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Raze's Hell

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My store got this game in a few weeks ago, only one copy and I have no idea what its like. I have heard it has humor sorta like Conkers Bad Fur Day and the game is actually good. Has anyone played this game? I've been thinking about picking it up, but I would have to buy it since Hollywood doesn't rent it out.

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I picked it up today, and spent about 2 hours with it. It's certainly different, and has Conker-esque levels of humor to it. Basically the story is these cute creatures are ordered by their princess to kill all the uncute creatures of the universe. So, they come to Raze's planet to liberate the creatures of their ugliness. It's got pretty good control, though there are some small collision detention issues. Overall though, for the $20 I spent on it, I am satisfied with what I got. I recommend giving it a try.


Just wanted to add one other thing, this game is HARD AS FUCK! Even on easy.

Edited by Haws bah gawd

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