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Guest Black Tiger

Nightmare on Elm Street

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Guest Black Tiger

I just finished the first book in the new Nightmare On Elm Street novel series, "Suffer The Children". Aside from some pretty stupid typos and mistakes (not so much the author's fault, as it is the publishing company's fault for missing it, and trying to hurridly get the book released) it's still a great read, and a pretty compelling story.


Freddy Kruger is SUCH a sick fuck in the book, a really evil presence, with the sexual edge to him, nothing like the slapstick comedian we all groaned at in his later movies. He does need to tone down his use of the terms "bitch" and "little shit" though.

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Guest Black Tiger

It's more standalone, but there are some tie-ins with the movies though. Hypnocil is mentioned quite a bit, and there are various characters from Freddy vs Jason named (Lori, Will, Trey, Blake, Blake's dad) as well as Westin Hills mental hospital.

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