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The one & only stables thread

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Guest evenflowDDT
Hey evenflow, Raven doesn't like the heel/face concept either.  So...IN YOUR FACE!

You showed me before, when you made it more clear what you were arguing for, and now that I get what you're saying, I agree, but realistic characters? I've already come back from the dead, so... there goes that argument :)


Besides, realism doesn't sell t-shirts.  Vinnie Mac told me so.

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Guest J*ingus

If someone wants realism, they should skip a few folders over and try the SWF; after all, the OAOAST is based on having more ridiculous crap than your average Animaniacs episode.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

Allrite, just an fyi


The Deadly Alliance, when entering as a group or a tag team

will use Stroke 9's "Kick Some Ass" as their theme

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Guest evenflowDDT

Quick Update on who's in The In Crowd, because you can never hear enough about the coolest stable EVER!:


Zack Malibu (founder)


The Superstar


NPC (non-poster characters that are associated with us in backstage/angles/promos/etc):

Michael Cole (hired shill/indentured servant)

Randy Savage (indentured servant by virtue of us being the only people who'd actually take him up on his $5 million a year demand)

Alison (Sandman's sister, evenflowDDT's lover and "Official In Crowd Chick", usually accompanies evenflowDDT to the ring, and occasionally says something during evenflowDDT promos, but she's no Stephanie McMahon, out to get heavily involved in and ruin OAOAT TV!)

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Guest evenflowDDT
Since when do I have a sister?

Since I accidentally put a spoiler up... damn I can't believe I didn't catch that before.

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Hey, can I join OAOAST? I posted character specs. I'm cool and old people love me.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

You don't need to ask, just start hitting people with stuff, the weirder the better.

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Updated Dungeon of Doom stable:


The Wizard





Michael Myers


The Monster



Jobbers playing Druids

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Guest Risk

Hm.  Maybe I will join.  A Pillman-esque character who shoots on everyone.  



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If you are not aware, I'm leaving soon, and I'm writing a match that explains that.  Will you volunteer to be the one that takes out the Dungeon which forces me into retirement?

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Guest Risk

Killing the DoD?  YAY!  Sure.  I'll do it.  Just limme join.  BTW, how exactly do the shows work?  Do we have to RP?

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Guest Tony149

Risk, if you want to join, post in the "One & Only Out of Character thread". You'll get alot more help there, as this thread is for stables, and rarely does anybody post here except to change something.


I'm the Head Booker, Big Poppa Popick & CobainWasMurdered are the Head TV writers.


We don't RP.

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The Basement of Hope:



Evad Sullivan


Jay & Silent Bob

Prince Iaukea

Austin Powers

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The Basement of Hope:



Evad Sullivan


Jay & Silent Bob

Prince Iaukea

Austin Powers

Why do you have the Shockmaster?  Why are Jay and Sileny Bob here?

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Guest treble charged

I think Mario feels threatened by his brother Luigi.

Can you say sibling rivalry?

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I think Mario feels threatened by his brother Luigi.

Can you say sibling rivalry?

I actually have two brothers.  My mother doesent have the internet, and my father is in no place to have the internet.


::Takes TC and tosses him back to the Anglesault thread::

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Guest treble charged
I actually have two brothers.  My mother doesent have the internet, and my father is in no place to have the internet.


Let me get this straight:  Your brothers are your mom and dad?

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I actually have two brothers.  My mother doesent have the internet, and my father is in no place to have the internet.


Let me get this straight:  Your brothers are your mom and dad?

lol that was good

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I actually have two brothers.  My mother doesent have the internet, and my father is in no place to have the internet.


Let me get this straight:  Your brothers are your mom and dad?

My mistake for putting it that way.  My brothers live with my Mother who doesen't have the internet.  My father doesen;t have the internet either.

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Guest treble charged
My mistake for putting it that way.  My brothers live with my Mother who doesen't have the internet.  My father doesen;t have the internet either


Alright, makes sense to me.

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Let me get this straight:  Your brothers are your mom and dad?


That was great, Treble.

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Guest treble charged
Let me get this straight:  Your brothers are your mom and dad?


That was great, Treble.

Is that meant in a sarcastic tone?

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No, but after reading that review of yours, I'm starting to think maybe it should have been.

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Guest treble charged
No, but after reading that review of yours, I'm starting to think maybe it should have been.

Is THAT meant in a sarcastic tone?

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Guest treble charged

Was THAT meant in a ...


This could go on all night.

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