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PROMO: When in Rome...

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The scene opens in Rome, Italy, outside the famed Roman Colosseum. Outside the remains of the legendary facility stands Jay Hawke, looking up at the building with total fascination.


"The Roman Colosseum. Now this is where real men competed back in the day. Men who had to face and defeat lions just to survive for another day. Gladiators, they were called. And I'd say it's safe to say they earned that title."


"See, those men didn't get any sort of say as to when they fought or what type of battle they fought. They were basically told, 'Hey, go out there and kill a couple of lions or get grounded into cat good'. And they did it while the men who put them out there watched from a safe distance in their version of a luxury box. Or they were the ones who killed the gladiators after they survived the lions. One hundred days at a time this went on. The real men fighting for survival, the cowards waiting for their opportunity."


"And you, Arch Griffon, are a coward!"




"Let me get this straight. You spent a month in nothing but tag team matches, and got a shot at my title despite being on a losing streak in those tag team matches. Losses that you admitted were your responsibility."


"You then get this mysterious title shot...and you LOST! You blew your shot! You got yourself disqualified. But because some two-bit rapper decided he liked you, you got a rematch. Never mind that Puff Daddy isn't a licensed wrestling promoter, nor is he on the SWF championship committee. But you know what? I'll give you some credit. The match was anything goes, and you beat me straight up. So at least I could say I respected you."


"But then you did the unthinkable. While I had to wrestle two matches waiting for you to be 'available' for me to invoke my automatic rematch clause, you went into hiding. And you never saw me take a day off while I was champion. Maybe I didn't defend the title every time I wrestled, but I'd say three defenses in 29 days is a pretty good ratio, especially for a company that runs a show every fifth day, and especially when I was out there competing with some of the best wrestlers the sport has to offer. But did you prove to the world to be a fighting champion? No. Instead, you didn't bother to show up on Lockdown, and then even though I was told you were unavailable to compete on Smarkdown, you still showed up to cut a promo on me after I went tooth and nail with Insane Luchador for nearly twenty minutes. And to top it all off, you have the gall to tell me what the stipulations are."




"How dare you tell me what stipulation our match at 13th Hour is going to have? Especially the way you put it...you want a wrestling match where you ban 'restholds'? That for me to win, I have to teach you a wrestling lesson you'll never forget, and then you turn around and essentially ban anything remotely resembling a weardown hold? Did I ever try to tell you what stipulations our matches were going to be under? Did I ever try to ban power moves from a match?"


"Oh, I can just see it now. I'll lock in a front facelock and get told it's a freaking resthold even though a front facelock is a standard amateur maneuver used to gain leverage."


"But you know what, Griffon? If those are the rules you want to institute...then fine. As they say, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. This way, when I regain my title Sunday night, you'll have no excuses. I'll be the two-time International Champion, and you'll be begging Manson to team up with you for another shot at the tag team titles. And there's not a damn thing you can do about it."


Jay Hawke begins to walk away, but he stops short and turns toward the camera.


"Besides. I've always got an ace or two up my sleeve. Remember that."


This time Jay Hawke does walk away as we fade out.

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I call copyright infringement.

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I call copyright infringement.


Sorry Toxx, but my love of British comedy got in the way there. Hell, I had actually typed in "smegging hell" instead of "bloody hell", and I wanted to avoid dropping the F bomb, so....

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