King Cucaracha 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 BUFFER Lllladies and gentlemen, it is now time...for your main event of the evening!! *POP!* BUFFER Scheduled for one fall, it is a six man tag team GRUDGE~! match!! .:CUE: O-Town, "Make Her Say":. [i]In a world full of posers, phonies, and pure wannabees, there finally emerges a group which has come to set the record straight. so, all you suckers better recognize, ya heard can you say uhhh na na na na...[/i] "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" The crowd of people in the Mall Of America jeer wildly as the figures of Scotty Static and Johnny Jax swagger out through the entrance and exchange high-fives. Together, they walk a few steps down the aisle. Before stopping, both pointing back to the Drek Stone follows out, smirking widely. More high-fives are exchanged between the three, before they begin to make their collective way to the ring. BUFFER Introducing first, team number one. At a total combined weight of six hundred, fourty two pounds. First, the two-time former OAOAST Tag Team Champions of the world... JOHNNY JAX... SCOTTY STATIC... THE GLOBAL PAAAAARRTTYYYYY EXCHAAAANNGGEEEEE!! And, their tag team partner. Hailing from Brooklyn, New York... he is "RECKLESS"... DDRRRRRREEEEEEKK... SSSSTTOOOOOONNEEEEEEEEEE!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" HOFF Here's a trio to warm to, eh? COLE Three very talented athletes, but three men with disrespectful attitudes. And finally, it seems people are fighting back against these three in particular. Men like you, Hoff. And men like Leon Rodez. Men who Drek and The GPX believe should be on their side. HOFF Drek's got some crazy ideas in his head, man. Same with these GPX kids. Drek, Jax and Static enter the ring and turn back to the entrance intently. Except Drek, who points a finger down to the commentary position in Hoff's direction. Hoff ignores it with little more than a wry smile, as Drek eventually gives up and goes back to watching the entrance. [b]*GOOOOONG!*[/b] "YEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" "GET DOWN, GET DOWN! GET DOWN, GET DOWN! GET DOWN, GET DOWN! GET DOWN, GET DOWN! GET DOWN, GET DOWN! GET DOWN, GET DOWN! GET DOWN, GET DOWN! GET DOWN, GET DOWN!" The crowd starts to bop their heads along to Kool And The Gang's "Jungle Boogie", as Leon Rodez purposefully bursts through the curtains and comes to an abrupt stop, with his eyes locked down at the trio in the ring. BUFFER And their opponents! First, hailing from Grand Rapids, Michigan. He weighs in at two hundred, twenty eight pounds... "SILKY SMOOTH"... LLLLEEEEEEEEOOOOOOONN... RRRROOOOOOOOODDEEEEEEZZZZZZZ!!! "YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Sticking to the stage, Rodez salutes the crowd. And waits for his partner. Whether the trio in the ring know yet who Rodez has found or not isn't clear, until Papa Roach's "Getting Away With Murder" hits, to a big pop from the crowd! Drek bugs out in the ring, kicking the ring ropes in frustration, as the golden pyro showers down around either side of the entrance (which Rodez is sure to keep his flowing robe out of the way of). Eventually, OAOAST's Savior makes his entrance, posing for the crowd. BUFFER His tag team partner...from Los Angeles, California. He weighs in tonight at one hundred and ninety five pounds. He is "THE FRANCHISE"... ZZZZAAAAAAAAAACCKK... MMMMAAAAAAALLLIIIIBBBUUUUUUUUUUUU!! "YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Zack breaks his pose and walks to the ring, with Rodez following behind. COLE Zack Malibu volunteered his services earlier tonight, to Leon Rodez. But Some Guy apparantly doesn't trust Leon and he decided he'd rather wrestle Alfdogg tonight...meaning that right now, Leon and Zack are at a three on two dis-advantage. HOFF As far as we know. CABOOSE Don't tell me you're gonna be the partner. HOFF Well, nobody's asked me. It's my night off though, so I'm happy sitting here right now. As he reaches the bottom of the aisleway, Rodez comes to a stop. Zack doesn't however, instead strolling around the ring and calling for a microphone. Drek's attention is still firmly on The Franchise as The GPX stay rooted, staring down at Rodez and throwing the odd bit of abuse his way. Getting his microphone meanwhile, Zack taps it to check it's actually turned on, before getting referee Brian Hebner to back Drek up. MALIBU You'll get yours in a minute pal. you can probably tell, the numbers aren't exactly even. Some Guy didn't want in on this match, so we need another partner. And I'll be honest when I say, as soon as Some Guy ducked out of this one, I knew who to turn to. I knew that if there was one man outside of Some Guy that had my back, it was this guy. If we needed a third partner, it had to CABOOSE The fu... The crowd pop, as Zack turns to Sofa Central. MALIBU I know you haven't got your gear on and I know you aren't prepared or warmed up for a match. But as you can tell, we need a little help here 'Boose. So Coachman...get your BUTT out here. We've got your cover. Now, we need you to cover us. From the back, Johnathan Coachman jogs to the Caboose stands up from his commentary position and shrugs his shoulder, the crowd solidly behind the tweener as he removes his headset! Now, Drek really is bugging out at what he's signed himself up for, as Caboose steps away from the commentary area, shaking Zack's hand and then pointing up at Drek with threatening intent. COLE Hey Coach, where you been all night? COACH Hookers. COLE Ah, I see. COACH Well, seeing as 'Boose is in action here, I figured I'd come out here and fill in for him. But then I realised Hoff was here, so I figured I'd come down and be the unimportant third man that I always am. HOFF Sounds like a good plan. Rodez jogs around the ring and joins up with his partners on one side of the ring. An awkward look is exchanged between Rodez and the commentator who's been less than kind in his apprasail of him through his career. But it's settled ammicably, with a handshake. The three then enter the ring, with Hebner stepping between the two teams to make sure the match doesn't start until he's good and ready. "CA - BOOSE!" "CA - BOOSE!" "CA - BOOSE!" *DING DING DING!* As the chants die down, Caboose tries to hide his smile by turning it into a sneer. Hey, tweener pride, baby! Zack is smirking now as he applauds the chants, before tapping Caboose on the shoulder and whispering something in his ear. A nod follows from the Brit, before both Zack and 'Boose exit to the apron. COLE Well, it looks like Leon is being 'elected' to start this one. COACH Zack and Caboose are probably safer that way. I mean, this is their chance to test Rodez. See if he really is in cahoots with Drek and The GPX. If he is, they're not in a position to get jumped from behind. HOFF They'll just get jumped from the front instead. Across the ring, Drek looks ready to start for the opposition. But, one team conference later, and Drek graciously leaves Scotty Static to kick it off for his team. A smile forms on Rodez's face as he sees Static fire himself up in the corner. And as Static breaks from the corner, Rodez tells him to 'bring it on'. Static stops abruptly in front of Rodez. Close enough for Rodez to take a swing. Close enough for Rodez to take Static's head off. If he wanted too. Instead...Rodez smiles? COLE Aw...oh no. Damn it, it WAS a set-up! Zack and Caboose can see Static smiling back now and Zack holds his head in his hands, fearing the worst, as Team Drek are laughing and applauding away. Laughing also is Leon now, as he turns to face Zack and Caboose. Some boos are building now, as Static taunts Zack and Caboose, daring them to enter the ring and fight 'four' on 'two'. But Static gets a little over-zealous, turning his back on Rodez as he teases and taunts Zack and Caboose some more... ...AND GETS PANTSED~! "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COACH WHAT THE HELL!?! COLE It WAS a set-up! Rodez set-up The GPX and Drek! And this match is truly on right now! HOFF Man, this kid is great. The crowd go nuts and Zack is in hysterics now, as Static waddles around the ring in shock, with his pants around his ankles and his box0rs on show for all the world to see! Rodez's smile is now as genuine as can be, as he flips off Drek and Jax! Angrily, Jax quickly enters the ring and charges at Rodez. But The Silky Smooth One sees him coming and drop toe holds Johnny, sending him crashing head-first into the exposed genitals of Scotty Static!! "OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE Ooh, that doesn't look comfortable. Static doubles over, as Rodez takes a couple of back-steps. He then charges, springing off of Johnny Jax's back and catching Static flush with a modified Shining Wizard!! "YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" COLE Step-up Wizard!! We saw Rodez hit that at Battlebowl on Gunner Sharps! HOFF Thanks to yours truly. The force of the wizard sends Static tumbling backwards and he eventually rolls out of the ring. Johnny gets out of the ring quickly too. Watching his partners retreat, Drek thinks about coming into the ring. But as he sees Zack teasing his own entrance into the ring, Drek thinks better of it and gathers the troops. Back in the ring meanwhile, Rodez and Zack exchange a smile, with Rodez pointing to his cranium and smirking at how well the plan went. On the outside meanwhile, Drek gets The GPX together and takes the courtesy of pulling Static's pants back up for him. As if The Reckless One didn't want to get his hands on Rodez before, now Drek is fuming and yells at Double J and Double S to get their heads in the game. Drek then leaps back to the apron. Between them, The GPX manage to keep themselves standing and shake off the cobwebs. Rolling into the ring, Static wastes no time in reaching up and tagging Drek in before rolling back out. "RO - DEZ!" "RO - DEZ!" "RO - DEZ!" "RO - DEZ!" Drek ignores the chants as he enters the ring, jawing at Rodez as he strides in the centre of the ring. He's met there by Rodez and the two go nose to nose for a brief moment, before suddenly lunging into a collar-and-elbow tie-up! After a brief tussle, Drek pulls Rodez into a side headlock and drops to one knee. Rodez pulls him back up though and goes to the gut. Once, twice, three times with an elbow, before pushing out of the weakening grip and snatching on his own side headlock! Pulling a page from his opponent's book, Drek slams and elbow into the gut. Again. Drek then backs into the ropes and pushes off Rodez, knocking him down on the way back with a shoulder block. Yelling down at Rodez, Drek then hits the ropes. Over rolls Rodez, making himself an obstacle that Drek has to vault over. On runs Drek, as Rodez scrambles up, leaving his feet for extra power on a shoulder block of his own! Drek goes down and scrambles to the ropes, as Rodez flexes his muscles with a smirk. COACH SHOWIN' OFF T'GUNZZZzzzzz~! HOFF And these people came here for just one reason tonight Coach. COACH What's that? COLE TO SEE TH'GUN SHOW~! HOFF What he said. Fuming, Drek pulls himself up and charges again. Thinking quickly, Rodez drops, snaring Drek with a drop toe hold. As The Reckless One's jaw bounces off the mat, Rodez tries to snare the leg. Stone rolls through though, able to catch Rodez with a boot to the gut...and then NAIL him with a forearm strike! Followed by a clubbing forearm over the back. Groaning, Rodez drops to one knee, but gets pulled up and whipped off the ropes again. Balling his fist, Drek swings...and misses wildly, as Rodez tumbles around the side with a schoolboy roll-up... 1... 2... Kickout. As he gets back up, Drek gets grabbed in another side-headlock by Rodez...AND GETS HIS HAIR ALL MESSED UP!! "YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" Rodez releases the headlock and jigs away, watching in amusement as Drek tries to sort his hair out. Referee Brian Hebner bares the brunt of Drek's anger as he yells at him to do his job properly. But all this distracts Drek, allowing Rodez to sneak up behind and hurl Drek down with a handful of hair!! Despite being dazed, Stone snaps right back up again, as Rodez again jigs away. DREK HE HAD THE HAIR REF! HE HAD THE HA...AAAAAAAAAHH! Again, Drek gets pulled down with the hair! Zack can't help but smile as he watches this from the apron, The GPX going crazy in their corner. As he gets to his feet, Drek again starts to berate Brian Hebner. Rodez is right on him though, with a jab! A jab! A jab! A jab! Rodez turns, blowing the kiss... ...but Drek recovers quickly and lunges forward, driving a knee into the kidney area of Rodez! The Chixterminator drops to his knees and clutches his back, as Drek takes the opportunity to tag out, bringing Scotty Static back into the match. COLE A desperation move, but a valuable one for Drek Stone. And now, we've got Scotty Static in... HOFF Thankfully re-pantsed. Johnny Jax is quickly on his game, helping Drek to sort out his hair, while their partner puts the boots to Rodez and then whips him into the corner. Rodez hits hard, spine first, slumping back into the turnbuckles. Static is on the run meanwhile, charging down Rodez and launching into him with double knees to the sternum! Out from the corner staggers Rodez, into another whip into the opposite corner this time. Mockingly, Static asks the crowd if they want to see one more...and gets booed mercilessly. But he charges all the same, driving the double knees...INTO THE TURNBUCKLES!! Rodez moves and Static crashes into the buckles! Still on the move, Rodez then dives over and tags in Zack Malibu, to a big cheer from the fans! And, feeding off the reaction, Zack enters the ring and top speed with a BIG clothesline on Static! And another! Stumbling around, Static falls close enough to Zack for him to trip up the Global Party Exchanger, looking to capitalise on the knees...NO! Static manages to plant his feet in the gut and push Zack off. Rolling back, Static rolls on through up to his feet and tries a clothesline of his own. Which is ducked by Zack, snatching a waistlock and cradling Static over into a Bridging German Suplex... 1... 2... NO! Only two! It's clear that Static is dazed as he gets to his feet, Zack able to grab his arm with ease and s l o w l y wrench in an arm wringer. With the pace slowed suitably, Zack applies an armbar. COLE Smart move from Zack, slowing things down, which takes Scotty Static out of his element. COACH Well I'm sure Scotty knows how to wrestle a slower pace. He just prefers it quick. Quick and dirty. Just ask his women. COLE Hey now, I don't know about that... COACH The Coach does. The Coach knows all about The GPX and their ladies. We're tight. HOLLA~ Clinging onto the armbar, Zack pulls Static from his knees and to his feet. Zack then adjusts his grip so he's clinging onto just the wrist. Another twist and another arm wringer follows. Zack wrings the arm once more, this time stepping underneath and looking for the kick...but Static drops to his knees. The kick flies over his head and he lands right in position, to grab Zack's head, flipping him over with a fireman's carry. Static then dives on top, with a cover... 1.. That Zack is quickly out of. Static grabs an armbar quickly, but Zack simply slides behind with a hammerlock. He then chains that into a side headlock, before grabbing the arm and twisting back into the standing armbar that drops Static to one knee, in a mixture of pain and frustration. Levering on the arm, Zack backpedals a few steps and allows Caboose to slap Static over the shoulder, before slapping Zack (much more gently) to tag himself in. COACH 'BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE~!!! Stepping in, Caboose takes Static's arm and gives it a wring himself and applies his own armBAR~!. Cursing under his breath, frustration is clear from Static, unable to move any closer to his corner than the centre of the ring. Still Static tries though. So Caboose wrings the arm again, levering Static down to the mat by the head and dropping a leg across the arm. Caboose holds onto the wrist and climbs back up, dropping a second leg. Up comes Caboose again, teasing a legdrop... ...but instead, raking the flat of his boot across Static's eyes!! "YEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" COACH Tweener! Tweener! Static clutches his eyes and scrambles towards a neutral corner and some refuge. Following in, Caboose rocks Static with a couple of quick right hands, before whipping him out of the arm's length, before yanking him back. The force of the whip is added to as Caboose dives to the mat as he pulls back, causing Static to SOAR through the turnbuckles... *CLUNK!* ...and shoulder first into the ringpost!! Out staggers Static, straight into an armdrag and back into another armbar. Caboose adds a knee to the side of the head and wrenches up on the arm. Just for good measure, Caboose decides to play a little mercy with Static's knuckles, bending them up towards his wrist violently. Valiantly, Static fights up to his knees. But Caboose hangs onto the armbar, while still able to reach out and let Zack tag into the ring. Quickly Zack scales the turnbuckles and comes down across Static's arm with a double axehandle smash, causing another cry of pain from the GPXer. The Franchise re-grasps the arm straight away, re-applying the armbar. But Static quickly jabs him in the gut and uses the ropes to send Zack across the ring. Bouncing back, Zack sees a back elbow coming and ducks, abruptly putting on the brakes. Around wheels Static, getting booted in the gut and has one arm hooked, then the other, before Zack takes up and over with the Butterfly Suplex! Zack follows up quickly with a pin attempt... 1... 2... Kickout. Zack grabs Static's arm almost instantly as he kicks out, wrenching it towards his head into a top wristlock. Coming to his feet, Static goes to the gut with a knee...and again. But Zack clings on defiantly to the hold and suddenly drops back, jarring Static's elbow into the canvas! HOFF Can't remember seeing that before. Hey, maybe I should steal it. Static rolls around in agony, as Zack forces him onto his back, placing a knee across his chest with a makeshift cover... 1... 2... Kickout again. Re-applying the top wristlock, Zack pulls back on the arm with glee on his face. Static moves himself beside the rope as Zack's wrenches pauses, allowing him to grab the top rope. Quickly, Hebner is over to ask for a break. But he can't reach more than '2' before Static shows off his athletic ability, using the ropes to backflip out of the wristlock and land safely on his feet. Before showing off his cheating ability with a thumb to the eyes! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Referee, out of position...and sure enough, Scotty Static takes advantage. HOFF Yeah. Exactly the kind of cheap move I'd expect out of him and his buddies. As Zack reels away with his hand clamped over his eye socket, Static tries to shake off some of the pain in his arm. He then charges Zack from behind, using as much of his bad arm as possible with the good, to barge Zack sternum first into the Drek/GPX corner. Sneakily Drek reaches into the ring and grabs Zack's wrist, holding him into the corner. As meanwhile, Static finally gets the tag to Johnny Jax, who hurries into the ring and fires off a succession of jabs into the kidneys of The Franchise! Zack is still unable to get away as Drek clings onto his wrist, right up until Jax ends his barrage. At which point, Zack collapses out of the corner into a seated position. *SMACK!* And instantly, Jax fires off a dragon kick to the spine! Zack falls onto his back, favouring the same area, as Jax leans into the ropes and drops a knee into the sternum, straight away following with a pin... 1... 2... Kickout. Jax resiliantly tries again... 1... 2... Kickout again. Still not satisfied, Jax makes another attempt at the pin... 1... 2... Kickout a third time. HOFF It might look like Johnny Jax is wasting his time with the repeated pins here, but he's making Zack expend energy with every kickout. He's not quite as dumb as he looks. Pulling Zack to his feet, JJ whips him off the ropes and waits for Zack to rebound. As Zack comes back, Jax stoops low, hooking his arms under Zack and lifting him up, letting him fall to the canvas with a modified flapjack. And as Zack is falling, Jax hits the ropes, following up with a knee strike to the side of the head. Applause greets the showing from Jax. Although, only from Drek and Static, as the rest of the crowd jeer wildly. Jax doesn't care though, bowing for his two fans. The bowing ends as Zack gets back to his feet, Jax meeting him with a boot to the gut. Ducking behind Zack, Jax then goes to the kidneys with a forearm. And again. Jax then cradles up Zack and drops him on the back of his head with a dangerous back suplex! "OOOOHHHHHHHH!" Uncoiling, Zack seems motionless, as Jax cradles a leg and makes a pin... 1... 2... ...ONLY TWO! "YEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!" Looking a little frustrated, Jax tags in Scotty Static. The two time World Tag Team Champions load up Zack, Jax chopping Zack in the chest before they double-whip Zack across the ring. Zack rebounds and gets hit with a double kick to the gut. Malibu doubles over, winded. Beside him, Jax drops to one knee and cups his hands to provide his partner with a leg-up. A leg-up Static takes, getting launched up into the air, landing across Zack's back with a Backsplash! COLE Innovative double-teaming from The GPX, as we've regularly come to expect from them. COACH Fo'sho. They're not two time Tag Champs for nothing. Static seems a little hurt from the move as well as Zack, but shakes it off. He pulls The Franchise back to his feet, using his good arm to whip Zack into the corner. The buckles bounce Zack out, with Static waiting with a leg lariat. Down goes Zack, as Static forces him down for a pin... 1... 2... Kickout! Static takes issue with the count, but is chastised by Drek who tries to get his partner's mind back on the job. Which he does, hooking a front facelock on Zack. Pulling him to his feet, Static then takes Zack over with a vertical suplex. All Caboose and Rodez can do is watch on now, occassional words of encouragement thrown Zack's way, as he gets the wind driven out of him again with a double stomp! As he bounces off of Zack, Static turns on his heels and follows it right up with a back senton! Back to his feet climbs Static again, turning away from Zack and smirking at Rodez and Caboose... *SMACK!* "OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" ...BEFORE NONCHALANTLY THRUSTING HIS RIGHT BOOT BACK INTO ZACK'S JAW~! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COACH Jerk Kick! That's a Jerk Kick! COLE Because only a jerk would do it, right? COACH Exactamundo. Agonising, Zack kicks his feet against the mat with his hand clasped against his jaw. The jerkish move prompts Caboose to try and come in the ring, but Hebner quickly shepherds him back to the corner. Meanwhile, Static calls Johnny Jax back in, Drek doing all the talking and none of the fighting right now. Jax and Static drag Zack back up and apply a facelock a-piece. Over go the arms...and over goes Zack, with a double suplex. Jax immediately makes a cover as Hebner turns around, instinctively making the count... 1... 2... Kickout! HOFF There wasn't a tag there, was there? COLE No, no. No tag was made. HOFF I didn't think so. After all, it is Drek Stone running the show, so why would they do something so stupid as follow the rules? Finally, Hebner realises the wrong GPXer is in the ring. But he doesn't take any action, as Jax drags Zack to his feet and rocks him with a right hand. Followed by a second. Zack retreats into a neutral corner. But Jax is still coming at him, jabbing Zack in the jaw a couple more times before grabbing an arm and whipping The Franchise out of the corner. Jax instantly follows the former World Champion in, but Zack has other ideas as he grabs onto the top rope and uses it to launch himself up and over the charging GPXer. Unable to stop himself, Jax crashes shoulder first into the turnbuckles. Zack has landed on his feet behind by now and applies a waistlock, looking to execute a German. Wrapping his foot around Zack's, Jax is able to block the German once..twice...and a third time, before executing a standing switch. Zack isn't so lucky, as he almost instantly gets taken back and dropped dangerously with a release German! Clearly pleased with himself, Jax decides not to follow up on the move, instead waltzing over the ring and pie-facing Rodez!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Rodez keeps his cool and doesn't enter the ring, preventing an illegal double-team. So The GPX have to play by the rules, Jax tagging Scotty Static back into the match. As Zack slowly begins to get back to his feet, Jax is right there to meet him with a forearm. A scoop and a slam follows. Setting Zack in place, as Static vaults off of the middle rope, spinning an effortless 180 and dropping a leg across the throat of The Franchise! 1... 2... Just a 2 count, as Zack kicks out!! "YEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Looking slightly frustrated, Static drags Zack back down to the canvas and applies a blatant choke! "ONE!" "TWO!" "THREE!" "FOUR!" "FI..." Static breaks the choke on five, dragging Zack into a seated position as he does so. A quick elbow is dug right into the back of Malibu's neck. The knee is then dug into the spine to add to the punishment, before Static clamps his hands under Zack's neck and wrenches back. COLE Submission hold locked in. HOFF Zack isn't gonna quit from a move like this, but it'll buy Static a little time I guess. "LET'S GO FRAN - CHISE!" *clap clap clapclapclap* COLE The crowd rallying behind Zack here. "LET'S GO FRAN - CHISE!" *clap clap clapclapclap* "LET'S GO FRAN - CHISE!" *clap clap clapclapclap* Feeding off of the support of the crowd, Zack's body starts to pulsate with adrenaline. Static shakes his head frantically as Zack rolls to the side, coming up to one knee. Zack then gets to his feet, his head turned into Scotty's body now. Firing off, Zack rocks Static's abdomen with an elbow. And a second time. A third. Static doubles over slightly, but still clings onto the sides of Zack's head. A fourth elbow finally frees Zack though, immediately turning off to try and tag...NO, Static grabs a handful of hair and YANKS Zack to the canvas!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" The fans in the Mall Of America get on Scotty's case, as he untangles a few strands of hair from around his fingers. COLE Zack has been in this one for quite a long time now. He could really do with a tag here. COACH I'm surprised 'Boose hasn't stormed the ring yet. He's just fuming on the apron. Just dying to get into this one. Having removed Zack's hair from his hands, Static goes back on the offense, with another blatant choke that Hebner is right on the case of. "ONE!" "TWO!" "THREE!" "FOU..." Static breaks earlier this time, mainly because Caboose has entered the ring and swings a kick at him. Just avoiding the kick, Static yells at Hebner to get rid of Caboose. Which be begins to do, allowing Static to re-apply the choke on Zack, free from any sort of count! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Caboose isn't being smart here! He should know better than this, because he's giving Scotty Static free reign to cheat right now! HOFF Well, he's angry Michael. I've been in the situation before...and you know you shouldn't try and jump in, but when the red mist descends, you do it anyway. Finally, Hebner removes Caboose, turning around just as Static releases the choke and changes into a cover... 1... 2... Kickout. Now Static really is getting frustrated, as he drags Zack back up. Quickly he snaps off a kick to the gut, applying a side headlock as Zack begins to double over. Static then points to the opposite side of the ring, running his thumb across his throat as he breaks into a run...only to get pushed off mid-run. Keeping his momentum going, Static manages to hit the ropes. Taking a couple of mini-steps forward, Zack crouches ever-so-slightly in preparation for Static's return. Static is able to drop down and skid through The Franchise's legs with a baseball slide however, hooking one of Zack's ankles on the way through in order to trip him up. Bouncing off the canvas, Zack gets to his hands and knees and holds his jaw in pain. Meanwhile, Static scurries to the side of Malibu. Tentatively, Static steps onto Zack's back and manages to get into a standing position on Zack, who remains on all fours. With a wry smirk, the GPXer then signals that 'it's ovaaaaahh' as he gains his balance...and springs off of Zack's back, backflipping into a shooting star pre...NO!! Zack manages to roll over as Static launches off his back, sticking up a foot that Static lands chest first on! Almost impailed on the foot of his opponent from the impact, Static crashes back a good few feet before coming to a halt, clutching his sternum as Caboose and Rodez suddenly find renewed reason to route Zack on! COLE What an amazing move that would have been...Scotty Static, looking for a tabletop SSP, from off of Zack's back! Amazing balance. Amazing agility. But all for naught, as Zack managed to counter. COACH And now, he's gotta tag out! HOFF See, that's why I don't try flippy-floppy moves like that. COACH You mean, besides the lack of athleticism? HOFF You wanna Spinebuster? COACH ...nosir... Rhythmical clapping fills the Mall Of America as both Zack and Static begin their crawls towards their corners. Static seems marginally closer to Drek and Johnny than Zack does to Rodez and Caboose. But the wind has clearly been knocked out of Static as he is very slow in his crawl, much to the frustration of Drek Stone. As both men close in on the tags, Hebner stands in the centre, waiting for the call... ...signalling a tag, to Drek... ...AND A TAG TO CABOOSE!! "YEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COACH BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSEEE!! Both men enter the ring and charge across the ring, Caboose swinging out at Drek and knocking him down with a right hand. Up comes Drek, but Caboose nails him again. Staggering up, The Reckless One takes a third right hand, enough to make him sensibly stay down this time. Drek begs off from Derby's finest as he balls up his fist for another shot. Allowing Johnny Jax to sneak into the ring and ambush Caboose from behind! Caboose drops to his knees, as Jax pulls him up and attempts an irish whip, only to have it reversed. Keeping one eye on Drek, Caboose sidesteps Jax as he rebounds, hooking on a waistlock and charging Jax...INTO DREK!! Jax and Drek clock heads. The result is Drek tumbling out of the ring, while Caboose pulls Jax back into a rolling pin... 1... 2... NO! As Jax kicks out, Caboose runs on into the ropes. But by the time he does, Drek has recovered and snares a leg, tripping up Caboose from the outside! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" HOFF Jes - us. Drek strolls away innocently, leaving Hebner looking quite the tool as he obviously can't call what he doesn't see, no matter how blatantly obvious it seems. Picking himself up meanwhile, Caboose is caught with a boot to the gut and taken over with a forceful vertical suplex. Popping right up, Jax then hits the ropes, driving all of his weight down into Caboose with a big splash, snaring a leg... 1... 2... Shoulder up. To his feet once more, Jax makes the legal tag to Drek Stone, as Static and Zack are recovering out on the floor beside their respective corners. Stepping in, Drek is almost as fresh as Caboose. And easily sweeps down Caboose with an STO. The back of Caboose's head bounces violently off the mat, dazing him long enough for Drek to scale the turnbuckles, getting to the top rope. "DREK STONE SUCKS!" "DREK STONE SUCKS!" "DREK STONE SUCKS!" The chants do little to bother The Reckless One. Indeed, he beckons on some more boos as he stands on the top, before leaping off with a single axehandle blo...NO! Caboose catches him on the way down, burying a fist into the gut of Drek. As he lands, Drek does a Million $ Flip off the gut punch, landing on his back and writhing in pain. Which gives Caboose time to rush across the ring, barging Johnny Jax with enough force to knock him off the apron, crashing into Static on the floor! The GPX sprawl as one to the arena floor. Meanwhile, Caboose turns around, ducking a clothesline from the recovered Stone. Both men turn on their heels, Drek the quicker as he hooks 'Boose under the head, ready for the Side Effect. But Caboose is able to fire off a series of elbows to break free, sending Drek spinning off. Before he spins back, getting jacked up for the Emerald Fus...NO, Drek escapes down the back, hooking up Caboose and hitting a high angled back suplex!! The force sends Caboose rolling through. But unluckily for Drek, it's too close to Leon Rodez... ...WHO TAGS HIMSELF IN!! "YEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" HOFF Here we go! In comes The Silky Smooth One, vaulting over the top rope and ambushing Drek with right hands! Drek starts to throw some back though! And before long, the two are exchanging right hands in stereo, each punch connecting in unison with an opposition punch, leaving both men reeling after a good 8 or 9 a-piece!! Recovering his bearings first is Drek, charging in with momentum on another punch. However, Rodez ducks underneath, remaining where he is until Drek charges him from behind... *SMACK!* which point he leaps back, connecting with a beautiful leg lariat!! Drek sits up as he lands, but groggily slumps right back down, as Rodez dives on top with a lateral press... 1... 2... ...ONLY TWO!! Out on the floor, as this is going on, Zack Malibu has now rounded on Static and Jax, brawling away with the both of them in the aisleway. Caboose is just now getting over to help out The Franchise... back in the ring, Rodez has Drek in a fireman's carry, at least for a second, before Drek slides behind. Reaching through, Drek locks in a half nelson. Before turning that into a full nelson, setting Rodez up for The Recker! Struggling, fighting, Rodez tries desperatly to snatch himself out of the full nelson. Drek suddenly pops the hips, but Rodez manages to tuck his ankle behind Drek's just in time to block the move. Thinking quickly, Rodez then drops down and sits out, freeing himself from the full nelson. He then rolls back and locks on a body scissors, basically putting himself in a wheelbarrow position. Before Drek can make use of that, Rodez then pushes up onto his hands, before rolling through, his momentum sending Drek stumbling forward and falling throat first across the middle rope! COLE Uh oh! Drek doesn't want to be there! Stumbling up, Rodez doesn't even bother to do 'the dance', instead just running into the ropes, sprinting back at Drek and driving all of his weight into the lower back region of the New Yorker!! COACH CALL THAT BITCH BOJANGLES, YO~! COLE A danceless version! Rodez is completely focused right now! As Drek staggers back off the ropes, Rodez just CLUBS him in the spine, repeatedly with overhands, before turning Drek around. A boot double over Drek, allowing Rodez to snare first the left arm, then the right. Sensing something bad coming, Drek instinctively wraps his far leg around the nearby middle rope to prevent the move and force a break of the double underhook. Graciously, Leon gives the break. Before not-so-graciously smashing Drek in the jaw with a quick kneelift! Drek's head snaps back and he comes off his feet for a split second, enough to feel the effects of the middle rope crotching him!! The Reckless One's eyes light up straight away, as he bounces off the middle rope clutching his nether regions. HOFF Man, Drek's gonna be singing Soprano in the morning. COLE Indeed! That wa... HOFF Get it? Drek? Soprano? Hopping around as if he has a rod up his ass, Drek is in no position or condition to block a jab! A jab! A jab! A jab! Rodez turns, blowing the kiss, before turning back on his heels... *SMACK!* ...and nailing Drek upside the head with the enziguri! "YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COACH MAMA SAID KNOCK YOU OUT! COLE And I think Leon just did...knock...Drek out. Drek flops to the mat with glazed eyes, seemingly ripe for the picking. Rather than go for the cover however, Rodez reaches down and grabs hold of The Reckless One by the arm and leg, dragging him out of the centre of the ring and towards the turnbuckles! The crowd cheer, sensing a 450 on the way. And that's exactly what Rodez intends to give the people, as he exits the ring and climbs slowly and deliberately towards the top rope. Down to his side, the GPX/Caboose and Zack brawl continues. Infact, right underneath him. Which seems to be distracting Rodez as he climbs up, reaching the top just as Drek groggily stumbles towards him...and eats a faceful of boot! Away staggers Drek, well out of Rodez's diving range. So Rodez re-adjusts himself up top, turning away... ...towards the outside... ...AND DIVING OUT FROM THE TOP, WITH A CROSSBODY INTO THE FOURSOME ON THE FLOOR!!!! "YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE What a dive!! HOFF Yeah, but Rodez took out his partners as well as his opponents on that one. "RO - DEZ!" "RO - DEZ!" "RO - DEZ!" "RO - DEZ!" The crowd don't seem to care who was on the recieving end. They just 'mark teh fuq out' for the daredevil move. Picking himself up from the pile of bodies, Rodez rolls back into the ring and re-focuses his attentions on Drek Stone. He sets, charging at Drek...who has recovered, springing off his heels as Rodez approaches, catching him in the BUTT of the jaw with a standing dropkick! Grabbing Rodez, Drek cradles him tightly and makes a quick pin... 1... 2... Kickout! Drek slaps the mat in frustration before climbing back to his feet, pulling Rodez up with him. Firing off a couple of quick forearms, Drek then hooks Rodez behind the head, charging with him in tow and hurling him head-first into the top turnbuckle! As he slumps into the turnbuckle, Rodez weakly fires out his leg with a desperate kick. Drek avoids it though, driving in a knee to the gut before lifting Rodez up into a seated position on the top turnbuckle. Firing up with a palm strike, Drek then backs off a step, before climbing the ropes in front of Rodez. COLE High-risk coming up here. HOFF Drek's got something big in mind to try and finish this kid off. Reaching the middle rope, Drek applies a front facelock, before placing his right foot carefully on the top rope. Still the fight wages on out on the floor, while Drek precariously balances himself, trying to get a footing for his left. Suddenly though, he gets rocked with a forearm to the gut. And a second. A third and Drek almost falls off the ropes, managing to land back on the middle rope. Drek quickly reaches up as he gets himself safe, grabbing a handful of face and RAKING the eyes of Rodez! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Drek has the time to now try again, hooking on the front facelock. But suddenly, from behind, Zack is in the ring! But, so is Johnny Jax. Caboose and Static remain grappling out on the mall floor, as Zack prevents Johnny Jax from getting away, looking for a back suplex. Jax vaults up and over, landing on his feet, quickly applying a full nelson on Malibu. But a vicious back headbutt from Zack breaks the full nelson. Drek is once more battling up top with Rodez now... Jax shakes off the cobwebs, just in time to see Zack roaring towards him...and DUCKING the elbow! Zack spins a full 360 and seems a sitting target, as Jax charges with a clothesline. But Zack ducks, Jax only just stopping himself in front of Drek. Quickly he turns, just in time too, as Zack shoots forward and brings his leg up with a Yakuza Kick... ...which Jax ducks... *SMACK!* ...AND HITS DREK SQUARE IN THE KIDNEYS!!! "YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE Oh my! HOFF That wasn't what Zack went for, but it'll more than do. Drek clings onto the top rope desperatly, trying not to fall despite the pain in his low back. Behind him, Zack turns away to go for Jax again, who has retreated across the ring. As far as he can go. But still not far enough, as Zack hooks him with a clothesline, taking both himself and opponent over the top rope and crashing to the floor! Leaving Rodez and Drek, the legal men, alone in the ring again. And leaving Drek hanging, wide open for a straight kick to the sternum that knocks his grip loose and causes Drek to crash off the ropes, landing side-on to the turnbuckles! Some of the crowd pop, knowing what's coming next, as Rodez quickly gains his feet on the top rope, flipping off... *WHAM!* ...and NAILING the Because The Lady Loves!! "YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE HE HIT IT! HOFF COUNT IT BRI'! 1... 2... 3!!!!! "YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" *DINGDING DING!* The crowd in the Mall Of America go nuts, as Rodez rolls off of Drek and punches the air. Hebner quickly raises Rodez's arm in victory as the fights on the outside peeter out, allowing Zack and Caboose to roll back into the ring to join the celebrations. BUFFER Your winners of this match...the team of CABOOSE! ZACK MALIBU! AND LLLEEEOONN RROOODDEEZZZ!!! "YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" Zack and Caboose high-five as from the outside, Scotty Static reaches in and drags Drek from the ring to the floor. The celebration in the ring is all the winded Drek can focus on as he's dragged out, staring a hole through the bodies of the three winners, as they salute the fans. COLE What a big, big win for Leon Rodez! The biggest win since losing the X-Division Championship a few months ago and maybe more, scoring a pinfall victory over a former World Champion. COACH I bet Some Guy feels dumb for not trusting him now. As Johnny Jax staggers over, Drek is helped to the back/kept from running back in by The GPX. As back in the ring, Zack extends a hand to former rival Rodez, shook in response by The Silky Smooth One. Caboose decides a pat on the back will suffice before turning back to Zack and raising his arm in the air, in a show of Original solidarity. HOFF Everyone has a bogey opponent. That one guy that no matter how good you are or how much on form you are, always seems to know how to beat you. And it's pretty clear that Leon Rodez is Drek Stone's bogey opponent. No wonder he wants him on his team so much. COLE A big win for Leon Rodez, a measure of revenge gained for Zack...and a great way to end tonight's HeldDOWN~! The Originals, +1, on top! Goodnight everyone. HOFF Peace. [B]Fade to black...[/B] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites