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FX's Rescue Me, series encore Saturday, 2/19, 10pm

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Denis Leary proved my point from a few years ago, if anyone in the country could make a realistic show about firefighters it is Leary.


This show is outstanding with some fun characters and interesting stories all around.


I'm not enjoying that most of the cast of "The Job" is now showing up but other than that, it's been excellent.

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Yeah I was a bit late to the party with this one, so I should probably watch this to catch up.


The second season starts next month, I believe. I read that FX gave Leary a TON of freedom to do what he wants, so they're really going to push the envelope in the first few eps.

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The Shield starts next month...I haven't heard anything about Rescue me.


If FX wanted to give me a boner, they could run The Shield for 13 weeks, take a few weeks off, Rescue Me for 13 weeks, take a few weeks off, then Nip/Tuck for 13 weeks...then get ready for The Shield again. That way there would always be good tv on.

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"Rescue Me" doesn't debut the new season until August 3rd.

So we have a long damn wait till it comes back.


It goes

"The Shield"




"Rescue Me"


in terms of premieres

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Last year running Nip/Tuck after Rescue me was nice cause it was two good shows ina  row, but it'll be great if they spread them out this year

I disagree about that because "Rescue Me" was a garbage show and it was pathetic of FX trying to hitch the show onto Nip/Tuck to boost ratings.


That being said I can't stand "Rescue Me" and really, the show basically exposes Dennis Leary's shitty acting and makes you wonder what the fuck FX was thinking greenlighting it since it lacks the depth of Nip/Tuck and The Shield; everyone on Rescue Me is an asshole except for the token female firefighter they introduced in the last couple of episodes of the season (and I have to wonder if they only did that after someone realized how utterly sexist the show is) and Leary's character is so utterly unlikable that it's impossible for me to feel sorry or care about his character...

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