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I'll never forget in 2000 when the dog show actually beat Nitro in the ratings. The dog show got a 3.7 and Nitro got a 3.6.


Unbelievably hilarious.

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The way things have been going with some of the matches, I'm seriously considering watching the Dog Show till Batista comes out and does something.


The Dog Show is pretty awesome, especially those little white fluffy dogs that look like they are battery powered.


Little stuffed animal looking dogs running around> Hassan match.

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Guest Frank_Nabbit

On UPN, WWE Smackdown! averaged a 3.7/ 5 share in the overnights, with 5.02 million viewers and a 1.9/ 5 among adults 18-49.


Credit: Nielsen Media Research, MediaWeek

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Guest Loss

When WWE went to TNN, they lost around a ratings point or so immediately. I wonder if they'd immediately go up a point moving back to USA.

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When WWE went to TNN, they lost around a ratings point or so immediately. I wonder if they'd immediately go up a point moving back to USA.

The Raw rating drop from going from USA to TNN gets exaggerated a lot, and the move is a conveniant excuse.


Ratings from September 2000 - February 2001:


September 4, 2000 4.2

September 11, 2000 5.8

September 18, 2000 5.7

September 25, 2000 5.4

October 2, 2000 5.4

October 9, 2000 5.4

October 16, 2000 4.8

October 23, 2000 5.5

October 30, 2000 4.9

November 6, 2000 5.1

November 13, 2000 5.0

November 20, 2000 5.0

November 27, 2000 5.0

December 4, 2000 5.0

December 11, 2000 5.75

December 18, 2000 4.8

December 25, 2000 3.8




January 1, 2001 4.55

January 8, 2001 4.8

January 15, 2001 5.2

January 22, 2001 5.6

January 29, 2001 5.4

February 5, 2001 5.0

February 12, 2001 4.8

February 19, 2001 4.8

February 26, 2001 5.1


The Raw ratings had been stuttering over the summer, with the August 29th Raw getting a 4.9. The ratings dipped a little in October, but were very stready in November, with the December 11th Raw rating being in the same range as the pre-TNN Raws, and was a fraction higher than the last USA Raw, shattering the myth that some hold that Raw could never get as high a rating on TNN than it could on USA.


As Janauary shows, they could still get mid-5's, and they got a couple of 5.7's in the first half of 2001 as well. The move to TNN is an easy out, and one that doesn't hold water.

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