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New Wrestling Promotion..

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JJ Dillon and Kevin Sullivan had a meeting with Spike TV about possibly starting a new wrestling project. According to sources, Hulk Hogan's name came up as a part of the project and he didn't know know about. They used his name as leverage to try to get Spike interested.


Hogan was said to be extremely upset about the deal as he's back with WWE now and had no idea his name had been used.


Credit - PW Insider, and ProWrestling.com



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I don't know maybe it's just me...but shouldn't you have an actual promotion before you get a tv deal, and maybe just maybe if you are gonna use a name for leverage shouldn't it be with a guy who can atleast run?

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I would think it would be smarter to get a TV Deal first. Adveritise it for a couple of weeks on the air, and bammo your gonna get some viewers when your ready to start.

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