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jimmy no nose

Frameshift 2-An Absense of Empathy

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If you didn't know, Frameshift is a band put together by a guy named Henning Pauly. He plays all of the instruments and then gets a different vocalist to come in for each album. It's a prog rock type band. I was a big fan of the first Frameshift with Jame from Dream Theater on vocals and I just saw these video clips off the new one with Sebastian Bach. This sounds like it is going to be a ton better. It's probably the album I'm going to look forward to most this year. The music covers a very wide range as do Sebastian's vocals.


Here are the sample video clips:


This Is Gonna Hurt

Human Grain

Just One More

In An Empty Room

How Long Can I Resist

Push The Button

When I Look Into My Eyes




I Killed You


This one is a sort of concept album about violence, to see a description check out http://www.frameshift2.com/story.php

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