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Cuban Linx

ROH Six Man Tag Tournament Results

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Taken from the ROH board:


1. GENERATION NEXT defeated ROH SCHOOL STUDENTS - Match took about 1:20, it was said to be a "total squash".


2. CM PUNK, COLT CABANA & STEVE CORINO defeated JIMMY RAVE, OMAN TORTUGA, & WEAPON OF MASK DESTRUCTION #3 - Match lasted about 6 minutes. Punk made WMD #3 tap out to the Anaconda Vice. Spanky said that Punk was not selling the eye injury at all. No idea on who WMD was, other than he was "short and fat"!


3. THE ROTWEILERS defeated RING CREW EXPRESS & EL GENERICO - Homicide hit the lariat on El Generico for the win in 8:45.


4. SAMOA JOE, BRYAN DANIELSON, & VORDELL WALKER defeated JAMES GIBSON, SPANKY, & NIGEL McGUINNESS - Said to be a 24 minute "incredible" match won by Joe choking out Spanky.


5. After the last match, TRENT ACID came out to the ring and cut a promo. The Rockin' Rebel came out and attacked him, and was joined by all the members of the last match in beating Acid down!


6. They announced four of the participants in the tournament to determine who gets a spot in the "Best of the Junior's". Announced were Matt Sydal, Bryan Danielson, James Gibson, and "The New Black Tiger".


7. Allison Danger is now in the ring cutting a promo. It was about Christopher Daniels and the Prophecy, but nothing major according to Spanky.


8. GENERATION NEXT defeated PUNK, CABANA & CORINO - Evans moonsaulted off of Strong's back onto Punk for the win in 14:48. Something on the ring broke and Spanky overheard Gabe say "Go Home" at that point. Punk and Corino argued after the match and Corino refused to shake Punk's hand.


It is currently intermission. They are working on the ring. Spanky said he doesn't think it's anything too serious, but it's in one of the corners.


9. ROCKIN REBEL & GREG MATTHEWS defeated TWO UNKNOWN WRESTLERS - I'm sure this match will not be on the home release.


10. THE ROTWEILERS defeated JOE, DANIELSON, & WALKER - Match only lasted 9 minutes. One of the Pitbulls pinned Vordell Walker to win the match. Danielson and Homicide brawled through the crowd after the match.


11. AZRIEL won the SIX MAN MAYHEM MATCH by pinning B-BOY - Match was 11 minutes.


12. JAY LETHAL defeated JOHN WALTERS to win the ROH PURE TITLE - Lethal won in 11:30 with the Dragon Suplex.


13. THE ROTWEILERS defeated GENERATION NEXT to win the SIX MAN TOURNAMENT - Homicide pinned Austin Aries with the Cop Killa!


Look to be heading into an Austin Aries/Homicide title defence in the near future based on the main event result.

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Looks that way, could be really good. I was suprised the Indy Dream Team didn't make it to the finals. The way I imagined the finals was Dream Team vs Generation Next, with the Dream Team winning and building towards a title matchs against Aries each for Nigel, Spanky and lastly Gibson in that order.


I'm glad they've put the Pure Title on Jay Lethal, I realy enjoy his work and it could build a potential story line between Joe and him over Joes hatred of said title.

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Guest OSIcon

It was a good show.


All the finishes were exactly what they should have been. Everyone advanced when they should have. Lethal beating Walters was obviously the right move also.


They set up Homicide as the next challenger for Aries (he'll get his shot on 4/2). Joe seemed to challenge Lethal after he congratulated Lethal on his victory. That should be a lot of fun.


Overall, the heat was more sustained throughout the show than it was on 12/26. No match got as big of a reaction as Joe/Aires did from that show. The Philly crowds are just really burnt out it seems. Even if it means less live shows for myself, I am glad that they are going to spread the Philly shows out more (they don't return to the Armory until July).


El Generico/Dunn/Marcos vs. Rottweilers, Team Joe vs. Dream Team, Team Joe vs. Rottweilers, and Generation Next vs. Rottweilers were all good. Rottweilers were the stars of the tournament. They heeled it up nicely and really worked well in all of their matches. Generico/Dunn/Marcos were very good in their opener, actually getting some legit near falls. Gibson, Spanky, and Nigel all looked good in their match. Generation Next wasn't bad, but they didn't have a legit match until the finals. Their opener was a squash under two minutes (as it should have been) and their second match competely fell apart after the rope snapped.


Good show. Attendence was down from the previous two shows (500 range) but with its placement, that was to be expected. Cabana's list of people he would like to have three ways with was very, very funny. Much more so than the usual Corino lists (not that they are bad). Won't give away any of it as spoilers.

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It has got to be something in that range yeah. It's just going to continue to make Homicide look weak as he can't get the job done.

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