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Kayfabe Explainations For Unexplained Things

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If, as we discovered in 2003, the fire that "burned" Kane never actually happened, why did Undertaker and Paul Bearer confirm it in 1998?



Still haven't worked that one out.

The fire did happen.


It's just that the burns were superficial...as mentioned by Kane in the JR interview.


My theory is that Paul Bearer made Kane think he was more burned than he actually was.

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Then why the hell did they have his hair "burned" and scorch marks on his face (years later ha ha) when they unmasked him? Did Kane make himself look like that to fool everyone in case he was unmasked?


Does anyone remember the crowd reactions for Kane at the time? I think he should have gone on a face run.

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Then why the hell did they have his hair "burned" and scorch marks on his face (years later ha ha) when they unmasked him? Did Kane make himself look like that to fool everyone in case he was unmasked?

My guess is yes on that.


But then again, it's late where I am, and I may need sleep to think better.

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I will throw a few questions out, but I won't answer them right away. I want some outside thoughts first.


1. Why did Raven team up with Tazz after his WWF debut? Because they were both from the streets, yeah, sure. But they had history in ECW. Was their former employment there a catalyst for their WWF alliance?


2. After all Vince had doen to Austin, how could the Union trust him? I mean, really...

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Guest JerichosHi-Lite

Thought of another one: Why do the McMahons never solve their problems at home? Why do they always wait for PPVs, Raws and SmackDowns to talk to each other? Don't they keep in touch?

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1. Why did Raven team up with Tazz after his WWF debut? Because they were both from the streets, yeah, sure. But they had history in ECW. Was their former employment there a catalyst for their WWF alliance?


2. After all Vince had doen to Austin, how could the Union trust him? I mean, really...

1. If you're going into a new company, it'd make sense to stick with people you know. 'Better the devil you know' and stuff. Tazz knew how Raven felt, Raven knew how Tazz felt. That and maybe they were elitist, thinking that by default a former ECW guy would be a better partner than anyone from the WWF.


2. Austin, while an anti-establishment rebel, was always presented as being someone who 'did the right thing'. Even if the way he did it wasn't 'right'. I guess Austin could be trusted to do the right thing and thwart The Undertaker, even if it meant being friendly with his former enemy.

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1. Why did Raven team up with Tazz after his WWF debut? Because they were both from the streets, yeah, sure.  But they had history in ECW.  Was their former employment there a catalyst for their WWF alliance?


2. After all Vince had doen to Austin, how could the Union trust him? I mean, really...

1. If you're going into a new company, it'd make sense to stick with people you know. 'Better the devil you know' and stuff. Tazz knew how Raven felt, Raven knew how Tazz felt. That and maybe they were elitist, thinking that by default a former ECW guy would be a better partner than anyone from the WWF.


2. Austin, while an anti-establishment rebel, was always presented as being someone who 'did the right thing'. Even if the way he did it wasn't 'right'. I guess Austin could be trusted to do the right thing and thwart The Undertaker, even if it meant being friendly with his former enemy.

I mean why did they trust Vince?

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If, as we discovered in 2003, the fire that "burned" Kane never actually happened, why did Undertaker and Paul Bearer confirm it in 1998?



Still haven't worked that one out.

Alot of Kane's backstory has been reconed pretty much to satisfy the angle at the time.



Heck Kane was supposed to be a complete virgin, never even BEEN OUT with a woman before Torrie and then you have Katie Vick

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-If Vince hated the idea of Austin winning the title so much why couldn't he pull a Montreal on him at WM XIV and/or firing him the day later


Can't just be because he knew Austin was good for business, it was never kayfabed that the WWF was in dire straits at the time and that the current champ, HBK had one of the worse drawing runs of all-time under his belt


-Why does everyone sell Mick Foley turning into Cactus Jack like its the second coming when he is the same guy who is the clownish Mankind and why is Cactus sold as unbeatable while Mankind is very beatable


Using the logic that the WWF used to have in not revealing wrestler's pasts (yes they did mention Cactus from time to time, but never outright said the character was different than Mankind)

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How/when did Roberts turn heel?

Summer of '91, Undertaker had jumped the Ultimate Warrior during Paul Bearer's "Funeral Parlor" segment on Superstars and locked him in a casket.


Warrior wanted revenge, so Jake the Snake came to him, offering to teach the Warrior "the secrets of the Undertaker" or something like that. They then ran a series of vignettes over the following few weeks with Jake making the Warrior do ridiculous stuff (one of the things was getting locked in a casket again, IIRC). The final challenge had Jake taking Warrior to some cryptic building or something. But as it turned out, the Undertaker was THERE and UT and Jake proceeded to beat the crap out of the Warrior, leaving him locked in a room with a bunch of "poisonous" snakes. As Jake locked the door, he looked at the Warrior and said, "Never trust a snake."


And there's your heel turn.


Warrior, of course, flaked out and left the company (I think this was around the time of the first round of rumors about "Warrior is dead... His heart exploded from an overdose of steroids" started).


So, to follow, Jake and Undertaker formed an alliance, with Undertaker being Jake's henchman. They crashed Savage's wedding after SummerSlam, triggering that feud, which carried to the blow-off match at This Tuesday in Texas (nice little side story THAT turned out to be).


Jake and UT stayed aligned in Spring 1992, and Jake still had issues with Savage. On one of the last editions of "The Main Event," Jake waited behind the curtain, knowing that Savage and Elizabeth were on their way back from the ring, and Jake was about to maim whomever came through first. Just as he was about to swing (and it would've been Elizabeth taking the shot), a hand reached in from off camera to grab the chair - it was the Undertaker.


That led to his face turn and subsequent feud with Jake, which culminated at WrestleMania.

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IIRC from a Taker magazine WWF released in late 94...didn't that lead to the following exchange (not word for word)


<Roberts>Whose side are you on?


<Undertaker>...not yours.

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-If Vince hated the idea of Austin winning the title so much why couldn't he pull a Montreal on him at WM XIV and/or firing him the day later


Can't just be because he knew Austin was good for business, it was never kayfabed that the WWF was in dire straits at the time and that the current champ, HBK had one of the worse drawing runs of all-time under his belt

I loved it back in 1998 or so when Patterson and Brisco were celebrating that someone fucked up Austin's knee at a house show, with McMahon flipping out on them because Austin was a financial asset to the company.

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Guest LooneyTune

Regarding Roberts/Taker post: I believe that was from the Funeral Parlor where Roberts confronted Undertaker on where he stands, and after Undertaker gave that answer, Roberts slammed the coffin lid on his hand, beat him down with 50 chair shots (all no sold), and DDT'ed Paul Bearer.

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the jake turn? lets turn it over to rd at wrestlecrap.com for that one




The Ultimate Warrior. The name alone sends chills down the back of even the most hardened wrestling fan. Whether you love Jim Hellwig or hate him, you have to admit he has an aura about him that makes people sit up and notice.


Oh yeah, and he was also involved in some of the dumbest angles of all time. Like this one.


Let's set the Way Back Machine for the early 90's...




Warrior is in a feud with a brand new guy called the Undertaker. You see, the Taker shoved the Warrior into a casket and locked it, which would, admittedly, tend to agitate most people.


Especially when you consider the rescue crew consisted of Earl Hebner and Rene Goulet (sans glove), who tried to open the casket with useful objects like drills and sledge hammers.


Hey, don't ask me - maybe they were trying to BEAT HIM OUT of the casket.




Anyhoo, the dipshit duo was finally able to open the casket and find a rather unhealthy (but not dead) Warrior passed out inside.


Warrior knew he was in over his head, so he needed to turn to someone who knew the darkside.


Someone evil.


So who did he turn to?


Jimmy Jack Funk?




Koko B. Ware??


Lord Alfred Hayes???


No, silly, he turned to someone he could TRUST...




...our old pal, Jake "The Snake" Roberts!


Jake took Warrior on a nature walk to the dark side. You see, if Warrior could be evil, he could defeat evil. Or something like that.


Jake can probably explain it better than I can.


First up, Warrior had to face the fear of the casket. Jake put Warrior in the coffin that the Undertaker constructed, and then convinced Warrior to let him close the lid.




Jake had Warrior exercise by doing a few of the Undertaker's patented zombie situps.


So far, so good.


Next up, we head out to the cemetary.


Let it be known that no good in wrestling has ever come out of a cemetary (we hold up this and the Sting-Vampiro feud of this year as irrefutable evidence).


Warrior digs a grave and find a skull.




Jake convinces the Ultimate Nimrod that he should really let him bury him alive.


Warrior obliges because he's stupid.


Jake does a nice job of filling in the grave, burying Warrior up to his ears. In a cute touch, he puts the skull face to face with Warrior.


I wonder if any cemetaries could use an over the hill, out of work drunk on the payroll?




Somehow, Warrior unearthed himself and met up with Jake in a crypt or mine or something - it was kinda vague.


Jake tells Warrior that the key to beating the Taker is in a dark room. Inside the room is a casket, and all the warrior has to do is open it up to find out what it is.


So the Warrior traipses into the room to find...




Well, what the hell was he expecting? A leftover shipment of WWF Ice Cream Bars?




Warrior, undeterred (and too dumb to figure out this just MIGHT be a trap), heads for the center of the room to find a tiny casket..


...which is very carefully opens to reveal...




...a plastic snake!


With a BIG SMILE!!


It almost looks as if it were saying this.


Instead of falling down laughing, Warrior snuck in for a closer look.




Imagine the Warrior's horror as the plastic snake came to life and fell down!


Somehow this caused the Warrior to start writhing about in pain. I guess he must have cut his finger on the plastic fangs on the snake or something.




Warrior cried to Roberts about trusting him...


...but Roberts showed no remorse, and instead, introduced his new catchphrase.



Jake then handed Warrior over to the Undertaker and Paul Bearer...


...who left him for dead.


Well, at least he already had a casket.




All this led, of course, to the big Jake Roberts - Ultimate Warrior feu...oh wait, no it didn't. Warrior left shortly after this due to a contract dispute or something.


Or maybe he was smarter than we think, and just wanted to get out of this crappy angle.





- Jake Roberts: "You want to learn, you'll lay down and you'll relax and accept it. You gotta walk it alone. I can show you the path, but I can't walk along and hold your hand. So if you're ready, Warrior, as ugly as it is and as bad as it smells, release it! Release it. Come on, open up your soul and let the snake in."


- Jake: "Now I must bury you in the same soil...the very same soil, my man. Bury your fear, Warrior."


Warrior: "I trusted you before, Snake Man. Before my gods I trust you once again. BURY ME, SNAKE MAN! BURY ME ALIVE!"


Jake: "Stand your ground, Warrior! Stand your ground!"


Warrior: "BURY ME!" *SNORTS*


- That snake seems to be saying: "HOW ARE YA?!"


- Jake: "Yeah, reach out for me. I'm a snake. Never trust a snake."




as for the taker face turn,

at the SNME, after jake lost to savage, he waited behind the curtain with a chair, he saw liz coming close, before she mad eit thru the curtain, Taker appeared from nowhere to grab the chair out his hand and stop him, this led to the funeral parlor incident which cemented taker as the face.

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