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Matt Young

Tales of Legendia Confirmed for U.S. Release

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Tales of Legendia to be released in North America for PS2


I didn't copy and paste the article because I couldn't highlight the text properly for some reason.


This is great news for me. I love Tales of Symphonia, which was released last July for the GameCube, so it's cool to know that another game in the series will be making it over here.


Speaking of Tales of Symphonia, I got the game when it was released in mid-July. I pre-ordered it at Best Buy just because I thought it looked cool. I knew next to nothing about the game, and it had been delayed for over a year, but my interest in anime and RPGs was peaking, and the game seemed to combine the two into a tight little package.


I didn't have internet access at the time the game was released, but I checked and there was never a thread posted here about it. I figured I might as well include discussion in here rather than start 2 separate threads.


In short, ToS is brilliant. I've played games for a long time, but ToS is one of the few RPGs I've owned, and it's probably one of my all-time favorite games. Thing is, though, I haven't finished it, even after 9 months. I'd play for hours at a time, but sometimes I'd get stuck and leave the game for a couple weeks at a time due to playing other games, going out, working, etc.


I had about 38 hours put in before I moved in November, and I hadn't played the game since then fue to acquiring an Xbox and a bunch of games for that system. I picked the game up again tonight and loved it just as much as before, and I played for 3 and a half hours, unlocking the final 2 seals and FINALLY finishing Disc 1 after 41 hours and 29 minutes.


The game box promises 80 hours of gameplay, but that's likely only if one were to collect everything. As I said, I just started Disc 2, and judging from a list of chapters on GameFAQs, Disc 2 is much shorter than Disc 1. Maybe I'll actually finish the game soon!


Anyway, discussion is open for Tales of Symphonia and the upcoming Tales of Legendia. Tales of Eternia is also scheduled for release for the PSP, but I don't know anything about that game yet.

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Tales Legendia was originally Project Mel-Fos, for those wondering on what this game was.


I'm interested to know if this will be like Tales of Symphonia and have a connection to Tales of Phantasia or perhaps have a connetion to Tales of Eternia.


Just for a background: ToE was known here as Tales of Destiny II, due to He-Man copyrights on the word Eternia. Hence because it was called Tales of Destiny II, we were denied the actual Tales of Destiny II.


Anyways, I'm hoping this game lives up to what I expect of the Tales of... Series. Good graphics, awesome battles, great music, and of course the ever so wonderful aspect known as it being a game that is a complete package.


And yes, Tales of Symphonia was an awesome game and I believe it deserved Best RPG of last year. It was the complete package and I don't consider there to be better (although Phantom Brave makes a good challenger). :( I still wish I had my Gamecube... I miss playing it. I think I played that game like 5 times through.

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Best rpg last year? Last year had Shadow Hearts 2, which destroys Tales of Symphonia. I played a bit of ToS. Shockingly, a young boy adventurer with a mysterious lineage gets exiled from his village. Boring.

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