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Guest Black Tiger

Scariest movie you've ever seen

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Guest Ravenbomb

Yes, the Omen was good.

Here are some other things that freaked me out:

the sister hallucination towards the end of Pet Cemetary

a couple parts of the Gate (Phone melting, those bugs on the window)

When I was 6 or so the first time I saw the wheelers in Return to Oz freaked me out right up until they started talking

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Guest ArkhamGlobe

I completely forgot about The Thing (Carpenter's) which scared the living hell out of me the first time I saw it when I was about thirteen.


I thought the Omen was great, but it didn't really scare me. Probably would have though when I was younger, as it was only last fall when I first saw it, and I'm pretty hard to really scare nowadays. It was pretty creepy though, which was no doubt helped by the fact that I got to see it in an actual movie theatre at the annual horror movie festival in the city I live in.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The Omen had some wacked out music...


Has anyone seen the Hellstrom Chronicals?  It's pretty much well a documentary on insects BUT IT IS SET TO SCARY SWARMING MUSIC!


Freaked a considerable amount of shit out of me...


It shows a whole army of ants killing this big iguana and leaves the message that after humans are long and gone insects will still be around.

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The Omen had some wacked out music...

I have the main theme to the Omen on CD.  It's actually fun to listen to, it also creeps people out.

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Guest godthedog

the scariest movie i've ever seen, & probably the least-watched great horror movie ever, is 'repulsion'.  i believe it's roman polanski's first feature, & oh my god is it claustrophobic.  it starts very slowly, but it builds itself up so methodically & perfectly that it really takes hold of you before you notice it.  it deals with a lot of the same stuff as 'rosemary's baby' (fear of sex, modern urban life), but to a MUCH better effect.  i'm twenty, it's almost impossible to scare me in a movie, & i jumped three fucking times when i saw that thing.  it really helped that i saw it in a theater, to get the full effect, but i highly recommend a rental to anyone who can find it.


also: i know it's not a horror movie, but the ending to 'deliverance' is the other thing that always scares me.

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Guest dreamer420

The movie that scared me the most had to be Fire In The Sky.  I know that it is a cheesy sci-fi alien flick but when Travis Walton is aboard the ufo and awakes it freaks the shit out of me.

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