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Guest Goodear


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Guest Goodear

God damned Vatican


Looking at his watch for a moment, SWF adminisitrator Tom Flesher mentally calculates just how long he is going to have to spend in the air this time as this seemingly endless jaunt around the world continues for the Smarks Wrestling Federation. As though moving through all those second rate countries wasn't bad enough... now he has to go to Pope Town.


Yeah, because religous types really go in for wrestling. Peters... you suck


Zipping up his last suit into a garment bag, Tom glances at his watch once more before settling into the hotel-provided chair. Propping his feet up on the table, Flesher clicks on the TV before realizing everything is in Eygptian (or what the fuck ever) and shutting it right back off again. Putting his feet back down on the floor, Tom starts to rub his temples for a bit...


Knock. Knock.


"Go AWAY," shouts Tom as he continues to rub at his headache. Tom has already had his fill of maids and servants of differing ethnic groups.


raprapraprap knock knock knock


Raising an eyebrow, Tom looks at the door again with a questioning glare, "Come. Oh."


"Yeah," responds the World Champion Ejiro Fasaki. Carrying the strap at his side, Ejiro looks about half as presentable as any other person in the hotel. "I can't believe that we had a secret knock."


"You remember how it was, open the door to the wrong person... and you'd get a pie in the face."


"Damn Carnies," replies both men at the same time.


"So..." starts Ejiro, "I heard you wanted this." Picking the strap to about eye-level before letting it sag back down to the earth, Ejiro's expression barely seems to change."


Sticking his feet back up on the table, Tom goes strait into his spiel. "Look Ejiro, its not what I want..."


"Sure it is."


"Okay it is. If you come right down to it Ejiro, your title reign is a big old snore. You just keep going through the motions and losing tag matches over and over. Hell the one time you actually defend the title, you barely got through it! Is that what you think being World Champion is about? When I was champion..."


"And there it is..."




"You misunderstand Tom... I asked you if YOU wanted the title. If YOU wanted to take it away from me."


"What are you talking about? I'm the man in charge of an entire wrestling organization..."


Ejiro smirks, "But you used to be one of us. "


"Not anymore!"


"Sure thing... Grand Slam."


I never liked this little bastard. He always was Bill's boy.


"So, Tom, if you don't want to step up and take this thing from me I would greatly appreciate it if you kept your face shut. I don't do what other champions do. I go out each and every week and compete as best I can. I don't just work Pay Per Views and once in between. God damned, I have to fight you jokers just to get these meaningless tag matches you all keep sticking me in."


"Don't worry about it Ejiro, I'm sure you'll be right back to working every week once you drop that strap..."


"To who? Your boy Scotty? That kid has all the personality of a walnut and you know it."


"He's still 2-and-0 against you. And I can teach him to do all sorts of things that can make him a great champion, worked on you didn't it?"


"Yeah... worked on me. Until I decided to take you on myself. That worked pretty well too."




"Regardless, he's already main eventing his own pay per view while you're the first World Champion ... well not to. Got to sting. Got to sting."






"No seriously Tom, why? My ego has always been tied up on proving that I am the best there ever was. And I have the proof right here to prove it in the shape of a big gold belt that you used to carry around. All the fame and money, thats always been secondary to me and you've always known that Tom. Thats why while you were riding in limos, I was in the rental car with Judge. Image don't mean squat to me. So you go right ahead and protect your kids while I keep doing what I do. And the next time you feel like flexing some of that corporate muscle of yours... do your reputation a favor and don't. Just put me in a ring and leave me be."


"Get out. Get out now!"


"Okay... I'm leaving. But you remember Tom, you could never take this away from me. You could never keep it from me. Don't be a pussy and lawyer it away. Don't be a pussy."


Turning his back on Flesher, Ejiro grabs a hold of the door and starts to open it. But Tom has one last thing to say.


"Melissa says 'hi' by the way."


Turning on a button, Ejiro shouts back, "You don't know a damn thing about her."




Thats what you think, 'Jerry'. Thats what you think.

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If Tom's servicing ANOTHER hot Japanese chick on the side, then he just needs to die now.


Apart from that, big up to the promoness!

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Flesher makes hell of an entrepreneur. Nice promo and Flesher being the "best for business, best for me" comissioner is really refreshing from "Good Guy" or "Bad Guy" commish.

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