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Kurt Angle Mark

Non-Raw report for 06/13/05

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Saw this at the ignboards



"It was definitely an abnormal day in Upstate N.Y, it had to have been pushing 95 degrees and it was really humid, it had to have been over 100 degrees in the arena, as there was no air conditioning whatsoever. When the wrestlers were sweating at the end, it was no surprise. I was dripping when I walked out, as if I had just ran 4 miles. It was HOT!


Anyways, Heat/Dark matches were:


Psychosis (w/mask) and Super Crazy over Texas & Tennessee


Val Venis over Simon Dean (First time I've seen Val win in a long time)


Tajiri over Kid Kash with a buzzsaw kick to the head after Kash missed a 450 splash (Up until this time, ECW wrestlers in every match)


Hurricane/Rosey over The Heartthrobs (There was a funny bit where the Heartthrobs were grinding with Maria, and then proceeded to both grind with Jack Doan).


Post Raw:


However, we got a real treat after it went off the air. As Angle and HBK retreated to the back, Bischoff came out and said "I've had enough of this. It will be Triple H. vs Batista in a Street Fight tonight!" Then he came into the ring to a barrage of "ECW!" chants, and started to berate the fans. He said he was in a good mood for Lita and Edge's wedding, and he had a wedding gift for them.


They came down to the ring, and the wedding gift was...KANE! Edge says Kane has no balls, and that after he spears Kane in Las Vegas, "I'm going to spear your wife!"


Kane vs. Edge


Basically the match was what you expected out of the two. Edge sets up for the spear after about 8 minutes and runs into the big boot. Kane grabs a chair, but the referee grabs it. Kane gets a low blow from Lita. Lita swings the chair at Kane but he stops her, but then Edge hits Kane with a briefcase for the DQ. Edge and Lita leave to Kane being all pissed off. Then, after Kane's pyro goes off, Edge runs back in and attacks Kane. Edge goes for another spear but runs into the chokeslam. Edge got helped to the back.


Triple H. vs. Batista


Surprising, they went a good 15-20 minutes in this contest. One funny moment was how the match was a street fight, but the ref took the chair from Triple H. Most of the match was Triple H. hitting Batista with the belt, and then choking him out with some rope that he got from under the ring. Triple H. grabbed the stairs and went to hit Batista, but Batista moved. Batista hit Triple H. in the head with the steps. Triple H. got shoved into the ref and he went down. Trips low blowed Batista and then hit him square over the head with a chair, but there was no ref. Hebner ran in but Batista kicked out at 2. Triple H decked Hebner and hes out cold. Trips sets Batista up for the pedigree on the chair, but Batista reverses into a spinebuster on the chair. The first ref revives and counts the 3.


Surprisingly, this match ended at about 11:55. Props to WWE for giving us about 4 hours of show, and the last hour definitely made up for the promos we had to endure during the show. Both laid around for a few minutes, until Triple H. stumbled to the back, and Batista posed with the belt to his music. "

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