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Guest Brian

20/20 Hindsight

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I also think transitioning the belt between Kane and Benoit over the summer and fall would've been much better than ruining Orton.


Also having Kane beat Goldberg for the title instead of Triple H.

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Guest MikeSC
Fully Loaded 2000. Jericho should've beaten Triple H and Benoit should've beaten Rock for the WWF Title. It was completely unacceptable that none of the guys needing a rub won. You can trace a lot of the current problems to the old guys winning all three of the matches.

I think Jericho should have won --- but Benoit was not quite ready for the World Title at that point. Benoit takes some time to really get over and he hadn't done it enough to be World Champ at that time.


I thought Angle's treatment by UT, though, was the biggest problem with that show --- which was pretty damned good.

Upsetting Hogan in WCW = Career Suicide.

I think Sting was one of the few guys who could have done that.


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Guest Brian

Like Mike, I think that Angel's treatment by the Undertaker was the worse. Jericho I could see getting away without a win if they kept the program going and he got his win in the end, clean. Benoit probably wasn't ready yet to carry the title, though I think he would have made an acceptable transition, I think he could have been served better if the other guys came up and he sort of rode their coattails, by putting him on their level and bringing Angle, then Jericho (when he gets his win over HHH) to main event status.

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What I don't get is how you botch the finish that bad on what is essentially the biggest match in company history.

It wasn't a botch. It's just that only Hogan and Patrick, and maybe Eric, knew what was going to happen.

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Guest MikeSC
What I don't get is how you botch the finish that bad on what is essentially the biggest match in company history.

It wasn't a botch. It's just that only Hogan and Patrick, and maybe Eric, knew what was going to happen.

It absolutely killed the company, though. I thought they never recovered from that.


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Guest Loss

Jericho losing would have been acceptable had the feud with HHH continued. I would have liked to have seen a Last Man Standing rematch between the two at X-7 with Jericho going over, being set up to be the first opponent for new top heel Steve Austin. Benoit I didn't mind losing, and I didn't even mind the booking, but I would have had him beat the shit out of Mick Foley the following night and began a slow build for a feud there, considering Benoit was robbed off the title twice by Mick. Foley wanted to come out of retirement for Mania in '01, but only if he had a worthwhile match. That would have been one, and it would have totally made Benoit. So, basically, use those losses to springboard Benoit and Jericho into WM programs where they'd go over HHH and Foley.


Angle absolutely should have defeated 'Taker, stole Stephanie at Summerslam and had a blowoff match with HHH at the Rumble before dropping the title to Rock and Mania proceeding as it was destined to proceed. Maybe put Angle over Taker again at Mania while they're at it. Turn HHH from tweener to full-fledged babyface after the Jericho match and you can run Austin/Benoit/Angle v HHH/Jericho/Rock six-mans until you're blue in the face in spring. HHH and Jericho would be partnered by mutual respect, and with Rock out making a movie, they'd even be one-man down for a big portion of the feud, giving them the perfect opportunity to put a new underdog babyface in that role who could step up and help even the odds.

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<<I thought Angle's treatment by UT, though, was the biggest problem with that show --- which was pretty damned good.>>


Ironically, though, Angle came off of that PPV with more of a push than the other two.


Speaking of that era, does anybody remember the short-lived stable led by Shane McMahon that consisted of Angle, Benoit and Big Show (before his trip down to OVW)? I remember they were trying -- hard -- to come up with a name for the stable. Anyone remember the possibilities?


I remember once they were going to take on the Dudleys and somebody else and Shane said in his yankee accent "It's on then, boys! Three D's against three I's!"

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