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SNL Review

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They need to re-cast almost the entire show.


From the writers who are on board right now, what years have they been with SNL? I'm sure you can answer that one Bob.

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The only way that this show sucking is Will's fault, is if he wrote all of the sketches. Did he write this episode?


Look at the skits on the show. A lot of them were obviously Will's idea or something Will would like.


The hosts plays a big hand in what skits go on the air. Blame him if you're so pissed off.


I can understand them fucking up other shows with other hosts, but how in the world do you screw up a show with WF hosting? The material writes itself. The fact that most of this show sucked just shows how badly the writing is now, that much more than usual.


But they didn't fuck it up. They gave Ferrell the ball and he ran with it. They did some of his most beloved characters. They did a skit involving Will screaming and shouting. They did a WTF skit with Will at the end. They did asshole Will at the beginning.


They gave the fans what they wanted. And some people are shitting on them. Amazing.


This isn't Jason Bateman Part Deux.

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I'm with barron, this was probably the best show of the season. Will carried everyone on his back tonight. While I'm not gonna call it one of his best cartoons ever the Smigel cartoon was really disturbing and really funny.

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Bob, I don't know if you wanna save this for your review or not, but what do you think SNL can realistically do to get back to goodness?

Get rid of some dead weight first of all.


What do Finesse Mitchell, Chris Parnell, Horatio Sanz, Maya Rudolph add to the show?




Stop getting event hosts. Get actors who can be funny. Not Lohan again, not atheletes and not Paris Hilton.


Don't repeat characters fr no reason. See Debbie Downer.


I don't know who writes what but I'd get rid of half of the writing team.

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They need to re-cast almost the entire show.


From the writers who are on board right now, what years have they been with SNL? I'm sure you can answer that one Bob.

Paula Pell, T. Sean Shannon, Tina have all been there for quite a while. As have Eric Slavin and Leo Allen. Steve Higgins has also been there for a bit.


I don't know the rest.

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There is a difference between a host giving ideas and the actual writing of the show.


IF WF actually wrote the skits (and didn't just come up with ideas), then of course I'll blame him. I don't care who wrote it. If I don't laugh and I don't find it funny, then that's all that matters to me.

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There is a difference between a host giving ideas and the actual writing of the show.


IF WF actually wrote the skits (and didn't just come up with ideas), then of course I'll blame him. I don't care who wrote it. If I don't laugh and I don't find it funny, then that's all that matters to me.

I don't know who exactly writes what.


But I'm sure Will had a hand in writing a lot of the material and made it what it is today, and it wouldn't surprise me if he wrote Goulet on his own.


And any skit he didn't like, unless it was a timing issue, he could've asked to be cut.


You want to blame someone, blame him.

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Bob, I don't know if you wanna save this for your review or not, but what do you think SNL can realistically do to get back to goodness?

Get rid of some dead weight first of all.


What do Finesse Mitchell, Chris Parnell, Horatio Sanz, Maya Rudolph add to the show?




Stop getting event hosts. Get actors who can be funny. Not Lohan again, not atheletes and not Paris Hilton.


Don't repeat characters fr no reason. See Debbie Downer.


I don't know who writes what but I'd get rid of half of the writing team.

Now you see, we actually agree on all of this.


Though I must admit that I have a soft spot for Chris Parnell. He's been a part of some of my favorite moments on SNL over the past few years. As for Sanz and Rudolph though, ugh. Those are two of the all time worst members. I'd go as far to say that both of them would be in my top five least favorites.

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Parnell got a pilot picked up, but he says he still wants to be on the show.


I like Parnell a lot too but he's dead weight. Aside from Merv the Perv, would I miss him? No not really.

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I'd either get rid of Fey or tone her the fuck down, because the show has gotten way too chicky. I was surprised there wasn't a gay sketch on the show, considering the GSPSA (Gay Sketch Per Show Average) is about 4. When Maya Rudolph is your go-to guy, your Phil Hartman, then the show if fucked. I don't hate Rudolph, but she doesn't improve scenes, she's not a star, and that's what they need. Someone who you can write shit for and that will still make it funny. That's what Will Ferrell did tonight. The movie sketch near the end would have been horrible (and was going badly for a while) but Will managed to make me laugh a bunch of times with it.

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Didn't realize Slovin and Allen wrote for the show. I've seen their standup special on Comedy Central. It's pretty out there, but hilarious.


Parnell has been one of the totally wasted talents on SNL. It's too late now, but out Fallon, Sanz, and Parnell, since they started together, he's had the most talent, by far. He can save any sketch he's in, he doesn't break. Even in that Nuni nonsense tonight, his character is the only funny thing in it, usually, Will was good tonight as well. I guess Lorne and the gang might look at him as too plain, I don't know why he got fired and then rehired, but other than Will, and sometimes even more so, Parnell has always been the go to straight man for skits and he does it better than anyone else, so I think he gets overshadowed when he really shouldn't. Just look at the Dr. Poop sketch for a good example.

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Is anyone on SNL someone you can look at and imagine them actually being a success after they leave the show? Do they really have any stars right now? I remember the years where you could look at almost any of the cast members and really find something about them to like. There will be one or two people on every cast you might not care for, but not like it is today.


Whoever does the casting for SNL should be put to pasture, I don't care who it is.


Weekend Update is just painful for me to watch now. I get a laugh out of it now and then, but I just don't care to even hardly bother to watch it now. I don't sense any chemistry between the two, not a bit.


I wish they'd go back to a solo WU, but that's just me.

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Parnell was fired over a budget issue. It's a damn shame since he got fired at his peak. Will brought him back b/c Will was gone shooting a movie and Darrell had personal issues.


He's never been the same since coming back which is a real shame. He's real talented but he's just "that guy." Given what he does on SNL, anyone could take his spot.


Parnell and Armisen are the two guys you can't break.

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After watching the complete series of Mr. Show and hearing Odenkirk's thoughts on working there, and how Mr. Show was his answer to the show, I don't think I'll ever like SNL nearly as much ever again.

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Is anyone on SNL someone you can look at and imagine them actually being a success after they leave the show? Do they really have any stars right now? I remember the years where you could look at almost any of the cast members and really find something about them to like. There will be one or two people on every cast you might not care for, but not like it is today.


Whoever does the casting for SNL should be put to pasture, I don't care who it is.


Weekend Update is just painful for me to watch now. I get a laugh out of it now and then, but I just don't care to even hardly bother to watch it now. I don't sense any chemistry between the two, not a bit.


I wish they'd go back to a solo WU, but that's just me.

I don't like this line of thinking. Just because a cast doesn't translate into Hollywood doesn't mean it's not good.


Look at the 96-97 cast. Norm's done some stuff but is mostly a forgotten name and Darrell's done minor roles and that's it. Molly Shannon's career is dead, Cheri's never started.


Yet it's one of the best seasons ever.


There is some talent on this show, it just needs sharper writing and less dead weight.

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After watching the complete series of Mr. Show and hearing Odenkirk's thoughts on working there, and how Mr. Show was his answer to the show, I don't think I'll ever like SNL nearly as much ever again.

Bob Odenkirk is just bitter.


I wouldn't want to work there either, but you know what you're getting into when you sign up and I'm sick of people who just whine and complain about it to no end.

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I still can't believe they fired Jeff Richards, who actually did pretty good Impressions, yet hired Finesse Mitchell and Rob Riggle, 2 guys who add nothing to The Show.

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I liked Nuni Nuni Nuni.


But then again, I like most pseudo-east berlin komedy and Armesten is nearing god status every time he talks like that.

I'm trying to get Fred to do a Ferecito next week with LL as Hilary Duff.


He'll be a God to me if he does that

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I still can't believe they fired Jeff Richards, who actually did pretty good Impressions, yet hired Finesse Mitchell and Rob Riggle, 2 guys who add nothing to The Show.

They need to write to Riggle's strengths or he needs to do and get his shit on the air.


Finesse is just the other black guy. A role filled by many over the years.

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I don't like this line of thinking. Just because a cast doesn't translate into Hollywood doesn't mean it's not good.

I don't mean that everyone should go and be a movie star. There are plenty of former SNL cast members that I love that never did shit on film or TV. It just came out wrong what I was saying.


How about this.


From the cast I see right now, almost none of them are stand outs. For most of them, I couldn't care less if they were on the show next week or not. Heck, I don't even know the names of most of the cast members this go-round.


There is one guy I really like, but I can't remember his name right now either.

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From the cast I see right now, almost none of them are stand outs. For most of them, I couldn't care less if they were on the show next week or not.


Fair enough. I love Seth, Kenan, Fred and Will and would love Amy a lot more if she didn't do WU.


Riggle could be funny but they don't seem to get what they have with him.


Everyone else is pretty useless

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Seth and Will, those are two I like. Kenan could be used a lot better in my eyes.


I can't even place Fred and Riggle.


Who was the guy in the parrot sketch? I also hate all of the women on this cast, every single one of them.

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Fred is the gay looking guy with glasses.


Amy's really good and I probably slag on her too much b/c of WU. She really does have a lot of talent in skits but she just can't work at the desk.

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Seth, Forte, Armisan, Amy, Parnell, Riggle - Great

Kenan - Decent

Sudekas - Don't know yet, seems OK

Finesse - Give or take

Maya - Dislike alot

Tina - Tired of

Dratch - Like more than Maya less than Amy

Darrell - Still good, but time to move on.

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Riggle 'great'? Come on Beast, the guy's hardly done anything.


I've seen Sudeikis do improv and he's hilarious. I hope this translates well on the show.

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Something about Amy makes me want to hurt people, badly. I've never been able to get myself to like her. Seeing her is like nails on a chalkboard to me most of the time.

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Riggle has been one of the bright-spots IMO this year. They guy isn't always funny, but he's a gamer (to me, he's 98% funny, the baby stuff the other week was weak, though). It looks like Seth is trying to break out and be the top star on the show, and he'd be a better choice than Maya, but if they gave Fred more airtime I think he could break through.


Keenan is probably their best guy, IMO. I was initially uncertain of him, since I don't like guys I already know from other things on SNL (and I love me some Good Burger), but his Cosby is just too good to ignore and he's like the only guy they have that can make me laugh just by standing there.


I'm not a big Amy fan, though. Her white-girl-acting-black routine is annoying. She's good in some stuff, though.

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