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When Did You Stop Watching On A Regular Basis?

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Started losing interest early 2002 when the NWO came back and then basically stopped watching after Katie Vick.


I still keep up with all the latest news and flick thru the occasional Raw every 2 weeks or so.

This is me. Around that time (late 2002) I really toned down how often I watched and even my wrestling purchases. I caught the Smackdown Six when I remembered (I've always had a problem remembering when Smackdown is on). Other than that, I can't remember last time I absolutely had to sit down and watch a whole episode. I bought some of the PPV DVDs, but I realized the PPV DVD I got was Wrestlemania XX when it first came out and the last couple DVDs I got were the specialty ones when they were released: ECW, Benoit, Foley and Flair. I don't know what it was, but I just kind of lost touch. I still follow the news and buy the video games, but other than that, not much... and this is coming from someone who on some weeks would tape everything, even if I was watching anyone, every show possible, I would catch, now its a hassle to even catch RAW.

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2002 was when I stopped caring about WWE, because they were never going to change. Realistically I stopped watching altogether, before Wrestlemania. Seeing Benoit pussified week after week was enough.

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Guest jumpingbombangel

I stopped watching regularly with my brothers after the Invasion botched (God, what an awful feeling...to be so excited and then so let down) and then the Rock leaving for greener pastures was the death blow in my family's hyper-wrestling viewtime.


Nowadays I'll turn Raw on in the background just out of habit and listen in while tuning something else in on the other TV. I'll only watch if Batista or Trish Stratus comes on.


Smackdown I'll read spoilers for, and if there's no cruiserweight match I won't watch it.


It's sad...I remember a time not 10 years ago where I couldn't miss a single show...even the recaps.

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Guest Razor Roman

I stopped watching almost completely about a year ago. I tried watching around Mania, but it just didn't happen. I don't think I'll get back into it again unless I have kids and they are in to it. (I'm 26 now, getting married, etc...)

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Does anyone here actually watch all the shows (including the weekend ones) and still order ppvs on a regular basis?

I have always watched or taped every show since like 1991. As far as PPV's, I never had the cash to order them, but I got a bunch of free PPV's through my shitty rural cable company from 1997-2000 and then I'd either go to Hooters or throw in $5 to order the shows every month at friends' houses from 2003-2004.


Now that I've moved, I no longer see the PPVs live. I've considered ordering every one, but I decided against it since the shows are available on DVD within a month of airing for $15 less than the PPV price, and now with DSL I can download them once I find a site that offers the shows.

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Guest eBayBrison

I now only watch RAW and watch that on a regular basis. Smackdown to me, is just pure, total, and utter shit. I'd rather watch Snitsky's ugly mug than watch anything on Smackdown (and that's saying A LOT). I just wish they'd improve that show. (SD)



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I haven't stopped watching at all, but I was quite a wrestling fan before the Invasion. I watched EVERY program they had availiable. I NEVER missed RAW or Smackdown. I scheduled my day around that.


The time wrestling went downhill was a couple of months after the Invasion, which was actually in 2002. HHH getting the belt handed to him, and his reign following that really put a bad taste in my mouth. I watched RAW, just to see the pushes Jericho and Benoit had, since they were much more entertaining than HHH's title reign. I was interesting in programming again, after the nWo came to the WWE. I was marking out to the whole Rock/Hogan feud. After that, wrestling was slowly become what is was today. I realized how much of a wrestling fan I am today. I watch RAW all the time, and it is becoming a HASSLE watching Smackdown. Hell, I am actually liking what's happening on Smackdown, but I STILL didn't wanna see it. I missed Smackdown yesterday. If this was 4 years ago, missing Smackdown was unheard of. I still watch WWE. Most of my friends that were hardcore WWE fans, MUCH longer than I am, have stopped watching WWE altogether.

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Guest El Satanico

I haven't watched on a regular basis for around two years. The only time I watch is when people i know online starts a chat room, and then I'm only watching in order to make fun of it.

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I haven't completely stopped watching. I catch raw, but smackdown I catch when I catch. I think the poster that said he was fed up of getting burned is in my zone. I use to tape and watch like crazy until perhaps around King of Ring 2000. Seriously, I started to see the signs that things were going to crash, but I kept hope because 1999 was really unwatchable at times and they turned things around in 2000.


This is what has caused my fanaticism for wrestling go down drastically....


Austin's heel turn had me believing he would one up Hogan's heel turn. It didn't. It kind of sucked actually except with some shining moments. Before that was the stupidness of Austin going over the edge "killing" Triple H. Again, I was hoping the heel turn would re-invigorate Austin and the company.


WCW Invasion that followed. I'll just save space by not going over that debacle.


Jericho being booked like a clown and the unification match being a huge letdown from years and years of fans wanting the dream match(I even hated the fact they kept saying undisputed champion).


The nWo failure and ruining Hogan's comeback a month after WM 18. The whole damn split storyline....and so on and so on. It's just been a damn snowball effect with glimpses of hope dashed. I just watch out of habit now, but this constant repeat of the same damn matches on raw isn't helping.

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