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Football Manager 2005

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It is indeed new.


There's some infor on it at the SI Games site, but basically you can act as a feeder for a more established club, or have a smaller club as a feeder for you. So for example, if you were Derby (not that anybody would do such a thing...) you could try getting a big European club like Bayern Munich to have you as their feeder club and get their reserve players on loan for free. Alternatively, you could get Grays Athletic to be yours and have first refusal on any decent players they get. From memory, you can also chose the type of agreement you have and have more than one feeder, but don't hold me to that.


I'm interested as to what they'll put the Maschareno and Tevez deal as in the game. If they have them as on extended loan from Corinthians that will be more realistic as having them as normal signings. BTW Maschareno was awesome in FM06. He was the anchor in my League winning Pompey side with Freddy Adu in front of him. Good times.

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The myspace blogs are pretty damn good, especially with them answering questions after it.


The sigames forums are pretty good too.

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Shit, I think I might start a new game. Think I might play as Tottenham again or does anyone have any other recommendations. (I usually play as Blackburn in other games, but their a bit "le poo-poo" in 2006)

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Let the game pick for you.


"Theres more things for advanced users, with new advanced game modes, including the possibility of the ultimate challenge, with random team selection where the computer chooses which team you should manage as well as the ability to have dual nationalities, just like the players inside the game."

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Complaining against Refs is back in and the FA can now give touchline bans.


Based on the bit below it also looks like Press Conferences and Interviews are in.


"With post match interviews a part of the game and the real football world, it could be that one of your players complains about the decision in a post match interview. It could be that you're asked your opinion on the decision. Not just ones for your team, but against your team too."

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Guest BOOT

I think I remember winning one appeal over my two seperate games in FM. Combined play time was probably over a month, around 30 seasons-ish. Bastards.


With the new football season started I really feel like starting a new game, but i'd rather wait for the new version before committing. I'm getting quite desperate.

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"Following on from the successful introduction of manager interaction with last years game, this year comes player interaction, and not just your own players, but players throughout the whole football world.


There's all sorts of things you can talk to players about, and it's different for different groups of players. You can talk to them both face-to-face, or through the media, and they do the same.


You can ask them to recommend players or staff to join the club, which might make it easier for them to settle in or get back into good form. You can ask them to help train a youngster, suggest that they go into coaching or management in the future, try and tap up players at other clubs through the media, talk to them about new contracts or answer all kinds of questions they might come up with. Warn them about resting so as to stop them from becoming unhappy (although, as with anything else in the game, the players personality and mood at the time will determine whether this make him more or less happy), comment on their form to give them a much needed morale boost or a kick up the fuss. Ask for tips on who might be a danger man or weak link for the forthcoming match, to give you the chance to unsettle them or make them complacent, or ask a senior member of the squad to have a team meeting when things are going wrong to try and sort out morale problems.


There can be negative or positive effects, and you might find strained relationships with other clubs and managers if you use it on their players too much, such as the refusal by that club dealing with you on transfers, or a backlash with them putting in bids for lots of your players. Every action has a consequence. But then the opposite can happen if you work it well, and you might be more likely for a player to join you on loan over other clubs due to the good relationships that you have."


Asking players to take up coaching should be good, before if you wanted a long serving player to stay on you had to offer a player/coach deal and wait years for the stats to go up while paying them player wages.


Feeder clubs is tomorrow.

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With the new football season started I really feel like starting a new game, but i'd rather wait for the new version before committing. I'm getting quite desperate.


I'm usually like that but I know I'll just ditch my current game once the new versions out.

The only time I didn't do that was then there was the Eidos/sigames split between championship manager and football manager, and I didnt realise it. I remember downloading the latest championship manager, realising/ being completely fustrated at how shit it was, and went back to the previous edition. It wasn't until about 4 months later that someone told me about the split, and the sigames title was no just football manager.

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Nothing more than "before Christmas" and "When they're ready".


They're finishing off all the testing now, so I'd hope for a demo to be out next month, with the game following soon after.


More than that, it could be next week, it could be Christmas Eve.

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Early November is my guess, hope Sega promotes the game more now they own SI, there's still people out there buying CM instead of FM.


"News of a brand new SI football based game which will be released this year"


From todays blog, could be another quiz game.

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Incomplete version of the demo was leaked this afternoon.


Seems a lot quicker, data seems accurate.


Feeder clubs look interesting, but Pompey can't get a decent one.


Looking good so far.

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Did you get the link off play? I tried to late so have to wait another 24 hours.


How do Bristol City look on it? since the data was locked a few weeks ago I'm guessing McCombe will not get the 18+ Jumping and Heading he deserves.

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Sorry, missed this thread because I was playing most of Friday night.


I was lucky enough to get home the same time the demo was leaked.


Played through half a season as Pompey, now playing as Aldershot (not being helped by not having an assistant manager and not having the money for compensation to get one from another club. I'm splashing out my budget on a striker from Weymouth).


After more play, feeder/parent clubs look good. As Pompey, I got a Norweigan club, so packed off a fair few of my reserves to get first team football. As Aldershot, I've got Chelsea as a parent club (the other choices were Spurs and Milwall), but can't get any players from them as no-one wants to come.


No major change to match engine. Transfers seem more realistic.Probably gonna be a bit harder than last year. I'm liking the player interaction options.

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I've played 6 won 5 lost 1 and only let in 4, the Default Att 4-4-2 is quite good and with the certain players rated highly(Carey,Fontaine,Skuse,Johnson and Jevons) we look pretty good this year.


Saw Scott Sinclair(Ex Bristol Rovers now at Chelsea) described as "The Next Geoff Hurst" which is better than the Owen/Anelka comparisons I had last version.


I told the press I'd do everything I could to sign Cardiff Left Winger Paul Parry and checking his profile I saw "Will do everything he can to impress Dean Coles"

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