Above Average 0 Report post Posted May 29, 2005 I don't have the final copy saved but this is close enough. Minor stuff really, which I attempted to remember and fix. I probably got everything. === Ben Hardy stands in the sand with a mike in hand. He’s casual to the core in a Hawaiian shirt and shorts, but he has a job to do. He’d much rather be drinking some Cambodian breast milk or ordering people to get him a sugar cookie, or dressing up as a clown and scaring little kids, or taking a dump in the back of a movie theater and waiting for someone to sit in it… because that’s funny to him. Looking into the camera, he speaks… “I’m here with Mak Francis,” Ben Hardy begins, “who has requested this time to speak… so Mak, wha-” The Franchise raises his hand, signaling that he wants the stick. Hardy looks a little put-off, but dutifully hands the microphone over. Getting interrupted is better than getting beat down by generic heel number 2 every interview. Mak’s ice blue shades glisten against the ocean backdrop, as he stands in a white tee shirt with a blue button up over top and acid washed jeans with a pair of white and blue Adidas. He brings the mike to his lips… “The Franchise Tag has put down opponent, after opponent, after opponent…” Francis begins, his voice betraying a hint of something akin to being lost, before quickly hardening. “If they’ve been in this federation and I’ve hit it on them, it’s gotten the one…” He raises his pinky. “Two,” He raises his ring finger. “Three!” Mak states, staring hard into the camera with his middle, ring and pinky fingers extended. His index finger and thumb pressed together in an “ok” shape. Francis’ right hand looking suspiciously like something many people associate with another Franchise, in a different world. “Former World champions like Divefire, Thoth—and even Danny Williams are members of that list. It was a trend I thought would never be proven wrong.” "He's telling the truth, Pete." King chimes in, while Mak continues to look directly at the camera and nothing else. "Francis took out Divefire at Genesis III with the Franchise Tag during his match with Chris Wilson, which due to Wilson's conniving tactics put the brit out of action indefinitely. Mak Francis helped Chris Wilson END Divefire's career!" "And his battles with Thoth and Danny Williams are well documented." Pete adds as an afterthought, as Mak brings the mike back up to his lips... “But it was.” A mixed reaction in the affirmative to that statement comes forth as “Hollywood” Spike Jenkins supporters overwhelm the Franchise fans. “Yo, I have to give it to Spike.” Mak says nodding his head solemnly, as the crowd gives a “Spike!” chant. “He did what nobody else had done and I was a little shook. I’d never hit the Tag and lost a match, but he damn sure didn’t start a trend!” Francis finishes, his voice rising causing the cheer on the crowds lips to slowly die. “Two weeks later and that’s where you come in Danny-boy. First time in two years since we’ve faced off—I still have aches and pains from that match!” “IRON-MAN!” “IRON-MAN!” “IRON-MAN!” The crowd chants at the mention of what some would call their ‘epic’ encounter at From the Fire ’03. Mak nods his head slightly and a smirk comes across his features. “I went back and watched the tape of our encounters. I remembered the battles we went through and I saw what it took to beat you.” Francis’ smirk slowly fades away… “And I’ve got something to say: you’re not the hot shit you make yourself out to be… I actually overestimated you.” The audience hesitates, as if unsure he actually said that, then… “…BOOOOOO!” “Yeah, boo if you want, but it’s true.” Mak snaps quickly. “I made a mistake. I gave you much more credit than you deserve. I thought—for a brief second, that I might need more than a single Franchise Tag to beat you, Williams. I don’t. And I’m going to show you, next week in my rematch!” “We’ll have to check on that, but Mak seems to think it’s official, King.” Pete says during the lull in speaking. “Oh it’s official and if not I’ll make sure it gets booked.” King adds, flexing his owner power, as Francis begins to speak again. “I may have overestimated you, but don’t you underestimate me Danny-boy, because I’ve proven myself in the ring.” Mak continues on his tirade, barely blinking. “I’m not the green rookie you faced two years ago anymore—nah son! I’m an established veteran now, even at 22 years old. I’ve earned my respect and don’t take sh-[beep] from anybody anymore—just ask Sacred!” Francis pauses for the briefest of seconds to let the comment sink in. “And we both know I’m the superior athlete—all we need to do is look back at our Ironman match, for proof of that.” This time at the mention of the ‘epic’ encounter the crowds chant changes… “DAN-NE! DAN-NE! DAN-NE! DAN-NE!” “I’m the real Ironman! I’m the real hot shit around this joint!” Mak spits out, curbing the chants, but forcing his eyebrows to crinkle. “I’ve got some of the most brutal submissions and maneuvers in the entire SWF. In fact, I don’t even need the Franchise Tag to beat you, baby! Yo, I could have broken your arm in our match last show and this time if I get the chance I might just do it.” No hesitation this time… “BOOOOOOOOOOO!” “Let me say it again: I don’t even need the Franchise Tag to beat you… but I’ll hit it just to prove a point.” Francis adds coolly, enunciating the first five words of his sentence to drive the point home. “And in the three seconds it takes for your head to hit the canvas and the ref to count the three,” Mak pauses and looks down at the three in his right hand, “everyone will see just how much I overrated you. I guarantee that at the end of our match, you’ll be on the mat, holding your neck and I’ll be standing tall. That’s a trend that shouldn’t ever change.” Mak pauses, as he looks back up into the camera. “Cause whatever Spike Jenkins or anybody else may say; I’m this federations only Franchise… and you can take that sh-[beep] to the bank!” Francis hands the mike stiffly back to Hardy and walks to the back, receiving a few claps and a lot of boos... but mostly leaving the crowd in shocked silence. “I’ve just heard from the back and next week, it is official!” King proclaims. “Danny Williams versus Mak Francis is on.” Pete nods his head and couldn’t help but notice that Mak’s right hand had not moved from the “triple threat” for the entire interview, as we fade… Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Toxxic 0 Report post Posted May 30, 2005 Well now. That's interesting. That's very interesting... looks like I might not be quite so lonely in my established-main-eventer-heeldom soon... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites