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My movie's close to being completed

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not cheap. Besides, I'm not sure, but I think you can only get one mic per receiver, and that wouldn't be enough to pick up sound for everyone (unless it's a one-person-scene)


If you have decent sound equipment on your computer, you can just get everyone to your house and dub in their lines in post

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Well I know that sort of thing worked for Rodriguez in El Mariachi but he had a film he was doing 1. In Spanish and 2. There wasn't a whole lot of dialogue.


My script has all sorts of dialogue including lengthy monologues from a few characters. Check it out and you'll see what I mean.

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I have. It'll take more work in the editing stage, but if you think live sound won't be good enough, that might be your best option

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That's cool, whatever thoughts you have on the script would be appreciated. Get this shit: I tried to get the Canon XL2 yesterday at Murphy's Camera. Had the box out, had some tapes, etc. Then they wouldn't take my Discover (it was the first time I'd used it, apparently the limit was just 1000). It also wouldn't take my debit. Thus I'm gonna go back on Monday and then write them a check.

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Rodriguez was forced to dub all the lines later because his camera was too noisy. That's half the reason why the editing is done the way it was, with lots of quick cuts, was to cover up the fact that the words and the mouths were out of sync. Read his book Rebel Without A Crew, he explains it all in great detail.


For talky indy films, an external microphone is the way to go, because while you almost always end up looping at least a few lines later, the on-set recorded sound is something you really need to have in order to make everything fit together smoothly. You can get everything you need for a decent mic package at Radio Shack for probably less than $200 bucks. You'll NEED a boom mic, period, but all you really need for that is just a unidirectional microphone (preferably a powered model, they pick up the sound much better) and some kind of stand, which can even ne made with just a broomstick and some duct tape if you don't have anything better. If you've got the money to spare, a wireless clip-on mic (for scenes where the camera is far away from the people you're shooting) or even a few different mics and a cheapie sound mixing board aren't a bad investment either.

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Okay I got the camera today and have it put together. Been messing with it a bit, just some general filming around in my apt. and over at my parents' house a bit. A couple of things are curious to me however. When I shoot indoors it looks great, but once I get it outside it is way too bright looking. Very harsh. How can I adjust this? Do I need some sort of filter?


Oh and I can't figure this mic out thus far. From what I've heard thus far it won't do, I'll need an external. There's also a tiny silver battery (thing type you'd put in your car remote for locking and unlocking) and for the life of me I can't figure out where it's supposed to go.

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Yes, you'll need filters. Email me or hit me up on AIM sometime, my name's jingus1, I can at least give you a few pointers.

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Yay! The movie's done! The premiere screening is 7pm August 5th for the cast & crew. After that, I'll try and find an online thing I can upload it to so I can show people

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That's great, man. Where is the premiere at and all that?


At the moment I am just getting used to this camera, it's pretty mindblowing. Doing test footage and what not, tomorrow going to meet with a guy to test out his mic on the camera. Before I consider doing my own script I might do something with his group, some shock type flick about a series of snuff murders in Louisville (obviously staged) from the killer's point of view.

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That's great, man.  Where is the premiere at and all that?


At the moment I am just getting used to this camera, it's pretty mindblowing.  Doing test footage and what not, tomorrow going to meet with a guy to test out his mic on the camera.  Before I consider doing my own script I might do something with his group, some shock type flick about a series of snuff murders in Louisville (obviously staged) from the killer's point of view.


the premiere's at my house

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the premiere went great, everyone loved it. If I can find a place to host an 800+ mb video file (for free), I'll upload it for all to see

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Well, R-Bomb sent this bad boy to me over AIM...took FUCKING FOREVER... but it was worth it.



I can't describe it, at all...and that may be a good thing or a bad things.


It's not exactly a technical masterpiece, or any sort of masterpiece, but for a first try it's commendable, though no Clerks.

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