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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Storm comments

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

You know, I've been posting the comments quite often. I guess we all know when my winning streak snaps, I'll run away like a baby...



Blarg... It's official... Da Pound fucking 0wnz j00 now. :D I guess that is all.


Munich,LDP, and my little sex object... BAD!!! Although making my job easier = (Y). Annie better come into my office and make my job... even easier... if you know what I mean. ;)





Off track... sorry. Thugg with a good defense, and Taylor getting the win over Thoth. Ladder match at PPV sounds sweet y'all.



Question... Damn Carnies took quite the beating... and I only wrote one of it! Crazy bastards!

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Guest midnight_burn

Woo, i win. Yay at that.


And (Y) at winning by default.

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Guest Muzz

... Yikes. We're a pretty good team Dawg. (Y)


Wow, congrats to Erek on his win, and to everyone else.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Damn!  Carnies go boom!


Da Pound now has all the straight singles titles and the tag belts.  That's pretty damn impressive.  I can't think of any other group that's held them all at the same time like that.  I think the Carnival and the IGNWO both came real close, but never quite had *that* much dominance.  If anyone ever calls JD a jobber again, they're going to look stupid, and that, my friends, is an impressive feat.  He gets special points for maintaining the Pandagram Undergarment Middleweight Champion of Alabama belt, and he and Sacred get mad points for topping my Carnie boys.  The rematch from the PPV on Storm is going to be another helluva match.


And, on a slight diversion: can I just say how much I love this slight resurgence of the tag division?  Having a great tag match to read consistently on every show is a real thrill, and having three teams that have been contending recently is absolutely great.  All we need now is a consistent tag team from the Clan (which I suppose won't happen until K-Os and Spider get back) and we'll have an absolutely amazing division.  I know Taylor and Munich didn't exactly volunteer to make a team, but they work well together...


...and speaking of which, let me hear a big hell yeah to Erek Taylor!  He pulls his third win in a row, another one that could be considered an upset.  To boot, he and ELM set up a ladder match for the PPV, which is going to rule, plain and simple.  I think these guys are actually the two best ladder match writers I've seen in this fed, ever, so this should be absolutely amazing.  Kudos also to you guys for adding some tension without being heel.  Everyone should read it to see a nice build for what's sure to be a show-stopping match.


Hope you all like my match.  I had a lot of fun writing it, as I always do with big mid-match clusters, and hopefully that comes through.


Next we come to a wicked hardcore defense from Stryke, who managed to make the gauntlet match work without squashing any of his opponents.  Really loved the bit where Munich comes out early to take care of Red and get his own shot--seemed to fit his character well.  And I adore the Recoil out of the Musclehead Slam reversal, no matter how many times you do it.  Congratulations: you've made the Fame-Ass-Er cool.  Quite the task.


And on to the main event!  Thugg pulls it out, making Rotten look great (I pity Stryke, who has face the newly monstrous I-kick-out-of-the-Untamed Rotten for the hardcore gamer's championship on Storm) and working in some fine storyline in the process.  That entire ending sequence was a great way of really drawing 3 or 4 lingering storyline threads together so now we can see how they really interact: Bo seeking revenge on Thugg, Edwin and Stubby's growing tensions, Rotten finally getting back at the Commish for betraying him...I think it's all coming together quite nicely.


I think, in terms of match quality and general feel and flow of the show, this is one of the better ones we've produced lately.  This is one definitely worth reading end to end, even if you don't think you have the time.


BUT!  What will happen on Smarkdown???  Mwa ha ha.  Tune in to find out!

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"3 responses?


Reply people!  Comment on the show!


Comment or I'll come to your house and devour your pets and loved ones!


Mothernature says, and she'll egg you mailbox!"

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Great show, regardless of my squandered thousands of words. Why is it that every important show I have, and write at length for something big comes up.


There is an intergalactic force which attempts to divert our attentions from the SWF.


Decent match Thugg, but I would have liked to see how my match faired against yours. That being said, I'll take the HCG's title, and bide my time until I get a rematch.


Grrrr.... Damn Poundies.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Come on, people!  What did you think of the show?


It's one of the best ones we've had in a long time, I think, and yet no one seems to care!  We've got a PPV in two weeks, and there are some great storylines and matches looking like they're in development, but no one's talking about anything!  Not even everyone who won their matches has spoken!  This is a bad trend getting started--it's happened and the last two shows, and it's just not cool.  It's not like we're not paying attention or anything--storylines are all moving forward, so we're obviously all into it.  But share some thoughts!  Ideas!  Anything!


Come on!  What did you mark out for?  If you were fantasy booking, what would you have done differently to make it all absolutely perfect?  What do you think the PPV should look like?  What matches would you like to see between the current players?


Something!  Anything!  Warrgh!  


This is Frazzled Edwin, Frazzledwin for short, signing off.

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Bump me and I'll get the par-tay jumpin.  Oh and Thugg said he'd defend against me.


I'm still waiting, Thugg.




Even still.


"The Still Waiting" C.0.B.


Edit: Oh and will somebody pin the SWF Stats Thread?  I'm sure it will help.

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Is someone mad that I'm a double champ or something?



Nah, My ego isn't that big too think that.


Why is noone replying?





Blarg. I think the show was fun.


*Just adding more comments to show*

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Guest Muzz

I think everyone is depressed that us both own half the league in titles.


Just a thought.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Well...I was encouraged when I saw this had got to 10 replies.


But then that disappeared when I realized all the new replies were from people who had already commented!


Bloody hell!


Comment on the show!  I'm going to start instituting some type of punishment for people who never comment on the shows if this doesn't improve!


Now...we've seen comments from about 5 WFers.  By my count there's about 10 - 15 active and non active members yet to comment on the show.


Get off you fucking asses, read the show and say something about it.  If you don't care what's happening I honestly don't see why you're participating in the league at all!


Mothernature says, er...yeah!"

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Guest HVilleThugg

I thought the show was one of our better ones.  I didn’t read all the matches, but that’s because I marked out like crazy for the tag title matches.




I do believe that we now hold the World, ICTV, US, and tag belts!  That’s all the non-stip/non-limit belts!!  Da Pound is unstoppable!!!


That was one hell of a tag match fellas…Sacred and JD have become one hell of a team.


I agree with Edwin about the tag team division.  It’s really made a resurgence recently with some very tight tag matches.  However, it has taken the # of matches on our shows down because we only have 17 active.  


Anyway, good show…


Damn Erek Taylor!  He’s running through the WF elite like it’s nothing.  


Note to Stubby: Don’t book me against Erek Taylor…ever!


And Stryke….geez fellas!!  Our latest 2 bumpees are impressing the hell out of me, then again, they impressed me in the JL when they held the main event down for so long.   I only ask that you all take it easy on us old heads…don’t beat us into submission just yet.  Let us win a few…




Heh heh…


Anyway, good job fellas…


Comment damn you!


Da “commenting, finally” H

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Oh wow!


A whole one more comment!  Amazing guys.  What effort.


[bA books Thugg vs. Stryke and Taylor.]




Mothernature says, he's been driven mad!"

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Guest ErekT2k

Uh yeah, great show. I'm just very sick right now.... damn stomach flu! DAMN STOMACH FLU!


Okay, back to sleep.

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