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Guest nokia

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Guest dreamer420

I think it was something along the lines of "that must hurt worse then playing Simon Dean every monday night" when Nova was getting his ass kicked. After that comment he said "I know, I'm fired"

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Haha, yeah Styles made that great crack about Simon Dean and acted like it'd get him fired. If anything you have to wonder why the management doesn't agree with him that Simon is a lame gimmick and let Dean go back to being Nova. Maybe they will?

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Guest dreamer420

Lets hope so. Nova was a pretty talented wrestler during his ECW days and the Simon Dean character is an insult to the man. I can't see the bWo returning full time, but Nova has the skills to make it on his own.

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No the BWO is a product of its time and without the NWO around it really doesn't have any context or point. Doesn't mean you can't have Nova around again however, he'd fit in quite well with Hurricane and Rosie if he wore his superhero outfits.

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Is Fonzie still on good graces with Vince & co? Or is he a persona non grata?


I'd love it if he came back, even just to manage RVD.

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Lets hope so.  Nova was a pretty talented wrestler during his ECW days and the Simon Dean character is an insult to the man.


Good moveset but spotty as hell. Plus, early on he was quite sloppy. It wasn't until he trimmed down and dropped the goofier character that he got more interesting to watch. His TV matches were always extremely short, though.


And of course Styles was joking. WWE doesn't care about Dean/Nova one way or the other.


However, don't forget that the WWE-created Simon Dean character is inherently superior to any of the Nova characters, because it's a WWE creation. ;)

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Guest dreamer420

Agreed. As soon as he turned into "serious" Nova he became a lot more interesting to watch. I don't want the bWo back full time or anything, but he really needs his old superhero gimmick back. On Smackdown possibly.

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No the BWO is a product of its time and without the NWO around it really doesn't have any context or point. 


Yes they do.


Be the midcard rebels...sorta like DX...to Eric Bischoff.


Especially since they're parodying one of Bisch's creations.


EDIT: And get it right! It's nWo and bWo. Notice the first and last letters lowercased, and middle uppercased. THAT's how you type it. :P

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On those shirts it spells it out BWO in all caps, haha. I think the world is a better place at this point without any references to the nWo, so let's let the BWO stay dead.

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