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Gary Floyd

More Sean/Joanie drama

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From Waltman's website


This is an open letter to Mark Kronin & the people at Mindless Entertainment:


Dear Mark & Company,


I will make it short and simple. Joanie arrived back in Los Angeles, after doing your "media tour", with no place to go due to the fact that she slandered the woman's name who she was living with. If I did not go get her, I feared she would do as she did after finishing your show & check herself into a hotel under an alias (so nobody could find her) and drink & drug herself to death. That is what happened then and she was very close to death at that point, had I not found her. My point is this. I do not believe for one moment that You & your staff do not realize that this woman is so far on the losing end of a life or death battle with drugs & alcohol along with severe mental illness. At the moment she is away from anyone who can or will enable her to continue to destroy herself. She has agreed to check into a rehab facility only to back out as we got her to the hospital. She knows she's out of control. This is a crucial time for you and anyone else who has profited from doing business with her to step up and help in any way possible to save this woman's life. Her only excuse right now for not doing it is that she doesn't have the money. If I did, that would not be an issue. You and I both know what she was paid to do your show. That amount of money is nominal compared to what you are making by exploiting her making a spectacle of herself for 13 days and giving her the platform to become an even bigger joke than Anna Nicole Smith. How she was allowed to go on further representing your show after the Howard Stern appearance is mindboggling. If it was not obvious at that point that she was in no shape to go and do another media appearance, then I question the common sense of everyone invovled. As far as I know I have not received a return phone call from your office about this. That is why I am writing this on my website. It may seem to some that this is not anyone else's responsibility, however I believe that unless someone is a bottom feeder, then they will truly feel some responsibility themselves now that they are aware of the magnitude of the situation. If I can still find it in myself not to turn my back on her completely, after what I have gone through, then it seems to me anyone who cares and is able to help, would do it without wanting to get a "Celebrity Rehab" series out of it. A return phone call would be appreciated either way.


Yours Truly,

Sean Waltman


There ya go

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Guest Hass of Pain

I never even really cared for Sean Waltman, but he needs to seperate himself from this psycho before she ruins his life too. It's nice that he keeps trying to help her, but she sounds like she's only dragging him down.

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Guest LooneyTune

I see Sean flunked out of high school english. Paragraphs man...


I have a feeling everyone who participated in the Death Poll will get a 1 out of 5 for picking Chyna, since she seems to be on the brink of youknowwhat.

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I find it somewhat noble for Sean to want to save Joanie's life, despite how much she fucked him over. I'd imagine he's tried to do the same for his friend Scott Hall, but we all know how that work(ed/s) out.

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Guest jumpingbombangel

Starting to get old? Are you kidding? WWE needs to make a storyline outta this, because it's five times (five times, five times, etc...) better than anything Smackdown or even Raw has right now.


It's pretty funny when real-life wrestling drama outshines the bull on TV.

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Guest LooneyTune

I find it more sad than funny, but just when you think it can't get any worse... it does.

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I'd imagine he's tried to do the same for his friend Scott Hall, but we all know how that work(ed/s) out.


What happened there?

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i don't see how this will help anything. he's just posting their dirty laundry in a public forum for all to see. all this does is add fuel to the "what the hell is wrong with this woman" fire and increase the point-and-stare factor (see: this thread).

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

No he's not dead. His talent is but his body is still kicking around in TNA.


Joanie's gonna be dead by August at the latest. Scott Hall is a cockroach. He'll live for enternity with Jake Roberts and Keith Richards.

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