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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

NBA Street Volume 3

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Is anybody else playing this? My roommate picked it up and I've been playing it since the weeked. I like the customization options and I like alot of the tricks taht you can do. I think the dunk contest is a waste of time but that could be becasue I'm not good at it. This game is at least worth a rental if you've never played any of the earlier games and I think you should buy it if you're familiar with it. By the way, I'm still waiting to see Michael Jordan in this game.

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I thought about getting it for the Nintendo all stars, but every review I read about it says that the novelty runs out pretty quick. Already got Live and I dont really need a new basketball game.


Obviously I dont know if EA will make a hockey game for next year or not, but they should consider doing a street hockey game. It was on the street before the football was at least..and wtf is up with FIFA Street?

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Guest DVD Spree

V3 is complete balls – nowhere near as good as Volume 2.


The customisationis great, but they have completely buggered up the gameplay. It used to be about tight controls and stringing together as many moves as you could Tony Hawk's-stylee; now it's just about wiggling the frigging stick twenty time on a half-assed Gamebreaker.


BOY am I glad I didn't pay for that bucket o crap.


BTW, FIFA Street is one of the most horrendous games this generation. The only "redeeming" feature (in a carwreck, so-bad-it's-hilarious way) is the commentary by So Solid Crew's MC Harvey. It's all Saaht Laahndan street speak and rapping, and very very amusing – unintentionally so. "The keeper's got MASSIVE hands!" "Moving the ball around with your MIND."

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BTW, FIFA Street is one of the most horrendous games this generation. The only "redeeming" feature (in a carwreck, so-bad-it's-hilarious way) is the commentary by So Solid Crew's MC Harvey. It's all Saaht Laahndan street speak and rapping, and very very amusing – unintentionally so. "The keeper's got MASSIVE hands!" "Moving the ball around with your MIND."

That's kind of sad, seeing as there's so much potential to do tricks with the dribbling.


Obviously I dont know if EA will make a hockey game for next year or not, but they should consider doing a street hockey game.

It'd only work if they used an actual street with "CAAAA-AAAAR!!" delays...

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

The controls were changed to put more moves into the game. You can move the stick in 8 directions plus you have all the turbo combinations. I'm still undecided about the new gamebreakers. You actually have a reason to take the dunk this year, but it's interactive. Last time, the long distance shot was better to take, but it could be blocked. This year the long range shot doesn't do shit. I didn't actually buy this game, but I would have no trouble with it because I bought ESPN 2K5 for $20. If you already have NBA Live, I guess it wouldn't be as big of deal to get V3.

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There *is* such a thing as making a game *too* complex... with the ever-rising success of the AND 1 Mix Tape Tour (they should make a sequel to Street Hoops, which was one of the hardest and unforgiving basketball games I have ever played), EA felt they have to at least equal what they saw in that.


Street Volume 2 was a joy to play. Its a shame that they got away from that. Too bad,

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