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Coffin Surfer

A Danny Williams promo:

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Clad in his wrestling gear, a perspiring Danny Williams takes a moment from his training to respond to Hardy’s questions. In the background a bench displays what has to be 500 pounds of iron, could he actually have been benching it? A quick glance at the man is enough to eliminate that doubt. A mountain of muscle, the mightily shouldered Williams flexes his heavily muscles limbs, keeping them warm and loose so he can continue his work out when the interview is done. His long unkept brown hair freely hangs in front of his low, broad brow, giving him the resemblance of some mighty barbarian from the stone age. Despite his fearsome appearance, his strong featured face remains relaxed and stoic as he patiently awaits Hardy’s questions.


“Danny Williams, as you know you are about to face Landon Maddix on Smarkdown. ” Careful not to offend the brutish warrior Hardy precedes with caution,” He has promised to add you to an impressive list of wrestlers he’s sent to the Land of Nod...”


Ill-mannered, Williams interrupts with a snarl,” Bah! Magnifico was defeated by a chain and nothing more.”


“Never the less he claims to have surpassed the legendary Champion.”


“He’s a delusional fool.” grumbles Williams as if the response isn’t worth the breath to speak it,” Not even I would make such a claim.”


Leaving it that, Hardy continues,”And now he wants to prove to the world that he is better than you.”


“Ha! I look forward to his challenge. However I must warn him..” Williams turn to the camera, “ making me tap out will not be an easy task you should take lightly, just ask the Franchise and your old pal, Toxxic,”


“But what if Landon plans on taking short cuts again?” questions Hardy.


Brushing off the warning, Williams scoffs,”If he hits me with a chain he better make sure it put’s me out for a long time.”


Wrapping it up, Hardy concludes the interview,” Thank you for your time Mr. Williams.”


Nodding, Williams lumbers away like a bear going back into it’s cave. Laying on the bench, Williams briefly stretches out his chest before hoisting the colossal dumbbell from it’s resting place. Moving at a steady pace, Williams repeatedly bounces 500 pounds off his chest like it’s child’s play. Hardy shakes his head, thanking his lucky stars that he’s retired before the age of Danny Williams.

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Faced Danny for the first time. Made him tap.


Faced ELM for the first time. Made him tap.


*Faces self in mirror and taps*


I just keep getting there before you, don't I Landon ;)


No, seriously. A good promo from Landon to set it up, a suitably... Danny... promo from Danny in response, and now I'm waiting to see the match. Should be GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD.

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No, seriously. A good promo from Landon to set it up, a suitably... Danny... promo from Danny in response


:huh: Not sure what that means but I'll take it as a compliment I guess. Hopefully Danny=at least o.k..

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The Danny Williams character is very distinct and I suppose... 'no nonsense' is the best way to put it. A sort of "You've said you'll beat me, well we'll see, now I'll go back to weightlifting" type thing. You couldn't build a whole fed out of characters like that, but when a lot of the rest of the upper card consists of verbose motherfuckers like me and Landon it's a refreshing change.

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Yeah, it's just that Danny Williams has a certain virtue-ethics vibe going on. When he talks, he's not talking to get over, he's not talking to work the crowd, he's talking because it's the simplest and most effective way of getting something across. He doesn't waste effort, which means that when he talks you really need to listen.


We appreciate that sort of thing, particularly when you have a foil like Maddix, who talks because he hasn't said anything for a few seconds.

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That has to be the best description of Landon (well, Landon's character anyway) ever.

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