King Cucaracha 0 Report post Posted March 30, 2005 After a week of meetings and debating, I would like to inform you all that I have decided to sell my share of Frontier Wrestling LTD. This is a decision that has not been easy to make but in all honesty has been on the cards for several months now. When I first took over the day to day running of FWA, I was 22 years of age. I had no other full time hobby or occupation, no full time relationship and was far less jaded towards the wrestling business than I am now. It was always my dream to run a promotion more so than actually wrestle. In fact other than Mick Foley my all time wrestling heroes are Paul Heyman and Jim Cornette. Two men who, with limited budgets in ECW and Smokey Mountain respectively, created something very special in their part of the world. With FWA I guess I found a way to live out my dream and in the process do something that had always been my goal when I was a UK-based wrestling fan - give people on this side of the Atlantic a company they could follow and be proud of without flying overseas. Contrary to popular belief, the FWA has never had a money backer. Even our biggest shows like Frontiers of Honour were put together from scratch with no money. The one thing that nobody could ever accuse me of was a lack of passion and that passion enabled me to talk my way in or out of anything because I believed so much in what the FWA was doing. FWA was my entire life. I cared about it more than my various partners, family, friends and even myself. I was so tunnel vision-ed that I could not see further than my own ideals and it led me to see and do some things that I am not too proud of. No matter how much I have ever got out of FWA it has never been equal to what I have put into it but for someone who was living their dream it never bothered me. The unfortunate thing about dreams is, you eventually wake up and have to face the light of day. After British Uprising 2 I suffered what I can only describe as a mini nervous breakdown. The bomb scare we had that day lead to a chain of events that ended up getting me, not FWA, in a serious amount of debt and the stress of it all lead to me shutting down everything for five months. Fans said what they wanted to say as usual but for the first time I really did not care. I needed a break from everything and felt physically and mentally exhausted. When we came back at New Frontiers 2004 I felt different. I just was not the same passionate person that I was before our last York Hall show. I would have thrown in the towel then if it had not been for three things. I had two more goals left to achieve and more importantly I didn't have anything else! If you read back through my old Shooting Galleries, two goals will keep popping up. To get a weekly national TV show and to run the Coventry Skydome. Until I had done these I would not be able to stop with FWA. I never realised that was the actual reason but I knew inside I could not stop just yet. The TV show not only started but each week got better and better so that got ticked off my goal list. In April I met the first girl that I have ever wanted to put before wrestling and myself and she is very likely the woman I'm going to marry. With one of my last existing goals achieved and now having something other than wrestling as my main passion that just left one last thing. On November 13 2004 I promoted my first show at the Coventry Skydome. Although we did not come close to a sell out (I knew we never would) we not only drew more than I thought we would but achieved our biggest paid attendance in the process. We blew our previous number out of the water by over 650 tickets and did it in an area we had never even run before. I also achieved a career highlight by beating Doug Williams for the British Heavyweight Title. Wrestling is a work so this is not an achievement, right? Wrong. To do it and not be crucified because people felt not only was my work capable enough by now but my heel persona was strong enough to carry it was a huge achievement for me. I went out that night to celebrate my 25th birthday (which was two days later on the 15th) with my business partners, employees and friends, and had one of the best nights of my life. Right there, the FWA had reached its peak for me personally and from that point there is only one way to go. I spent my actual birthday on my own packing my bags to fly out and see my girlfriend in Australia as a surprise visit. A 30 hour flight gives you a lot of thinking time and by the time I landed I had made my decision. My girlfriend is travelling the world until the end of April before she returns to England. This would give me the chance to see if my new project (the TWC Supershow in March) would be a success and if it was then time to hand the FWA reigns over to others before she came home. You see the one thing I now know is to run a company like FWA with consistent story lines and weekly TV etc you have to eat, sleep and breathe wrestling 24/7. Sadly for me that stopped the day I met my woman and to continue being the driving force behind the company when it is no longer my top priority would have been a bad move unless I could justify it on a financial level and sadly I no longer could. 2005 marked my 12th year in wrestling and without meaning to sound money grabbing I had new priorities and Frontier Wrestling could no longer support them. With none of my existing goals left to achieve I realised that the FWA was now my burden and no longer my passion. The best friend I have ever had once said to me "without goals, eventually you get bored of just kicking the ball around and go home". My new goal was to sell out the Skydome and promote a show unlike any I had done before. March 19 2005 marked my single biggest career highlight as both a wrestler and promoter with TWC International Showdown. Not only was it the biggest crowd to an event I have organised (along with Sean Herbert who is the unsung hero of TWC) but without a doubt the best all round show to boot. To top things off, I got to work against Raven and shoot an angle with my all time wrestling hero Mick Foley. Do I sound like a mark? Good, because if you are reading this then you are a mark too so live with it. I now know that this is where my future lies and even though the show was an AMAZING success and we only had 150 empty seats I cannot rest until we sell the Skydome out with a turn away crowd. That's why I am going to continue to promote these events and maybe even build into three-day International Showdown tours by next year. So where does this leave FWA? In truth in a better position than it has been in over a year. The company has badly needed fresh ideas and new blood driving it and that's exactly what it will get. Sadly I have not yet been able to finalise the deal to sell my shares but it is very close to being done and the person who will take over from me is likely to be a much more popular figurehead than myself which can only help the company. Hopefully the deal will be finalised before Crunch on April 16, which at this point is still to go ahead as planned. My departure will sadly hold up the production of our TV show, which I have written and directed for over a year now. This is only expected to be a temporary problem until the new buyers find a new production crew. I will still wrestle for the FWA and represent the company wherever I go. I will still sit on the booking team from time to time and be the main FWA talent scout. I am still going to get the gym chain stronger, bigger and better. The board of control is now much higher up my list of goals and Alex Shane the performer is going to be developed the way he never could be before. This is not the end but simply the start of a whole new chapter and for the first time in ages the FWA is really exciting me again. I want to ask the fans one thing. Please give the new guys a chance. The FWA only ever has had ONE full time employee. Everybody else did it part time or as a hobby. Yet the expectation levels from fans were always so high and the criticism sometimes so unfair. I know the guys involved in the takeover have the best intentions of all of you at heart and would not be taking such a financial risk if they did not love the wrestling business. These are wrestling people not greedy business people so give them room to make some mistakes and try and treat it like it's your company the way you guys did when we first started out on this little adventure what seemed like so long ago. I promise it will be worth it if these guys get the chance to prove their worth. In closing I would like to thank a few people in no particular order. Barry you are the most loyal person I have ever known and I trust you with my life. Greg you are the inspiration behind the word 'reliable', you're doing great and I love being right about people. Nikita you are closer to me than a sister and I love you beyond words, we will always be best friends. Elisar, you have always stuck by me no matter how much of a cock I may have been at times. You're a special person and a great guy. Mark, none of this would have been possible without you. We rarely see eye to eye but the years have brought me a new level of respect for what you bring to the table and I feel you are nowhere near as appreciated as you should be by many in the UK. Ralph, you are the single most talented person I know and a great friend. You believed in me for a lot longer than most would have and still do. That will never be forgotten. Then there's Dino. You have been the single biggest factor in making me the person I am. You have always believed in me and stood by me when everybody else told you not to. I could not have learnt more from ANYBODY about wrestling than I have learnt from you because you live outside the wrestling box and see things as they are. No one has ever been there for me more when it mattered and I will always owe you more then you will ever know for that. Lastly, I would like to thank the other people who have made this all achievable. The ring crew, riggers, trainees, regional promoters, web designers, wrestlers, referees, commentators, camera crew and ultimately the fans. I simply would not even want to attempt to name you all and I really couldn't even if I tried. The fans who have sent me e-mails and letters. Come up to me at shows and thanked me for my work as a wrestler, radio show host, teacher or promoter. The fans who I bump into at shows and functions across the UK and how make me feel appreciated when it sometimes feels like I'm really not. I really mean this when I say it, you guys have made this worthwhile on so many levels and I value you all. Thank you. FWA has made me friends and enemies. It has given me my highest points and my lowest moments. It has bought out the best side of me and my worst. Above all else though it has proven to me that anything is achievable by anyone if you willing to work for it and believe in it enough. My favourite motto is "Do not go where the path leads, go where there is no path and leave a trail". That's how I view the FWA and its how I'd like it to go on. Something tells me I'm going to get my wish. I am always going to be FWA to the core. I am just no longer able to be the core of FWA. Thanks for reading and hopefully understanding Alex Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Desperate Housewife Report post Posted March 30, 2005 Good Riddance And Bad Rubbish come to find. More later if I get bored Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Desperate Housewife Report post Posted March 31, 2005 Oh look, someone did it for me. --------------------------------------------- John Farrer ran a GWF show 2 years ago, well when I say ran, it didn;t run because the ring never showed up. The story goes that Alex paid Steve Lynskey, who was delivering the ring, to not show up - he didn;t. Here is Mr farrer's statement: (APOLOGIES FOR ANY TYPOS OR SHIT GRAMMAR, I CAN’T BE ARSED PROOF READING) I felt inclined to crawl from under my rock after reading Alex Shane’s recent Oscar award winning speech about his giving up the directorship of the FWA. To me, it’s just a simple case of him trying to martyr and vindicate himself before someone else does the job (and not in a good way). He’s probably realising he’s peaked, and taking the massive profits he just accrued and is pocketing it before having the chance to do something silly (very wise). Just to clarify, if anyone believes my issues with Alex Shane are solely to do with what happened on February 2nd, 2003, they are sorely mistaken. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about.. the rest of this will mean nothing until you get a bit of history on the matter.) That man has done far worse to other people that I know (see: Bill and Ben: The Blowtorch Men), as well as a few other dodgy things to yours truly. We’re talking about a man who even tried to screw one of his “friends” out of a pretty decent job recently to try and put himself in a better political position. The second time he did it though, it backfired, negotiating himself out of a job in the process, which made me laugh J. If you’re still reading, you know all the gory details so we’ll leave that. All I’m going to say is this – If you have “changed” Alex, then that’s fantastic for anyone that comes into direct contact with you in the future. However, DO NOT think that your past will not catch up with you at some point, things always have a habit of coming full circle and your dastardly deeds of the past few years will eventually come to bite you at the most opportune moment. That’s NOT a threat (even though I do have some interesting audio mp3s of you on file that I may use, should your new found fame go any further) but a prophecy. You can’t play the game you have of Gary the Gangster, then decide to come out acting all repressed when you're feeling a little jaded and shock, perhaps a tad guilty. When you throw stones at people, eventually someone will throw back a fireball. People often ask me why I never took the matter to court with the evidence I had.. and just to fulfil your curiosity.. sometimes you need to sacrifice your own objective for that of bigger and more important things. I will say no more but I’m sure you can work it out. Don’t ever think you got away with what you did to me because, eventually, I will get even with interest on top. Laugh it up, big boy like I know you are doing, because I’m laughing too. Having phone conversations recorded is fun. Oh, and we already had one whinging little prick babbling online in the name of Ryan Hewson, two would have been overkill. My life was hell for 18 months after what you did to me, but please let me state I don’t want a shred of sympathy from you or anyone else (not that I’ll get it wink.gif). I really want you to know the full extent of the damage you caused in that particular incident, so that in turn you can understand that it’s probably the same for everything else you’ve done and how many people you have “touched”. The catchy thing was, afterwards you just proceeded to milk your work of art for all you could in different ways and continued to twist the knife, belittling and embarrassing my name at any given opportunity. Mr. and Mrs. Spilling should be very proud of their little boy. I probably laughed hardest at your line of being under immense pressure at Uprising, I believe, or whatever event it was. I got a call that day from Steve Ganfield telling me I was not going to believe my ears. A bomb threat had just been called into your event, and you’d got on the microphone and told all the wrestlers and journos alike (he and Bill Apter had been invited by yourself), that I had done it. That’s when he and Bill finally believed my story as they knew me well enough to know I’d never do anything like that as they were pretty much my big brother and father for 2 years. Also, I’m disappointed you dreamed up something so dangerous.. and poor. I thought you would give me more credit than to portray me as resorting to something so feeble. Not content with February 2nd, 2003 (I refuse to refer to it as anything else), he had gone for the kill and tried to portray me as a Gerry Adams wannabe to my employers. In actual fact, he had no need, as “budgets were cut” about a month after February 2nd , 2003 and I had lost my full-time job. (Very off-topic, but can I also add to the record that Steve & Bill went to bat for me very hard at the magazine and I never truly repaid them for all the opportunities they gave me). Funny Steve May found room to hire Mo Chatra a year down the line.. ;-) Actually, the whole bomb threat thing, that’s a good theory (as it usually is with your well thought out plans), but it was quite coincidental that a week or so beforehand Alex had spilled his guts and “came clean” to Kenny McBride over ring-gate. He’d also told a few wrestlers I know (who were none too happy after making a massive round trip in amazingly bad weather for nothing) and Steve Lynskey was regularly beginning to make jokes about it all both in person and on the Internet. As if that fat cunt got Happy Birthday wishes, then said thanks guys I will give you all a ring.. and I got a DIE FARRER DIE thread for mine. Arseholes. So anyway, I expected something to happen. I’m no good at jigsaws, so somebody needs to help me out putting the pieces together on that one.. After February 2nd, 2003, I've never been the same towards anyone. I went from being a happy, fun loving, trusting individual to a deep, dark & paranoid arsehole overnight (some may argue the change wasn’t so sudden ;-)) and I will never, EVER forget that. Kev Iddon always defended me at whatever cost on the Internet as he saw it for himself and it just pained him. What Alex did didn’t just affect me, but in turn caused a chain reaction through my friends and family seeing the changes in me. In fact, despite my recent successes I am still the latter; I don’t trust people anymore and it’ll take something major for me to ever do so again. I hate you Alex, and with a severe passion. I will celebrate any misfortune you may have in the future. A lot of people reading this will just think, what a cunt. That’s fine, I’ve never been great at politics or PR and that isn’t my aim here as it’s a statement not a press release. I have no show to promote, no tickets to sell or t-shirts available.. I have no agenda apart from the most obvious one. So basically I am the opposite of the individual I am addressing. I do not give a wank, blowjob nor a flying fuck what anybody thinks because really, deep down, Alex and I both know the truth and that’s good enough for me. Whether anyone else wants to believe it or not is irrelevant, speaking for myself. Though not to Alex, because he still has shit he’s trying to get you to buy, so he has to tread carefully. Unless he tries to use this as heel heat (again) and tries to promote a Farrer vs. Shane match. Scrap that, I’ve got a better idea – an Alex Shane hanging from the ceiling match: Jon Farrer vs. Baseball Bat vs. Light Tubes in a three way dance. What I’m trying to say is.. THIS IS NOT AN FWA OR ALEX SHANE WORK. The person I feel for most is this so-called love of his life. I hope she knows you very well and all your history (DAILY SPORT ARTICLE~) and that you’ve not been working her about yourself (which is a 100% possibility), because in the long run she’s going to have a rough ride living with a low life like you. I hope that hurts, because I really mean it. That is unless she’s just another skanky stripper like your last one. Actually that’s unfair on her (I think?).. but, guilty by association I’m afraid. Anyone who knows Alex, likes Alex, hangs with Alex, is business partners with him or whatever just let me give you a word of warning, take heed if you will but I appreciate it is unlikely and I will be castoff as a bitter and vindictive fool (again, probably true!). He is a clever man who is very evil behind the scenes, but with his PR face is one of the most likeable people you’re ever likely to come across. NEVER believe he actually likes you and NEVER believe he’s really your friend. I’ve seen him backstab his “friends”, employees (regularly attempting to sabotage foreign bookings that his wrestlers have if it clashes with FWA dates, to the extent Flash Barker was apparently ready to rip his head off) business partners and the whole FWA “board” in the past, whether they’re aware of it or not. I remember shaking my head as I read Mark Sloan pour his heart on the FWA forum about Alex Shane’s neck injury and that he would quit the business if it was a work. Ask him to show you the scar from the surgery mate, because you won’t find one. But of course, you already knew that, thanks to a little birdie… ;-) You know what? In hindsight, despite it affecting me in the negative I should be kissing Alex’ feet. He gave me an excuse to get out of this dirty & disgusting business full of paranoid losers, arrogant twats and politicians George W. Bush would be proud of. Oh, and that’s the good ones, folks. People hiding behind fake names going on an anti-Farrer crusade on behalf of Herr Shane made me laugh. Dean Ayass, Semprini, Sgt. Ducky or whatever you’re calling yourself these days, I’m looking in your direction, you fat-sack-of-shit-who-married-the-female-version-of-himself-in-Rimmer-Red-Dwarf-style. I’m willing to bet a large sum of money you were so desperate for female loving you fucking cloned yourself and put a wig on top. Again, that’s unfair on her, but guilty by association and I hope it hurts. Funny these guys had only met me once or twice and always been very cordial as I was in return. Not sure what caused them to be so twattish towards me, as, in the particular case of Dean, I never spoke a bad word about him.. in fact I don’t think I ever mentioned his name. The whole thing also enabled me to grow up and see the world for what it really is, and find out who my true friends are. Besides Kenny (of course wink.gif).. I got phone calls from two people after the event (the two I most likely expected who I will not name because they work for Alex.. not that it matters because he needs them more than they need him) and a pleasant internet chat with Andy “Snoop Hoggy” Hogg. Hope all is well with the lovely lady buddy and congrats on getting married. I’m also not sure where all these refund requests appeared from. As far as I am aware, I dealt with every one that was sent in personally and if you didn’t get a refund, you never wrote in. If you want one now, send an SAE to FWA. Sorry to sound like a shithead, but I was a whisker away from bankruptcy and a minute from being arrested for fraud (I would’ve been had it not been for my Uncle being a wealthy and reputable businessman in the area being noticed by one of the Policemen). So I think I paid my dues on the situation. Again, sorry if I sound like a cunt, but this topic had to be addressed somewhere in the post and I’m not going to tap dance around it. It also has to do with the fact I am unwilling to give away my new address in case Bill and Ben the Blowtorch Men decide to make a one night only comeback. Hey let’s be honest, most fans in attendance got the fucking mother of all shows.. I even read a bunch of guys preferred our little routine to the FWA show a week later! By this I mean most of the Internet chaps who bought off me directly.. this was exactly the thing they relish, being a part of breaking kayfabe, they had the fucking time of their lives. It’s one of those days, no matter who you were, as long as you were a part of it in some shape or form, you will remember when you’re 65, for better or worse. I watched the tape back the other evening and couldn’t help chuckling to (and at) myself. The part where Trent danced on the table, only for it to collapse under him, KO’ing me at the same time (breaking my glasses in the process) is classic comedy. I may put it online as it has to be seen to be believed. This was especially funny for Mark Sloan, as back in the day he had witnessed my old pair get crushed by a bus crossing the road. I switched to contacts soon after, God was trying to tell me something. I am not, nor have ever been bitter towards the business and I never will be. I made a full-time living out of it for 3 years and had a lifetime of fun. At 22 years old I’ve gone on more journies of all walks than most do in a lifetime. The stories and memories I have embedded in my brain will stay with me forever and no-one can take them away. From Mark Sloan taking me under his wing, to Steve Ganfield giving a cocky 19 year old a chance, to my Uncle who allowed me the opportunity to promote under my own banner and to everyone who ever helped or did anything for me I’d like to say THANK YOU. Christ, I sound like fucking Miss World.. I'd just like to add, in closing, that I always held myself accountable for what happened, but that doesn’t mean it was my own doing. My blindness, and putting my trust in the wrong people proved to be my downfall. But if anyone ever thinks British wrestling will ever get anywhere on terrestrial TV with the current goof troop running the show, then February 2nd, 2003 was an indication of why you may as well buy a lottery ticket. There's more chance of you winning that than British wrestling ever becoming prominent in this era ;-) Expect any response from big tits, if any, under any of his 15 online alias’, to be a masterpiece Torville and Dean would be proud of. Although he’s probably too chickenshit to respond directly, at least not until he’s dreamed up another best-selling book of bullshit making himself look the almighty promoter and me a lying, twisted bitter twat talking absolute tosh (well, half of it may be true!). I’d also like to add contrary to popular belief, this is my first Internet posting since disappearing off the UKFF. I haven’t been chiming in dodgy comments under any forums under different names as I’m not that low. If I’ve got something to say I’ll say it to you, no frills. That’s directed at a few people. I don’t mean anything by it, it’s just a fact. I hope I haven’t sounded too wankerish and if I have then please look through that if this topic means anything to you. I think now that I’ve finally come out and gotten this off my chest I can probably put the whole thing to bed and move on with my life. I have just signed with a highly-rated acting & modelling company and am pursuing a new dream of being an actor (everyone always called me a drama queen!).. well, actually I’ve always had it but never pursued it, despite my Aunt being best friends with one of the most powerful producers in British TV. Wrestling as far as I’m concerned is a closed chapter now and I do genuinely think that’s a shame, I think I really had something to offer and bring to the table. For example, much of the structure you see in FWA (in terms of finances et al) started out as my ideas with GWF that Alex saw working. Alas, it was not to be. I just hope I provided you with a bit of entertainment in any form as I refuse to be a statistic in life and will probably be a huge success or dead at 30 from a drug overdose. Whether you’ve seen me doing pressups in a bar, having a snake shoved down my pants, rescuing me from the Selsden Hotel in Gatwick after an altogether different night on the town with Brian Christopher only to find me asleep in the lobby with my hands down my pants or a miracle sighting in Ibiza of myself, an FWA star, and a Hammerlock headliner sharing a beer and a whole host of other things, I hope to leave you with a positive lasting memory of Jon Farrer. If I haven’t, well, maybe in time you will get over it too. All the breast! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IWD 0 Report post Posted April 3, 2005 This is fucking hilarious! Cheers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites