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OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 12/23/04

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Immediately at 8pm EST, the show opens with an interior shot of an executive office, namely that of OAOAST Corporate spokesperson "Cowboy" Bill Watts. Sitting in front of him, looking rather somber, is Sly Sommers, one of Drek Stone's challengers come Climax.



Sly, are you...


All of a sudden, a voice muffled by the closed doors is heard. The words "breach of contract" are shouted over and over again, and grow louder, until Zack Malibu bursts into Watts' office, coming right up to Sommers.





Sommers, who has gotten up in preperation of defending himself, is urged to sit down by Watts.



Zack, why don't you take...



Why don't you SHOVE IT, old man? He breached it...he didn't listen, his word is no good! I want him gone Watts, you hear me? GONE! NO ONE DOES THIS TO ZACK MALIBU!






I want you to tell him, Watts. TELL HIM!



Not until you sit down and relax.


Breathing heavily due to his ranting, Malibu glares at the veteran, and sits down just a few feet from Sommers. Sly watches Zack from the corner of his eye, ready in case the loose cannon decides to mount an attack.



Now, this is a matter of great importance considering the state of affairs in the federation lately. Sly, you have become a contender to the World Title recently, however the match that was to take place between yourself, Drek, and Crystal will no longer include you.



What? Are you serious!? First off, I want a valid reason, secondly, what the hell is this babbling fool saying about "breach of contract"?


Watts just eyes Sly, and slides a copy of his recent shoot interview DVD across his desk, into Sly's hands.



THAT is the breach of contract! Give me that!


Malibu swipes the item from Sly's grasp, taking the disc out of the case and snapping it in two before standing up and throwing it in Sly's face!








The fuming Franchise steps back, once again claiming his seat, as Watts sits back in his own, and continues to talk to both men.



Sly, earlier this year when you and Zack were feuding, the both of you met with me, do you remember that?



Yeah, because pretty boy was worried about...



Sly, cut it, right there. Yes or no will do.



Yeah, I remember.



And at that time, it was agreed upon between the two parties that none of your real life issues would ever be aired as dirty laundry unless otherwise agreed upon, correct.



Yeah, but...



But, Sly, you went ahead and got a little too carried away in this shoot interview, and...



Bill, what the hell do you think a shoot interview is?



Sly, I know what they are.



Then why was I cleared to do one?



Sly, clearing you to do one is one thing. Going back on the contract drafted to keep you two from defaming each other on national television is another thing.



So what, is Malibu gonna sue "his" company now? Is that what this is all about? Money?



No, no it's not about money.


Watts looks at Sly, and then puts his head down.



Tell him, Bill. Tell him now.



Tell me what?


Watts hesitates.



Tell me WHAT, Bill?



Sly...Bryan...as of right now, you are hereby terminated by the OAOAST.



WHAT? But I've got a title...



Bryan, it was a breach of contract, and legally, you could have caused a hell of a mess for us. Now the issue for resitution lied between Zack and our offices, and this was the agreement the two parties came to.



You're...you're going to go with what HE'S saying? I do not believe this shit!



Sly, I'm sor...



Sorry my ass, Watts!


Sommers gets up and storms to the door, until he pauses when he hears Malibu's voice.



Hey Sly...


Sommers turns around.



...I told you, this was my company. Good luck finding work without my name attatched to you. Oh, and my legal department will be in touch. Things are settled with corporate, but I'm going to make sure those $30 payoffs you get in East Hicksville go right into my bank account.


Sommers, beet red and fuming, slams the door behind him, our last visual of a smirking Zack and a somber Bill Watts, as we fade out.


HeldDOWN is presented by OAOAST Entertainment.





Katy Rose's "I Like" blares across the speakers of the arena and the TV sets of America as we kick off another edition of HeldDOWN!! The opening montage airs, followed by the LOGO....




...and the FIREWORKS....




And we cut to a shot of the hyped-up crowd, screaming their lungs out, before cutting to your favorite announce team and mine, Triple C!






Again with the hyperactivity! I like it!



I don't.



Well TONIGHT, what a main event we have! For the OAOAST Title, Drek Stone defends...against RAGDOLL, can you believe it?



No, I cannot. That is going to be one sick match.



Without a doubt. Plus, the following match that has gained quite a bit of press online...



On the internet?









I'm sure it's very exciting to you, first-grader.



It is!



Fans, we're about to show you a match that gained a ton of press online due to the chaos that erupted during the match. With Hell's Hitmen being out of action, thanks to the beatings they received at the hands of the New New Midnight Express two weeks ago, and with the NNMX being suspended until this Sunday night at Climax, this shows the hatred the two teams have for one another. You saw highlights of this at Thanksgiving Star Wars, but tonight the OAOAST airs the entire match UNCUT and UNCENSORED! Without further ado, "Narcissistic" Ned Blanchard vs. JINGUS, taped 3 weeks ago in Oklahoma City.





The sound of Verdi's "Reqieum" drowns out "Chase," leading to the appearance of the Devilman himself, JINGUS, along with the Sadist. As usual, Hell's Hitmen powerwalk to the ring, in the straitjackets they began wearing when the Hitmen returned from the beating they received at the hands of James E.'s New New Midnight Express in late August.




The Handsome Hustler & the Devilman have an in-ring stare down, prompting Jim Cornette to ask referee Nick Patrick to check JINGUS for hidden foreign objects. In the interest of fairness, Ned allows Nick to check him out as well, asking: "Do you like what you see?" Patrick brushes off the comment, checking Blanchard's taped wrists, trunks, kneepads and boots. "All clear," Patrick says, walking over to JINGUS' corner. Nick checks JINGUS' red and black devil horns mask... RUNNING CLOTHESLINE INTO THE CORNER BY NED. Blanchard with the cheapshot. JINGUS is rocked against the turnbuckles with an array of punches, jabs and bodyshots. Ned rams the Devilman's head into the top turnbuckle. JINGUS counters an Irish Whip to the opposite turnbuckle, sending the Blanchard into the corner instead. BACK BODYDROP. The Handsome Hustler staggers back into the corner following a BIG BOOT. JINGUS with a RUNNING SPLASH IN THE CORNER. Better known as a Stinger Splash, a move made famous by former NWA/WCW World Champion Sting. JINGUS lifts a dazed "Narcissistic" Ned up for a TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER, but Jim Cornette saves his man, jumping on the apron, distracting the Devilman who drops Ned in favor of drilling Cornette with a big right hand. Corny flops on the apron, then to the arena floor. Ned CLOTHESLINES JINGUS OVER THE TOP ROPE. "Sarcastic" Simon stomps on JINGUS on the outside, as "Narcissistic" Ned keeps referee Nick Patrick distracted. The Sadist...BIG BOOT! Simon is down. The Sadist has Singleton set for a POWERBOMB.



He's going to powerbomb Simon on the arena floor!


No-- "Narcissistic" Ned with a double-axehandle off the top, to the back. Ned & Sadist exchange haymakers. Knee into the gut of Ned... Sadist drops Blanchard across the security railing.




"Cowboy" Bill Watts leads a group of officials, including agent Terry Funk, and OAOAST security ringside to break up the brawl between Hell's Hitmen and the New New Midnight Express.




Bill Watts has a discussion with OAOAST security forces and referee Nick Patrick. Two security officials hand Watts a PAIR OF HANDCUFFS, which are given to Nick Patrick after Watts whispers something into his ear. Patrick walks to the corner of the ring, where ring announcer Michael Buffer awaits. Buffer nods his head as Patrick tells him whatever decision was reached during the meeting between himself, Watts and security.



Ladies and gentlemen, if I may have attention please. I have been informed by referee Nick Patrick that OAOAST Chairman "Cowboy" Bill Watts has ordered this match TO CONTINUE under the stipulation that "Sarcastic" Simon Singleton & The Sadist be HANDCUFFED TO THE RINGPOST! Repeat: This match will continue!


Watts stands dead-center in the ring, pointing his arms out in the direction of the two ringposts where "Sarcastic" Simon & The Sadist will be cuffed. Handcuffing Simon to his ringpost is a lot easier than getting the Sadist to, who refuses to let OAOAST officials cuff him. OAOAST agent Terry Funk is sent to make sure Sadist is cuffed to the ringpost, but the Sadist CHOKESLAMS FUNK ON THE ARENA FLOOR! All of the officials and security forces who came down to ringside rush the Sadist, using his own straitjacket to contain his rage, allowing security to cuff him to the post. While all of the officials are busy with Sadist, Jim Cornette throws his TENNIS RACKET over the top rope to "Narcissistic" Ned who uses it to WHACK JINGUS ACROSS THE BACK. JINGUS was watching his partner get cuffed to the ringpost, which enabled Ned to use the racket. JINGUS falls to the canvas, but still gets hammered by the racket until Ned tosses it back to Cornette when Nick Patrick re-enters the ring.




Blanchard with the scoope slam. To the top he goes. "Narcissistic" Ned not known for his high-flying, that's "Sarcastic" Simon's forte, but I guess you'll do anything to keep a 6'8", 367 pounder down. FLYING KNEEDROP, RIGHT IN THE HEART. Like his former partner Dan Black -- which many believe composed the greatest tag team in OAOAST history, the Miracle Weirdness Connection -- JINGUS may not even have a heart. The man is as cold-blooded as they come.








JINGUS sits-up. Ned comes back with a running neck snap, jerking the head forward as he flips over the Devilman. A move perfected by Mr. Perfect, the late Curt Hennig. Blanchard SLINGSHOTS JINGUS INTO THE TURNBUCKLE NEAR HIS CORNER, sending 300+ pounder chestfirst into the top turnbuckle. Blanchard repeatedly slams JINGUS' head on the top turnbuckle, then drives him between the top and middle turnbuckle, ramming the Devilman SHOULDERFIRST INTO THE RINGPOST. JINGUS slouches down to the middle turnbuckle, the only thing keeping him up at this point. Nick Patrick orders Ned to let JINGUS out of the corner, but Ned continues to stomp him, forcing Patrick has to pull Ned back himself. Patrick, occupied with Ned, doesn't see "Sarcastic" Simon get in a few blows on JINGUS. Even Jim Cornette gets in on the action, RAMMING THE HANDLE OF THE RACKET ACROSS JINGUS' THROAT. While all this is going on, the Sadist is going completely bonkers in the corner.


Ned covers J.








Ned quickly gets up, hitting JINGUS with the SLINGSHOT SUPLEX!








The Devilman kicks Ned in the midsection over and over again until Ned's backfirst on the top turnbuckle. Once he is, JINGUS lifts the Handsome Hustler up in a TORTURE RACK, then slams him over his shoulders facefist on the mat. BURNING HAMMER (Reverse DVD)!











The winner of the match...JINGUS!


Jim Cornette runs, or waddles depending on the way you look at it, to the other side of the ring, hitting the official who's responsible for releasing the two men cuffed to the ringpost with his tennis racket. Cornette grabs the key and heads over to the corner where "Sarcastic" Simon is at, freeing the Sultan of Sarcasm. Then Cornette jumps into the ring and HAMMERS JINGUS ACROSS THE BACK WITH THE RACKET. JINGUS turns around, and sticks James E. between his legs. He's going to GANSO BOMB Jim Cornette! He has Cornette up, but "Sarcastic" Simon WHACKS JINUS WITH A CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD. Unfazed, JINGUS drops Cornette and LIFTS UP SIMON BY THE HEAD, the prelude to the CLAWSLAM. Cornette hits JINGUS low with the tennis racket. JINGUS doubles over, allowing Simon & Cornette to simultaneously nail JINGUS across the head and legs with a STEEL CHAIR (head) & TENNIS RACKET (legs). Jim Cornette blasts referee Nick Patrick with the racket for getting in the way. The New New Midnight Express with the ROCKET LAUNCHER.


Cornette and the NNMX attack Sadist, hitting him with steel chairs and Cornette's tennis racket.


* DING *


Simon Singleton blasted the Sadist with the ringbell. The Midnights and Cornette are pounding Hell's Hitmen with STEEL CHAIRS AND TENNIS RACKETS. The Sadist is RAMMED HEADFIRST INTO THE RINGPOST UNTIL HE'S BUSTED WIDE OPEN.


Blood pours out of the Sadist's forehead, especially the "MX" that was carved into his head weeks ago. Finally OAOAST officials come out to restore order.





New New Midnight Express vs. Hell's Hitmen




*cut to commercial*

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"It's Goin' Down" hits the PA system and the arena lights begin to dim. A blue hue covers the crowd, a cloud of smoke begins to emit from the locker room and a bright white strobe light flashes upon the entrance.


Watch them flee...


Watch them flee...


Wa...Wa...Watch them flee [hip hop hits]




And you do it like this!


Suddenly, the locker room curtains swing open and out walks an angry Chris Bryte. In addition to his trademark shades, Bryte's also wearing a white and black-stripped button-up shirt (with the the collar unbuttoned), black slacks and loafers. He's pelted with jeers as he looks into the crowd with a sneer on his face. Then, he pops his collar and starts down the ramp to the ring.



There he is, ladies and gentlemen. The one and only Chris Bryte...



The man who should be a top contender for the X Title right about now!



Chris Bryte is coming off that spectacular match last week with the X-Division Champ, Leon Rodez...



And Bryte outclassed Rodez in every way, shape and form. Tell it like it is, Cole!



Well...that's open to debate, and something that's also open to debate is the finish to that match. At the end, Leon Rodez connected with his finisher, Because The Lady Loves--that patented 450 of his from the top rope. Rodez was slow to cover, though, having injuring himself upon hitting the move, and by the time he was able to top Chris Bryte, Brock Ausstin rushed out to cause the disqualification. Rodez was your winner as a result of a DQ...many who saw that match felt that prior to the run-in, Chris Bryte was beat! They felt as though Rodez had the match won with that 450...



...but there's still a sizeable portion of the locker room that felt that Bryte would've kicked out if not for the interference from Brock, and I'm one of them, Cole.



The locker room has been split down the middle in their opinions on the outcome of that match. Did Leon have the match won? Would Bryte have kicked out? We don't know thanks to the interference of The Current Big Thing.


By now, Bryte has reached the ringside area and is now headed into the ring. After stepping through the ropes, he walks over to the far side of the ring where he calls for a mic from Michael Buffer. Buffer obliges him, and after receiving the mic, Bryte heads back out to the center of the ring, where he signals for the music to be cut. Slowly, his theme song fades out as chants of "Chris Bryte Sucks" echo throughout the arena. Disdain is written all over Bryte's face as he waits for the chants to die out. They don't, however, and instead seem only to grow louder. Bryte taps his right foot impatiently.



Yeah, yeah! Keep it up, you assholes! I can wait right here in this ring until you're done! Hell...I'll stay out here all night if I have to! It really doesn't matter to me!


A roll of boos comes up from the crowd as the chants begin to fade. Bryte looks smugly into a camera propped up on the apron before continuing.



Now...last week here on HeldDOWN, you people witnessed a miscarriage of justice! You witnessed what was in my mind the crime of the century! Last week was supposed to be special! It was supposed to be the night that I, Chris Bryte, took my very first step on that path to superstardom by taking that so-called sex symbol...Leon Rodez...(Crowd pops in the background) yeah, yeah! I was gonna take him and pin him 1-2-3 right in the middle of this ring, thus becoming the top contender for the X-Division title! Now you people can ask around...from coast to coast. Ask around the locker room. Ask anybody on the face of this planent, and they'll tell you that last week, Chris Bryte gave Leon Rodez the most horrific beating of his entire, worthless career! (crowd boos) You boo all you want, but you can't deny it! I OWNED Leon Rodez! I outclassed him in every way...I practically beat the man within an inch of his miserable life, and I was just a few seconds away from finishing it all...from putting that hack...that so-called champion out of this sport once and for all, when that good for nothing bastard BROCK AUSSTIN brought his ass down to ringside and he ruined it all! BROCK AUSSTIN COST ME MY CHANCE AT GREATNESS, DAMN IT!!!!!!!


The crowd pops in the background, unnerving Bryte a bit. He lowers his shades a bit and looks over them, glaring into the crowd while breathing through clinched teeth. He continues.



You people know it! Everybody in that locker room knows it! If Brock Ausstin hadn't stuck his nose in my business, I'd have beaten Leon Rodez...I'd have embarrassed Leon Rodez, and quite possibly, I'd have ran him out of this company for good. But no...because of that asshole Brock Ausstin, that hasn't happened. Brock Ausstin ruined what was supposed to be a special night for me, and damn it I AM PISSED OFF!!!!! (crowd boos) I am pissed the hell off, and here tonight on HeldDOWN, I'm gonna make somebody pay! Ya hear me?! I'm gonna ma--


Bryte's cut off midsentence by the sounds of Biohazard's "Punishment." The crowd gives a mixed reaction as Brock Ausstin steps out from the back with an anxious Kevin Yancy Taylor following not far behind. Taylor runs to Brock's side and tries to talk him down, but he's promptly shoved aside as Brock continues his power walk down to the ring.



Oh my goodness, folks. We could have another explosion here. You remember the situation last week between these two.


Brock leaps onto the apron and steps through the ropes before advancing on Bryte. Bryte begins to cower somewhat, but stands his ground as Taylor enters the ring and steps into Brock's path. Chants of "FUCK HIM UP BROOOO-OCK, FUCK HIM UP!" *clap, clap* break out across the arena as Taylor tries to talk Brock down. Then, he turns back to Bryte.



Chris...listen to me, Chris! I know that you're upset...I know that there's been a little misunderstanding between you and Brock, but if we can just take this to the back and talk this out...just the three of us...then--AHHHHHHHH!


The crowd pops big as Brock Ausstin shoves Taylor to the mat and steps to Bryte, causing him to backpedal. The pro-Brock chants grow louder as Ausstin glares Bryte's way with a stern look on his face. As the camera zooms in on him, though, one notices that hardened look slowly transforming into a smile. A perplexed Taylor looks on as Brock snatches his mic off the canvas and turns back to Bryte.



You're upset, Bryte man? (Bryte nods, reluctantly) You're mad at me about last week? After I came down to the ring to help YOU out?!



No, no, no! Wait a minute, pal! You just wait one damn minute! I don't need any help from YOU when it comes to beating a shmuck like Rodez!



Well that's not what it looked like to me. It looked more to me that when I got down to that ring last week...YOU WERE GETTING YOUR ASS KICKED! (crowd pops)



I...(sighs) I was getting my ass kicked?





The crowd pops once more as Bryte's eyes widen, Brock's words bringing to mind their confrontation from last week. Suddenly, things begin to become all too clear for Bryte.



You piece of trash! You no good piece of trash! YOU COST ME THAT MATCH ON PURPOSE!!!!!


Brock tosses his head back and laughs, angering Bryte even further.



You sonuvabitch, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!!! I OUGHTA--


Bryte starts towards Brock, but stops dead in his tracks when Ausstin steps to him, telling him to "bring it"! Bryte begins to backpedal once again, causing Brock's smile to widen. He breaks into his HAPPY HAPPY HOSS DANCE~! as Taylor snatches the mic from his hand and comes between the two once more.



That's enough, you two! Stop it! This is all just one big misunderstanding...just a big misunderstanding. Remember, you guys: you're on the same team. The two of you are part of a well-oiled machine. You're a part of a unit bound together by a common goal, and that goal is the complete and utter destruction of PANTHER!!!!!!!


THUNDEROUS pop from the crowd upon the mention of Panther's name. All three men look annoyed as LOUD chants of "PAN-THER, PAN-THER" echo throughout the arena. Taylor works to quiet the crowd down, but is unsucessful. A frustrated Bryte begins to pull at his hair as the chants continue!





The chants continue, and the camera focuses on a female fan in the front row holding up a sign that reads "Panther is my hero." We cut back to the ring now, where Bryte is beginning to flip.



ARRRRRGH! "PAN-THER!!!!! PAAAAN-THERRR!!!!! PAAAN-THERRR!!!!!" That sonuvabitch Panther...(deep breath). Ya know what Unc...ya know...that sonuvabitch, Panther! You're right Unc! You're absolutely right! These people are chanting for Panther, but lemme tell ya: I promise you that the next time you see Panther is gonna be on a stretcher being loaded up into the back of an ambulance! (crowd boos) See Unc, I heard Panther last week...he wants me in a match! He wants me in this ring one more time as soon as he gets back! (chuckles) Oh boy, Unc, I just wish that sonuvabitch was hear tonight! I wish that Panther was here, because not only would I accept that challenge, but--


Suddenly, "Roc U" by the Young Gunz and Beanie Sigel kicks in over the PA system, and the video feed is replaced by a black and red radar screen, at the center of which, a glowing red Panther's head appears after each sonar revolution. After the seventh revolution, the radar fades away, leaving just the glowing Panther's head. All at once, the head zooms forward, and…





…we're taken back out to the darkened arena, which is rocked by a HUUUUUUUUUUGE pyro blast. A thick cloud of smoke forms at the entrance, and a bright white spotlight emits from the locker room, highlighting the silhouette of a male figure. The light steadily gets brighter as the cymbals begin to clash in the background, each clash accompanied by a bright red spotlight, which highlights a portion of the HeldDOWN set. Finally, at approximately the 23 second mark, the white light disappears and the red spotlights converge on the entrance, where Panther steps through the smoke with a look of intensity in his eyes. The crowd gives him a standing ovation as he surveys the crowd, a big smirk on his face as he takes in the reaction. Tina steps out from the locker room behind him, at which point, she and Panther start down the ramp towards the ring.



Oh boy!



Now what the hell is he doing here?!






But look at Bryte, Cole! Bryte's not backing down!


Indeed, he isn't. The arena lights returns to normal as Panther and Tina near the bottom of the ramp, at which point, Panther leaps onto the apron and shoots Bryte a hard stare. Bryte waves him on, inviting him into the ring to confront him, but suddenly, Bryte is tossed aside by Brock, who also wants a piece of Panther. Panther smiles and steps through the ropes, preparing to go face-to-face with The Current Big Thing, when suddenly...






What in the world?!


Panther's music stops abruptly and the camera cuts to the stage, where we see a bevy of officials rushing out from the locker room area. The fans boo as they hit the ring and usher Panther, Bryte and Ausstin back to neutral corners. All three men look anxious to go as the camera cuts back to the stage, where Bill Watts emerges from the back with a mic in hand.



Wait a minute! Wait just a minute!



Now what's he doing out here, Cole?



Bill Watts...sending out the troops to try and break up this situation in the ring. I don't think anybody's happy about that, 'Boose.



Damn right they're not. Listen to this crowd. They wanna see these guys go at it, and so do I. I'd love to see Panther get his tail handed to him in this ring tonight.


Tina argues with some of the officials from the apron as chants of "LET THEM FIGHT" start up in the crowd. Watts raises a hand to try and quiet the crowd down.



Now normally, with the issue between you gentlemen being as great as it is, I would jump at the chance to toss you guys into the ring and allow you to settle your differences. That, however, can't happen here tonight, because thanks to attacks perpetrated against him by you, Ausstin, and you, Bryte, Panther is injured, and has been left unable to compete.


Panther rolls his eyes as the crowd, echoing his sentiments, starts their chant up once again.



Panther has not been medically cleared to wrestle, and with all of the legal problems and publicity I've had to deal with this year because of this Panther/Bryte rivalry, I'm not gonna risk allowing Panther to step into that ring only to be injured further! I won't allow it...however, Panther, I'm glad you're here tonight, because I want to address your challenge from last week's HeldDOWN! You see, Panther, Iast week, you requested from me a match with Chris Bryte immediately upon your return--all secondary parties banned from ringside, and I've taken your request into consideration. And after reviewing the events of last week, I felt the need to sign Chris Bryte to a match this Sunday night at Climax!


The crowd pops in approval of Watts's announcement. In the ring, Panther has a huge smile on his face as Watts continues.



Chris Bryte will be in action this Sunday...but he will NOT be in action against Panther. (crowd boos)






Why not?!



Again, Panther has not been cleared to wrestle, and won't be cleared to wrestle until next Thursday, December 30th, when--as per Panther's request--he will do battle with Chris Bryte on this very program under the stipulations specified in the challenge he made last week.



Oh my! You heard it, folks! Next week on HeldDOWN, Panther takes on Chris Bryte to settle the score once and for all. No interference; no secondary parties at ringside...



Yeah, Cole! But what about Climax? Who's Bryte facing at Climax?!



As for this Sunday, Chris Bryte will be in a match! Not against Panther...








Oh my!!!!!!


The crowd ERUPTS in the background as in the ring, Taylor flips. He rushes over to the ropes with mic in hand.



No!!!!! You...you can't do that, Watts! You cannot force my men to face one another! We're a team, damn it!!!!!!!! We're a team!!!!!!



Listen, Taylor...



No, you listen! You cannot do this! I won't allow you to do this...



You don't have any say on the matter, Kevin; the match has been made.


And with that, Watts turns and walks back to the locker room. In the ring, Taylor tosses the mic to the canvas while shouting obscenities Watts's way. From the corner, Brock has a smile on his face.



Oh my goodness folks! What a huge match signed by Bill Watts! Bryte and Ausstin for this Sunday at Climax!!!!!



What crap that is! He cannot do this, Cole! They're part of the same stable!



Brock and Bryte for Climax! Panther and Bryte for next week! What a week it's gonna be!



Amazing. I admit, I can't wait. Unless it's for this man!!


*cut to the back*


The shot sees the OAOAST Champion, title belt slung over his shoulder, walking through the corridor, obviously looking for something. His eyes widen when he finally locks eyes on who he has been searching for, and one word soon exits his mouth…





The camera pans around to see Drek’s opponent for tonight, Austin ‘Ragdoll’ Baker standing in front of him, HI-YAH World Title over HIS shoulder, a half-grin present on his face. Drek continues.


“How could you do this? We’re allies! We’re friends! What the hell is your major malfunction?!


Ragdoll steps closer to Drek, as he replies, passion filling his voice.


“Why not Drek? You think just because we are friends that I’m going to neglect the dream that I’ve had since I entered this company? You think I’m just going to throw away any chance I have of wearing that title because my friend has it in his possession? You thought wrong. I’m a certified Hall of Famer. I’ve been the X Division Champion, and I’ve beaten the best. But I’ve never been the OAOAST Champion. You think I want to go through my career without being the Champion? No Drek. I want that title, and I want it tonight.”


Drek sighs and lowers his head, before stepping face to face with Ragdoll.


“What you need to do is focus on Sunday Ragdoll. You need to focus on Axel, and your careers match. You need to focus on ending Axel’s career this Sunday Ragdoll, that has to be your number one priority at the moment.”


“Well Drek, I’ve made it my number one priority… after tonight. After I become the OAOAST World Champion. And if I have my way, then this Sunday I won’t just retire Axel… I’ll kill Axel. So, tonight will be the calm before the storm. A straight up wrestling match between you and me. We’re allies, yes, so therefore we should show each other respect. Then, after the match, its back to normal.”


Ragdoll and Drek look at each other uneasily. Ragdoll offers his hand, and Drek accepts it, but both know that when they get out to the ring tonight, it will be a different story, all bets will be off.


“Okay Ragdoll, you got it. After the match, its back to being allies, because I WILL win. I WILL beat you. This is a huge mistake by you Austin, it could severely damage your momentum.”


“Oh, but it won’t. Because this is a completely different ballgame on Sunday Drek. Tonight is about wrestling. Sunday is about livelihood, about life. Sunday is about more than the one-two-three in the middle of the ring. What Axel and I do to each other this Sunday won’t be wrestling. What Axel and I do to each other this Sunday will be ugly. It will be violent. It will be disturbing to everyone but myself and Axel. You will be disturbed by it Drek. The entire locker room will be disturbed. But we won’t be. Axel and I, we will love every second of it, because we know what it means. It means that we will be rid of each other, whatever the outcome. Hell, I know Axel doesn’t even care if he loses; he just wants me to suffer. And I want the same. I want him to suffer through his last moments as a professional wrestler. I want him to remember his last match as a time of immense pain and suffering. I want him to question whether or not there is a god, because of the level of torture that he will experience. But tonight Drek, tonight you and I will go one on one in a straight up, normal contest. And make no mistake Drek, I will beat you and become the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion.”


“Well you just keep telling yourself that, but need I remind you that while you have been here going on two years, it took me SIX MONTHS to win the World Championship. You think I’m going to give it up? Hell no. This is my first title defense, and you are going to find out why I rose to the top so quickly. See you out there.”


*cut to commercial*

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“What to do…..what to do…..”


The scene opens up to find Axel standing in front of a mirror, a thoughtful expression present on his face.


“This is a tease. This is definitely a huge tease.”


Not even bothering to notice the camera, he blinks his eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath. With his right hand, he forcefully brushes his hair back past his ear and simply places his right fist on a nearby wall.


“Now, Axel, think this one through. There’s a lot riding on this tonight. A lot.”


Using that right fist as support, Axel pushes himself off the wall and starts to anxiously, yet slowly, pace around the room.


“On the one hand, you do not want to ever see the sight of Ragdoll holding the OAOAST Heavyweight Championship. It would kill you. You know you’re better than him. You know you deserve to hold that title before he ever gets his filthy hands on it. You know he shouldn’t even have this opportunity tonight. He has tried to end your career time and time again. Whether it be blowing fire in your face or trying to literally rip your eyes from their sockets, he has put you through hell, I don’t know how many times. How could you stomach the possibility that he could become Heavyweight Champion tonight? Do you realize the trouble that could bring?! You’re fighting to end this man’s career in only three days – could you really let him walk out of HeldDown tonight with the gold around his waist? Could you send the OAOAST to such a fate? Axel, be smart here. Be smart…..”


With a deep breath, Axel claps his hands together loudly, but continues to walk around the room.


“But think about it – how many times here have you put your own selfish needs ahead of others? Not many. Tonight is your chance to do it. Allow Ragdoll to walk out of here tonight with the Heavyweight Championship. Hell, help the guy win the gold! Really. Think about what it could mean for you. In only three days at Climax, you will suddenly be receiving the absolute biggest opportunity of your life. Not only will you get the chance to end Ragdoll’s career – a man that has endlessly tortured you – but you will also actually have the chance to win the OAOAST Heavyweight Title. Imagine it. Just imagine it. On Sunday night, you can walk out of Las Vegas with the one thing you have strived to reach since you joined this god-damned federation – and you can do it by beating the one man that has not only given you a desire to beat, but to kill. This isn’t the kind of opportunity that comes around all the time. Don’t let it slip out of your fingers, man. Don’t let it slip…..”


Axel’s monologue is suddenly broken up by a feminine voice piercing through the echo in the locker room.


“Don’t you even think about it!”


Axel turns around cautiously and finds Crystal standing in the doorway with a disappointed look on her face.


“Axel, don’t think about it. I heard what you said, and I am telling you now – don’t do it.”


With a growl, Axel looks down at his feet, but then snaps his attention back to Crystal’s eyes.


“And why, Crystal? Tell me why. Why shouldn’t I think about it? When am I ever going to get this chance? When am I ever going to get the opportunity to wrestle for the Heavyweight Title like I’m getting tonight? You’ve had countless chances to get it. Whether it be your marathon of matches with Zack Malibu, or being put in the Elimination Chamber for the Heavyweight Title only a month after losing the gold, you’ve been handed the opportunities to wrestle for such a prize. What about me? You know I’ve NEVER been given the respect around here that you have. Well, now, Crystal, I can begin earning it tonight. I can begin my path towards a goal that you’ve already called home. What don’t you understand about this?”


Crystal passionately shakes her head before beginning to speak.


“I’m not going to let you do it. You know as well as I do the trouble I had to go through to get the Heavyweight Championship. The gender barriers I had to cross, the beatdowns I had to take from Zack – God, I can’t even think about it anymore. But I did it all. And, at AngleSlam, I FINALLY won that damned title. But, when Hoff took it away from me two months later, I can’t describe the disappointment I felt. You know all this. You know how crushed I was when Drek Stone won the Heavyweight Title last month in the Chamber. I came so close to regaining that championship – and the opportunity just passed through my hands. Well, I refuse to let it happen again. This Sunday, I have the chance to regain something I never should have lost in the first place. I’m getting the chance to win the Heavyweight Title again – I mean, this is an opportunity I might not have again for a long, long time. And with Sly out of the picture, the odds are now even more in my favor. And dammit, Axel, you are not taking this away from me! I’m not letting you! Your chance will come soon enough, but this is my time!”


Axel bows his head slowly as Crystal repeats herself once more.


“This is my time, Axel! And I will not – will not – WILL NOT – let you take it away from me.”


Axel takes a moment to absorb his statement, but then looks up with surprising finality.


“Friendship aside Crystal, you’ve had your chances. You’ve had your time. This is about me. This is about receiving exactly what I deserve. My mind is made up.”


Crystal nods her head disapprovingly.


“Don’t do it, Axel.”


Axel returns her head nodding by standing motionless and staring into her eyes.


“Try to stop me, Crystal. Try to stop me.”


*cut to Sofa Central*



Mah girl is INTENSE~!



Wrong brand. But what tension between Crystal and Axel!



Hey, they have different agendas!



Be that as it may, it could certainly bring some chaos to HeldDOWN. But coming up next...


Cole is cut short by Local H's "Bound for the Floor," which brings the audience to jeers as Chris Stevens, dressed impeccably, steps onto the stage, grinning.



Now wait a second, this isn't next!



Easy, Cole. You didn't get the memo?






Yeah, this is the Chris Stevens Fashion Show! I hear you like fashion, Cole.



What are you implying...



Nothing we all don't already know.





Stevens spins as he steps onto the ramp, showing off his crimson silk suit--



Is that real silk?



You know it.


--before waving out Jumbo. The big man is dressed to the nines in a white suit inspired by the comic book character, Kingpin. In fact, both Stevens and Jumbo look slightly like 70s pimps. Jumbo is still not smiling, but Stevens is grinning enough for two as he glides down the aisle.



You know, this guy Jumbo has really inspired a change in Chris Stevens' demeanor.



Stevens certainly seems more relaxed and easy going, but with muscle like Jumbo at your side, who wouldn't be?



Michael, please, do we have to go over this again? Jumbo is not "muscle," he's an image consultant. Two different things.






Don't you take that indignant tone with me, lemmycakes!



Lemmy-- who?









You know, Lemmy.



We GET it.


Stevens climbs the ring steps, stepping through and showing off the goods again, followed by the ever-ill-tempered Jumbo. Stevens holds his arms to the side, looking for love from the Austin faithful, but they're not feeling it. Stevens waves the cowboys off, then grabs a mic from ringside.



Now pay attention, you two. You could stand to be cultured.



Welcome, one and all, to the Chris Stevens Fashion Show!!





Aw, I know you love it. Of course, (in a fake Southern twang) down here in Texas, y'all thank that fashun is about cow-boy hats an' big ol' country boots, ya hear?


The fans jeer as Stevens laughs.



So allow me to bring a little northern charm to your po'boy town.







You know, Austin is a good-sized city...



Aw, jeez, Cole, do you have to contradict everyone?!



...it makes me feel like a big man... *sniffle*





Cole breaks down into tears, while Stevens shouts over the crowd.



Now...if you'll alow me...hey, SHUT IT, Texans!!





If you'll ALLOW me to introduce my first exhibit...


Random techno music kicks in across the arena loudspeakers as a tall, slender man steps out from behind the curtain. The man has frosted, spiked blonde hair, and is wearing a crazy-looking shirt...



It looks like someone went crazy on that shirt!



Hey, you're crazy, maybe that could be your new line of work!



You think?!



Anything to get you out of the booth.


STEVENS (clearing his throat)

Now, this snazzy gentleman is sporting the latest look from Milan. Truly a bold and daring statement, wouldn't you say, Jumbo?





The male model, effervesent, steps through the ring ropes and circles the ring. Stevens applauds the man, smiling.



Now, sir...


The male model turns around-- RIGHT INTO A SUPERKICK FROM STEVENS! The fans are IRATE as Stevens laughs at the man. Stevens lifts the mic to his lips yet again...



Jumbo, do your thing.


Jumbo, nodding, walks over to the model and lifts him, grabbing him by the throat and CHOKESLAMMING him down to the mat! The fans boo as Jumbo straightens his lapels.



Beautiful. Folks, that, right there, is what I think of this entire company. Next to me, you're all nothing but peons! I am the star, and now, thanks to my man Jumbo, I finally look the part. And no one can deny me now.


Stevens flashes a wide, toothy grin, showing off for the crowd.



Come on! Was this all just to make a point?



Actually, I think it's post-modern. Stevens is--





What the hell?


CUE: "Glass Shatters"










The fans go BANANA as out...walks....STONE...COLD...STEVE AUSTIN!!!!





Stevens' jaw drops about three stories as the drunk, foul-mouthed Texan walks down the ramp. Chants of "Austin" are already spreading like wildfire, and the pop for Stone Cold's quick, middle-finger salute are deafening! Stevens backs WAY off as Austin rolls into the ring, then ascends the near corner and raises the double bird! The crowd is FRENZIED!!



"Stone Cold" Steve Austin is in the OAOAST!!



We're in the heart of Texas, I suppose...God, I HATE these people!!


The crowd dies down -- slightly -- as Austin takes a mic from ringside.













Stone Col' in the OAOAST?





Stone Col' in the OAOAST?







Static can be heard as someone mercifully cuts our own "Jivin" Jim Ross off.



I said, Stone Cold, in the--



Now hold on just a minute, buster! You think you can come out here and interrupt the Chris Stevens Fashion Show *snaps* just like that? I was entertaining these people! You can't just waltz on out here, just because you're from Texas...





Aw, and SHUT UP, Texans!!





And you think you can--








Look at ya.





Chris Stevens, you have got to be the sorriest sum-bitch I have ever seen. Out here with yer little fahsion show, and yer big jackass bodyguard--


Jumbo bristles ever so slightly at the offense.



You know what you could use? Chris Stevens, you could use some Christmas cheer!


Austin does that creepy, almost fake smile of his, and it pops the fans big. Stevens fumes.



I don't need any--



If ya think Chris Stevens needs some Christmas cheer, gimme a hell yeah!





In case you missed it, they said, oh, helllll yeah! So Chris Stevens, I got a little gift for you!


Austin reaches into his pocket and pulls out a tiny wrapped box, about the size of a jewelry box.



Now what's all this...



Here, take it!


Stevens looks at Austin tenatively.



Go on, take it! I swear, it's the hottest fashion in Paris. Take it!



Yeah, take it!



Pipe down.


Stevens, looking unsure, takes the box with both hands, and holds it at his waist.



Well go on, open it!







These fans want Chris Stevens to open that box!



Gee, ya think?


Stevens looks around to the crowd, thinking...then looks down thoughtfully at the gift. Stevens raises the box...looks at it for a second...then carefully unties the bow and unwraps it. Tossing the paper casually away, Stevens opens the box to find...nothing.



Hey....there's nothing in here--







The crowd FLIPS OUT as Austin STUNS Chris Stevens! Stevens falls like a sack of bricks! Jumbo walks over to Austin as the Texan rises, but he too eats a Stone Cold Stunner!! The crowd is ballistic as "Glass Shatters" plays again, and Austin calls for a beer--which Caboose tosses him!






Hey, working with you two, I need it.



Well folks, we don't know for how long, but we know one thing -- Steve Austin is in the OAOAST!!



What a night!



Absolutely, and we've still got a lot more to go!


Austin stands on the second rope, drinking beers, as we cut to....



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We got the Rooster in the back! Terry, you there?


(We go backstage where Terry Taylor is standing in front of a North Pole backdrop. He’s wearing a ridiculous and wrongly colored green and pink Santa Outfit that has cookie crumbs stuck in the beard. Next to him is Alix Spezia who’s dressed in a blue and gold elf costume.)



Ho ho ho! Happy holidays fans! I hope you and yours are enjoying yourself this holiday season! This is Terry Claus and boy howdy I hope you’ve all been good little smarks and marks because have I got a Christmas treat for all of you; an interview with Alix Spezia who returned to HeldDOWN last week in Atlanta! Tonight Alix takes on Candie in an evening gown lumberjack match!



Hi Terry Claus!



Alix, what brings you back to HeldDOWN?



Contractual obligations.



Uh-huh. Let me rephrase that question. What caused you to hop the guard rail and attack Zack Malibu? On his birthday no less?



The reason I hopped the guardrail is because I was going to pop out of the cake but there was a mouse in there and I'm afraid of mice. Except for Mighty Mouse, he’s cute. The reason I attacked Zack on his birthday is because that's the day HeldDOWN fell on. If I had attacked him the day before HeldDOWN or the day after, I would've had to have done so on the streets and I would’ve been charged with assault and that would not be cool. I’ve seen Oz and Half Baked. I know what goes in behind the rusted bars of a prison. No one’s getting my fruit cocktail! Prison is not a friendly place for a woman of my fair beauty. Plus the food is really nasty!



But why did you attack Zack Malibu of all people?! Why not go after the woman who put you on the shelf with a back injury, your former sister in law, Holly-Wood?



Because Holly-Wood isn't a tag team champion and Zack is. Terry, I'm an enterprising type of gal. Kinda like Martha Stewart without the massive amount of wrinkles, manly jaw line, and prison time. Or like Oprah, without the junk in the trunk and the gold digging husband. Where there's an opportunity, I'll take it! Like Lizzie Borden, only I didn't hack my parents to bits or star in any wacky pornos. Much like the pop group All Saints rode the wave of girl power the Spice Girls created, I'll wide the wave of rah-rah girl power Crystal created in the OAOAST and score myself and my less attractive but still very nice partner, Krista, a tag team title by picking on Crystal's sloppy seconds.



You make it sound like you’re fighting a Frankenstiener. This is Zack Malibu, two time world champion, you’re talking about. Do you really think it'll be as simple as you make it out to be?



Psh! I'll beat Zack quicker then Paris Hilton loses her clothes after a couple Cosmopolitans. Zack’s damaged goods. Stamp a “FRAGILE. Handle with care.” sticker on that boy. Can you say “Issues”?

Puh-leaze! Of course its not a simple as I made it out to be! It’s even simpler!



Thank you, Alix. Good luck in your evening gown match against Candie. Fans, good night and god bless. Happy Holidays from Terry Claus.


*cut to da SC~*



What a firecracker that Alix is!



What are you, my grandfather?



Yeah, like Ding-Dong will ever father children.



OUCH! Damn, nice one, Boozy! Hi-five!



Don't touch me.



You two kids. Anyway, now onto a pre-taped interview with...ME! And the Love Doctors. Roll it!








(into phone)

Windy City Hospital. How may I help you?


The main lobby of Windy City Hospital (WCH) is filled with patients seated around the waiting area, watching television on the hospital's big screen TV as Gene Autry's "Here Comes Santa Claus" plays in the background. The hospital is full of Holiday cheer: A large Christmas tree stands in the center of the lobby. Even Santa Claus is here, visiting with the children in the waiting area.




An oak door engraved: "DR. MAX ANDERSON, M.D."


We cut inside the office, Michael Cole is seated next to Dr. Steven Pigley, both facing Dr. Max Anderson, who's sitting behind his desk. Dr. Anderson's large office has two glass windows: one allowing him to see what's going on outside his office when the blinds aren't down, which they are not for this interview, and one allowing him to look outside, including a patio. In a tan suit, Michael Cole has his journalistic face on -- his hair isn't frosted, dyed black for this special assignment, while The Love Doctors are wearing their doctors coats.



Hello, everybody. Michael Cole coming to you from Windy City Hospital, a joint venture of Dr. Max Anderson and Dr. Steven Pigley, known to you fans as The Love Doctors. Gentlemen, I must say, this is quite the facility. But I was always under the impression you were only E.R. doctors. I didn't know you actually ran a hospital. I now understand why Jesse "The Body" Ventura compared you to the doctors on the Lifetime original series Strong Medicine. But we're not here to talk about my broadcast colleague. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview.



First of all, Michael, thank you for your kind remarks concerning WCH. As you might imagine, due to our wrestling schedules, we're not able to be here 24/7, but our great staff of doctors and nurses at WCH do a wonderful job keeping the place up-and-running while we're away. They deserve all the credit.


It's true, we run Windy City Hospital. Well, my mother runs the day-to-day operations until I feel the time is right to take over the family business. The medical profession runs in my family. My father was a doctor, my grandfather was a doctor, and my mother was a nurse. As a matter of fact, my father met my mother when they worked together in a hospital. They started WCH 15 years ago. This is also the place me and Steven worked at for years, before leaving to pursue a wrestling career. Unfortunately, the way we came about it was under sad circumstances. When my father passed away 3 months ago, he left me the hospital in his will. At the time of his death, my wrestling career had taken off as a member of The Love Doctors, along with my best friend Steven Pigley (we went to the same medical and wrestling school), but I decided to return to WCH after leaving it a little over a year ago to become a OAOAST superstar. I brought Steven back with me, and here we are.



Why exactly did you leave the medical profession? You both were considered to be two of the best up-and-coming doctors in the world, but you left this all behind to become professional wrestlers. I've heard you describe being a doctor as being "frustrated and bored." How so?



Do you know how hard it is to wake up every morning knowing something bad will happen that day, Michael? Kids being shot, women being raped, babies being abused -- we can't control people's fate. Yeah, you might save a life here and there, but ultimately you're powerless. You can only wonder how the hell could somebody do that. Being in our 20s, we knew we had to get out for the sake of our sanity. Max's parents' went exactly thrilled to learn we were leaving the hospital in favor of pursuing a wrestling career, especially when they learned we had to support ourselves by stripping (looking like George Clooney and Noah Wiley didn't hurt us with the ladies, heh). They offered to help us out, but Max and I knew we had to pay our dues. We went from seeing the evils of everyday life to becoming simply irresistible to women to wrestling in our underwear for less than $20 and sometimes for no money at all. While Mr. and Mrs. Anderson would of preferred to have seen us stay at WCH, they were very supportive of our decision and very pleased once we made it into the OAOAST. That made our decisions to return to WCH much easier. We've matured, we're happy with our personal and professional lives, and Mrs. Anderson is around to see her son fulfill his father's dream.



Dr. Feelgood works here as well, does she not?



Yes, she does. She's prepping for surgery, so she couldn't join us for this interview. Ima's a fantastic doctor, and it would of been ashame for her career to be scared forever because of one mistake. Everybody deserves a second chance.



You mention being unable to control fate. Sunday night live on pay-per-view you two will control your own fate as you face off against arguably the best tag team in the world today, Black T, for the HI-YAH International tag team championship. You've faced the HI-YAH International tag team champions and current co-holders of the OAOAST World tag team championship 4 times, losing 2 out of the 3, but it was your last meeting in Tokyo, Japan, which sparked a ton of controversy. Not only did Dan Black injury himself during the match, but many believe you are the uncrowned HI-YAH International tag team champions.



We remember that match quite vividly. Since our debut in the OAOAST, we had been battling the stigma of being all style, no substance. It would of been very easy for us to say, "screw this, let's go back to WCH," but we were determine to prove all the critics wrong. We trained harder, we studied every piece of footage we could find on such great teams as Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard, the Midnight and Rock 'n' Roll Express, the Hart Foundation, etc. It was like we were back at med school, staying up all night cramming for an exam. Once we defeated Black T on HeldDOWN, we received a call from HI-YAH officials granting us an immediate title shot. So we hopped on a plane and took that long flight to Tokyo, on a high due to our win over Black T which finally proved to the critics who said we were nothing more than a couple of doctors wanting to be wrestlers wrong. But whenever we watch the tape of the match, what makes our blood pressure boil is when Jivin' J.R. stuck his nose in our business, eventually leading to T-Bod piledriving me on the HI-YAH tag title for the 1, 2, 3.



As we drove back to our hotel that night, myself, Max and Dr. Feelgood sat around the bed wondering if this was it -- was this our last great shot? On our way back to the States, we received an e-mail from Bill Watts informing us that because of the outside interference and the use of foreign objects, we would received another shot at the HI-YAH International tag titles when Dan Black recovered from his knee injury. Of course, that led to Black T attacking us on the interview stage a few weeks back when we reminded them of that. They know we have their number. And we're gonna make a house call Sunday night.



As you said, Michael, we control our own fates this Sunday night. Saving lives, handing mothers their newborn baby...it's all very rewarding, believe me, but what would be especially rewarding is if our dream of winning a major tag team championship came true. I believe. Dr. Pigley belives. Our dreams will come true this Sunday at Climax.



Before I close this interview, there's been a lot of buzz about the new maneuver you've come up with -- Strong Medicine. I know you've both been very secretive about it, but perhaps you could tell us a bit about it.



Michael, we could, but then we'd have to...



...kill you.



Exactly. Let's just say the Farmer of Champions will have a heart attack once he sees this move.




Well, I tried. Dr. Max Anderson, Dr. Steven Pigley, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to conduct this interview. It has been very eye-opening and informative.



Well, thank you. Free colonoscopy, on the house.



Would--Would you do it?



We could have somebody else do it if you'd prefer. Perhaps a female?



Oh no, no. You'd be just fine.


The Love Doctors become a bit uncomfortable, squirming in their seats.



We'll let Dr. Wang do it.



Good luck this Sunday, gentlemen.



Thank you.


*cut to commercizzle*

Edited by Patty O'Green

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Back on HeldDOWN~!, some early Christmas snow begins to lightly fall amongst the entranceway, drawing a pop from the fans who are full of festive cheer.


All of a sudden, the goodwill towards men comes to an end, as "Getting Away With Murder" kicks up, and the holiday spirit turns to the spirit of disdain for the man about to make his way out, Zack Malibu. Dressed impressively in a deep blue shirt and black pants, The Franchise of the OAOAST emerges alongside his lovely valet Candie, who is dressed festively in a revealing red skirt with matching top and Santa hat.



Ho ho ho boy! Look at Candie!



You got the "ho" part right.



Oh snap, Mikey Cole with the comeback!


Candie, as if being dressed like Malibu's Little Helper wasn't enough, is also holding onto an oversized stocking...one would imagine it has something to do with the challenge Malibu has laid out for tonight.


Standing atop the ramp still, Malibu allows for his theme to fade out, and looks up, smirking at the faux snow coming down on him.



It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, isn't it?


For the first time in ages, the crowd actually pops after a statement made by the psychotic prep.



I certainly hope you're all in good cheer. I've already given one person a present tonight, and that was a pink slip to that never-was, Sly Sommers!


(Crowd boos)



You see, when you're on top of the world, people want to test you. See if you mean what you say. If you have the gumption, the balls to back it up. Sly Sommers, for nearly a year you were a thorn in my side, either in the ring or in the back. Well son, you can cry me a river, but you'd better build a bridge and get over it, because your career is DONE in this company...in MY company!


The crowd boos extensively, mad about the departure of a beloved superstar.



Now, it's time for presents yet again, as Candie and myself are out here to reveal the person taking part in the first ever Stocking Stuffer Surprise matchup. In this stocking are the names of several randomly picked OAOAST members, and the lucky winner will recieve what I think is a generous gift-a chance to prove themselves, right here tonight, in a No Holds Barred contest against ME! So, Candie, if you will do the honors...


Candie reaches into the stocking, showing mock amusement as she digs for a name. She pulls out an envelope, and hands it to Zack, who opens it, reads the name, and then his face goes white.



No...no NO! There is no way I can...Candie, look at this!


Zack shows Candie the name on the slip, and Candie jumps back, then begs Zack not to go through with the challenge.



Well, who is it?



I really hope it's not who I think it is.



Which is?



You know. THAT guy.






Shut up.


Malibu paces the stage, throwing the mic down and running his hands frantically through his hair.



Tell us already!



Come on Cole, where's your sense of suspense and anticipation?



Right alongside my positive feelings for Malibu.



DAYMN! Two for two, Mikey!


Malibu picks up the mic, and looks out to the crowd.





Zack stops babbling, then starts laughing, as he lifts his head, a manical grin replacing the panic on his face.








Malibu holds up the paper, and the cameras zoom in on the slip. Josh Matthews' name is what's printed on it.



J. Math? J. Math and Zack in a match? TONIGHT?



This is the best Christmas ever!


As the fans react to the announcement, "Getting Away With Murder" hits again, and Malibu and Candie disappear behind the curtain. For Malibu, it's an easy payday tonight...but for Josh Matthews, this could be the last time we ever see him in the OAOAST!


*cut to...um...somewhere?*


They cut to a grainy, low quality black and white video in which an incensed Mad Cappa stands right in front.


"Yo Bill! I wasn't booked again for tonight's show!


What's the yo!


Also, get this! I am not even booked for this upcoming Pay Per View!


Well, since it looks like you don't me want me to show up, it's time for me to take charge!"


He walks away as the feed gets cut off.


*cut to Triple C*






Odd...oh, wait, I hear that Josh Matthews has gotten word backstage of his match!


*cut to the back*


In the dressing room area, Josh Matthews, still in street clothes, is sweating profusely.



I don't have any gear...he's going to kill me...what am I...




The camera pans over to show Scotty Static and Johnny Jackson, the most popular tag team the world over!



Josh...come on man, you got this! It's about time someone punked that sucka out!



For real, yo.



But...but...ME? What am I going to do against Zack Malibu? Nevermind the fact he's gone all American Psycho on us...he's gonna kick my ass.



The hell he is, kid. You gotta be confident. Stay strong. That sucka ain't no betta than your chedda!






Don't sweat it, kid!


Suddenly, the camera pans over again, this time because Leon Rodez has entered the scene!



What's going on in here?



Josh is about to hang himself, that's what.



You got gear, Josh?



Yeah...my ANNOUNCING gear.



This is ridiculous, you know. First Malibu takes Sly out, and now he's gotten himself a match with Josh of all people?



Dude's getting away with murder. Just like his song says.


"Not tonight he's not."


Yet another person enters the scene...ALIX!



Josh, take a look at yourself. You've trained, you've proven you have in ring skills. Listen to these guys. You think people were ready to accept me becoming part of the active roster?



Well, I was, but that's...



Cut it, Scotty.



My bad.



Josh, you can do this. What are you worried about? That Candie's going to spray hair gunk in your eyes? Or that Zack is going to try and toss you from the top rope, dropping you so hard through the announce table that your back nearly snaps in...



YES! YES! That's exactly what I'm worried about!



Well, don't. After all, I'm proof positive women can hang with the big boys.



Uh...and what does that have to do with me?



You'll see, sweetheart. You'll see.


Alix walks off, leaving GPX, Rodez, and Josh perplexed. Jackson turns to Josh...



You ARE packin' heat down there, right?


Josh rolls his eyes and gets up, walking out of the scene. Tonight, Josh Matthews steps into the ring to go toe to toe with Zack Malibu, here on HeldDOWN~!



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I hear that we're in the back with Black T and their manager, "Jivin" JR! Guys?


Backstage in their dressing room, Black T, in surgical masks and gowns, watch over Jivin' J.R., dressed as an ELF complete with tiny green shoes, who is lying on 3 ironing boards placed together with his legs in the air. Candie, the valet/girlfriend of Zack Malibu, looks drop-dead gorgeous in her candy cane striped nurses outfit.



Push. Push.


J.R.'s moans grow ever louder with each passing second. Candie wipes the sweat off J.R.'s forehead with a wet towel.



Keep on truckin', J.R.



There you go. It's almost out. Push, damn you!



Come on, J.R.


Actor Rob Schneider (SNL, The Waterboy, Duece Bigelow: Male Gigglo), dressed as a hillbilly with scruffy facial hair, makes a cameo appearance as he comes into the camera's view.



You can do it!



Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Rob Schneider.


Everybody in the room claps, even Jivin' J.R., who's about to deliver.



I loved you in Jaws.



I wasn't in Jaws.



Hang it there, Rob. I'm sure movie roles will come in by the droves now. Maybe you can land you a spot on Boston Public.



It's, uh, cancelled.



Goddamn! No wonder why you haven't done jack shit. Don't be so damn picky, man. Unlike Black T, the tag team that can't be beat, they all can't be success stories. Just keep trying, buddy. Keep trying.






He's gonna blow! Incoming!


* BOOM *


A BOTTLE shoots out of J.R.'s anus, hitting T-Bod in the midsection, sending him crashing into the wall in an over-the-top matter.





Jivin' J.R. squeezes Candie's hand tightly as he's overcome with joy. Dan Black picks the bottle off the floor as T-Bod gets back to his feet, shaking off the cobwebs. Black wipes the bottle with a towel and gift-wraps it, finishing it off with a red bow before gently handing it to J.R. Dan, T-Bod and Candie watch with great pride as Jivin' J.R. tears the wrapping paper to reveal...



Congratulations. It's your very own barbecue sauce.



And it came with its trademark COWBOY HAT TOP!


J.R. pops the bottle open, the cowboy hat top shooting out of the bottle like a piece of cork, nailing Rob Schneider in the eye. As Schneider screams in pain on the floor, the Oklahoma Fight Song plays in the background as Jivin' J.R. guzzles down his B-B-Q sauce. Cannibalism at its worst.


The OU fight song lowers as...



(mockingly sobbing)

This is such a rewarding experience, Dr. Black. We've accomplished every goal we've set out to do. When my daddy passed away -- well, he isn't dead, but if he was -- he left it in his will to kick The Love Doctors' asses! Holding the HI-YAH and OAOAST tag team titles is rewarding, believe me, but what would be especially rewarding is if our dream of holding onto the HI-YAH and OAOAST tag team championships last until our retirement. Haha!


Black T remove their surgical masks and gowns to reveal matching black tailor-made Armani suits. Candie hands them their HI-YAH and OAOAST tag team title belts. Dan and T-Bod drape each promotions tag title over their shoulders.



Let us not forgot our major goal, Dr. T: crush the dreams of others, particuarly those of The Love Doctors. Dr. Anderson and Dr. Pigley, watching your interview made me want to retch. Do you gentlemen have no shame? You poor chaps are in the wrong profession -- this is professional wrestling. This sport isn't rewarding. To survive in this dog-eat-dog world you have to be an "ice heart." Every time we step between those ropes we put our lives on the line. One wrong move and you're crippled for life. This business is built on greed. Hence our motto: Greed is good. Nobody is immortal. One day we all will die. And, gentlemen, Black T plan on dying with smiles on their faces. We look forward to crushing your dreams this Sunday.



The Love Doctors come out here and talk about this new double-team move they've come up with. Well, we've come up with a new double-team maneuver as well, but this one's especially for Dr. Feelgood. Oh yeah. Dr. Feelgood, baby, don't think we've forgotten about you, honey. Once we're through humiliating The Love Doctors, we're gonna give you what you always wanted, sweethart -- a night of passion you'd never forget. No love, just sex. The way we like it. There we'll debut our new double-team maneuver just for you, baby...Double Penetration.



God, we love being assholes!


Dan and T-Bod laugh arrogantly as we fade out.


*cut to ringside*



Ladies and gentlemen the following is an Evening gown, Santa’s elves lumberjack match!


Jingle Bells hits and a number of midgets colorfully dressed as Santa’s Elves come out from back!



Hey! There’s Rey Mysterio!


As they march down the aisle, the wee-men pass out OAOAST Climax t-shirts to some lucky crowd members. Eventually they set themselves up around the ring. Like everyone else they eagerly await the start of the match!


Truth or dare by N*E*R*D rockets out of the speakers! The thumping tune is greeted by a chorus of jeers from the sold out Austin Crowd. The entrance doors part and Candie, wearing a sexy silver gown with two thigh high slits and that spreads apart from the stomach up, steps out. Exuding arrogance, Candie blows a condescending kiss to the fans. Her arousing attire hasn’t won them over to her side however and they continue to lash out at her with hateful boos.



That’s one Candie cane I gotta get my mouth around!



Now making her way to the ring from Malibu, California, she is the first lady of HeldDOWN, CANDIEEEEEEEE!


Candie strolls down the entrance ramp with a walk that came straight off a runway as the heavy bass of her music continues to wreak havoc on the arena’s less then state of the art sound system.



Last week Candie’s boyfriend had his birthday celebration ruined by thick headed numbskulls! Leon Rodez, J.Math, Scotty Static, Johnny Jackson and Alix Spezia are all at fault! Now Candie is here to strike a blow for common decency and respect!



Common decency? Do you see what she’s wearing? She’s showing more skin then a nudist colony!


Candie enters the ring with “female entrance 14", bending over and making sure the camera gets a good shot of the twins that brung her to the dance.


Candie’s music cuts out and there’s a short silence. The quietness is replaced with the sounds of “Anything but me” from Lindsay Lohan’s new CD! Alix Spezia steps out into the arena and is acknowledged with cheers that rival the ones she received last week upon her return! Alix does a heavenly steamy gyrating of her hips as fireworks explode from the sides of the entrance ramp.



And the opponent....from Beverly Hills,California......ALIX SPEZZZZZIAAAAAAAA!


Alix is dressed a tad bit more conservatively then Candie. Sporting a pink halter top gown, with slits that go down both sides to allow better leg movement, Alix walks down the entrance ramp.



A cheap shot artist! A coward and a cheap shot artist! Attacking Zack from behind on his birthday!


Unlike Candie, Alix doesn’t go for a sexy entrance into the ring, instead she slides right in like she would in any other match. Candie eyes Alix with the type of disgust usually reserved for those who occupy the bottom rung of society’s ladder, drug dealers, killers, rapists, Red Sox fans.



I find it amazing that Alix can beat men two hundred pound heavier then she is but she can never beat Candie. That’s because whenever Alix fights Candie she lets her emotions, her anger, get in the way. She doesn’t just want to win, she wants to hurt Candie and Candie always takes advantage of Alix’s foolish mistakes.


Charlie Robinson calls for the bell!




Candie delivers a quick chop to Alix’s chest. The crowd gets into the participation game by hollering “whoo” at the move. Zack’s better half drives a boot into Alix’s stomach, but finds herself upset over not doing as much damage as she hoped. Driven by anger, Candie hits Alix with a chop that burns even more then the first one. She continues to use her backhanded slaps as some sort of people mover and backs Alix into the ropes. With Alix’s arms draped over the top Candie is free to pummel her with more knife edge chops! Not once does the crowd fail to bleat Ric Flair’s trademark “Whoo”



If you ask me Candie is the most talented female in this company. If any woman deserves to be fighting for the world championship its her not that plastic, stretched mark filled bimbo, Crystal.



How can you say that?



You’d be surprised how loose your tongue gets when your wallet gets a tad fatter...


The light dances off Candie’s sparkling silver dress and nearly blinds Alix with its brightness. Thanks to this hindrance, Alix is unable to stop Candie from dumping her over the ropes! Alix lands on the ring apron, but her feet began to slip as though the edges were coated in ice. Candie sees Alix’s perilous position and pounces on it with razor sharp awareness. She reaches over the ropes and pie faces Alix to the outside!



Get her elves! Whip her ass! Hhaha! It’ll be like Children of the Corn meets Miracle on 34th street!


“Kill her you fucking midgets! Break her bones!” Candie orders!


Despite Caboose predicting bloodshed and Candie demanding it, the gaggle of little people convene to help Alix to her feet. The elves wish her a merry Christmas and a happy new year and allow her into the ring without encumbrance.



Stupid midgets! All I want Christmas is Alix’s two front teeth on the floor covered in blood!


Alix slides back into the squared circle, but Candie, who’s even more enraged then Caboose (and wearing less makeup), is quick to jump on her. She pounds on her archrival’s back with hard clubbing forearms. While under attack from forearms that are being dropped like bombs, Alix takes hold of Candie’s free arm and tries to Irish whip her, but Candie counters it with a headlock takedown, neutralizing Alix. Alix pushes her feet against the mat and attempts to kickout of the hold, but Candie tightens her grip and keeps Alix locked down! The partial elves began to bang their hands against the mat to rally their wrestler of choice! They’re so small however that all you can see is little fingers and hands beating against the ring as though Thing from Adams Family was trying to motivate Alix. The crowd begins to stomp their feet in unison joining with the elves in an effort to create a resurgence in Alix’s attack. Unfortunately they fail miserably and Candie brings Alix to her feet, still in control. Candie sends a knee right into Alix’s stomach, doubling the female grappler over. Candie lets go off Alix’s head and takes hold of her arm and hurls her into the ropes! Candie eagerly awaits Alix’s return so she can smoke her with a lariat but Alix hooks her arms onto the ropes and prevents herself from rebounding. This infuriates Candie and she rushes at the smallish brunette. Candie is careless with her assault and makes the mistake of leading with her body, and Alix ducks down and flips her over the ropes! Canide flies to the outside and her dress falls over her head, popping the predominantly male crowd with an underwear shot. The elves rush to Candie’s aid and try to assist her in getting to her feet. No good deed goes unpunished however and Candie suspects them of trying to cop a feel! She decks one of the miniature molesters with a straight right cross and levels another of the perverted pygmies with a super kick! The shot knocks the little fellow clear into next year and sends his elf hat flying into the front row! Candie thinks she spots one trying to peek up her dress so she punts his dime sized testicles like a football! Another elf starts to tug on her dress, so she gives him a taste of his own medicine and pantses him, revealing his pimpled ass to world!



Where’s her Christmas spirit?



She’s Jewish!


Alix stands in the ring, half amused and half shocked while watching Candie slaughter these tiny tots like animals. Eventually Alix’s good will towards her fellow man inspires her to put an end to Candie’s crazed rampage! She flings herself over the ropes and to the outside with a plancha! Candie had ZERO idea Alix was coming and is driven to the ground! Unfortunately, Alix manages to take out about seven elves with the move as well!!



This shit is nuts! It looks like two Miss Americas just did a murder/suicide at Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory! Oompa Loompa down! Man, we’ll be back!


(Go to break)


(Return from break)


And so we return. Things have calmed down significantly and Candie has Alix in a chinlock. The crowd, filing in from their bathroom breaks and runs to merchandise stands begin to chant Alix’s name.




Candie, much like her boyfriend lacks the ability to tune out the jeers from the audience. She turns her attention away from Alix to jaw at the crowd. Even though she still has the hold cinched in, her grip loosens due to distraction. Alix is able to stand up. Her elbows serve as her vehicle to freedom as she uses them to hammer Candie in the stomach. After three blows, Candie finally lets Alix go free. The former Totally Endorsed member staggers backwards, but Alix stays with her. Alix makes her best effort to rip off Candie’s dress, but that thing must be superglued on because it ain’t coming off. After suffering through Alix’s pitiful attempts to rid her of her clothes, Candie shoves her long time enemy backwards. She runs the ropes and comes back at Alix with an enziguri! Alix catches Candie’s foot, so Candie goes for an RVD like back kick! But Alix catches this foot as well! Having what appears to be full control, Alix lifts Candie up for a wheelbarrow suplex! However, Candie grabs a hold of Alix’s head and tries to take her down with a bulldog! Alix refuses to allows this however and runs to the ropes, trying to dump Candie into the waiting arms of what remains of the elves. BUT Candie presses her feet onto the ropes and spins Alix backs towards the center of the ring, taking her out with a Stratusfaction or a Sweet Tooth or a Gum Drop or a Candie Cane or a Starburst or a Sugar Rush or whatever Candy oriented finisher name you can come up with. Candies rolls Alix onto her back and forcefully attempts to tear Alix’s gown like it was being ran through a paper shredder. If this was prison we’d assume that Candie is turning Alix out to pimp her for smokes and dirty magazines but this is wrestling so we assume that Candie is trying to win the match.



I love the holidays!


Alix recovers from the Gum Drop just in time to push Candie off her. Alix gets to her feet and readjusts the dress, Candie almost tore off. After that’s done, she brings the fight to Candie with a spinning wheel kick! Candie got her hands up to block the move, but the heel of Alix’s shoe still managed to tag part of her face. Candie holds her hands to her face trying to rid herself of the pain. Problematically, her hands are forced into a new task. Namely trying to stop Alix from turning her over for a sharpshooter! Rather then flop her way to the ropes, Candie lifts her body up and pulls Alix down into a roll up. Seeing as there are no pins in this match, that’s a pointless move, however it’s better for Candie to execute a useless pin then it is to be subjected to a sharpshooter.



I saw BUTT!!


Alix of course kicks out, although she didn’t really have to. Both women stand up at the same time. Candie grabs in a front waist lock! Before Alix can react Candie lifts her up for a side belly to belly! But Alix turns that into a modified DDT! The reversal gets a number of applause from the fans. Candie clutches her head for a brief moment, but then uses her hands to grab onto the ropes when Alix starts to try to rip her titillating gown off.



You can’t do a rope break in an evening gown match!


Charles Robinson disagrees and calls for a break, which Alix gives him. When Candie stands upright, Alix leans into her pressing her against the ropes. She pulls her off and goes for an Irish whip but the blonde bombshell reverses the attack and sends Alix running to the ropes! Candie follows Alix, looking for a big time clothesline, but Alix does the old hand spring reversal trick, which draws big a bigger pop then usual due the fact that the bottom of Alix’s gown slips to her back the crowd gets a peek at her firm thonged BUTT. Displaying excellent reflexes, Candie drops to the ground and Alix has to flip straight over her! Alix easily lands on her feet and charges at Candie, who she knocks over the ropes with a MONSTER CLOTHESLINE!~!~! Well, as monstrous as a clothesline from a one hundred thirty pound woman can get.




The few elves that are left standing are fear stricken at the thought of incurring another one of Candie’s onslaughts. They inch away from her slowly, allowing her to get to her feet at her own pace. Even though none of the knee high runts came close to touching her, she still unloads on them, taking out her frustrations on their pint sized faces!



She sure is angry. Zack must not be satisfying her in bed. Candie, come let a real man do you the way you need to be done. I’d spray my seed all over that dress. Monica Lewisnky on this bitch.


Again, Alix has to save the bantams from certain doom. She rolls out of the ring and grabs Candie by her long flowing golden hair and tosses her back into the battleground. Alix follows her back into the combat zone and the two meet with an exchange of punches. They fight to a stalemate until Alix grabs the upperhand with a basic bodyslam! Alix makes the costly error of delaying the slam and Candie is able to slip behind her! Candie locks on an inverted face lock! Alix fights against her grasp and frees herself by kneeing Candie right in the nose! Free of Candie’s hold, Alix spins around and tries to remove Candie’s head from her body with a lariat! BUT Candie ducks and Alix’s arm sails over head and crashes into Charles Robinson’s head!





Indeed, Cole. The cliched spot puts the ref flat on his back, allowing the two female fighters to battle unabated by rules and honor. Candie boots Alix in the stomach and attempts to spike her head into the mat with a DDT! But Alix blocks the attack by dropping to her knees! She belts Candie in the stomach with a punch, then lifts her onto her shoulders in a fireman’s carry set up! However, Candie wiggles out of Alix’s grasp, and ends up falling behind her! Alix turns around to face Candy only to get blasted with an impact DDT!



The Snake would be proud!



Jake Plummer?



No. What? You’re dumb.


With Alix sprawled out on the mat and overwhelmed by a severe headache, Candie proceeds to rip her gown off! She tears at the sweat shop made dress the way a dog tears at a chew toy! Pulling at the cheap fabric she eventually yanks the whole thing off, leaving Alix in her spicy zebra print thong and bra. The audience lets out a cheer, more for seeing Alix in a thong and then Candie getting a potential win.



Hot damn! I gotta stuff her stocking!


Candie rolls out of the ring and rushes past the bodies of lifeless elves, aftermath of the carnage her anger wrought. She grabs a chair out from under Michael Buffer. He starts to protest, but the look in Candie’s eyes tells him that would be a suicidal move. The fans yell and boo her but they only spur her to commit further violence!



Oh come on! This is to much! Someone do something! Someone! Anyone!


Candie hits the ring ready and willing to destroy her half naked rival. Showing a fire that’s usually displayed exclusively by her beau, Zack, Candie lifts the chair high above her head and prepares to bring it down across Alix’s back.


An ENORMOUS POP erupts from the stands! Someone is coming down to the ringside! Who on earth could it be that make these Texans cheer so loudly? Crystal? Leon Rodez? CWM? Some Guy? Hulk Hogan?!! NO! It’s Santa Claus! Santa Claus, carrying a bag full of toys, is running down the ramp with the speed of a Jeff Gordon driven race car!


“SANTA! SANTA! SANTA!” chant the wild crowd.



It’s Santa! What’s he doing here?



He saw Candie beating on his elves, now he’s come to get some North Pole style getback! HOLLA ATCHA BOI!



Do you listen to what’s coming out of your mouth?


Ol Saint Nick slides into the ring and pulls the chair from Candie’s hands! The fans, who are now on their feet, pop huge at the sight of heroism from this mythical figure! Candie turns around just in time to see him tossing the weapon out of the ring! Filled with a storming rage, Candie demands that Kris Kringle tell her what he thinks he’s doing! She gets an answer in the form of a slap on the ass! The fans hoot and holler at the display, but Candie shares none of their jubilation! Now seething with vile animosity, she smacks Santa square in the jaw with a hard a slap! The blows actually manages to stagger Santa backwards just a bit. The sound of the slap echoes throughout the arena and the audience makes a last minute Christmas wish for Candie to get hers! Their wish is Alix’s command as she tears Candie’s dress off in one motion, leaving Candy in her skimpy silk underwear!!!



Gotta hang my ornament on that Christmas tree!



You’ll never get any.



Got some from your thick ass mama and your leg spreading sister. Bitch.


Alix puts her dress back on as Santa revives Charles Robinson. Seeing Candie in her underwear, Robinson calls for the bell!



You’re winner...ALIX SPEZIA!


The announcement is met with pop from the pro Alix fans. However their attention is diverted from Alix’s victory to Santa who’s revealing his true identity. Santa takes off hat first, then removes his fake beard, revealing the spikey blonde hair and damn sexy good looks of Johnny “Jam” Jackson! The crowd roars at the sight of one half of the Global Party Xchange! Candie on the other hand looks like she’s about to faint.



What? What? Outrageous! Outrageous! Alix knocks the ref the out, loses her gown first, and accepts the help from outside interference and not only does she still get the win but you all are cheering for her? This is insane!


Humiliated, Candie slips out of the ring and rushes to the back so fast you’d think she was being chased by the cops!


Alix climbs to the top ropes and proceeds to whip the crowd into even more of a wild frenzy! On the outside, Johnny Jackson is pulling out the new GPX:Xstasy DVD and handing out to a number of fnas!



Um, what about all the beat up elves?



They aren’t unionized. Ain’t no one gonna sue us.



More HD when we come back!



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Wecome back from break to hear Michael Buffer's sweet voice once more.



Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for our special Stocking Stuffer Surprise Challenge Match!



This is going to be very interesting.



This is going to become a funeral procession.


"I Like", the trademark theme of HeldDOWN~! (at least until we grow bored with it) plays over the PA, and coming down to the ring dressed only in his khakis and dress shoes, is the chosen opponent for the Savior of the OAOAST this evening. Josh looks very worried, nervously shaking and pacing ringside before rolling into the ring. The crowd gives Josh a nice pop, although it may be more out of sympathy than popularity tonight.


Once "Getting Away With Murder" hits, Josh gulps in fear, watching on from the ring as Malibu and Candie come out pointing and laughing. Rather than take his time like usual, Malibu runs to the ring and slides in, scaring Josh enough to back into the corner. Malibu then backs off, chuckling to himself as Matthews nearly craps his pants.



Big man, Malibu. You make me sick!



Come off it Cole...you would have been gone eons ago and replaced by someone with actual talent had it not been for your In Crowd connections.


Malibu backs off, and Candie is now up on the apron, wrapping her arms around her beau, as Josh Matthews cautiously steps out of the corner, not taking his eyes off The Franchise, as Buffer makes the introductions.



Ladies and gentlemen, before we get underway, allow me to introduce the participans. First, he is the OAOAST's famed backstage roving reporter, interviewer, and metrosexual. Returning to the ring after some time, he does battle tonight with a known and hated ring villain. The man who had his name picked tonight, he is JOOOOOOOOOOOOSH MAAAAATHEEEEWWWWWWSSSS!


The crowd pops loud again, but all Josh can do is take a deep breath and make the sign of the cross.



His opponent, a former two time World Champion. Known as the "face of the company", he has been responsible for some of the greatest matchups and feuds of this generation. Tonight, he looks to add to that resume by doing battle with a formidable foe...he is ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK MAAAAAAAALLLLLIBUUUUUUUU!



Something tells me someone replaced Buffer's cue cards.



Wasn't me, or else I'd have had him say Coach is one bad mother...



Shut your mouth. And don't follow up with a Shaft joke either.



Why you gotta bring my shaft into this?





The bell sounds, and Malibu moves forward, waving Josh on and asking for a lockup. Matthews relucantly comes forward, and reaches up for the lockup...but then surprises Zack by rolling under his arms, and popping up behind him! Malibu turns around, and Josh waves HIM on for a lockup, then somersaults by him again, coming to his feet!



Look at him go!


Malibu, incensed at Josh's ability to outmanuever him, rushes forward, only to have the former Tough Enough star sidestep him, and send him to the ropes! Josh catches him on the rebound, trying to hiptoss Zack over, however Zack stays grounded and swings his leg up, driving his knee into Josh's gut!



Haha, take that you little metro bastard!


Josh keels over, and Malibu quickly hits the ropes...but as he comes towards the young announcer, Josh leaps up into the air and floors Zack with a spinning wheel kick!



Holy shnikeys!


The crowd roars, as Josh backs off, in disbelief that he got that move off. Malibu gets to his knees, wiping his mouth to check for blood, and just sneers at Matthews before lunging for him, getting him by the throat and pushing him into the corner! Once he's got him blocked in, Malibu starts working over the ribs, kicking Josh hard repeatedly, then taking him by the arm and whipping him across the ring into the other corner. Josh hits so hard he falls forward, flat on his face, and then rolls out of the ring to recover.



C'mon Josh!



You metros are all alike.


Matthews gets up quickly, but it's not long before Malibu is on the floor, taking Josh by the waistband and his head and hurling him into the ringsteps! Josh falls down to the floor, but Malibu pulls him right back up, and rams him facefirst into the steel steps! Josh slouches down, then crawls away, as Malibu tauntingly kicks at him before pulling him up again, this time using a snap suplex on him in the aisleway! Malibu gets up, and as he looks at his downed foe, he waves to the back, which draws out both Tony and Dan Black, Malibu's partners in The Original Elite!



Now what are they doing out here?


Tony is clutching some type of wire in his hands, while Dan Black is clutching a strap. Malibu points to Josh, and immediately Dan begins whipping the young man, causing welts to appear across his back!



What are they doing? This isn't right! He's just a kid!


After several strikes, Malibu backs Dan off, then takes Josh and rolls him into the ring, ordering Black T to follow. Josh struggles to get to all fours, but as he does Malibu sits on his back and takes the wire from Tony...which is shown to be Christmas lights...and he starts to choke Josh Matthews with them!



They're gonna kill my main man Josh!


Matthews fights, but Zack keeps the lights wrapped tight, trying to suffocate the young announcer...but then the crowd goes wild, as The Global Party Exchange and Leon Rodez charge down the aisle!



What the...what do they want?


Malibu releases Josh, and suddenly it's three on three, with old rivals Black T and GPX pairing off, and Malibu taking on Rodez! All six men do battle, as Josh rolls out to the floor, and it's a melee in the ring! Static clotheslines Dan over the ropes, Tony is hurled out by Jackson, leaving just Malibu and Rodez! Zack regains the advantage, firing off lefts and rights to stagger the X Division superstar, but when he goes to Irish whip him, the move is reversed, and Leon pulls Zack in close, hitting an inverted atomic drop! With Malibu staggered, Leon winds up, and starts peppering Zack with jabs...because Mama Said Knock You Out! Malibu is hobbling as Leon finishes off the punches, and he leaps up for the finale, an enzugiri...but Malibu ducks it! Leon crumples to the mat, and Zack quickly bounds for the ropes, rebounding and cracking a recovering Leon in the side of the head with a Zack Attack that sends him spilling out of the ring!



I love it! That makes two men whose asses he's kicked!


Both Black T and GPX continue brawling, having taken their brawl up into the crowd! With Leon disposed of, Malibu looks for Matthews, but the crowd pops yet again as Alix Spezia runs out and nails Zack from behind with a low blow!





Malibu falls to his knees, but before Alix can follow up, Candie comes in and tackles her! The two girls start rolling around on the mat, and it's a good old fashioned CAAAAAAAAAAAATFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!



Oh man, I gotta get me some of that!



You've gotta get you some, period.


Candie gets the advantage, and pulls Alix up, tossing her into the corner, then charging in...but Alix nails her with an elbow to drive her away! Candie stumbles, and Alix quickly takes her by the head, then kicks off the middle ropes, spiking her with a Tornado DDT!



Alix just took out Candie!



I'd like to take out Can...



COACHMAN COME ON, there's chaos in the ring, and...LOOK OUT ALIX!














Pfft, I knew it would take more than that!


Josh, needing to capitalize quickly, pulls Zack up...but Malibu drops him with a jawbreaker...THEN NAILS HIM WITH SCHOOL'S OUT! MATTHEWS IS DOWN!





Zack, worn out from all the fighting turns around...and doesn't see Rodez tossing a chair from the outside into Alix...AND SHE CROWNS THE FORMER WORLD CHAMPION WITH A CHAIR SHOT!





Alix then urges Leon to climb the ropes, telling him to do so while Zack is down and out. Leon obliges, balancing on the top rope and soaking in the crowd cheers...


















It's highway robbery!


"I Like" is cued up, and both Alix and Leon help Matthews, who is thisclose to passed out, to his feet and raise his hands, getting a huge reception from the crowd.



Atta boy J. Math!


Matthews is in complete shock that he won, a fact only proven to him by Alix and Leon pointing out the fallen body of the raving lunatic behind him. Once Josh realizes what's happened, he throws his own arms up in the air joyously, getting another major pop!



Merry Christmas Josh Matthews, because you just pinned a former World Heavyweight Champion!



No thanks to that bitch...oh, and Alix too!


Leon and Alix help Josh out of the ring. Matthews, who would have been happy to survive this match, is now ecstatic thanks to his victory. Back in the ring, Malibu is completely still, and a ravaged Candie crawls over to him, doing her best to revive him, as the scene closes with a shot of Josh, Leon and Alix up on the ramp, arms raised in triumph due to Josh's moral and in-ring victory tonight.



What a match! And we still have our main event!!


(Backstage. Chris Stevens is at his locker.)



Friggin' Austin...





As Chris shuts his locker, The Phenom is standing behind it. He has a smirk on his face.






I saw you last week.



Oh, really? How'd I do?





Crowd pops.



At World Without End, I KILLED~! Phoenix. He never stood a chance. And you? You let him go to a 2 count!


Crowd pops again.



I could take you out, right here, right now!


Crowd gives HUGE pop.



But I'm not.






Because I like your attitude. You and me, we could make something.



Oh no, man. I ain't messing with you. You'd be better with that new guy...that, uhm... Armageddon or whatever. What the hell is up with that?



Geddon? Ha. I ate guys for him for breakfast when I was in prison. If I met that guy, face to face, and he tried to mess with me, I would punch him so hard, he'd be the only man Heaven with a neck brace.


Stevens walks away. As The Phenom turns around, sure enough...



(As Lurch) You rang?


Crowd is crazy as the two stand, not moving.



Hello......Arma Geddon!



It's....Devin! (punchs The Phenom)


Suddenly, a brawl starts, as two powerhouses of men bash each others brains out. The rent-a-cops come out, and drag the two off.



I'll see you at Climax, Geddon!


We come back to a shot of Sofa Central.



Folks, it's now time for Part Two of our controversial, sit-down interview with Hoff.


The scene cuts to the familiar shot of Hoff and Josh Matthews at Hoff's home.



So, here we are, it's last fall, and you get a call from CWM...



It's funny. The whole time I was working here and there and everywhere, Dave -- CWM -- was watching me. I had no idea. It was like it was meant to be. He calls me in the middle of the night and he cuts right to it, and says, "come to the OAOAST and be a part of this." And we discussed the Underground angle. We talked all damn night about what would be entailed, what my role would be, and all of that, and when it was all done, I was sold on it completely. It was rad. Obviously it had been done before, but we were gonna be different. Of course, we didn't know how it's all play out.



You guys were pretty hated.



We were and we were a real hot ticket. That winter was an exciting time for all of us, but it was because we had the two layers. We had the Underground angle, and then above that even, you had Zack vs. Calvin and all that came with it, and the interplay there was gold. We did some wild stuff. That, and we had the cruisers, and Panther and Brock's feud, and it was just all working.



What was it like your first night in the OAOAST?


*footage airs of Hoff running in on a match and spinebusting Zack*



It was intense. I didn't think they'd give me something so big right off the bat. I was a key player in the Underground like that, and to me, it was meaningful because they had a lot of trust in me. Zack was -- at the time, because he certainly isn't now -- but at the time, he was feeling what I was doing. We all worked together, and the night came off great. It was a blast. I knew I was going to love it here.



Explain what you thought as the Underground sort of fell apart.



It's sad, because we could have been huge, I think. But Chave and New Me took off, and they were going to be key in-ring guys. Then J. Arthur got out, and Gunner left, and we were thin. We still had Supes, though, but even that trailed off. Superstar is a guy I respect greatly, but...he had a lot of strange ideas, things he wanted to do that weren't necessarily the most, well, "sane" things. But he's great, very creative, and great in the ring. He was tremendous to work with. If he ever cmes back, I hope he looks me up. *laughs*



Your feud with CWM. A lot of people said that that was crucial to your success. How do you feel?



I couldn't agree more. CWM made me into a star. He's so great. The battles we had were intense, violent, and we really connected with the people. They felt what we were feeling. It was just great. That's all I can say.



Fast forward a bit, and now you're with the Thrillogy--



Josh...given the circumstances, I'd really rather avoid that for now.



Fair enough, but that's really all I had, with the exception of some questions about the attack on you--



Let me tell you about the attack on me, Josh. Somewhere out there, there's someone who jumped me from behind. There's someone who tried to end my career, maybe even my life. I have seventeen stitches in my head where they bashed my skull. I have a knee that almost didn't heal. Fortunately, I'm healing. But it's not fortunate for this person, Josh. This guy had better run. Because I am coming, and when I get my hands on him, he will know my pain. I will make him pay. And this person is Zack Malibu.



But...but, I mean, do you have any--



Proof? I have all the proof I need. I know Zack Malibu. Better than maybe almost anybody. And I can tell you with 100% certainty that Zack Malibu did this to me. He will pay. Mark my words, he will pay.






I think the interview is over, Josh.


The OAOAST logo flashes on the screen before we cut back to Sofa Central.






Hoff is PISSED!



Hoff showing total anger and a desire for revege...



Does he actually have proof? I mean, I like Hoff and all, but...



Well, I believe him. ...Folks, I've just been handed a bulletin. Here it is two weeks. Hoff will return to HeldDOWN in two weeks.



Two weeks?! WOW!!



Absolutely, wow. Fans, more hD~ in three, so stay tuned!



Edited by Hoff

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Well Ladies and Gentlemen, what an incredible night it has been so far! Before we went on air, Zack Malibu announced that Sly Sommers has been fired from the OAOAST, which makes the title match this Sunday a match between Drek Stone and Crystal!



Yes Michael, while this is a devastating blow for the OAOAST, we will be sure to get through it, and move on to be a better company in the long run.



Well, no more whining about prospective angles.



Anyway, it is now time for our BIG OAOAST Championship match between Drek Stone and Ragdoll! Let’s take it down to ringside!


CUE: ‘Somebody Told Me’ by the Killers


The 2004 hit rock song begins, and the fans greet Ragdoll like they always do, with loud jeers and complete disdain. Ragdoll isn’t phased by this, and like always, flips off a few members of the crowd before rolling into the ring. Michael Buffer assumes the position, and makes the announcement.



The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the OAOAST CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing the challenger, from Las Vegas Nevada, weighing in at one hundred ninety eight pounds… he is the HI-YAH World Heavyweight Champion… RAAAAAAAAAAAAGDOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!


Ragdoll sits in the corner and begins smoking a cigarette, possibly to calm his nerves because of the importance of the match.



Ragdoll is focused and ready tonight, but you can’t help but wonder if he’s thinking about Sunday more.



Well there is a lot on the line both tonight and Sunday guys; I really don’t know where Ragdoll’s mind is right now.


Woke Up This Morning

Got Yourself A Gun

Mama Always Said You'd Be

The Chosen One


The familiar theme blares over the house speakers, as the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion enters the arena, looking very uneasy, but trying his best to show the crowd that he is as confident as ever.



Do you think Drek might be a little afraid that his title is in jeopardy tonight?



Of course! You heard Ragdoll before; he’s a certified Hall of Famer, but without a World Title to show for it! He wants to change that all tonight!



Oh come on! Please! Drek looks as confident as ever tonight, he can’t wait for this match, his very first title defense!


Drek walks up the ring steps and cautiously steps into the ring, a smirk present on his face, locking eyes with Ragdoll, and removing his World Title belt, before giving it to the OAOAST Official.



And his opponent, from Brooklyn, New York……weighing in at 225 pounds. He is the self-proclaimed “World’s Greatest Athlete” and “The Best-Looking Man to Ever Step Into a Professional Wrestling Ring!” The OAOAST WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION… DREK STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNE!


The referee raises the OAOAST Championship high in the air, showing it to Ragdoll and then the massive HeldDown crowd. Drek and Ragdoll walk into the centre of the ring and say a few words. Both have respect for the other, but Ragdoll is a man on a mission tonight.



And we are set ladies and gentlemen! Could we see a new OAOAST Champion tonight, an outcome that will change the complexity of the two biggest matches on the Climax card?



Okay guys, you’ve had your fun. Shake hands and get out of the ring for a draw, kay?



I don’t think that’s going to happen somehow, ‘boose.


Drek and Ragdoll circle the ring, ready to lock up. Both men charge, and lock arms in a collar-and-elbow. Drek has the leverage advantage, so he pushes Ragdoll back into the corner for a clean break. The two men oblige, a rare sign in wrestling today, showing the respect that they have for each other. Drek backs up and the two men ready themselves for another lockup. They converge again, with Ragdoll applying a side headlock. Drek pushes Ragdoll into the ropes, Rags comes off, and ploughs into Drek with a shoulder block. Rags runs the ropes, Drek ducks under his charging opponent, Rags comes off of the other side, Drek with a leapfrog, Rags off of the ropes again, Drek stops him dead in his tracks with a CLOTHESLINE!



First big offensive move of the matchup by Drek Stone, he’s not pulling any punches tonight when his title is on the line!


Drek waits for Rags to get up; he does so, grabbing his neck where the clothesline connected. Ragdoll gets in the face of Drek, obviously pissed off that he couldn’t keep the match clean, like they said they would earlier.



Drek isn’t upholding his end of the bargain here; he wants to keep his title!



Well now Ragdoll don’t get too upset, time to shake hands and make up for you two!


Ragdoll and Drek come face to face for the second time, but this time is different, as the hostility between the two men has increased considerably. They get in each other face, ready to explode at any moment. Finally Drek doesn’t like what he hears, so he turns his head back, before striking Ragdoll with a right hand! Drek lands a second right hand, and a third, before sending Ragdoll to the ropes with an Irish Whip. Ragdoll comes off the ropes; Drek goes for another clothesline, Ragdoll ducks under, and TACKLES Drek down! Ragdoll begins laying into Drek with fierce blows to the temple!



No! Clean! Please!


Drek tries in vein to cover up, but can’t as Ragdoll continues laying in heavy rights and lefts. Ragdoll finally dismounts and grabs Drek by the hair, lifting the Champion to his feet. Ragdoll locks in a front face lock, and snaps Drek over for a suplex. Ragdoll floats over into the cover on the Champion…






TWNO! Drek kicks out before the count of two.


Drek struggles to his feet and quickly hits Ragdoll with a boot to the midsection, followed by a right hand. Ragdoll comes back with a right, but Drek is back on the offensive quickly, with another boot. Drek with a front face lock…



He’s going for the StoneCutter already!


… but Ragdoll slips out of it! Drek charges at Ragdoll, but is caught with a stiff kick to the side of the head, which sends the Champion down to one knee! Ragdoll seizes the opportunity and comes off of the ropes…



Could be a Devil Doll!


... Ragdoll tries the Shining Wizard, but Drek ducks under it! Drek jumps to his feet and charges at Ragdoll, Rags ducks under the attempted clothesline, Drek comes off the other side, and Ragdoll catches him with a stiff knee to the gut, sending Drek Stone somersaulting to the mat!



Ragdoll buried his knee right into the stomach of Drek Stone, that has to take the wind out of you.


Ragdoll grabs Drek and again lifts him to his feet. Ragdoll with right hands to the temple of Drek Stone, and sending the Champion to the ropes for an Irish Whip. Drek comes off, and Ragdoll sends him over for a high BAAAAAAAACK body drop. Drek is up quickly, Ragdoll comes off the ropes and charges… DECEPTACON!







The Running Enziguri! Cover by Ragdoll! Could be a new Champion!







TWOOOOOOOOOOONO! Drek kicks out once again.



Oh god, I can’t take this much longer! That’s enough guys! That’s enough!


Ragdoll gets up and begs Drek to get to his feet, with the referee checking on the Champion to see if he wants to throw in the towel. Drek staggers to his feet, and Ragdoll charges for Red Label…









OH! Ragdoll just nearly took out the referee’s head with that superkick!



This is it! This is the perfect time! With the ref knocked out, these two men could finally end this destructive match and shake hands! Wonderful!


However, to no one’s surprise, the Heavyweight Champion doesn’t seem to be taking Caboose’s advice. As Ragdoll stares down at the referee in shock for a moment, Drek uses his hands to propel his body off the mat and give Rags a VICIOUS uppercut to the groin.




The fans let out a loud groan as Ragdoll grabs at his devil dolls and slowly collapses to the mat.



Ha! Devil dolls! That’s pretty clever!



……we’re not supposed to be seeing that part, Coach. Just pretend it’s not there.








As both men roll around the ring mat in anguish, the crowd lets out a collective roar as they spot Axel walking down to the ring with a steel chair in his hand. With a focused look across his face, Axel repeatedly slams the chair against the steel ramp, sending an echoing “CLANG!” throughout the entire building.



The Dark One is here – and folks, I think we all knew it was going to come down to this.



Ugh, it shouldn’t! Get him out of here! Axel doesn’t even deserve to SHOW HIS FACE during a Heavyweight Title match.


The Dark One slowly makes his way into the ring and stands before both men, who are struggling to make it up to their feet. Axel gazes at Ragdoll with a look of disgust, but then walks to the side and focuses his attention on Drek Stone.



Don’t do this, Axel!



But I thought you liked Ragdoll here. Wouldn’t you like to see him walk out of here with the Heavyweight Title?



I don’t want anything determined by that piece of garbage in the ring with the steel chair in his hand. This is awful. Somebody do something. Somebody…..




Caboose’s passionate words are interrupted by the crowd suddenly starting to scream. For what reason, no one watching HeldDown at home seems to know. Meanwhile, in the ring, Axel watches as Drek Stone finally makes it back up to his feet. Woozily, Drek tries shaking the cobwebs out of his head, but is suddenly jarred into attention by Axel standing before him with a steel chair. Seeing that this is his opportunity, the Dark One steps back slowly, swings the chair high above his head……





Crystal’s here! Where in the HELL did she come from?!


Crystal tries pulling the chair out of Axel’s grasp quickly but is simply unable to overcome his strength. With a scowl, he turns his attention to her and tries pulling the steel object out of her hand. The two begin to struggle over the chair, with Crystal’s elbow eventually catching Drek flush across his chin and sending him back down to the mat. His eyes growing wider as the seconds tick away, Axel hisses a warning to Crystal.


“Let go of the chair! LET ME DO THIS!”


With her body shaking with determination, Crystal refuses the demand.




The two continue to yank the chair between one another, trying desparately to get it out of the other’s grip. Finally, after a few moments of struggling…..


Axel lets go of the chair….














Ragdoll lifelessly crumples down to the mat, as Crystal drops the chair down to her feet in shock. Before Axel can react to her action, she quickly rolls out of the ring and begins to slowly back up the ramp. Axel, absolutely furious that his friend would do such a thing, steps out of the ring and begins walking up after her. Meanwhile, in the ring, Drek slowly begins to stir out of the daze that Crystal’s elbow put him in. Picking his head slightly off the mat, Drek looks to the right and finds Ragdoll lying unconsciously on the floor. Taking a deep breath, he begins to slowly crawl his way towards Ragdoll, trying to put this match away. With every inch he moves, the boos in the building continue to rise. Finally……


……Drek gets close enough…..


……to drape an arm across Ragdoll’s chest!


The referee, slowly starting to awaken, grabs at his jaw painfully. This vain attempt at soothing his injury is quickly stopped when he finds Drek’s arm draped across Ragdoll’s chest. The jeers in the arena manage to get even LOUDER as the referee lifts his arm up for the count.

















The boos in the building overshadow the sounds of “Woke Up This Morning” kicking up over the loudspeakers. Axel and Crystal both turn to the ring in surprise at the same time. Axel holds a shocked expression on his face, while Crystal seems to have a smug look of satisfaction that she was able to defend Axel against his temptation – for tonight anyway, at least.



And Drek Stone makes his first title defense here tonight! A title defense that, honestly, many thought was not even going to happen.



You’re obviously polling the mentally retarded fans of the OAOAST, Cole. Anyone that didn’t think Drek was going to pull this one out was insane.



But you had told me earlier that you thought Ragdoll had a chance to win.



See the moral here? I’m always right.


Drek slowly rolls off the body of Ragdoll and cradles the Heavyweight Championship the referee soon hands to him. As Drek uses the ring ropes to struggle onto his feet, Ragdoll gradually begins to crawl towards the ropes until he finally ends up standing on the outside of the ring. With blood beginning to trickle down his cheek, leaving a slight stain of crimson on his boots; it becomes obvious to everyone in the arena that Crystal’s accidental chairshot did some damage. Axel, from halfway up the ramp, gets a look at Ragdoll’s wound and starts to smile. Ragdoll returns the favor with a grin of his own.



Look at that. You would think these guys would be dying to tear each other apart here – but regardless of Mr. Watts’ edict, they don’t even look angry. They look like they….



……are finally understanding each other.



The anger is over. The acceptance is here. Axel and Ragdoll both realize this is the final time they will ever see each other in a HeldDown arena – and each of them love the idea.


Meanwhile, in the ring, a clearly exhausted Drek Stone holds the championship belt high above his head. As he does a 360 around the ring to look at a majorly disapproving crowd, he spots Crystal staring at him from the bottom of the ramp. The two superstars soon lock eyes, engaged in a staredown that neither of them are willing to break. Finally, Crystal makes the belt motion around her waist, signifying that she KNOWS the championship is coming back home to her.



Step One of Crystal’s plan has just been completed here tonight…..she has guaranteed her one-on-one match for Climax. Will Step Two of this plan become mission accomplished on Sunday?



One can only hope it doesn’t.









Go Drek!



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