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Backlash main event

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Got this off the DVDVR boards, seems pretty legit and is no big surprise:


"Just saw an ad on Fox Sports Midwest...


HHH v.s. Batista II.. the "Battle for the World Heavyweight Championship rages on""


There ya go.


So does Batista defend here and beat HHH twice in a row? Or do we have a screwy finish at Mania leading to him getting the belt here?

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I kinda figured all along that Batista would win the title at Mania, and then take on Trips in a stipulation rematch at Backlash. With all the heat this feud's gotten, they'd be stupid to end it at one month no matter who wins at Mania.

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I kinda figured all along that Batista would win the title at Mania, and then take on Trips in a stipulation rematch at Backlash. With all the heat this feud's gotten, they'd be stupid to end it at one month no matter who wins at Mania.

Plus, can anybody see Triple H losing tonight, and then coming out on Raw tomorrow night and just switching focus completely to something or someone else?

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So does Batista defend here and beat HHH twice in a row? Or do we have a screwy finish at Mania leading to him getting the belt here?


Screwy finish.

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It's LA. We're bored. We are going to sleep through the entire card, because we just don't care. Do the screwy finish so we have reason to throw our plastic beer cups into the ring.

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It's LA. We're bored. We are going to sleep through the entire card, because we just don't care. Do the screwy finish so we have reason to throw our plastic beer cups into the ring.

How about doing the WrestleMania IX ending with Triple H/Batista?


Heck, judging by his induction last night, they wouldn't mind Hogan in one more match. :P

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Got this off the DVDVR boards, seems pretty legit and is no big surprise:


"Just saw an ad on Fox Sports Midwest...


HHH v.s. Batista II.. the "Battle for the World Heavyweight Championship rages on""


There ya go.


So does Batista defend here and beat HHH twice in a row? Or do we have a screwy finish at Mania leading to him getting the belt here?

If this is really true then Batista will lose tonight because the "battle for the World Title rages on" isn't really a good line for HHH. Knowing HHH will probably beat Batista makes me a sad camper.

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Guest Shadow

Where the hell does it say "Batista jobbed the match at Mania so the title battle rages on". Backlash historically has the Mania re-match anyways. It's not a surprise HHH slaps down his "champion gets a automatic re-match" clause down for Backlash and will name his stipulation...


likely a gimmick like Last Man Standing, HIAC(His "match") or whatever have you.

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Well actually, about a week ago someone made the same claim you just did about Backlash being historically a place for WM main event rematches and it was shot down pretty quickly.

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Guest Shadow
Well actually, about a week ago someone made the same claim you just did about Backlash being historically a place for WM main event rematches and it was shot down pretty quickly.


WM Main Event

Austin Vs The Rock

Backlash Main Event

Austin Vs The Rock




WM Main Event

The Rock Vs HHH Vs Foley Vs TBS

Backlash Main Event

Rock Vs HHH



WM Main Event

HHH Vs HBK Vs Benoit

Backlash Main Event

HHH Vs HBK Vs Benoit


That's 3 out of 6. 50%. Thats a large majority.

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Guest Shadow

Let's see, The last 20 minutes was Rock/HHH, everyone considered it the TRUE main event. TBS was a afterthought early on. It was a continuation of that ending at Mania.


That's generally a re-match.

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I understand where you are trying to go with that, but it still isn't a rematch no matter how you slice it. And while the Big Show was an afterthought, half the people who posted in the thread about predicting past main events said they thought Foley would win, so I'd say he was a fairly significant part of the match.

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My thinking is that Batista squashes and embarrasses Triple H tonight. Everyone talks about it being a complete fluke, etc.


Triple H becomes enraged and demands a rematch. It's set for Backlash. They go much longer, maybe 20 minutes, to establish and cement Batista as a world title guy.

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Wow, so Batista is going to lose tonight. Gee I wonder who on the board has been saying that for weeks now....

Ugh, you're a dumbass. I will be sure to call you out after Batista beats HHH tonight.

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Wow, so Batista is going to lose tonight. Gee I wonder who on the board has been saying that for weeks now....

Ugh, you're a dumbass. I will be sure to call you out after Batista beats HHH tonight.

Well I would expect you to, or someone anyway. When you go around for weeks predicting something that everyone else disagrees with, if you are wrong, someone usually tends to point it out.


But what if HHH does win, does that make you a dumbass?

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Guest Shadow

Um No.


They ARENT ingoring it at all.


The title shot is open for a YEAR. It's perfectly logical that any of those six will decide to wait.

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There's no way in hell trhey can have Batista not win the belt tonight, the crowd would just shit all over that, but then again this IS WWE we're talking about....

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Guest Shadow

Problem is, if Vince wanted a happy crowd; he could easily put hogan and pull a IX again.


That's what scares me and last night didn't help ease those worries.

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Um No.


They ARENT ingoring it at all.


The title shot is open for a YEAR. It's perfectly logical that any of those six will decide to wait.

It would be odd if whoever wins decides to wait to take the title shot, but in the process gets hurt and can't have his title shot within that year.


Jericho is really the only one in the match without some sort of history with injuries.

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There's no way in hell trhey can have Batista not win the belt tonight, the crowd would just shit all over that, but then again this IS WWE we're talking about....

I think that Cena winning would make the crowd happier than Batista winning.


And if Cena doesn't win..that would be more like the WWE.


The WWE way for Batista/HHH would be for HHH to lose tonight, only to win it back at Backlash.

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Guest Shadow
Um No.


They ARENT ingoring it at all.


The title shot is open for a YEAR. It's perfectly logical that any of those six will decide to wait.

It would be odd if whoever wins decides to wait to take the title shot, but in the process gets hurt and can't have his title shot within that year.


Jericho is really the only one in the match without some sort of history with injuries.

Benjamin and Christian haven't had a history either. Christian has a long list of "nagging" injuries but never missed time. Nor has Benjamin except for that couple weeks with the hand injury which i dont consider a "history".


Edge, Benoit, Kane on the other hand, have thier own personal ward at the hospital.

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Um No.


They ARENT ingoring it at all.


The title shot is open for a YEAR. It's perfectly logical that any of those six will decide to wait.

It would be odd if whoever wins decides to wait to take the title shot, but in the process gets hurt and can't have his title shot within that year.


Jericho is really the only one in the match without some sort of history with injuries.

Benjamin and Christian haven't had a history either. Christian has a long list of "nagging" injuries but never missed time. Nor has Benjamin except for that couple weeks with the hand injury which i dont consider a "history".


Edge, Benoit, Kane on the other hand, have thier own personal ward at the hospital.

Christian had that time out after the cage match with Jericho, didn't he?

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Guest Shadow

I thought that was kayfabe because I remember matt having a column about how he and christian had a contest to see who could last longer and that christian beat matt.

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Guest Brian
Um No.


They ARENT ingoring it at all.


The title shot is open for a YEAR. It's perfectly logical that any of those six will decide to wait.

It sort of diminishes the idea of a title shot, and a title, if the number one contender isn't willing to seek the belt immediately. If the belt takes second priority to something else, it doesn't bode well for the title.

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Um No.


They ARENT ingoring it at all.


The title shot is open for a YEAR. It's perfectly logical that any of those six will decide to wait.

It sort of diminishes the idea of a title shot, and a title, if the number one contender isn't willing to seek the belt immediately. If the belt takes second priority to something else, it doesn't bode well for the title.

But it's good up to and including Mania 22.


So, maybe they want to win the belt on the biggest stage of all.

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The WWE is cornered. They cannot have Batista or Cena lose in the main event for the belts. If Cena loses, then he has lost another Main Event for the belt. If Batista loses, the fans lose major interest since the person they were caring about isn't even good enough to get the belt.


They are basically screwed here. Cena cannot keep losing the big matches and Batista definately cannot recover from a loss at Mania.


Let the heels dominate the undercard and give the main events to the faces.

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