Jay Fury & Nick Halen in 7:23. Good match except for Halen, who was having an off night. Fury and Halen jumped out on top, using their double teams to good advantage. Delay took most of the heat. A knee to the head set up a tag to Rinauro, who busted out the Tully Blanchard Fears Me slingshot suplex. The heels put the heat on Halen. He hit the tornado flatliner. Speedy Nelson didn’t see the tag. The presence of Iron Saints at ringside distracted Rinauro and Delay to where they didn’t see Halen make the tag. Fury hit a double dropsault. Fury thwarted 2 out of 3 Guys pet finishing move. Rinauro smoked Halen with the Phoenix Fury Legdrop. Finish saw Fury execute back to back Jaytrices, but the Enzifury didn’t connect. Rinauro and Delay debuted a new double team to pin Fury. They taunted Saints with trash talk in the postmatch.


(5) Todd Sexton beat Caprice Coleman in 7:01. This match was laid out well, but they never really clicked with the execution. Sexton attacked before the bell and went right at Coleman’s oft injured left knee. Coleman made the comeback with an explosion of his trademark big moves, until Sexton got his knees up on a quebrada. Sexton went to the Bret Hart playbook again, this time with the figure four leglock around the ringpost. They traded big moves. Coleman damn near crushed Sexton’s face with a guillotine legdrop. Coleman wasn’t selling the knee at all here. The action moved to the outside. Coleman made Sexton into a heavy bag with his boxing skills. Sexton slammed Coleman’s knee into the ringsteps. Back inside, Coleman applied a submission. The bell rang but Nelson ruled Sexton’s leg was under the rope. Sexton applied the figure four. Coleman was thrashing in an effort to break the hold when Nelson ruled it as a tap out. The crowd was pissed. They heaped abuse on Nelson.


Nigel Sherrod announced that Sexton would have to face Masada on 12/18.


(6) Ray Gordy (with Al Getz) beat Jason Cross (with Jeff G. Bailey) to win the NWA Wildside Heavyweight Title. Around 10 minutes. An outstanding match that had the crowd into it the whole way. It opened with an intense ringside brawl. The competitors had to be separated to get it into the ring. Cross trapped Gordy in a nasty cravate, the first of several new moves he used in this match. Cross hit the Last Rites for a near fall. Cross applied a bridging chinlock. Cross was feeling it. At 6:55, Cross took a major league charging bump into the turnbuckles. Both men on the deck. Gordy’s comeback built to the swanton bomb, but Cross got a foot over the ropes. Getz slipped Gordy the strap for a belt shot. Cross kicked out. Cross hit a dragon suplex, but Getz was on the apron to distract. Bailey used the belt on Gordy. Gordy kicked out. Both managers got up on the apron. Cross and Gordy each took out the opposing manager with a forearm shot. Gordy countered the BEST DAMN BRAINBUSTER IN NORTH AMERICA with an inside cradle. Cross kicked out and set up for the brainbuster again. Gordy countered with a german suplex for the shocking pinfall victory. Getz was overwhelmed with joy.


Onyx came out to congratulate Gordy. Onyx said that Gordy was second generation, which meant he was second best. Onyx challenged Gordy to a match on 12/18. Gordy said let’s go right now. The decision was to make the match the main event of the evening.


(7) Alabama Attitude (Adam Roberts & T. C. Carnage) beat Sweet Dreams & Skeeter Frost in 37 seconds. Frost and Dreams never knew what hit them. Frost didn’t even make it to the ring, as Roberts posted him with the human missile spot. They beat on Dreams and went right to the Attitude Adjustment for the three count. Dreams and Frost looked like total chumps.


(8) Iron Saints (Vito & Sal Thomaselli) beat Texas Treats (Don Juan & Chris Marvel) in 8:31. Good hot match. Juan is still dancing, but Treats are picking up the level of their overall game. Vito took it to Juan. Saints broke out the double teams on Marvel. Juan hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Vito. Marvel used a slingshot splash, as Vito took punishment from Treats. Vito hot-tagged Sal. Rinauro and Delay appeared at ringside to pull for Treats. It was here that Saints debuted a killer double team maneuver. Sal put Juan in the pendulum, and Vito came off the top with a double stomp to Juan’s back. Brutal beyond belief. Vito used a hanging something or other to pin Juan. Saints gave Two Guys a ration of ####.


(9) Fast Eddie (with Salvatore Rinauro) beat Slim J to retain the NWA Wildside Junior Title in 12:04. Eddie has to be one of the most improved wrestlers on the planet over the last 12 months. J was up to the task. Tons of big moves in this match. Eddie was in a playful mood. He cracked up the crowd with a joke about his (lack of) vision. Crowd broke Eddie up chanting “Marco Polo.” Eddie raked J’s eyes. “Now you can’t see.” J brought the babyface fire. J rung Eddie’s bell with a wicked step up kick for a near fall. Eddie dropped J dead in his track with a Lungblower. Eddie gave J a receipt with a kick to the back that sounded like an explosion. Eddie countered J’s 360 diamond cutter with a backbreaker. J responded with a tornado double underhook piledriver. J’s top rope inverted DDT was good for a close near fall. Eddie mule kicked J to set up a release german suplex. J answered with the 360 diamond cutter. Both men down. J hit a cannonball senton. Eddie got a foot over the ropes at the last spit second. Eddie did a cool flippy variation of the Canadian backbreaker. J grabbed the ropes to save himself. They started going for their finishers, but each had the other guy’s move scouted. Eddie came out on top with the Russian Legweep from Hell. Here’s hoping there’s more where that came from.


(10) Getz Enterprises (Jeff Lewis & Shaun Tempers & Ace Rockwell with Getz) beat the NWA Elite (Rainman & Azrael & Mikal Adryan with Bailey) in 11:58. They finally pulled the trigger on this feud after hinting at it forever. And they pulled it off. This match elevated Enterprises without damaging the Elite. The match was structured with the Elite in the face role, although both factions had support within the crowd. A fan reached over the rail to shove Azrael, which raised the heat level a few extra notches. Enterprises did a great job taking their lumps from the Elite in the early going. The stuff between Adryan and Rockwell was awesome. Rockwell couldn’t wait to get at Adryan, who tossed him by the neck like he was a rag doll. Adryan did a gorilla press drop and a one finger pin. Azrael hit the Ted Bundy and Enterprises had to save Rockwell’s ass. Adryan stomped Rockwell’s nuts. Words can’t do justice to the way Rockwell sold it. Rainman hit the Spinesplitta, but didn’t see Tempers make the tag. Rainman took a beating, as Enterprises showed that they were pure filth. Rainman used a shining wizard to set up the hot tag. It broke down into a wild melee. Azrael got a visual fall on Lewis when Speedy was being his ADD self. Lewis clocked Azrael with a chain to score the pinfall. Bailey made sure everyone could see that his guys still had the tag belts.


(11) Onyx beat Ray Gordy (with Getz) to regain the NWA Wildside Heavyweight Title in 7:50. Onyx did a gorilla press drop on Gordy right off the bat. Gordy dumped Onyx and Getz got in some cheap shots. Gordy focused his attack on the neck. Gordy applied a guillotine choke. Just when it looked like Onyx was running on empty, he made the big comeback. Onyx hit a big powerslam. 1..2..Bailey ran out and yanked Posey to the floor. Gordy hit a german suplex. Nelson ran down to make the count. Bailey pulled Nelson out and punched him. Getz was pissed. Gordy and Onyx collided in midair. Both rolled to the floor. Bailey and Getz started going at it in the ring. Elite and Enterprises hit the ring for an old fashioned pull apart. Getz was yelling that they weren’t finished. The crowd was loving all of this. They finally got the ring cleared. Onyx hit the Blackout on Gordy to win the title for the second time.


NOTES: Attendance was 75…The Friday Night Franchise has been building to a big show on 12/10 called Seasons Beatings with Frost defending the NWA US Title and Sexton vs. Anthony Henry in a ladder match, and J vs. Rinauro…It’s Rainman vs. B-Boy in Highland, In on 12/12. Sexton, Fury and Rinauro are also booked for that show…The following Wildside associated wrestlers are booked for upcoming WWE events: Tony Stradlin and Adam Roberts for the 12/12 PPV at Gwinnett Center, 12/13 RAW in Huntsville and 12/14 Smackdown in Nashville. Cross for the PPV and possibly Huntsville and Nashville as well. Altar Boy Luke for 12/18 Smackdown in New Orleans. Coleman for 12/6 RAW in Charlotte (I think)…No word on the status of Murder One…Jason Blackman was conspicuous by his absence.

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Guest DeputyHawk

Off the Wildside forums:


12/18 NWA Arena Report 


Posted By: Larry Goodman <[email protected]> (

Date: Sunday, 19 December 2004, at 4:52 p.m.


NWA Wildside booked an excellent lead in television taping for Christmas Chaos. The main event was off the hook. Unfortunately, few live bodies were in the NWA Arena to appreciate it.


The deadly combination of it being the weekend before Christmas, the final taping before a big show, and insert excuse of your choosing here equaled the smallest crowd ever for a television taping, save the one Wildside did during an ice storm. On the bright side, they still doubled the pathetic crowd that FIP drew in Lakeland Friday night.


Dan "The Dragon" Wilson dedicated the show to slain heavy metal guitarist "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott.


(1) Texas Treats (Don Juan & Chris Marvel) beat Anthony Henry & Randall Johnson in around 5:30. The kids got some offense. Treats applied the heat to Johnson. The highlight was a sweet double rolling leglock into a facebuster. Henry hit a powerslam for a near fall off the hot tag. His house cleaning was rudely and painfully interrupted. Treats pinned Henry with a double team spike DDT. Treats did their hilariously sleazy dancing after the match.


(2) Todd Sexton beat Masada in 9:46 to earn a shot at the World TV Title at Christmas Chaos. Good match. They battled to an early stand off. Sexton bailed out after absorbing some stiff strike, while Masada stayed on the inside nursing his wrist. Quick back and forth pin attempts here. Masada turned Sexton into a pretzel with a submission that looked like pure agony. The body of the match featured crisp back and forth action. Jeff G. Bailey came out to observe. Al Getz came out as well. Bailey got frustrated and went to the back. Sexton came off the top with a knee to the back to set up the Sexton Stretch. Masada made the ropes. Masada hit a cradlebreaker. Masada tried for the Masadamizer, but Sexton countered with the sharpshooter. Masada escaped. Masada hit a brutal powerbomb counter and superkicked Sexton through the ropes. Sexton returned with a chair. Ref Mike Posey got bumped. Masada blocked a chairshot, but Sexton hit a german suplex onto the chair. Sexton superkicked the chair into Masada's face to score the pinfall.


(3) Weapons of Mass Destruction (Biohazard & Rampage) beat Urban Assault Squad (Shadow Jackson & Nemesis with Jacey North) in 10:03. WMD showed promise in their debut. Biohazard worked most of the way. Rampage looked good for the time he was in there. Jackson halted the a babyface onslaught with a sitout spinebuster on Biohazard. UAS worked over Biohazard's back. North slammed Biohazard on the hardwood floor. Nemesis hit an exploder suplex. Jackson and North gave Biohazard another beating on the outside. Jackson applied a single leg crab. UAS switched without tagging and Nemesis used a Boston crab. Biohazard finally got an opening for his running roundhouse kick. Jackson went down like a fallen timber. Nemesis squished Biohazard with a senton backsplash to prevent a tag. Biohazard locked the Pray for Death on Jackson. Nemesis broke it up.The finish saw Speedy Nelson get tied up in the action between Rampage and Nemesis. North was ready to whack Biohazard with a chair when Jay Fury came to the rescue. Biohazard rolled Jackson up for the three count.


Zero X versus Destiny never happened. What did happen was way better than anything one could have possibly hoped for out of the match. X said Destiny had been nuthin' but a waste of his time. X started in on Destiny. Referee Mike Posey intervened. X told Posey he had just made the biggest mistake of his life. X b#tch slapped Posey. Twice. Posey ripped his shirt off and attacked X. The crowd went wild. Posey dropkicked X, who took a powder. Might have been the best heat of the entire show. It will be Posey vs. X at Chaos.


(4) Pomp & Circumstance (Ace Rockwell & Shaun Tempers with Al Getz) beat NWA Elite (Rainman & Azrael with Jeff G. Bailey) in 6:58. Elite retained the tag belts because it was non-title. Match accomplished what it needed to. Both teams had their supporters and detractors, with the crowd shaded in favor of the Elite. Rockwell said he wasn't scared of Rainman and offered a test of strength. Rockwell went for the cheap shot. Rainman responsed with a backdrop to the heavens. Rockwell begged for a timeout. Tha wasn't happening. Azrael laid in the strikes. Rockwell surprised Azrael with a toss through the ropes. Tempers telegraphed a backdrop and ate a boot. Rainman brawled Dark City style. Tempers went to a low blow and hit hangman neckbreaker, as P & C proved to be the seedier of the two teams. Rainman came back with a shining enzuigiri to get a tag. Azrael was all over Rockwell. Meanwhile, Tempers and Getz were giving it to Rainman on the outside. Azrael leveled Rockwell with a kick and got a lighter from Bailey to do the flaming chop. But Azrael couldn't get produce any flames, and Rockwell rolled him up for the win.


Dissension and doubt descended on the camp of the Elite. Rainman wanted to know WTF happened? Getz said that was three in row for his boys. Getz and Bailey squared off. Tank and Iceberg chose that moment to make their appearance. Tank said sorry to interrupt the ##### fight, but the Santa Clauses were coming to town. And if Bailey and Getz wanted to get involved, Tank and Berg had a chokebreaker and a Thigh Drop of Doom waiting for 'em. So it's a three way dance for the tag titles at Christmas Chaos.




It was a case of life imitates art at Crunch Fitness, where I stopped in to do some cardio before finishing this report. The television was tuned to Ernest Angley doing his version of healing. Looks like Angley used some of that donation money for a face lift. The pulsing Techno drowned out his words of inspiration. On the exercise mat directly below the Reverend, a well-endowed young woman with coal black skin was running through a fascinating routine of Yoga postures. No bra. It's a wonderful country we live in…On to the second hour.


Bailey issued an open challenge for an opponent to face Mikal Adryan. Bailey said he was tired of the scrub-a-dubs and demanded some real competition for "pro wrestling's largest athlete." Bailey said Adryan was going to hurt somebody. That lead to…


(5) Mikal Adryan (with Bailey) beat Brandon P in 8:04. Adryan no sold a flying shoulder block and set out to destroy P's back. Adryan made P pay for a missed enzuigiri with a pair of elbow drops to the small of the back. Adryan smacked P around. P countered the Mafia Kick with a dragon screw legwhip. P tried for a high crossbody and they did a slow motion tumble over the top rope. P made the comeback. P hit a missile dropkick for a near fall. Bailey distracted ref Speedy Nelson. Adryan scored with the Mafia Kick but P kicked out. Adryan hit the Assisted Suicide. Bailey called for another one. Adryan did as he was told and pinned P. In the postmatch, Adryan hit Assisted Suicide #3. Posey and Nelson saved P from a fourth.


Alabama Attitude versus Sweet Dreams & Skeeter Frost never made it into the ring. Dreams and Frost jumped Attitude to spark an intense ringside brawl. Dreams tossed Roberts over the rail and waffled him with a chairshot. Urban Assault Squad, WMD and Jay Fury came out intending to break it up. Nature took its course, and it turned into 10 man mayhem. When the smoke cleared, the faces were kings of the mountain. The two sides will hook up in a 10 man elimination match at Christmas Chaos.


(6) Onyx beat Jeff Lewis (with Ray Gordy & Al Getz) in 8:59. Also non-title. Onyx mocked the habitual pompous bowing of "The Feature Presentation" and nailed him with a stout belly to belly suplex. Lewis faked like Onyx was hitting him on the break. Naturally, it was Lewis that went for the cheap shot. Onyx shoved the ref aside and dished out a beating. At 3:15, Lewis dumped Onyx into the waiting arms of Gordy. Lewis worked over the knee. Onyx came back with an Angry Man Slam, but the knee was giving him trouble. Onyx hulked up. Getz jumped on the apron to distract the ref. Meanwhile, Gordy grabbed Onyx. Lewis charged. Onyx escaped from Gordy's grasp. Lewis pulled up to avoid the collision with Gordy. Onyx schoolboyed Lewis for the three count.


(7) Four Guys That Totally Rule (Salvatore Rinauro & Fast Eddie & Seth Delay & Jimmy Rave) beat Iron Saints (Sal & Vito Thomaselli) & Slim J & Jay Fury in 20:09. This match totally ruled. Nothing else on the show was close to this level. It was a good way to quench the thirst of those looking for more in ring fireworks. I'll touch on some of the highlights. Four Guys were said to hail from their winter home in Hollywood, Salifornia. Rinauro was wearing the campiest tights in wrestling history. This match was a great opportunity for Fury, and he made the most of it. Fury started out with a chance to show his stuff against the Junior champion. The faces controlled the opening minutes. Eddie did push ups while he had Fury in a headscissors. Rave channeled C. M. Punk as Fury frustrated his efforts. Rinauro ran the ropes with wild abandon. V caught Rinauro with an impressive jumping knee. J did the double stomp elbow drop on Rinauro. Delay tried his luck with Sal and sold like crazy for him. Rinauro's chicanery turned the match in favor of Guys. Sal took the heat. Rave and Sal lit each other up with chops. Rave was really letting them rip. Sal hit that flippy reverse DDT to get a tag to Vito, who brainbustered Eddie. The face team did a dive train that was a thing of beauty, accentuated by the fact that they were the only dives on the show. Saints broke out a catapult/top rope lariat combo on Eddie. Delay made the save. Rave hit the Disco 2000, as Guys got massive heat on J. At one point, it was four on one. J rolled away from Rinauro's Better Than the Macho Man top rope elbow, but Speedy Nelson didn't see the tag. Fury was a whirlwind off the eventual hot tag. Rinauro took a wicked bump to the floor. Saints had Delay set up for the uber nasty top rope double stomp/pendulum spot. Rinauro foiled it. Delay hit the Overnite Sensation (cradle DDT) on Sal. J KOed Delay. J and Rinauro battled to see who could hit their finisher. J won out with the 360 Ace crusher. Eddie hit the Fasteddious (moonsault powerslam off the second rope) on J. Fury did a perfect dropsault on Eddie. Rave cut Fury off in the midst of the Jaytrix and pinned him with the Rave Clash.


The show ended with a timing problem. Four Guys ran out the front door like they had seen a ghost. The music of A. J. Styles played. Surely, it was meant to be the other way around.


NOTES: The latest on a possible WWE development deal with Wildside is this: Both Bill Behrens and Jody Hamilton were at Armegeddon. It appears that any WWE operation in Atlanta will involve both. Specifics of the arrangement have not been decided and discussions are ongoing. The logical scenario would have Hamilton running the training facility, as he did with Power Plant, and Behrens handling the lives shows/TV, ala the Danny Davis/Jim Cornette arrangement in OVW…The 1/1 Christmas Chaos lineup is as follows: A. J. Styles vs. Jason Cross vs. Jimmy Rave, Eddie vs. J for the Junior title, Rainman & Azrael (with Bailey) vs. Pomp & Circumstance (with Getz) vs. Tank & Iceberg in a three way elimination match for the tag titles, Sexton vs. Jeremy V for the TV title, Onyx vs. Gordy (with Getz) for the Heavyweight title, Adryan (with Bailey) in an open challenge, Three Guys vs. Iron Saints, Posey vs. X, 10 man elimination match Lewis vs. Caprice Coleman….Rinauro, Rave, Eddie and Delay cut an exceptional promo after the show. So good, that it got a round of applause from the crew. Look for it on episode 277…Rinauro had what was described as a breakout match with Eddie at Friday night's FIP show…Jason Cross, Jeremy V, Brett Anthony and Nick Halen had the night off. Chance Prophet cancelled due to transportation issues…Biohazard is booked for WWE shows from 12/27-12/30.

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Guest DeputyHawk
Christmas Chaos Report


Posted By: Larry Goodman (

Date: Sunday, 2 January 2005, at 5:44 p.m.


There’s nothing like a hot show in front of an SRO crowd to boost the morale of a wrestling company. NWA Wildside’s Christmas Chaos was just that.


Chaos ’04/05 drew the largest house Wildside has seen since the Chaos show two years ago. The building was packed in at over 200, such that they had to turn a few people away.


It will rank as one of the best top to bottom major shows Wildside has produced.


New Jack interrupted Dan Wilson’s (sporting psychedelic red highlights in his Rip Van Winkle beard) opening to the show. Jack made a complete babyface entrance and the crowd response was likewise. Jack burped into the mic. Said he started drinking 25 hours ago and just couldn’t stop. Jack mentioned how the charges being dropped in Jacksonville made him feel like OJ. “I can stab people and get away with it.” Jack alluded to his Wildside appearance last January where he said 2004 was going to be it for him. Jack said the retirement party with “midgets running around buck naked” was all set. But Bill Behrens had advised Jack that he was just fed up with the business and needed to take some time off. Not to find himself. “If I want to find myself I just look in the mirror.” Jack said his road trips and his time in the slammer brought him to the conclusion that it wasn’t time yet. Jack promised that he would be showing up on a wrestling television show in the near future. Jack showed that his clawed knucks were down to two blades because “I left one in that motherf*cker in Jacksonville.” Jack promised that when he did a match, the blood would be running out of the ring. “I’m gonna stick the sh*t outta somebody again. Welcome to 2005.”


(1) Alabama Attitude (Adam Roberts & T. C. Carnage) & Urban Assault Squad (Shadow Jackson & Nemesis & Jacey North) & Matt Sells defeated Skeeter Frost & Sweet Dreams & Jay Fury & Nick Halen & Weapons of Mass Destruction (Biohazard & Rampage) in 12 man elimination match (10:10). This incredible heat for the match overcame a multitude of sins to make it an effective opener. The workers had to be geeked up by the crowd. The sight of North decked out in a Ron Artest jersey was hilarious. It looked like it was going to be 6 on 5, until “Friday night superstar” Matt Sells came out and decided that the heels needed his help. Halen immediately pinned Sells with a reverse DDT. North eliminated Halen with a Triple H facebuster into a DDT. The spot where Fury was supposed to pin North got botched when Nemesis entered too soon. Fury improvised with a standing moonsault to eliminate North. WMD did the Hart Attack on Nemesis. Nemesis pinned Rampage with the help of Jackson. Frost and Carnage lit each other up with chops. Frost was way over with the crowd. Carnage’s chest was split open like Flair’s used to be after his matches with Ronnie Garvin. Roberts shoved Frost off the top to thwart a springboard move. Unfortunately, Frost broke his collarbone on the landing and lay there until Roberts pinned him. Dreams did a torture rack into a tombstone piledriver to pin Nemesis. Roberts hit his fireman’s carry flapjack to pin Dreams. Biohazard pinned Jackson with a fisherman suplex. It was down to Alabama Attitude vs. Fury and Biohazard. Attitude got heat on Fury, who eventually hot-tagged Biohazard. The crowd groaned and booed when Biohazard was eliminated with the Attitude Adjustment. Fury got in a hot 1 on 2 sequence, pinning Roberts with a facebuster variation. But Carnage caught Fury with a chokebomb for the win.


(2) Caprice Coleman beat Jeff Lewis (with Al Getz) in 9:17. Good match. Coleman was feeling it. The pop for Coleman’s entrance was surprisingly weak. Lewis did the whiny complainer deal which drew the classic Wildside “wimp” chant from the crowd. Lewis lost his cool after Coleman dropped him on his face. Lewis took his lumps and bailed out. Coleman did a Silver King style baseball slide that was very cool. They fought on the outside. Coleman tossed a drink in Lewis’ face. Coleman reentered with a springboard missile dropkick for a near fall. Lewis turned the tide with a lariat. Instead of the standard sunset flip-clothesline cutoff spot, both men ducked clotheslines and Lewis hit a back suplex. Coleman made the comeback, but Lewis blocked the Thermal Shock. Coleman hit a beautiful twisting springboard lariat. Coleman tried for the Thermal Shock again, but Lewis countered with a neckbreaker for a near fall. Lewis went for his Final Curtain finisher, and Coleman countered with the Comatoser to score the pin.


(3) Zero X beat Mike Posey in 4:33. X smacked Posey in the face. They were off and running with Posey in command. Some of his stuff looked good. Some didn’t. Salvatore Rinauro showed up at ringside. Rinauro locked hands with X in an attempt to block a sunset flip, but Destiny ran in and grabbed Rinauro. X hit a waterwheel slam, but Posey got a foot on the ropes. Destiny lead the cheers for Posey’s comeback. Posey hit a JYD style powerslam. Rinauro shoved Posey off the top rope and X covered for the 1..2..3. Postmatch saw X and Rinauro humiliate Destiny by forcing her to assume the center snap position. “The All Star” Cru Jones came to the rescue of his former cheerleader/valet. Destiny gave Rinauro a low blow and Jones laid him out with a DDT.


(4) Todd Sexton beat Jeremy V via submission to win the World TV Title in 11:50. Sexton got somewhat of a cool heel response from the crowd. No traditional heel heat at all. Al Getz came out to observe. V wrestled. V connected with blistering chop and Sexton took a powder. They fought back to the dressing room. Sexton superkicked V at ringside and followed with a swinging neckbreaker on the floor. Sexton set out to destroy V’s neck. Sexton applied the Mutalock but V made the ropes. Sexton hit a jumping piledriver for a long two count. V made the comeback. He hit the VKO and went up for the 450 splash. No water in the pool. Sexton locked in the Sexton Stretch. A good portion of the crowd was calling for the tap. V wouldn’t give. From there, each guy tried to beat the other guy with their own move. Sexton tried for the VDT. V blocked it, so Sexton went to back to his own playbook with the Gamebreaker for a near fall. V crotched Sexton on the top and returned the favor with a top rope Gamebreaker for a near fall. Sexton hit the VKO. He went for the VDT again, but V countered with the sharpshooter. Getz distracted the ref, who didn’t see Sexton tapping. Sexton hit a swinging neckbreaker on the title belt. Sexton applied the Stretch and V tapped.


Rinauro entered with Jimmy Rave for the 3 way. Rinauro sang the worst rendition of “The 12 Days of Christmas” in history. When he got up to “5 running knees, 4 Rave Clashes, 3 Guys That Totally Rule, 2 Junior Titles and a plane ticket to Italy,” the crowd drowned him out with a “shut the hell up” chant.


(5) Jason Cross (with Jeff G. Bailey) beat A. J. Styles and Jimmy Rave (with Rinauro) in a three way (16:25). The pop for Styles’ entrance left no doubt about what drew the crowd. This is the house that Styles built. Cross was the tweener. Rave was pure heel. The opening minutes saw Styles get some great 1 against 2 bursts of offense. Rave and Cross would eventually get control and end up fighting amongst themselves. Styles caught Rave with a forearm as he came through the ropes and gave him vicious whip into the rail. Cross did a CORKSCREW DIVE OVER THE FREAKIN’ RINGPOST. Day one and I’ve already seen the most psychotic dive of 2005. Back inside, Rave threw a chop that exploded on Cross’ chest. Styles DDTed both of their asses for two counts. The thing about Styles in this match was how he got over with flawless execution of fairly basic moves. Rave broke up a Styles Clash attempt on Cross. Rave hit a shoulder mounted Cross with a tornado DDT and did the Disco 2000 on Styles for a near fall. Cross took over. He hit the reverse enzuigiri on Styles and the Triple Cross on Rave. Styles foiled the Cross brainbuster. Cross hit the BEST DAMN BRAINBUSTER IN NORTH AMERICA on Rave but Styles was there to break up the pin. Styles hit an awesome spiral backbreaker. Cross tried for the Clash, but Styles countered with a huracanrana. Rinauro came flying in to break up a Styles Clash on Rave. Styles clotheslined him and tossed him over the top onto Bailey. Rave rolled through on a sunset flip and hit the knee for a great false finish. Styles was set to give Rave the Clash when Cross nailed Styles with a flatliner and pinned him. Excellent match within the limitations of the three way format. It just didn’t have the drama of a Styles/Cross showdown.




Bailey opened the second half by running down the Cornelians. Bailey called for a warm body to answer Mikal Adryan’s open challenge. They were not happy to see Murder One come down the ramp.


(6) Mikal Adryan (with Jeff G. Bailey) beat Murder One in 8:26. Surprisingly good match in a very difficult position on the show. M1 opened with an exploder suplex. Brutality ensued at ringside. The crowd was solidly behind M1. A fan called for M1 to use The Pounce. M1 used a devastating backdrop on the ramp instead. Adryan gave M1 a vicious shot into the announcer’s booth. M1 used a springboard dropkick through the ropes called the John Woo. M1 took a back breaking shot into the rail. Adryan suplexed M1 on the floor. Bailey taunted M1. “You should have stayed gone.” Adryan wore M1 down with repeated covers. M1 hit the Blazin’ Lariat. He had Adryan up for the Zoolander when Rainman and Azrael ran in to distract. Adryan’s Mafia kick didn’t fully connect but it went for a near fall. Adryan gave M1 Assisted Suicide for the pin.


(7) Fast Eddie beat Slim J to retain the NWA Wildside Junior Title in 12:56. This was a great match. Eddie is turning into a Junior division version of Samoa Joe, as his title reign has surpassed the one year mark. Besides, you’ve got to love those tights with the dice and playing card design. Strong pop for J. Referee Justin Roberts sent Rinauro to the back. Eddie got in a quick double stomp and applauded himself. Eddie pie faced J. Eddie paid dearly for it. J was all over Eddie’s arm. J did the double stomp elbow drop. Eddie blocked the 360 ace crusher and hit a wheelbarrow suplex for a near fall. Eddie hung J in a variation of the Widow’s Peak. J got a ropes break. J used to ropes to pull himself up and propel into a splash. Back and forth with big moves. Eddie did a spinning suplex. J did the top rope reverse DDT. Both down. J hit a double arm tornado DDT. J did a picture perfect moonsault block off the top turnbuckle. Eddie used Canadian backbreaker style rack drop. J hit the 360 Ace crusher and Eddie barely kicked out in time. J planted Eddie on the top rope for the Anger Management. X ran out to interfere. Eddie nailed J with the Russian Legsweep from Hell and that was that. I think a lot of people expected J to go over.


(8) Three Guys That Totally Rule (Salvatore Rinauro & Seth Delay & Zero X) beat Iron Saints (Vito & Sal & Junior Thomaselli) in 10:39. No rest for the wicked, as Rinauro made his fourth appearance of the night. This was X’s debut match as a member of Three Guys. There’s five of them now. It was six way action during the opening minutes with each member of Saints getting a chance to shine at center stage. Junior (Brandon) hit a brainbuster and floated over for a near fall. Saints went for the rocking horse/top rope double stomp devastation but Guys had it scouted. Rinauro and X did a Doomsday Device. Guys got heat on Sal, who hung two of them out to dry on a tandem dropkick and then leveled them with a dual lariat. Vito took over. X made a blind tag and missile dropkicked Vito. It was heat on Vito, until Delay’s moonsault landed on Junior’s waiting knee. Junior spinebustered X. Vito and Sal hit the rocking horse/double stomp on X. But Junior stunned his brothers by making the save. Rinauro pinned Sal with an inverted suplex. Good although not at the level of their match at Fright Night.


(9) Onyx beat Ray Gordy (with Al Getz) to retain the NWA Wildside Heavyweight Title in 9:08. Gordy’s arrogance reached new heights with this ring entrance. The power of Onyx ruled until the 3 minute mark. That’s went Getz got in the act with a low blow. Gordy worked the back. Gordy was really unloading on the kicks to the spine. Gordy went for a guillotine choke out. Onyx backdropped Gordy to break it but missed with a swinging neckbreaker. Onyx used a Last Rites to start a comeback. It was one of a number of times on this show where a new and unexpected move appeared. Gordy blocked the Blackout and hit a fisherman suplex. Speedy Nelson counted three. Gordy thought he had won the match, but it was Onyx that had gotten a shoulder up. > Weird crowd response to Onyx here. Not much pop for his entrance, way into to him during the body of the match and then, almost no pop when he was announced as the winner.


(10) Tank & Iceberg beat Pomp & Circumstance (Ace Rockwell & Shaun Tempers with Al Getz) and The NWA Elite (Azrael & Rainman with Jeff G. Bailey) to win the NWA Wildside Tag Team Titles in a three way elimination match (18:45). This was insane violence that was totally beyond ref Andrew Thomas' control. At least he didn't puke this time. It really sucked to be Rockwell. He got the holy hell beat out him. Tank suplexed Iceberg onto Tempers. They compressed Rockwell with a half ton sandwich spot. Tank tried to cave Rockwell’s face in. Iceberg turned his attention to Azrael with a flying headbutt to the nutsack. Rainman took punishment from P & C. It turned into the unofficial hardcore match for the evening. Iceberg, Tank and Rainman all ended up busted wide open when a set of sick spiked-with-nails knucks came into play. Iceberg did a double vertical suplex on P & C. Bailey jumped on Iceberg’s back. Iceberg splashed Rainman with Bailey riding on his back. Azrael put a claw hold on Iceberg while wearing the knucks, so that the nails were imbedding into Berg’s forehead. Rockwell spinebustered Rainman but couldn’t convert on the Flagrant Foul. P & C were eliminated at 13:57 when Rockwell tapped out to Rainman’s Hillside Strangla. Getz Enterprises ended up 0 for 3 on the evening. Tank brought a ladder in. It also sucked to be Rainman. Tank whipped Rainman into the ladder. Iceberg carved on him with his veggie peeler. Tank took a cannonball bump into the ladder. Azrael put the ladder on top of Tank and did a masochistic kneedrop onto the ladder. Tank wasted Rainman with the chokebreaker. Bailey tried to use the powder but it ended up in Azrael’s face. Tank and Iceberg pinned Azrael with the slice ‘n dice legdrop.


Postmatch, The Elite blamed Azrael for screwing up. The lights went out.


Lights on and Gabriel was in the ring with a chair. He took out Adryan. Crowd chanted “Lost Boys.” Azrael turned on Rainman. Lost Boys gave Rainman the Time Warp for old times sake. They superkicked Bailey. The slimeball attorney was on his hand and knee. Lost Boys connected with a double baseball slide on Bailey for a great show closing pop. The Lost Boys music played as the former partners reunited.


NOTES: The status of Bill Behrens in regards to TNA and WWE will be determined within in the next week. A development deal between Behrens and WWE is still in the works but no details have been finalized…Hardcore Hell ’05 will be a two night show on 3/25 and 3/26 with appearances by Jay Lethal and Angeldust already announced…Matt Sydal, Delirious and Daizee Haze return to Wildside on 2/5…Jenny Taylor is coming in for the taping on 1/15…The next big Friday Night Franchise show is Black Friday on 2/25…

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Guest DeputyHawk

Larry Goodman's latest TV taping write-up. I really hope things shake out with Wildside becoming a WWE developmental territory. Hell, Rainman & Caprice Coleman on Velocity would make me a happy camper.


2/5 NWA Arena Report


Posted By: Larry Goodman <[email protected]> (

Date: Sunday, 6 February 2005, at 5:17 p.m.


As rumors about the future of the promotion continue to swirl, NWA Wildside returned to the NWA Arena last night for an international television taping. The booking and in-ring were strong across the board. No filler. And one of the few matches that didn’t have immediate storyline implications turned out to be the best match of the night.


Attendance was 100, an encouraging sign since both tapings this month have drawn better than the ones leading into Christmas Chaos.


(1) Texas Treats (Don Juan & Chris Marvel) beat Brandon P & Jeremy V in 6:35. Good win for Treats over the former Wildside tag champs (then known as Carolina Connection). P was on fire early. Nice execution on a head and arm Tazzplex. Juan landed a rude dropkick off a blind tag. Marvel hit a tornillo slingshot splash behind the ref’s back. Treats broke out their obscenely hilarious dancing. Ken (Mark-Out Photography) Wallace said it was too early in the evening for that. Fans yearned for a comeback. Juan dashed their hopes by snapping P’s neck off the top rope. A reverse atomic drop followed up with a sitout faceplant set up the hot tag. P and V did their old favorite, the Rock ‘n Roll double dropkick. Marvel kicked out of a sidewalk slam/slingshot legdrop combo. V went for a VKO and got his balls racked on the top rope. Marvel covered for the pin.


(2) Caprice Coleman beat Masada in 7:33. A late addition to the card and one stellar wrestling match. You would be hard pressed to find a better built back and forth TV length bout. The crowd popped for the return of referee Andrew Thomas. They opened with quick pins and did some crips work on the mat. Masada tried back-to-back northern lights suplexes, but Coleman blocked number two and hit a pair of his own. Coleman applied a figure four headscissors. Masada countered a wheelbarrow with a forward rolling cradle for a near fall. Coleman responded with the spin scissors kick and high elevation legdrop. Masada grounded Coleman. Masada brought the stiff kicks to the spine. Coleman hit a twisting springboard lariat. Masada kicked out of Coleman’s delayed cover. Coleman with a shining wizard. Coleman applied a cobra clutch crossface, but Masada made the ropes. Masada put Coleman on the deck with a roundhouse kick to the temple. Masada climbed the ropes, but Coleman brought him crashing to the canvas with an Edge-o-matic type move off the top. Masada kicked out. Masada hit the Masadamizer but was in no shape to follow it up, and Coleman kicked out. Coleman took the wind out of Masada with a shoulder tackle into the buckles and hit a sick looking Comatoser to score the pinfall. Looked like a broken neck for sure, but Masada was as OK as someone can be after that kind of impact.


(3) Murder One versus Jacey North (with Urban Assault Squad Shadow Jackson & Nemesis) was a no contest (2:45). North was wearing an O. J. Simpson jersey. Jackson looked certifiable with his sawed off baseball bat. They brawled. M1 gave North a back elbow in the chops. The crowd popped for the Blazin’ Lariat. Fans were calling for M1 to kill the cracker. M1 dropped North on his head with an exploder suplex, but North’s homeboys put his foot on the rope. UAS started laying the beatdown on M1. That brought Biohazard and Rampage out. Alabama Attitude soon followed. Being that in southern folklore they are booked as natural enemies, UAS said they didn’t want Attitude’s help. Al Getz showed up with Pomp and Circumstance as well.


Referee Speedy Nelson threw the match out and said let’s have us a four way dance.


(4) Pomp & Circumstance (Ace Rockwell & Shaun Tempers with Al Getz) beat Biohazard & Rampage and Urban Assault Squad (Shadow Jackson & Nemesis) and Alabama Attitude (Adam Roberts & T. C. Carnage) in a four way elimination match to become the number one contender for the NWA Wildside Tag Team Titles (10:46). With the awesome new gear and the physique, Biohazard is in the hunt for a development deal. Match opened with a nice sequence between Biohazard and Tempers. Rockwell had no answer for Rampage’s attack, so he called for a timeout and tagged Nemesis. UAS mixed it up with Alabamians. Nemesis threw the loudest chops of the night thus far and dumped Carnage. Nemesis went to suplex Carnage back to the inside, but Roberts grabbed his leg and held on while Carnage got the pin at 6:25. Jackson returned the favor with outside interference, and Biohazard pinned Roberts with an inside cradle at 6:57. Biohazard powerslammed Rockwell and went for a quick pin but Tempers broke it up. Biohazard and Rampage stayed on Rockwell with high impact offense. Rampage also hit a powerslam for a near fall. P & C turned the tide with a cool double team on Rampage. Rockwell was a total jerk as usual. He toyed with Rampage. 4 way action ensued. Biohazard hit the rolling neck snap off the second rope. Rampage had Rockwell up for a Hart Attack style maneuver, but Getz upended Biohazard and Tempers chop blocked Rampage. Rampage collapsed in agony and the opportunistic Ace covered for the three count.


(5) Mike Posey & Daizee Haze beat Salvatore Rinauro & Zero X in 7:19. Crowd was hot for this. Haze’s psychedelic Egyptian gear is a good look for her. The heels humiliated Posey until they got him good and pissed off. Posey threatened to tag Haze. Rinauro was begging him to follow through. Rinauro and X took turns heeling on Haze. I kept flashing on the graphically brutal shots those women took in “Million Dollar Baby” to where it wasn’t a pleasant experience. “It’s a man’s world,” said X. Fans got behind Haze, but the heels kept cutting off her comebacks. Rinauro hit Haze “right in the babymaker.” Haze finally caught X with a couple of shot and went through the legs to make the tag. Posey’s did some great stuff cleaning house, including a slingshot tope. But Rinauro caught Posey with the Phoenix Fury Legdrop. Finish was excellent. Haze gave the heels a double low blow, took Rinauro over the top with a flying headscissors and Posey pinned X. The other refs celebrated with Posey.


(6) Ray Gordy (with Al Getz) pinned the NWA Wildside Heavyweight Champion Onyx in a non-title match. Around 5 minutes. The champ was rocking Gordy’s world for the entire time. It got so bad that Onyx was yelling at Gordy to get up. The finish saw Getz distract the ref. Jeff Lewis ran in and clocked Onyx with a UFO (unidentified foreign object) and Gordy got the ultra cheap pin. Very effective for what they were trying to accomplish here. Good heat. Gordy’s selling was top notch.


(7) Todd Sexton (with Al Getz) beat Matt Sydal via submission to retain the World TV Title in 9:13. Another impressive notch in Sexton’s belt. The work was fine and it had good heat, especially for a Sexton match. Sydal used flashy, crisp maneuvers to control the opening minutes. Sydal was cruising like Tom and Penelope until Getz interfered at 2:45. The Technician’s selected the back as his target. He got two counts with middle rope vertical suplex, a butterfly suplex and the move Gordon Solie used to call a side salto. Sexton took a Nestea plunge off the second rope, but he escaped Sydal’s SSP and applied the Sexton Stretch. Sydal made the ropes. Sydal dumped Sexton and hit a corkscrew pescado. Sexton scrambled out of the ring to foil Sydal’s attempt to do the back platform moonsault. But it wasn't long before Sydal dodged a superkick and hit the move for a near fall. Coming out the double down spot, they traded bombs. Sydal got the better of it and went for a flippy springy thingy. More Getz interference left Sydal in ruins. Sexton applied the sharpshooter for the tap out.


(8) Cru Jones & Sweet Dreams beat Necessary Roughness (John Moxley & Jimmy Turner) in 6:38. Roughness are HWA wrestlers trained by Shark Boy doing a football gimmick. Jones and Dreams wiped their noses in Roughness’ jerseys. The faces were in total control. Dreams speared Turner and did the dreaded Macarena legdrop. Dreams took heat. Roughness used a double fist drop. Dreams dropped Moxley on his head and got the hot tag. Jones was wreaking havoc. He challenged Turner to a duel from a three point stance. “Bring it hippie.” Swerve. Jones executed a drop toehold that caused Turner to headbutt his partner in the nuts. Dreams hit a top rope elbow and Jones pinned Turner.


(9) Slim J beat Jay Fury & Delirious & Nick Halen in a four-way elimination match to become el numero uno competidor for the NWA Wildside Junior Title (7:59). Pretty much what you would expect. Lots of fast paced aerial stuff. It felt rushed. J was wearing these cheesy Ultima inspired shoulder pads. Delirious’ amped-to-the-max entrance was over as always. Halen brought his A game. Delirious did a bit where he was acted like a turtle in his shell when Fury was in the ring and went wild when Halen tagged in. Halen and Fury did their double uranage on Delirious. They clotheslined Delirious over the top. Halen clotheslined Fury over the top and hit a balls-to-the-wall senton dive off the turnbuckle. J followed with a corkscrew plancha. Halen scored with a release german suplex on Delirious, but there was nobody home on the swanton bomb. Delirious pinned Halen up at 4:50. Delirious did MMA field goal kicks to head of J. J came back to pin Delirious with a top rope elbow at 6:10. J and Fury traded awesome near falls. J hit a double underhook tornado DDT followed by the 360 Ace crusher. Fury did the Jaytrix into the Enzifury. J ducked a second Enzifury and rolled Fury up for the win.


Salvatore Rinauro came out with Seth “DeLadies Man” Delay and Zero X. Rinauro was wearing a suit. He looked like a gangster funeral director except the hair . Rinauro said he had canceled their match in favor of demonstrating the 3 Guys That Totally Rule workout regimen. Rinauro gave a special intro to “the pearl” of 3 Guys, Fast Eddie, the man who had held the NWA Wildside Junior Title for 417 days, but who’s counting? If you’re wondering about there now being 4 members of 3 Guys, Rinauro explained the math in a promo on last week’s TV. “3 Guys That Totally Rule plus Zero still equals 3GTTR.” Rinauro said Eddie had beaten J on a trillion occasions and would do it again, no sweat. Eddie and Delay did situps with X and Rinauro holding their ankles. Eddie sparred with X, Rinauro’s “favorite alphanumeric man in the business.” Rinauro instructed Delay to demonstrate J’s Anger Management, “the move that never works.” Eddie showed how he would reverse it into the Russian Legsweep From Hell to break J’s freaking neck. J, showing no common sense whatsoever, hit the ring on Three Guys. J got a few licks in before they ratpacked him to death. Rinauro was whipping J with Eddie’s resistance cables until Fury, Halen and Delirious made the save.


(10) Iceberg & Tank beat the NWA Elite (Rainman & Mikal Adryan) to retain the NWA Wildside Tag Team Titles in 9:30. Good pop for the champion’s entrance. Rainman’s new form fitting gear shows off the extra pounds of muscle that he’s sprouted over the past month. Rainman took a wicked beating. Iceberg used a slingshot gourdbuster. Tank clubbed him with crossface forearms. The monsters did the drop toehold/Thigh Drop of Doom combo. Tank blasted Rainman with more forearms. Rainman sold it with an awesome rubber legs stagger and came back with a shining wizard out of nowhere. Adryan bounced Tank’s head off the turnbuckle. Tank no sold it. As if to say “no sell this,” Adryan dropkicked Tank’s knee. Elite worked over Tank’s knee. Rainman applied a single leg crab, not the best choice on a guy Tank’s size. In any case, Getz showed up with Pomp and Circumstance. Rainman clotheslined Tempers and hit the Spinesplitta on Rockwell. Adryan chased Getz to the back. Iceberg and Tank capitalized on the situation to pin Rainman with the Slice ’n Dice Thigh Drop of Doom. Adryan reappeared and looked pretty disgusted with what he found. Rainman was so out of it, that Adryan had to drag his black half drag his black ass to the back.


NOTES: Bill Behrens is involved in ongoing discussions with WWE regarding their plans to open a development program in the Atlanta area. Talks are moving in a positive direction to overcome certain stumbling blocks to completing the deal. In the meantime, Behrens continues to work as a third party booking agent for TNA…Hardcore Hell ’04 on 3/25 and 3/26 is shaping up to be the biggest two night event in the history of the promotion. Already signed: A. J. Styles vs. David Young, from NWA Florida 911 Incorporated (Bruce Steele and Rod Steel) with “The Hardcore Giant” Ron Niemi, and appearances by Scottie Wrenn and three other former NWA Wildside Heavyweight Champions in addition to Onyx, Gordy, Iceberg and the aforementioned Styles and Young…2/25 is the next big Friday Night show featuring the owner of the Friday Night Franchise John Johnson vs. Rick Michaels.

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Posey threatened to tag Haze. Rinauro was begging him to follow through.


Rinauro hit Haze “right in the babymaker.”


Rinauro was wearing a suit. He looked like a gangster funeral director except the hair .

If you’re wondering about there now being 4 members of 3 Guys, Rinauro explained the math in a promo on last week’s TV. “3 Guys That Totally Rule plus Zero still equals 3GTTR.”


Zero-X, Rinauro’s “favorite alphanumeric man in the business.”


Rinauro instructed Delay to demonstrate J’s Anger Management, “the move that never works.”

Salvatore Rinauro is the funniest wrestler alive.

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Guest DeputyHawk

Larry Goodman's 2/19 TV taping report




I can certainly dig the prospect of Rainman as champ, hopefully he goes over next month at Hardcore Hell


2/19 NWA Arena Report


Posted By: Larry Goodman <[email protected]> (

Date: Sunday, 20 February 2005, at 11:40 a.m.


NWA Wildside ran their bimonthly television taping at the NWA Arena in Cornelia, Ga last night. Two really strong matches closed out the first hour, and one very major player made his return. Crowd was 85.


The show opened with a series of macabre Lost Boys vignettes on the Videotron. The setting was a mock graveyard. A headstone was painted with the name “BAILEY.” The crowd popped when Azrael torched the gravesite. The last vignette showed a photo of Attorney Jeff G. Bailey going up in flames.


(1) Kevin Matthews & Danny Duggan (with Quentin Michaels) beat Ken Westbrooks & Kris King in 2:12. This was the Matthews show. Duggan never tagged in. Matthews hit a cool sitout full nelson slam and pinned King with variation of a fishermanbuster.


(2) Todd Sexton (with Al Getz) beat Kenny Omega via submission to retain the World TV Title in 9:36. Getz looks like a refugee from a witness protection program. Omega was a total unknown to this crowd. He’s kind of awkward with his selling, but he has some nice offense and works really hard. They wrestled even up until 2:30 when Sexton took a time out. Sexton went to the rough stuff. Omega did a flashy-flippy high speed sequence and the crowd was into it from that point on. Sexton used a reverse atomic drop and swinging neckbreaker to take over. Sexton got near falls with a tree-of-woe dropkick and an enzuigiri. Sexton used a cobra clutch. Omega made a high energy comeback. Sexton gave Omega a bloody nose with an elbow. Omega hit a dragon suplex for a near fall. Sexton hit the superkick for a long two count. Sexton went for the new version of the Sexton Stretch, a cobra clutch step over toehold. Omega made a valiant and very realistic effort to get to the ropes before Sexton locked it in for good. The crowd showed their appreciation for Omega’s performance.


(3) Biohazard & Murder One beat Urban Assault Squad (Shadow Jackson & Nemesis with Jacey North) in 9:05. Biohazard and Nemesis couldn’t seem to get on the same page in the opening minutes. M-1 got things on track with a burst of offense, leading to the Blazin’ Lariat on Jackson. UAS got the upper hand with the assistance of North. Jackson celebrated after hitting a Stinger splash. Nemesis thought he would try one. You know how that came out. Biohazard fired a series of savate kicks. Hot tag. Meanwhile, Alabama Attitude (Adam Roberts & T. C. Carnage) attacked Jackson and North. They battled to the back. Nemesis saw no homeys in his corner and was like WTF? A Hart Attack off the ropes. That’s what. M-1 pinned Nemesis.


(4) Rainman pinned Masada with the help of the returning Jeff G. Bailey in 11 minutes. To say that this was snug would be putting it mildly. All chain and matwork for the first 3:30. Masada hit an overhead belly to belly suplex and opened up with strikes. Rainman responded with a shining wizard, where he appeared to drive his knee into Masada’s arm. Masada went for a tornado DDT, and Rainman pulled out his lone heel tactic of the match, a field goal kick to the groin. Rainman delivered a major league powerbomb. Masada grabbed the ropes to prevent a three count. Masada came back with stiff kicks. Masada went back to the mat with a submission. Rainman broke it with a back suplex. An exchange of forearms left them staggering. A headbutt put them on the canvas for a seven count. Masada took over with a pumphandle suplex and a cradle backbreaker for near falls. But Rainman blocked the Masadamizer and hit the Spinesplitta for a near fall. Masada used a cutthroat neckbreaker for another near fall. Masada went to the top rope. What in the blue hell? Bailey ran out and clocked Masada with his trusty Bruno Maglia loafer. Rainman hit a torture rack into a facebuster to score the pinfall.


(5) Jay Fury & Nick Halen & Slim J beat Three Guys That Totally Rule (Salvatore Rinauro & Seth Delay & Zero X with Krissy Vaine) in 12:46. This match had heat. Vaine was put in this spot because Amber O’Neal and Persephone weren’t there for their scheduled three-way match. She was looking particularly hot on this night. The camera got a tight shot of Vaine’s derriere during the opening. Rinauro gave Vaine the “I’m not worthy” treatment. The early highlight was Fury kicking the holy hell out of X’s back. Rinauro applied a double wristlock on J and spread the fingers. The next sequence was the high point of the evening. J hiptossed all Three Guys in succession. Halen and Fury gave them all double hiptosses and Three Guys went to the outside holding their aching backs. The crowd was popping huge for all of this, but the mega pop of the night came when referee Mike Posey hiptossed Vaine. The faces started a dive train. Fans were salivating in anticipation of J’s spectacular corkscrew plancha, but Rinauro spoiled it. It was a beautiful job of toying with the crowd’s emotions. Three Guys got massive heat on J. Rinauro and Delay’s double teams were particularly devastating. Vaine choked J from the outside. J rallied with his top rope reverse DDT on Delay. The hot tag and a wild hit parade of big moves ensued. The finish saw Vaine up on the apron to hit Halen with her mirror. Halen reversed the whip and X pulled up to avoid the collision. Vaine kissed X. Halen rolled X up for the pin. X was in a fog after the match. Funny stuff. Three Guys did a group hug with Vaine.


(6) Jeremy V pinned Brandon P with a fistful of tights at 6:15. The telltale signs of a heel turn were evident in V’s scraggly facial hair. V started getting surly when P hung him out to dry on a dropkick. V cheated on the break with a forearm shot. They traded stinging chops in the corner. V used the tights to dump P to the outside. Not a very sportsmanlike thing to do. P got two with a sunset flip. Big collision spot. P blocked the VKO. V got extra leverage from P’s tights to win it with a reverse roll up. Fans were not happy with V.


(7) Pomp & Circumstance (Ace Rockwell & Shawn Tempers with Al Getz & Todd Sexton) beat Sweet Dreams & Cru Jones in 8:15. Dreams was way over again. Rockwell was hilarious. Said he was going to whip Jones’ ass. When that failed to materialize, Ace said he was REALLY going to whip his ass. Jones totally overpowered him. Rockwell said he wanted Dreams. He fared no better. The faces gave Rockwell a double gorilla press gutbuster with a double flatliner chaser. Jones clotheslined Rockwell clean into the next football season. Tempers made the save. Tempers’ interference set up heat on Jones. Tempers used a hangman neckbreaker. Rockwell connected with a missile dropkick. Jones hit a DDT from a Canadian backbreaker position to get the hot tag. Dreams hit the Whirlybird on Rockwell, but when he went to spear Tempers, Sexton clocked him with the TV title belt. 1..2..3. Fun match.


(8) Caprice Coleman beat Chance Prophet in 7:18. This was OK. Prophet appeared to be going at half speed on some of his stuff. Coleman’s entrance got a better pop than it has his last couple of times in. Prophet was looking mysterious in the black and white face paint. Coleman tied Prophet up on the mat. Prophet gave him props. Prophet assumed control of the match, interspersed with Coleman’s comebacks. The crowd seemed to be biding their time, as if they never really bought Prophet as a serious threat to win. The beginning of the end was a twisting springboard dropkick. Coleman followed with the elevated flatliner and a frogsplash to Prophet’s back. Coleman applied a grounded cobra clutch but Prophet made the ropes. Prophet dumped Coleman to buy time. Coleman won it with the Comatoser. They did the respect deal in the postmatch.


(9) Tank & Iceberg destroyed Texas Treats (Don Juan & Chris Marvel) for a full 8:45 to retain the NWA Wildside Tag Team Titles. As Juan would say, Treats got “nutting” except a wicked beating. Tank has the Stan Hansen thing going on his lariats. Iceberg’s attack left Marvel gasping for air. Juan paid dearly for doing his dance routine in Berg’s face. The behemoths decimated him, including an avalanche splash and diving headbutt to the groin from the Iceberg. Juan ducked a lariat and dove for a tag. Tank killed Marvel dead with another lariat. The champions got the pin with slice ‘n dice Thigh Drop of Doom.


Tank and Iceberg did the fat guy version of Juan’s dance in the postmatch, which was both obscene and hysterically funny. Tank gave ref Speedy Nelson a special


(10) Onyx vs. Jeff Lewis (with Al Getz & Ray Gordy) never happened. Getz said he didn’t recognize Onyx because he was used to seeing him on his back. Getz wanted to know what was up with Gordy’s title shot since he beat Onyx in a non-title match. Getz said Lewis sustained an injury in training making it unsafe for him to wrestle, so they were forfeiting the match. Gordy tossed his drink in the champion’s face, and Lewis and Gordy commenced with a beatdown. That is, until Bailey appeared at ringside with Rainman and Mikal Adryan. Bailey said the NWA Elite were back, which meant that Getz’s 15 minutes of fame were almost up. Onyx clotheslined Lewis and Gordy over the top. Bailey told Onyx he was welcome but that was the last gift he would receive from the NWA Elite, because Rainman was going to be the next NWA Wildside Heavyweight Champion.


NOTES: Although all signs point towards Bill Behrens being a part of the WWE development program in Atlanta, neither Behrens or Jody Hamilton have signed contracts at this time…If Hardcore Hell is Behrens’ swan song with Wildside, he’s going out with a bang. Hardcore Hell ’04 is shaping up to be the biggest major show in company’s history. 3/25 has A. J Styles vs. David Young and a Reunion Rumble featuring Scottie Wrenn, White Trash and Shane Austin and many more. 3/26 has the return of Survivor Series star Romeo Bliss and Tony Mamaluke/Anthony LaGotto…Dan “The Dragon” Wilson missed the show due to family obligations. John Johnson subbed on commentary and Nigel Sherrod handled the ring announcing. The next big Friday Night Franchise show, Black Friday II is 2/25 at the NWA Arena…PWE has a show on 2/26 at the Sport-o-rama in Dallas, Ga with Tank, Iceberg, Rainman, Adryan and Fury…On 3/13 in Arlington, Texas, wrestlers will come together to donate their time to raise money for indy wrestler Joey Corman who just recently had cancer surgery and is currently undergoing radiation treatment. For further info or to send donations contact Mike Paige at [email protected].

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Guest DeputyHawk

Larry Goodman's report. I'm sure Onyx & Rainman have been 'hitting the gym' and getting bigger at every taping since the WWE connection rumours began to circulate.


3/5 NWA Arena Report


Posted By: Larry Goodman <[email protected]> (

Date: Sunday, 6 March 2005, at 5:23 p.m.


The countdown is on for what may be the final major show in NWA Wildside history, Hardcore Hell ‘05. If the two night extravaganza is the company’s swan song, they’re going out with a freaking bang. Getz Enterprises lost one title and won another. The NWA Elite got some gold…and a new member. It was a strong storyline show, and the inring was none too shabby either. It went down like this…


Bill Behrens opened the show with the announcement that Tony Mamaluke had come to terms with the WWE for an appearance on the ECW PPV. Mamaluke returns to Wildside at Hardcore Hell for a match with Survivor Series star Romeo Bliss on 3/26.


(1) Slim J beat Nick Halen in 7:33. Back and forth big moves produced a steady stream of near falls. Solid stuff. A sequence of counters left J crotched on the top turnbuckle. Halen hit a german suplex off the top. Both men on the canvas for a seven count. Halen came off the ropes and ate kick to the face in midair. Halen was able to fend off J’s Anger Management finisher. Halen hit the Nitro Driver bigtime, but J got a foot over the ropes. Halen went for a reverse roll up and J countered with Anger Management for the pin. Good opener.


Late arrival Dan “The Dragon” Wilson joined Steven Prazak in the announcing booth. John Johnson subbed on commentary for the first match.


(2) Caprice Coleman won a Mega Rumble to earn a shot at the NWA Wildside Heavyweight Title later in the evening (18:18). Ring announcer Nigel Sherrod explained that it was over the top rope eliminations with a new competitor entering very 60 seconds. Sweet Dreams and T. C. Carnage started. Nemesis joined Carnage for some 2 on 1 action on Dreams, but not for long as the mistrust between “natural enemies” sufaced. Murder One entered. He wasted both of their racist asses with a Blazin’ Lariat and a Spinning Doja Bomb. Shadow Jackson, Biohazard and Jacey North were the next three to come on down. Carnage knocked Dreams off the apron for the first elimination. North eliminated M-1 with a lariat. Nick Rampage entered and suplexed North over the top for elimination #3. Cru Jones was the next one in. Rampage, Carnage and Nemesis were eliminated in quick succession. That left Biohazard, Jones and Jackson. Biohazard applied a reverse figure four on Jackson. Jeff G. Bailey accompanied Mikal Adryan to the ring. Adryan played badass by making short work of Jackson and Jones. Biohazard and Adryan squared off for the first time in a Wildside ring. Biohazard had Adyran tapping out in the Pray for Death. Referee Speedy Nelson shrugged his shoulders. Anthony Henry was in and gone in the blink of an eye. Adryan did the deed. Adryan used an impressive variation of the rack drop on Biohazard. Brandon P attacked Adryan. Adryan quickly got P in a precarious position. Biohazard dropkicked Adryan, who no sold it and tossed Biohazard out. Good grief, did that ever look like crap. As a make up, Biohazard got back on the apron and took a spear from Adryan. The crowd popped for Masada. Adryan beat on Masada. Chris Marvel entered and started going at it with P. Don Juan was next. Treats were having their way with P. Juan danced. P dropkicked Juan into Marvel, knocking him to the hardwood. Caprice Coleman was next. Adryan greeted Coleman with the Kick of Death. Adryan slammed Masada. Adryan talked trash. P dumped Adryan out in midsentence for a great pop. Adyran got revenge by pulling the top rope down on P. That left Coleman and Masada as the final survivors. Coming off the heels of their great match on 2/5, this segment was disappointing. Coleman eliminated Masada with a skin-the-cat headscissors that didn’t look right at all.


(3) Jeremy V beat Todd Sexton (with Al Getz) to win the World TV Title in 9:03. The opening minutes were slow and cautious. Both men went to the ropes to force breaks. A heated exchange built to a Sexton enzuigiri. Sexton applied a reverse STF. V made the ropes. V rallied with a missile dropkick for a near fall. Sexton hit a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall and went back to the STF. V got another ropes break. V hit the VDT. One arm cover for a two count. V went on offense. Sexton tucked way late on a high backdrop. V connected with the VKO. V tried to finish with the VDT, but Sexton blocked it and nailed a superkick for a near fall. Sexton went back to the STF one more time and again, V made the ropes. Getz put the title belt on the ring apron and and went around the other side to distract the ref. But when Sexton went for the belt shot, Bailey ran out and grabbed it. V rolled Sexton up with a fistful of tights. The finish caught the crowd by surprise. V joined Bailey at ringside. They relished the moment. Bailey broke out a sh#t eating grin that's been in mothballs since Christmas Chaos. The other members of Getz Enterprises came out in a show of support for the former champion. Sexton was inconsolable. He beat up a chair on his way out.


(4) Salvatore Rinauro beat Jay Fury via DQ in 10:35. This was the rookie of the year showdown, as Rinauro, the only two-time (flip that, two-time) ROY in sports history faced the 2004 Wildside Rookie of the Year. Rinauro got the upper hand and said Fury was his ROY b#tch. Fans chanted “HBQ” at Rinauro. Fury dropped Rinauro on his nose and exploded with a flurry. Rinauro took a round of big bumps. At the 4 minute mark, Rinauro sent Fury into the turnbuckles with a Japanese armdrag. Fury came back with the Ninja routine, but Rinauro cut it short with a lariat. Rinauro used a well-timed dropkick to cut off another comeback. Rinauro missed with a springboard lariat. Fury leveled him with a spinkick. Fury went for a quebrada, but Rinauro got his knees up. Rinauro tried to end it with the Phoenix Fury Legdrop, but Fury countered, first with a german suplex and then with a a Mexican style rolling cradle. Fury landed a stiff roundhouse kick to the base of Rinauro’s neck. Rinauro countered Fury and caught him with the PFL. 1..2..Fury kicked out. Rinauro went for the trophy. J got involved. Rinauro decked him. Speedy Nelson got distracted. Fury ducked a trophy shot with the Jaytrix and hit the Enzufury. The trophy landed in Fury’s hands. Nelson saw Fury with the trophy and signaled for the DQ.


Fury grabbed a chair and comtemplated using it to crack Rinauro’s skull. The light bulb went on. Fury used the chair to blast Rinauro’s prized trophy to smithereens. Sal wept as he tried to piece his trophy back together. It was no use. Rinauro gathered up all the pieces and made his way to the back screaming, “Why, God? Why?” Academy award level stuff from Rinauro.


(5) Pomp & Circumstance (Ace Rockwell & Shaun Tempers with Al Getz) beat Iceberg & Tank to win the NWA Wildside Tag Team Titles in 10:31. The opening minutes saw Rockwell at his comedic best. Tank and Iceberg were not amused. The two monsters made Rockwell into a human ping pong ball, as they took turns delivering wicked shots. Tank busted out a surfboard facebuster maneuver. Iceberg hit a wicked clothesline. Rockwell begged for his life. Never one to be mistaken for a merciful human being, Iceberg responded with a flying headbutt to the nutsack. Tempers found an opening and snapped Tank’s throat off the top rope. P & C got heat on Tank. A fan accused Getz of being a homosexual. “Just because I care about my guys, it doesn’t mean I‘m g#y.” P & C doubled with the nirvana strangle drop for a near fall. Tank clobbered one of them with a rabbit lariat and hot-tagged Iceberg. Some super heavyweight house cleaning ensued. Iceberg accidentally took out Speedy Nelson with an avalanche splash. Iceberg was poised fpr a Thigh Drop of Doom off the middle rope, when Jeff Lewis waffled him with a chairshot. Rockwell drove Iceberg’s head into the mat from the top rope and covered for the title change.


(6) Onyx pinned Caprice Coleman to retain the NWA Wildside Heavyweight Title in 10:05. Good title match. Onyx is looking more jacked than ever. His traps rival Road Warrior Hawk in his prime. “I want that belt, holmes,” said Coleman. Onyx had more power and strength than Coleman could cope with standing. Coleman took it to the mat with a hammerlock/headscissors combo. Coleman got a pop with the spin scissors kick. Coleman applied a double underhook choke. Onyx backdropped out of it. Coleman’s eyes got big. Onyx patted Coleman on the cheek. Coleman continued to work at cutting off Onyx’s air supply. Onyx used a powerbomb to counter a figure four headscissors. Both men were suffering. Onyx caught Coleman on a springboard move and hit the Angry Man Slam for a near fall. Onyx applied the Jamaica City Dreams. Coleman broke it with knees to the head. Both men down. Shining wizard by Coleman. Coleman hit the Thermal Shock and made a dazed cover. Coleman went up for a guillotine legdrop. Not exactly dead on, but Onyx rolled to the floor selling it. Masada hit the ring wth a Masadamizer on Coleman. Onyx covered Coleman for the three count. Masada stood at ringside grinning at the both of them. Coleman refused to accept Onyx’s handshake.


(7) Rainman (with Jeff G. Bailey) beat Ray Gordy (with Al Getz) to become the number one contender for the heavyweight title (9:48). Stiff and intense. Speaking of jacked, Rainman must be living in the gym. He gets bigger at each taping and it’s not adversely affecting his mobility. Gordy is using “Carmina Burana” as his entrance music and has become quite the arrogant pr#ck. Rainman hammered on Gordy. Gordy used a drop toehold and controlled Rainman on the mat. Rainman came back brawling. Sitout powerslam for a near fall. Gordy connected with an enzuigiri to take over. Gordy was laying in the kicks. Gordy used a series of kicks to the hamstrings toi set up a cool standing leglock. Rainman got to the ropes. Gordy hit the twisting fisherman suplex. Gordy applied a single leg and then, a double leg crab. Bailey got up on the apron and Gordy broke the hold. Rainman hit the Spinesplitta. Gordy kicked out in the nick of time. Rainman tried for the Dark City Street Cutter. Gordy countered and hit a german suplex with a bridge for a great near fall. Gordy tried for the twisting fisherman again, but Rainman countered with an inside cradle. Rainman hit the Dark City Street Cutter to score the pinfall.


The victory celebration was cut short by the sight of the Lost Boys (Gabriel & Azrael) standing on top of the entrance structure. Rainman and Bailey appeared to be creeped out by the Lost Boys vacant stares, as they made a hasty exit.


NOTES: Last night’s attendance was 80…“Slow progress, but progress” is the word from Bill Behrens on the WWE development deal. Wildside TV Tapings are planned for 4/2 and 4/16…Fast Eddie will defend the NWA Wildside Junior Title at Hardcore Hell in a three way dance vs. Slim J and Jay Fury. All Wildside titles will be defended on night two (3/26). Stay tuned…Tony Stradlin has been added to the field for the Reunion Rumble for the first night of Hardcore Hell on 3/25, joining the previously announced Scottie Wrenn, White Trash, Shane Austin-Young, Corporal Cooter and Sergeant Hardner…In other local indie news…NAWA is done at Dillard’s in Rome, at least for the time being. The Dillards told NAWA owner Phil Heffner to give it a rest…Pro Wrestling Evolution may have found a home at the Sport-a-rama in Dallas. Their 2/26 show at that venue revived hope that PWE might be a viable operation after all…The UCW “television taping” scheduled for 3/4 at Earthlink Live (the old Centerstage) never happened. Promoter Ron Gossett continues to cancel more shows than he actually follows through on…EWC debuted in Greenville, SC on 3/1. They return on 3/8 with Adryan, Sexton, Rinauro, Lewis and Jackson…Booked for WWE television dates: Coleman for 3/7 Raleigh and 3/8 Roanoke. Jimmy Rave, Dreams, Adyran and Gordy for 3/14 Atlanta and 3/15 Savannah. Adam Roberts, Chris Michaels and Rainman for 3/21 Birmingham and 3/22 Memphis.

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Guest DeputyHawk
3/19 NWA Arena Report


Posted By: Larry Goodman <[email protected]> (

Date: Sunday, 20 March 2005, at 6:46 p.m.


NWA Wildside ran their final television taping prior to the Hardcore Hell weekend (3/25 and 3/26), the most gargantuan event in the company's five+ year history.


Like the taping two weeks ago, just about everyone on the roster was used to maximum advantage and there was no filler material. The inring was satisfying without taking anything away from what lies ahead next weekend.


This is a company that has, at times, been guilty of peaking too soon and hitting the big show somewhat flattened out. Not this time around. The stories were unfolding almost non-stop right through the final bell.


Bill Behrens opened the show with the announcement that Hardcore Hell would have 16 matches spread over the two nights with appearances by 70 wrestlers including A. J. Styles vs. David Young on 3/25 and Tony Mamaluke vs. Romeo Bliss on 3/26. Behrens also announced that Jeremy V would defend the World TV Title against former champion Todd Sexton on 3/26.


(1) Tank & Iceberg beat Alabama Attitude (Adam Roberts & T. C. Carnage) in 5:37. Crowd was really hot for the first half of the show. The former champs vented their frustrations on the Alabamians bigtime. Tank and Iceberg reversed roles on their combo moves. Attitude got heat on Tank, as best they could, by working on his back. Iceberg hit the ring with decapitation style lariats to set up the finish, a devastating Kneedrop of Doom off the middle rope by Tank onto Carnage.


Tank got right to the point in his postmatch promo. He warned Getz Enterprises that they had two pissed off fat guys on their hands. "So get that through your thick heads. We're pissed off, and we're gonna kill you."


(2) Jeremy V (with Jeff G. Bailey) beat Jay Fury to retain the World TV Title in 7:05. Fury was in Dragon Master Showcase mode. It was also V's best match in a long time. The heat for V's first appearance as a full-fledged heel was impressive. He got the "V sucks dick" chant right off the bat. Fury blitzed V with an array of crisp strikes and aerial moves in the opening minutes. When V caught Fury with a knee at three minute mark, he went right to the gutter on offense. Fury caused V to miss the VKO and crotch himself on the top rope. Fury hit a slingshot legdrop and Bailey put V's foot over the bottom rope. It turned into a slugfest. Fury launched a flurry of offense. Fury used the Jaytrix and went for the Enzufury. V ducked it and rolled Fury up using the tights.


V strutted around at ringside and in general, acted like a d#ck.


When the fans failed to honor Bailey's request for a round of applause for V, he called them ungrateful idiots, adding that V didn't care about their approval anyway. Bailey said it was the first in a long string of successful title defense for V, in the mold of the longest reigning television champion in NWA history, Rainman. Dan "The Dragon" Wilson complained about the ugly changes that had occured in V's personality. After all, Wilson believed that he knew the man. V collared Wilson and threatened to injure him severely. "You don't know him, you didn't know him, and he doesn't give a damn what you think," said Bailey. This segment was the perfect way to heap more hate on V.


(3) Fast Eddie (and the vermin known as Three Guys That Totally Rule) defeated Slim J to retain the NWA Wildside Junior Title in 10:35. The crowd popped huge for the first appearance by referee Mike Posey. Eddie is now residing in "the happiest place on Earth, Hollywood, Salifornia." Crowd gave Rinauro the "HBQ" chant again. J used a pesky headlock to wear down Eddie's neck. Rinauro gave Eddie a neck rub. J got near falls on an addled Eddie with a rolling prawn and the step up kick to the head. J hit that insane corkscrew plancha on Rinauro. Posey ordered Rinauro back to the dressing room. But as J attempted to re-enter the ring, Eddie muscled him up for a brute force powerbomb. Eddie went to work on J's back. Eddie posed and then sold his neck. Eddie kicked the crap out of J's spine. Eddie used a Canadian rack drop for a near fall. J came back with a barrage of blows, leading to the 360 Ace crusher. Zero X distracted Posey. Fury attacked X. While Posey was trying to break that up, Seth Delay clocked J with brass knucks. J was a sitting duck for Eddie's Russian Legsweep From Hell. Posey couldn't figure out what happened, which was pretty funny since Delay was waving his fist in the air with the knucks still in place.


(4) Nick Halen & Brandon P beat yet another version of Getz Enterprises (Todd Sexton & Jeff Lewis with Al Getz) in 7:30. The face team was in control until Sexton made a blind tag, which set up a wicked dropkick/powerbomb combo move on Halen. Sexton used an airplane spin but was too dizzy to follow up. Halen fought out of the heel corner to hit the Nitro Driver on Lewis. Halen then outgunned Sexton to get the hot tag. P exploded with a head and arm suplex on Sexton and the atomic facebuster on Lewis. Getz interfered. Sexton slapped P in a sleeper. P broke free with a jawbreaker. Halen flew from the top with a lariat on Sexton. Halen's big dive onto Lewis was dangerously off target, which kind of killed the crowd for the finish. P pinned Sexton with the Drop Zone.


Special Bulletin: As a result of P scoring the pinfall on Sexton, the powers that be decided to add P to the World TV Title match at Hardcore Hell to make it a three-way dance.


The members of the Enterprise were confronted by Tank and Iceberg and ran out the side door.


(5) Biohazard beat Mikal Adryan (with Jeff G. Bailey) via DQ in 4 minutes. Adryan slapped Biohazard. Bio spit on Adryan. It was on. Biohazard hit two big moves and tried to set up the Prey for Death submission, but Adryan countered with a sideslam. The crowd didn't get behind Biohazard the way they usually do. Adryan unleashed an imposing power sequence: two corner lariats, a butterfly suplex into the turnbuckles and a pair of corner splashes. Three corner splashes proved to be one too many. Biohazard stepped aside and launched his comeback. Adryan tossed Biohazard out of the ring and Urban Assault Squad (Shadow Jackson, Nemesis and Jacey North) beat the hell out of him. Biohazard took two noose bumps. Nick Rampage and Murder One made the save.


Bailey boasted that there was no opponent for Adryan at Hardcore Hell and that Rainman was taking the heavyweight title from Onyx. The lights went out...


Lights on...Azrael was in the ring and Gabriel was perched on the top rope. Lost Boys ##### Adryan with a kick to the face and a top rope double stomp. Just as they closed in on Bailey, the lights went out again...


Lights on...Altar Boy Luke was behind Bailey. The crowd chanted for Luke. Bailey turned around and freaked. But Luke turned on Gabriel. Adryan hit the Mafia kick on Azrael. Bailey started to rant. Luke hit high elevation guillotine legdrops on both of the Lost Boys. A contingent of babyfaces tried to make the save, but the Elite held them at bay. Tank and Iceberg lead a second wave out of the dressing room and the Elite bailed out. Hot, hot angle.


(6) Pomp & Circumstance (Ace Rockwell & Shaun Tempers with Al Getz & Todd Sexton & Jeff Lewis) beat Cru Jones & Sweet Dreams in 8:33. Rockwell said he had something to prove. He challenged Dreams to a dance contest. Funny stuff. Dreams took over on Rockwell. Unfortunately, a lot of Dreams' offense looked sloppy in this match. Rockwell then said he was all jacked up for Jones. Jones gave him a trapped arms suplex. Dreams and Jones used a wheelbarrow suplex/flying lariat combo on the hapless Rockwell. Sexton saved Ace's ass by snapping Jones' neck off the top rope. Heel heat ensued. P & C sent Jones to the floor with the Triple Play, and Lewis put the boots to him. Jones finally overcame the heel chicanery with a Monster Blitz on Rockwell. Hot tag. Half-assed house cleaning by Dreams. Ref bump. Dreams gave Rockwell a tombstone piledriver, but Alabama Attitude hit the ring with the Attitude Adjustment on Dreams. Rockwell pinned Dreams.


Rinauro lead Three Guys That Totally Rule into the ring. Rinauro said he had done the "Salgebra" and calculated tha Fast Eddie had beaten Slim J for the 6452nd time. Rinauro talked about the prodigious pimping abilities of "Kool" Seth "De Ladies' Man" Delay. Rinauro announced that Zero X would heretofore be known as "Precious" Patrick Bentley. Rinauro said Three Guys were the greatest supergroup in the history of wrestling invoking the likes of "Precious" Paul Ellering and the LOD, Dungeon of Doom and Skandar Akbar. AND they had cutest butts in wrestling. Rinauro said he was laying down the gauntlet. Dan Wilson announced that a supergroup would be at Hardcore Hell to accept the challenge from 3 Guys, but their identity would remain a mystery.


Al Getz accompanied Ray Gordy (wearing a swank new ring jacket) to the ring. It was supposed to be Masada vs.Caprice Coleman in this spot, but Getz said Masada had graciously given the spot to Gordy. Getz reiterated that Gordy beat Onyx in a non-title match and never got a title match. Getz, with his delusions of persecution intact, said Wildside was trying to screw him and the man who was champion by birthright.


(7) Ray Gordy (with Al Getz) beat Caprice Coleman to earn a heavyweight title shot at Hardcore Hell (13:48). The show stealer. Coleman tossed Gordy around. Gordy took a time out. Coleman took it to the mat with a 3/4 nelson and a stretch cradle. The tide turned when Gordy got his knees up on Coleman's rolling senton. Gordy worked over Coleman's upper back with a vengeance. Gordy went for the choke out with the Misawa facelock. Gordy kicked the bejeezus out of Coleman's back. Spinal taps? These were more like sledgehammers. Coleman fought off a boston crab and made the ropes. The action moved to ringside, where Gordy continued to administer punishment. Coleman surprised Gordy with a baseball slide around the ringpost. Coleman snapped Gordy's throat off the top rope with a diamond cutter. Coleman got amazing hangtime on a springboard splash that carried clean across the ring on the fly. Getz put Gordy's foot on the ropes to prevent the pin. Coleman locked in the cobra clutch crossface, but Gordy refused to tap. Coleman hit a series of three shining wizards. Both down for a count of four. Gordy kicked out of Coleman's delayed cover. Coleman hit the elevated flatliner. Gordy rolled a shoulder at 2 and 7/8. Getz tripped up Coleman, and Gordy rolled him up with his feet on the ropes for extra leverage. Great match.


(8) Onyx vs. Rainman (with Bailey) went to a 20-minute draw (actual time 15:25). Match was slow paced early. Rainman challenged Onyx to a pose down. Never thought I would see Rainman do a double biceps pose, but this isn't the same guy as 3 months ago. When Onyx won the back pose handily, Rainman charged with a rabbit lariat. Onyx ducked it and backdropped Rainman on his ass. Rainman kicked Onyx low. Rainman went to the animalistic brawling offense. Onyx made the comeback with a lariat. Ring announcer Greg Hunter made a five-minutes-to-go call at the 10 minute mark, (which gave away the draw finish since Wildside never makes time calls). Onyx took away Rainman's air supply with a bearhug and the Jamaica City Dreams. Getz and Gordy came out to observe. Rainman applied the Hillside Strangla, but Onyx broke it with a stunner. Onyx hit a powerslam for a near fall. They each countered the other man's finisher. Rainman hit the SPINESPLITTA~! Onyx kicked out and Bailey went nuts. One minute to go. Onyx hit the Angry Man Slam for a near fall. The Blackout? No. Dark City Street Cutter? No. This was one very long minute. Onyx nailed the Blackout as the bell rang.


Dan Wilson announced that since there was no winner, the NWA Wildside Heavyweight Title match at Hardcore Hell would be a three-way: Onyx vs Gordy vs. Rainman.


NOTES: Referee Mike Posey has given notice to TNA. Posey is booked for 3/21 RAW in Birmingham and 3/22 Smackdown in Memphis with the possibility of a dark match... Rainman is booked for 3/21 RAW...Biohazard has been added for the 3/21 and 3/22 WWE TV dates along with the previously announced Adam Roberts and Chris Michaels...Behrens confirmed that Tony Mamaluke would reform the FBI team with James Maritato/Little Guido/Nunzio at the WWE ECW PPV on 6/12...Attendance was 100.

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Guest DeputyHawk

I read more about Wildside than I ever get to watch but damn, I'm going to miss this fed.


Hardcore Hell Report- Night One 


Posted By: Larry Goodman <[email protected]> (

Date: Saturday, 26 March 2005, at 11:24 a.m.


David Young defeated A. J. Styles in the main event at the first night of NWA Wildside’s 6th annual Hardcore Hell event.


It was an outstanding match that, along with an emotional postmatch tribute, was the highlight of an otherwise unremarkable show.


The 2005 version of night one was somewhat of a letdown in comparison to recent first night shows. The first night of the 2003 show turned out to be the better of the two. The 2004 night one show closed with a terrific angle (Christopher Daniels turning on God Squad) to set up the main event (and Wildside match of the year) for night two.


The crowd was the same size (165) as last year’s first night show.


Bill Behrens announced that Biohazard would miss the show due to injury and that Masada couldn’t make it because he was headed back to Japan (see notes below).


The show opened with an awesome video retrospective put together by long time Wildside fan, Norko Kipte.


(1) Murder One & Nick Rampage beat Urban Assault Squad (Shadow Jackson & Jacey North with Nemesis) in 7:15. It wasn’t pretty. But it was stiff as hell and the crowd was hot for it. North cut a short promo, saying it was one down (Biohazard) and two to go. He ended up with a concussion and remembered zero about the match. Crowd broke into “kill the cracker” for North, which was the first of many chants during the first half of the show. M-1 came out blazing with forearm shots. At 3:15, heel chicanery sent Rampage to the floor, where Nemesis lit him up with a chop. Rampage took a sick bump on a side slam from Jackson, directly on the cervical vertebrae. Rampage dropped North on his head to get the hot tag. Murder One cleaned house with an exploder suplex on North. Jackson took a hideous bump over the top. Rampage pinned North after a Hart Attack double team. North was carried out by his teammates.


(2) Brent Silver beat Ken Westbrooks to retain the NWA Wildside US Title in 9:27. The US title is the prize on the weekly Friday night shows. Westbrooks has the athletic ability, and there’s no question about his wrestling skills (state champion in high school), but his striking needs major work. Silver goes around 250. He brings to mind both Triple H (body type) and Lex Luger (lack of fluid movement). Match was well laid out. Problem was in shaky execution. Silver used a cheap shot on the break. Westbrooks’ payback flurry built to an overhead belly to belly suplex. Silver rammed Westbrooks’ gut into the post a couple of times and generally worked over the body part. Westbrooks started going for Benoit’s triple german suplex sequence. Silver blocked #2 and struggled mightily with a backbreaker into a fallaway slam. Silver was sucking wind. Westbrooks hit two germans and then got the trifecta. Silver kicked out at 2 and 7/8. The crowd popped when Westbrooks got an ankle lock. John Johnson (Silver’s manager on the Friday night shows) left the announcer’s booth and ran down to ringside. Silver made the ropes with Johnson’s help. Silver used a low blow and went for his finish. Westbrooks tried to counter with an Angle slam. Silver escaped and got the pin with a sitout powerbomb. We had a Bennie Hinn moment, as Silver was miraculously healed and never sold the ankle at all.


(3) Alabama Attitude (Adam Roberts & T. C. Carnage) beat Sweet Dreams & Cru Jones in 9:19. The faces dominated the Alabamians early. Dreams looked a lot sharper than last week. Jones damn near knocked Carnage out with a lariat. The lights were flickering. Roberts turned the tide with a Russian legsweep, as Dreams took the heat. Nice double team powerdrive flapjack by Attitude. Carnage took a big bump on a missed moonsault. Dreams topped it with a missed tumbleweed. He might kill somebody if he hit it. A double down spot lead to the hot tag. Dreams got the worst of a suicidal flip dive onto Carnage. Meanwhile, Jones hit the Pounce on Roberts. Carnage smashed Dreams into the ring steps. AA doubled on Jones and pinned him with Attitude Adjustment. Jones was down in the ring for a long time. It looked like his neck got whiplashed on the finisher.


(4) Rick Michaels won the Reunion Rumble in 17:32. Another match with some good booking ideas (and in this case, some not so good) that ran into problems in the execution. Rules were over the top eliminations until only two men remained. It was 90 seconds between entrances. Former partners Sergeant Hardner and Cooter Calhoun, started it out. Rick Michaels entered by spitting a spectacular fireball. He went one on two against Platoon. The entrance of former NWA Wildside tag team champion White Trash got the biggest pop thus far. Trash still wields a mean stop sign. He blasted Calhoun and Hardner with the stop sign for some monster pops. Michaels turned on Trash with a Double Shot. Tony Stradlin was next. Stradlin has undergone an amazing physical transformation since his Wildside days. All hard work and clean living, no doubt. Stradlin put Michaels in a cravate. Michaels superkicked Stradlin in the liver. Shane Austin-Young was next. He was only there during Wildside’s infancy and I suspect very few fans knew him. Calhoun and Trash tumbled over the top rope. Austin eliminated Hardner. Scottie Wrenn got the biggest entrance pop of the night. Wrenn ran wild. He made short work of Stradlin. He hit the Psycho Slam on Austin, which got the “Tick, Tick” chant going. Wrenn turned heels on Michaels. Stone Mountain entered the ring, laid Wrenn out with the Landslide and eliminated himself. The crowd groaned with Michaels dumped Wrenn. Mountain and Wrenn battled to the back. That left Michaels vs. Austin-Young to decide the winner. It was no mat classic. Fans chanted “kill the mullet” at Austin-Young. He tried to used a chair. Michaels kicked it into his face. Michaels sandwiched the chair around Austin-Young’s groin and smashed it with a second chair. They brawled into the crowd. Michaels got major color. He had the crimson mask going before it was over. The finish fell flat when Michaels pinned Austin-Young with a horribly botched Double Shot. It’s supposed to be a facebuster into a neckbreaker. Austin-Young took the bump before Michaels got anywhere close to hitting the neckbreaker.


Tony Stradlin opened the second half of the show with a promo. Stradlin said that being relegated to the rumble match was a slap in the face to a newly signed WWE superstar. Stradlin issued a challenge to anyone that wanted to climb the ladder. The entrance of Caprice Coleman was greeted with chants of “Ice.”


(5) Caprice Coleman beat Tony Stradlin in 9 minutes. Technically sound compared to anything that had preceded it, but the crowd never really got into the match. For anyone that wondered why WWE isn’t intererested in Wildside guys, the size difference between Stradlin and Coleman told the story. Stradlin used a crossover collar and elbow. Stradlin did a funny bump where Coleman tripped him with a dropdown and he fell on his face. Stradlin tried to return the favor, but Coleman skipped over him and Stradlin ended up on the floor. Stradlin snapped Coleman’s throat off the top rope to take over. Coleman roared back with the spin scissors kick and high elevation legdrop. Stradlin used a series of strikes to put Coleman on the deck for a two count. Coleman dumped Stradlin with a skin-the-cat headscissors. Stradlin got his big near fall after knocking Coleman off the top rope with a whirling spinkick (Mr. Toad’s Magical Suit). Coleman responded with a pair of Northern lights into Thermal Shock. Stradlin kicked out at the last split second. A shining wizard brought more “Ice” chants. Coleman won it with the Comatoser.


(6) Nick Halen beat “Precious” Patrick Bentley (formerly known as Zero X) and Chasyn Rance and Mark Stephens in a four-way elimination match (11:40). Not bad but again, the crowd was sluggish. Strong pop for Halen, the lone babyface in the match. They pulled out a creative dive sequence in the early minutes. A 3-way spot saw Stephens do a springboard sunset flip on Halen, who did a german suplex on Rance. Rance eliminated Stevens with the Sensational Spike at 5:04. Halen escaped from the Spike and pinned Rance with a reverse roll up at 6:47. A fast-paced exchange lead to Bentley blocking the Nitro Driver. Halen pasted Bentley with forearm shots and scored a series of near falls. Bentley got his knees up to skewer Halen’s swanton bomb. Bentley got a near fall with a huracanrana. Halen blocked a rana and pinned Bentley with a Nitro Driver that was closer to a tornado bulldog.


(7) David Young beat A. J. Styles in 16:55. Just a great match. They wrestled early, with Styles working a side headlock and Young going to an armbar. Some moron yelled “boring” and Styles shot back with a remark. The idiot fan started heckling Styles, something I had never seen in Cornelia. Styles picked up his intensity bigtime with a beautiful dropkick. Then Young ripped Styles’ legs out from under him and he took an awesome face bump on the apron. Young hit a picture perfect hanging suplex. Styles landed a quebrada on his feet and as Young went for a quebrada, Styles caught him in midair with a spinkick. Styles did a full speed flip dive to the short side of the ringside area where’s there is no margin for error. NOBODY does that in this building. Styles hit a brainbuster for a near fall. Styles tortured Young with a standard Mutalock, a kneeling version and a bow and arrow. In between the big moves, they were absolutely beating the crap out each other with forearm shots. Young ducked one and caught Styles with a kitty corner springboard dropkick. Young powerslammed Styles for a near fall. Young went for a quebrada, but Styles got his knees up. Styles hit a springboard forearm. Styles took a full rotation bump on Young’s german suplex and a spin bump off a lariat. Killer sequence. Young went for a huracanrana. Styles tried to counter with the Clash but Young fought it off. Styles hit the Mindbender, but Young kicked out. Young countered another Clash attempt with a huracanrana. Both down for a count of five. Styles ended another super stiff exchange of forearms with the Pele kick. Young hit the spinebuster to score the pinfall. Standing ovation.


Young summoned Bill Behrens into the ring. Young talked about how he and A. J. had started in Cornelia. Young said Styles was as good a person outside the ring as he was a wrestler inside the ring. Young said Behrens was the one person that had stood beside them and taken care of them. Young said Behrens fought for him when there wasn’t much to fight for, and he was the one person in wrestling that never lied to him. Young presented Behrens with a plaque on behalf of A. J. and himself. Behrens was visibly moved as he read the plaque aloud. The three men hugged in the center of the ring. (Ken Wallace's photo at link below). It was a very touching moment to cap off a total class gesture by Young. Rick Michaels entered the ring. Michaels said the best times he ever had in the business came wrestling for Wildside. Michaels thanked Young for helping him build his reputation. Michaels echoed Young’s sentiments about Styles as a person, adding that Styles had earned everything that he had ever gotten in the wrestling business through hard work.


NOTES: Behrens announced that a special (final?) Wildside show would be held on 4/30…The Thomasellis, The SATs, Matt Sydal, Delirious and Daizee Haze are all scheduled to appear at the April television tapings (either 4/2 and 4/16)…Masada worked for FIP last night in a three way vs. Vordell Walker and Jared Steel…Romeo Bliss canceled out on his scheduled match for tonight’s show (vs.Tony Mamaluke), citing the restrictions of his services contract with CBS for Survivor…John Johnson subbed for Dan “The Dragon” Wilson on commentary for the home video.

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Guest DeputyHawk
Hardcore Hell Report- Night Two 


Posted By: Larry Goodman <[email protected]> (

Date: Sunday, 27 March 2005, at 1:22 p.m.


The second night of NWA Wildside’s Hardcore Hell ’05 is likely to be remembered among the top tier of big shows in company history. If indeed, it was the last one, they did it up right.


This Wildside at its best. A smorgasbord of wrestling — spotfests, hardcore, technical, comedy — all while staying true to its southern style rasslin’ roots. Three titles changed hands. This show had it all. The crowd of 170 was psyched from beginning to end.


Bill Behrens announced that Todd Sexton had withdrawn from the three-way for the World TV Title to face Tony Mamaluke to see who was truly “The Technician.”


All But Destroyed, a speed metal band featuring Wildside announcer Dan “The Dragon” Wilson on vocals, opened the show with a new version of the Wildside theme song “Destroyed By Design.”


(1) Double Deuce (Frankie Capone & Marcus Dillon) beat 911 Inc. (Bruce Steele & Rod Steele with “The Hardcore Giant” Ron Niemi) to retain the NWA Florida tag titles in 6:20. Bruce made an impressive showing. Capone looked much better than I recollected from seeing him several years ago. Capone took the heat. Capone crotched Rod on the top and superplexed him. Capone hot-tagged Dillon. Bruce got great ups when taking a backdrop. 911 turned things around. Bruce used a half Stroke on Frankie. 911 had Capone set up for a dastardly double team when Dillon speared Rod, as Capone used a rolling Mexican cradle on Bruce for a near fall. Dillon speared Bruce for the pin. Crowd got on Niemi with chants of “hardcore midget.”


(2) Slim J beat Fast Eddie & Jay Fury to win the NWA Wildside Junior Title in a three-way elimination match (13:07). A spotfest that rocked. Fury and J jumped the blind guy from behind. Eddie responded by destroying both of them on the floor. The three way spots in this match were terrific. Some terrific three way spot he first three-way spot was terrific. Eddie got J up for a vertical suplex, and Fury rode J to the mat with a springboard crossbody. Fury turned Ninja. Eddie put J in a gorilla press position and Fury came off the top with a double stomp on J. Eddie played power guy. He hit a double lariat and posed. Eddie’s kidney kicks are so rude. Fury gave Eddie a german suplex off the top as Eddie superplexed J. Fury hit a slingshot legdrop on Eddie. Fury hit a top rope belly to belly suplex on J. Eddie saved and hit the lungblower on J. Fury did the Jaytrix move and went for the Enzufury. Eddie ducked. J didn’t. Before Fury could follow up, Eddie caught him with the Russian Legsweep from Hell and the pin at 10:05. Eddie went for the legsweep finish on J, but he countered with a wind up lariat. J hit the 360 Ace crusher for a great false finish. Eddie caught J low with a donkey kick and dropped him on his noggin with a german suplex. Eddie mounted J on the top for the Fasteddious. J escaped. J did the move they’ve been building to for months, “the move that never works,” the Anger Management (shoulder mount head drop) off the ropes to regain the title.


(3) Jeremy V (with Jeff G. Bailey) beat Brandon P to retain the World TV Title in 10:40. Strong heel/face dynamic made for a hot match. The crowd brought the hate for V. V used the slap and run technique to get even more. P dominated V and gave a receipt with interest for the b#tch slap. P may have exceeded the Wildside record for lariats in this match. V dumped P and gave him a beating on the outside. V put a crease in P’s forehead with a direct hit on the rail. That blow really did leave a mark. Bailey put the loafers to P. When P missed an enzuigiri, V dropped an elbow and ran out to high five Bailey before making the cover. V used a VKO into a lariat for a near fall. V climbed. P shook the ropes to crotch him. P hit a head and arm suplex off the middle rope. V kicked out. P’s comeback built to the atomic facebuster. Bailey got on the apron. P went to take a swipe at Bailey. V weaseled out of the jam with a roll up using the tights. Blah finish.


(4) Altar Boy Luke & Mikal Adryan (with Bailey) beat the Lost Boys in 11:46. Lights out for the Lost Boys entrance. They had a table with them. The crowd was on fire, as they went right to an all out four-way brawl. Azrael punted Luke in midair. Lost Boys dished out some major punishment to Luke. Bailey pulled Luke out of harms way, lest he get his face crushed by Azrael’s charging knee. The heels got heat on Azrael. Adryan gave Azrael a double underhook suplex into the turnbuckles and Gabriel made the save. Adryan went for one Mafia kick too many and crotched himself on the top rope. Hot tag. Lost Boys hit the Time Warp on Luke. Fans chanted for blood. Gabriel hit the senton backsplash, but Adryan cut him down with the kick of death. Azrael escaped from Adryan’s Assisted Suicide finisher. Azrael managed to get Adryan up the Ted Bundy (vertical suplex dropped to a uranage). Damn impressive. Luke made the save. Lost Boys went to their repertoire of classic double teams for the Excommunicator on Luke and the head sandwich on Adryan. In the psychotic spot of the night, Gabriel stacked two chairs on top of Adryan’s back and set the table up over his body. Gabriel then did a top rope double stomp through the table, driving the chairs into Adryan’s back (see link to Ken Wallace's photo). The crowd chanted “Hardcore Hell.” Adryan kicked out. At least that’s what I think happened, because it was hard to see through Azrael and Luke, who were beating the hell out each other at ringside. Lost Boys tried for the Unholy Roller on Adryan. Luke spoiled it. Adryan threatened to powerbomb Gabriel through a table that was bridged from the apron to the rail. Just a tease. Only a person with a death wish would have taken that bump. Adryan destroyed Gabriel with a super powerbomb and Luke followed with a guillotine legdrop for the pin. Gabriel went after Luke in the postmatch.




(5) Tank & Iceberg beat Pomp & Circumstance (Ace Rockwell & Shaun Tempers with Al Getz) to win the NWA Wildside Tag Team Titles in 11:35. P & C used the element of surprise to get the jump on the two behemoths, as they entered through the front door. The blood was flowing from Tank’s head before the people had a chance to settle into their seats. Tank flipped P & C over the top rope. The babyface monsters dished out a horrific beating on the champs. Rockwell went head first into a propped up chair. Rockwell juiced. Tank blasted Tempers with a chair shot that surely cost him some much needed brain cells. Tempers was supposed to bleed as well, but it didn’t happen. Iceberg did a basement dropkick into a chair that was covering Rockwell’s privates. Iceberg splashed Rockwell. Tempers saved and dragged his partner’s carcass to the corner for a tag. The beating continued on Tempers. Tank shrugged off Rockwell’s missile dropkick. The champions’ situation looked hopeless. Jeff Lewis ran out and whacked Iceberg in the back with a chair (a nod to the finish where P & C won the titles). But White Trash (Tank’s former partner in Project Mayhem) made a surprise appearance and blasted Lewis with his trusty stop sign. Iceberg served up the Slice ‘n Dice Thigh Drop of Doom and Rockwell was dead meat. Crowd went nuts for the finishing sequence.


Tank did a tribute to Behrens. Thanked him for giving a “fat assed bald guy” a shot. Tank started to tear up. “You know I’m a real p#ssy.” Tank said there wouldn’t be a Tank or and Iceberg without Behrens. Tank said he had a soft spot for old Jeff G. Bailey even if he was a dickhead.


(6) Tony Mamaluke beat Todd Sexton via submission in 12:09. Great pop for the long awaited return of Mamaluke, or was that just me? Sexton told Getz, “I got this,” and sent him to the back. Mostly matwork, good matwork, for the first five minutes. Sexton made an ill-advised charge into the corner and got the post with his shoulder. Mamaluke seized the moment with a sweet bridging hammerlock. Sexton blocked a short arm scissors. At 7:30, Sexton sent Mamaluke flying off the apron into the rail. Sexton dropkicked the ringsteps into Mamaluke’s knee and generally tried to destroy the knee. Mamaluke blocked the sharpshooter. Sexton caught Mamaluke flush in the face with a perfectly-timed superkick for a great near fall. Mamaluke came back with a tornado guillotine choke. Sexton broke it with a suplex into the buckles. Sexton got the sharpshooter but Mamaluke made the ropes. Mamaluke got the Sicilian Stretch and the submission master was forced to tap.


Sexton called Mamaluke back to the ring for the mutual respect deal. Sexton’s former partner in T-N-T, Tony Stradlin came to the ring and clubbed Mamaluke. Sexton and Stradlin had an animated discussion. They decimated Mamaluke with a double superkick and put the boots to him. Their arch rivals in times past, the Lost Boys made the save. It will be T-N-T vs. Lost Boys on 4/2.


(7) Three Guys That Totally Rule (Salvatore Rinauro & Seth Delay & “The International Superstar” Jimmy Rave with “Precious” Patrick Bentley) beat Suicidal Tendencies (John Phoenix & Adam Jacobs & Jason Cross) in 16:32. This was the high point of the weekend. Everything I could have hoped for and more. The crowd was amped to the max once the “mystery opponents” made their first Wildside appearance in several years. Tendencies got a rousing “welcome back” chant. The ref pulled chain and a set of knucks out of Rave’s boots…and then the sock he had stuffed in his pants. Fans chanted “little bit.” Three Guys threatened to pack it in right there. Rinauro has developed the disturbing habit of rubbing his partners’ butts. Tendencies proceeded to hand 3 Guys their asses. Cross did the running SSP for a near fall. With Rinauro planted on the top turnbuckle, Cross gave Delay a series of headbutts into Rinauro’s nutsack. That brought the house down. Guys ran away when Tendencies threatened a triple dive. Jacobs got a pop for his slingshot slice ‘n dice legdrop. Guys finally got heat on Tendencies. A highlight was the wheelbarrow/gutblower combo by Rinauro and Delay. Swinging neckbreaker by Jacobs and the hot tag. Tendencies did the dive train, capped off by Cross launching over the top with an amazing corkscrew tope. They did a mind blowing sequence of sequence of finishing moves and saves. I know Rave had a jumping knee off the top and the Disco 2000 in there, both on Phoenix. Delay did the Kool Krusher on Cross. Rinauro hit the Phoenix Fury Legdrop on Jacobs. But Rave accidentally crotched Delay into the tree of woe. Tendencies served up a triple baseball slide. Cross did the Idolizer (double underhook flip into an unprettier) on one Guy into a slice ‘n dice on another of the Guys. Rinauro pulled Phoenix out to prevent the pin. Cross gave Rinauro THE BEST DAMN BRAINBUSTER IN NORTH AMERICA. Jacobs followed with the Georgia Jam. Phoenix followed that with a messed up 450. He went up and did it again. That wouldn’t have worked in a lot of situations but it didn’t matter here. Referee Mike Posey counted two and suddenly acted like he had a severe arm injury. Rinauro blindsided Phoenix. Rinauro covered Phoenix (his trainer) and Posey made the fastest three count in wrestling history. Fans pelted the ring with garbage. Hadn’t seen that in Wildside in years. Fast Eddie and Posey joined the celebration. Fans had to endure a lovefest on the ramp among all 6 of the Three Guys. The other refs stood around looking pissed off. It was beautiful.


(8) Rainman (with Bailey) beat Onyx and Ray Gordy (with Getz) to win the NWA Wildside Heavyweight Title in 12:52. They had a helluva tough act to follow and pulled it off in style. Rainman and Gordy tried to double up on Onyx. But “The Genetic Specimen” was more powerful than a locomotive and able to leap over tall building in a single bound. Then came the shocker. Gordy eliminated Onyx at 3:27 with a bridging t-bone suplex. Astonishment reigned. Gordy took over on Rainman. At 5:30, Rainman reversed a whip and sent Gordy barreling into the rail. Rainman hit a hanging falcon arrow that was very cool. Getz got on the apron to distract, but Bailey took exception to it. Bailey and Getz squared off. They got into a chest bumping altercation that was hilarious. Andrew Thomas did his best baseball umpire imitation to toss Getz. Bailey looked all smug. Thomas tossed him as well. “Get to stepping.” The crowd chanted “Andrew” for the man who was once the most hated man in Wildside. Gordy’s enzuigiri connected. Rainman came back with the Spinesplitta for a near fall. Gordy escaped from the Dark City Street Cutter and hit a bridging german suplex for one false finish. Rainman got the Street Cutter for another one. Gordy hit an exploder suplex but could not follow up due to the damage to his neck. Rainman hit a second Street Cutter to earn the heavyweight prize for the first time. The crowd chanted Rainman’s name. Bailey ran back out to celebrate with his new champion.


NOTES: Besides Lost Boys/T-N-T, the 4/2 TV taping has Iceberg & Tank vs. Luke & Adryan, J vs. Fury, Rainman vs. Murder 1, Three Guys vs. SATs & Quiet Storm, V vs. P, and Onyx vs. Gordy…The special Wildside show on 4/30 will feature a War Games main event…Phoenix said that Hardcore Hell was, in all likelihood, his last pro wrestling match.

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