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Steve J. Rogers

Would you put McGwire in the Hall now?

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All the cheaters should be banned from Baseball, so no, I don't think Big Juicing Mac should be let in the HoF.

So we should kick Babe Ruth out of the Hall for using a corked bat?


If we kick out all the cheaters, the Hall is going to be a helluva lot more roomy.

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I think the problem is that it is hard to tell how better steroids can make a player. It probably varies from person to person, so you never can tell. I say forget the past players, focus on now. Test every player quite often. and when a player tests positive have a huge new conefernce to annoucne it. The ones who are still on the juice will get punished enough by public scrutiny in addtion to heavy fines and perhaps banishment from the game. As for cheating, what about all the pitchers who used to use the spitball? and the change from the dead ball era to the lively ball era? and new ballaprks?


MLB is reluctant to get rid of roids cuz they apparantly think its resposnsible for the homer boon of the late 90s which helped save the game by bringing the fans back after the strike of 94.


well honestly you can't just blame the homer boom on steroids, but on a possible juiced ball, weaker pitching due to expansion, and the quirks of an individual ballpark. It's all a rich tapestry.



As for McGwire in the Hall? I guess due to his numbers he should be in, but I never thought he was that special. But he is a big name in the history of MLB so I guess that gives him a pass.

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