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When should Edge cash in his title shot?

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So, I know this is good for a year and all, but if they wait any longer than a couple of months everyone will have forgotten about it. So when should he get the title shot?


My idea, was really for Christian to win the match. Then for Batista to have a bloody war with HHH and win. Then Christian immediatly runs out for his match and wins. With help from HHH, Flair, Tomko, Edge, and anyone else he needs. Then Batista gets the title back next month after going on a killing spree on the Raw locker room.


Which Edge could still do after the Backlash match with HHH.

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Guest Rrrsh

I think as long as he calls himself Mr Money in the bank, there is no worries of the fans forgetting the angle.


Therfor, he should wait till Summerslam. Untill then, he should taunt Batista with it and build a stable behind him. He can use the time between now and then to recruit for said group.

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Guest Shadow
I think as long as he calls himself Mr Money in the bank, there is no worries of the fans forgetting the angle.


Therfor, he should wait till Summerslam. Untill then, he should taunt Batista with it and build a stable behind him. He can use the time between now and then to recruit for said group.

Christian, Tomko, Charlie Haas.


Thats his new stable. NOW.

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Edge, Christian, Rhyno, Venis


Canadian Thug Life 2.0 (I know Rhyno isn't a Canuck, but he was part of the original stable. Edge and Venis don't have to get along to work together)

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If I was Edge:


I declare myself as the challenger for the World Heavyweight Title (or WWE Title, depending on the Draft) at WWE WRESTLEMANIA 22.


Then I declare that I am taking a 10-month "vacation".


Think about it..


Each week he ran ridicule all the wrestlers for having to "work hard" for the spotlight when he, without lifting a finger for 10 months, has the biggest spotlight of them all at WM.


Then he can return at the Rumble, work a few matches to "get the rest off", and do WM.


LOGICALLY, this is what should be done. But it wouldn't draw, they'd lose a worker, and it would suck.


But that's what someone SHOULD do. To avoid the chance of injury, etc.

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I think as long as he calls himself Mr Money in the bank,...

Ugh! Yet another reason for me to hate Edge. If they call him that from now on, I'm going to go crazy.

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Guest Shadow
If I was Edge:


I declare myself as the challenger for the World Heavyweight Title (or WWE Title, depending on the Draft) at WWE WRESTLEMANIA 22.


Then I declare that I am taking a 10-month "vacation".


Think about it..


Each week he ran ridicule all the wrestlers for having to "work hard" for the spotlight when he, without lifting a finger for 10 months, has the biggest spotlight of them all at WM.


Then he can return at the Rumble, work a few matches to "get the rest off", and do WM.


LOGICALLY, this is what should be done. But it wouldn't draw, they'd lose a worker, and it would suck.


But that's what someone SHOULD do. To avoid the chance of injury, etc.

Sting did basically the same thing and it was the best business WCW ever did.

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Nah, I think Summerslam might be pushing it. I think the perfect timing would be for him to use it after a Batista/Kane match at Bad Blood. You don't really want Batista to pull double duty on a dual-brand card, but it would work great as a reason for Edge to get a quick title run to set up a hot Batista/Edge main event at Summerslam.

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I think they might have stumbled on to something tonight with him losing to Benoit. There's potential in him going on a losing streak, all the while holding onto and bragging about his guaranteed shot. But you walk a fine line there, as not every match would come off as well as tonight's did and it could hurt Edge in the eyes of the fans just as easily as it could be good for his character.....


I liked him losing tonight though, and snapping post-match, great booking. The Benoit/Edge stuff is amazingly full of depth, and it's got the vibe of something they can pick up at any time without losing any of the intensity. Plus, Benoit really brings out a side of Edge I like to see in-ring, ie. the one who's constantly on his toes and doesn't slack off. Orton had this effect on him as well, Jericho seems to have the opposite effect....

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Guest Shadow
Sting was also over and people cared about him.


Edge is basically a blonde Sean Waltman.

I was just comparing the whole, Guy does nothing for multiple months and gets a match on the biggest stage aspect.

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Edge: Bischoff, I have decided when I want to cash in that World Heavyweight Title Shot!


Bischoff: Alright.


Edge: It will be me against Batista...at KING OF THE RING!! YEAH!


Bischoff: But...but...King of the Ring is...


Edge: Now now, there is NO changing my mind Eric! *Edge leaves*



Then the rest of Edge's career can be him constantly telling the rest of the lockerroom about his big title shot coming up at King of the Ring, which never ever happens.

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I'd love to see Batista get a good 4 and a half to 5 month reign and then drop the belt at SummerSlam. SS is WWE's next biggest PPV event after WrestleMania, and this year it's in Batista's home town of Washington, D.C. Having Edge beat him there would get Edge huge heel heat for his title win.

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Guest Shadow

Sadly; there are 500 creative and logical ways to build this and yet im certain they will just botch this like they did test's immunity.

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Guest Rrrsh
Sting was also over and people cared about him.


Edge is basically a blonde Sean Waltman.

Edge is very over and people really want him to get his ass kicked.


Your a moron for comparing him to X Pac.

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World Champion Edge?

Come on, I'd have a hard time buying IC champion Edge with his heel persona he has now.


It's incredibly bad, so bad that it's hilarious to watch. Every week watching him strain his face like he is having a bowel movement because he is intense.

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Sting was also over and people cared about him.


Edge is basically a blonde Sean Waltman.

Edge is very over and people really want him to get his ass kicked.


Your a moron for comparing him to X Pac.

Most of my mark friends literally hate Edge and do not want to see him.

Reversly, they loved X-Pac and didn't understand the reference when I tried to explain that Edge gets X-Pac heat.

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Guest Rrrsh
World Champion Edge?

Come on, I'd have a hard time buying IC champion Edge with his heel persona he has now.


It's incredibly bad, so bad that it's hilarious to watch. Every week watching him strain his face like he is having a bowel movement because he is intense.

Its wrestling, he is suppose to be over the top.


He has snapped and can go insane at any moment. And usually does.


It beats cocky heel #243764537 or HHH's 8 personalities. Next to Orton, he has the best heel charicter going. How over he is is obviosuly not as easy to tell because he hasnt been given a chance to draw or anything. But the charicter legit makes people hate him.

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Edge: Bischoff, I have decided when I want to cash in that World Heavyweight Title Shot!


Bischoff: Alright.


Edge: It will be me against Batista...at KING OF THE RING!! YEAH!


Bischoff: But...but...King of the Ring is...


Edge: Now now, there is NO changing my mind Eric! *Edge leaves*



Then the rest of Edge's career can be him constantly telling the rest of the lockerroom about his big title shot coming up at King of the Ring, which never ever happens.

Oh man, that got a good laugh out of me.


It should be saved for Summerslam, assuming Batista holds it that long. If not, then when the next face champion gets it. The last thing I want to see is Edge vs Triple H.

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If I was Edge:


I declare myself as the challenger for the World Heavyweight Title (or WWE Title, depending on the Draft) at WWE WRESTLEMANIA 22.


Then I declare that I am taking a 10-month "vacation".


Think about it..


Each week he ran ridicule all the wrestlers for having to "work hard" for the spotlight when he, without lifting a finger for 10 months, has the biggest spotlight of them all at WM.


Then he can return at the Rumble, work a few matches to "get the rest off", and do WM.


LOGICALLY, this is what should be done. But it wouldn't draw, they'd lose a worker, and it would suck.


But that's what someone SHOULD do. To avoid the chance of injury, etc.

But then Bischoff could threaten not to pay him while he's out, so Edge reluctanly goes back to work.

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I wouldn't exactly say I am a moron for comparing Edge to X-Pac.




X-Pac was a very over face who was great in a tag team with Kane.

Edge was a very over face who was great in a tag team with Mysterio.


X-Pac turned heel after the team dissolved.

Edge turned heel after the team stopped focusing on tag titles and Edge returned.


X-Pac focused on being a serious singles star as a heel.

Edge focused on being a serious singles star as a heel.


X-Pac was often hindered by injuries.

Edge is often hindered by injuries.


X-Pac was often praised as an exciting face, but as a heel, cut shitty promos, and generally didn't have the same quality matches that excited fans when he was a face.

Edge was often praised as an exciting face, but as a heel, he cuts shitty promos, and generally doesn't have the same quality matches that excited fans when he was a face.


X-Pac competing for singles titles made people groan, including him booking the Light Heavyweight/Cruiser division.

Edge's IC Title reign made people groan, including a shitty, crowd-confused SummerSlam 3-way, a way-too-long Vengeance title win, and then an injury which ended the reign.


X-Pac was always seen as Triple H's bitch.

Edge was made Triple H's bitch in Japan.


Jericho/X-Pac was the shits.

Edge/Jericho was the shits.


X-Pac had horrible ring music.

Edge has horrible ring music.


So other than that, I guess I'm a moron.

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Guest Rrrsh
I wouldn't exactly say I am a moron for comparing Edge to X-Pac.




X-Pac was a very over face who was great in a tag team with Kane.

Edge was a very over face who was great in a tag team with Mysterio.


X-Pac turned heel after the team dissolved.

Edge turned heel after the team stopped focusing on tag titles and Edge returned.


X-Pac focused on being a serious singles star as a heel.

Edge focused on being a serious singles star as a heel.


X-Pac was often hindered by injuries.

Edge is often hindered by injuries.


X-Pac was often praised as an exciting face, but as a heel, cut shitty promos, and generally didn't have the same quality matches that excited fans when he was a face.

Edge was often praised as an exciting face, but as a heel, he cuts shitty promos, and generally doesn't have the same quality matches that excited fans when he was a face.


X-Pac competing for singles titles made people groan, including him booking the Light Heavyweight/Cruiser division.

Edge's IC Title reign made people groan, including a shitty, crowd-confused SummerSlam 3-way, a way-too-long Vengeance title win, and then an injury which ended the reign.


X-Pac was always seen as Triple H's bitch.

Edge was made Triple H's bitch in Japan.


Jericho/X-Pac was the shits.

Edge/Jericho was the shits.


X-Pac had horrible ring music.

Edge has horrible ring music.


So other than that, I guess I'm a moron.

A: Edge was far more over with Rey than X Pac was with Kane


B: Big stretch, but whatever.


C and D are fine


E: X-Pac turned heel when he started disinagrating as a worker. He couLd have re-turned face, it wouldnt have mattered. He staRted to blow HARD after the orginal DX, face or heel. Edge does not not suck in any way


F: Edge was booked poorly in the Summer of 04, I agree.


G: Actually, Edge looked as strong as anyone could have in th4 situation give


H: Every worker has bad chemsitry with someone. X-pac has shit chemsitry with lots, Edge with very few.


I: Edge has kick ass theme music.

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X-Pac could not re-turn face. You're wrong. Check the ENTIRE INVASION ANGLE. The crowd STILL hated him, and they were cheering the likes of Albert.


Much like Edge today. No one wants to cheer him. He has X-Pac heat.

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Guest Rrrsh

No, I said that X-pac started to blow when he turned heel. He didn't blow BECAUSE eh turned heel. Thats all I said.


Your just ignorant when you say that Edge has X-pac heat. His gimmick is to get the heat he gets. In a heart beat, he could get traded to smackdown, save Rey from a turning Eddie, and be a massively over face. He just cant be an intense face, he needs to have fun and be likeable.

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Smackdown is different than Raw.


They'd pop for Christian doing a run-in and being a face.


Edge was a very likeable and somewhat funny character during his face-run for Smackdown! He had a lot of good matches with the likes of Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, and Kurt Angle, a good team with Rey, and a nostalgic fun little thing with Hogan.


However, since coming back from neck surgery, Edge has:


- Stunk up the joint with Kane.

- Worked a boring IC match with Orton.

- Hit sloppy spear after sloppy spear (although he's been doing quite well with them lately).

- Worked a crappy IC program w/ Batista and Jericho.

- Gotten hurt AGAIN.


Then he turned heel. I REJOICED. The fans were sick of his crappy in-ring work. This isn't 2002. He doesn't have the Smackdown Five carrying his ass every week. He's gotten awful post-neck surgery.


Yet he's failed with the heel turn. EVERY PROMO IS THE SAME.


He and Michaels bored me at the Rumble. Although, to be honest, Michaels/Angle bored me during its beginning at WM. I think its Shawn, I won't blame Edge.


I really, really liked Benoit Vs Edge on Raw tonight. The psychology by Benoit was good, and Edge's frustration was good.


But I'm sorry, you seem to be a big mark for him and thats cool, but I think the guy blows. Putting the World Title on him would be a huge mistake.

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I know a year is long, but definitely Wrestlemania 22, so if a Smackdown star wins the 2006 Royal Rumble, Edge can claim his shot at the event to cover up RAW's portion of the world title matches.

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