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Heat spoilers for 2/27/05

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WWE Raw HOLT report

February 21, 2005

Penn State University

Report by Dave Maddas of Altoona, Pa., PWTorch.com reader




(1) Vito beat Shane Mathews. I believe Mathews is from the local KCW wrestling organization based in Altoona. Mathews got a decent pop since they said he was from Altoona which is 45 minutes from Penn State. Vito got a good bit of heat and won the match, but I can't remember how he did win it.




(1) Hurricane & Rosey beat two wrestlers. I was unable to hear their names. Rosey and Hurricane actually struggled against the pair but won with a pretty cool double team move.


Interview segment with Coach talking to La Resistance. La Resistance complained about losing the tag titles when Tajiri and Regal hit the ring. Coach took the mic and basically challenge Tajiri and Regal to a six man tag if they could find a tag partner. When Coach asked for their answer Tajiri nailed both members of La Resistance with the green mist to signify yes to the challenge.


(2) Maven beat Val Venis. Maven won the match after his very cool and high impact finisher.


(3) William Regal & Rhyno & Tajiri beat La Resistance & Coach vs. Tajiri. Rhyno pinned Coach after Tajiri nailed Coach with a kick to the back of Coach's head.




The arena has only three-fourths full which was very surprising to me since Penn State has usually had a good crowd in the past for Raw. The entire upper level and several sections next to the hard camera were tarped off. With this poor showing I'm not sure we'll be seeing Raw for a long while if ever again. The crowd that was there was electric and in to almost everything. The only time they were really silent was during Chris Masters's match which was just a waste of time in my opinion and the crowd thought so too. There were a couple fans behind me that actually said, "Who in the hell wins a match with a full nelson?"


During the Michaels-Orton tag match Michaels near the end of the match got into it with some fans at ring side and then again after the match was over. And it wasn't some little thing either. He actually went to the ringside barrier after the match and really got into it with the fans.


I just watched my taping of Raw and it was right before Orton gave Edge and Christian the double DDT that you can barely see Michaels starting to argue with the fans. And then after the match when Orton is going up to the turnbuckle before the replay, Michaels has his back to the hard camera and he is again arguing with the fans at ringside. He then went to the ring barrier and got into the face of the fans, also. I was too far away to know what was said, but Michaels was pretty irate at the some of the fans.


The crowd went nuts when Batista did the thumbs down and sent Triple H through the table. They were advertising a bonus match just for Penn State but they didn't have it which upset some people.


Overall, I thought it was a good show live but was disappointed with the size of the crowd which could hurt our chances of Raw coming back



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Guest Deviant

Bah, that's last week's Heat with a different main event, and I bet Hurricane and Rosey aren't facing jobbers anywhere near as entertaining as the Heartbreakers.


I wonder how often WWE rehash International Heat the next week...

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