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I was really, really, really pleased with this show. If I didn't have an appellate brief to grind out by tomorrow, I'd do a workrate report to celebrate. As it stands, you'll all have to settle for the next show being at the Kingdome.


- The Wild & Dangerous angle is developing really nicely, despite hitting a few potholes behind the scenes. I think the mark of this being a truly excellent development is that none of you would know about said potholes had I not just made reference to them. Let me just say that I think I see exactly where the cigarettes are going, and I think I'm going to have an orgasm.


- Austin Sly's opening promo reminds us that he exists. He's challenging Maddix, and he's referencing the steroids, which I hope turns into a Danny Williams homage.


- A debut from a rookie featuring plenty of Perfectly Acceptable Wrestling. A few rough edges, but that's to be expected. We'll break him in by setting him up with Pretzler on the Kingdome card.


- Toxxic messes with Clark's head, and reminds me of Chris Wilson messing with Chris Raynor's. Gold, Jerry.


- What's there to say about Wildchild? He's bringing the content as he always does, writing an excellent little man-big man match. But geez, guys, this black-on-black violence has got to stop.


- Manson wins the battle, but it's hard to say that Austin Sly didn't win the war. He's an angry, angry man.


- I mark for Pretzler. There's just no denying it. I love him even more now that he's using the Cruiserweight Rules ably, after I invented them for the sole purpose of being able to throw someone over the top rope and deny it.


- Toxxic's promo proves once again why, exactly, he's the top heel in the fed.


- And I love the way the Revolution Zero angle is making a main eventer out of Spike Jenkins.


- Landon Maddix retains over Todd Cortez in a ridiculously close match. I hated to have to give one guy the win here... Cortez's match was just really good, as all of his work has been lately. When the matches are of such comparable quality, though, you have to look at everything that goes into it, and I thought Landon told the story of the two stablemates finally getting down and fighting better than Cortez did. The antics at the beginning paradoxically created a tension that Landon's match broke beautifully, whereas Cortez's was ever so slightly deficient.


Please post your match, Todd. It's a damn shame if it doesn't see light of day.

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