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Celtic Guardian

TNA has its TV deal

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I gotta agree with Mike here. I've seen enough of Gunn, Nash, etc. on TV. What I'd like to see are guys like Styles, Daniels, who I am not as familiar with. If they can hook me with them, then I'll pay more attention to the entire product.

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But until you have a ME scene worth building around, you should attempt to build up your strength.


Their ME scene might end up being strong (though I still think WWE will raid them big-time), but until that happens, make the X Division equal with the World Title.


I agree - they tried bringing in "names" like Gunn, Nash, Hall, DDP, etc - none of them drew a dime. While an argument was that it was partly because they were matched up with or teaming with Jarrett, the fact of the matter of it is that they WERE all stars in the past, but that past is long gone. Unless you have a strong name like Goldberg, Lesnar, etc building up the main event with such players is ineffective. It's already been proven. Raven, Brown, Rhino, etc in the main event scene long term is a great idea, but you cannot expect the company to base the direction around them primarily, when it's a work in progress at best right now.


Guys like Styles, Joe, Daniels, Lynn, Waltman and others leading the X division is new and fresh and progressive - you HAVE to differentiate as an alternative to the WWE and this is the obvious approach. While they may not be draws yet, you know what, NOBODY IS. So why not take a chance at something new than try and rely on a world title scene that needs much more developing from the JJ experiment of the past 3 years. I dont think its very hard to understand, or shouldnt be to some here.


With that said, I hope next months ppv is headlined by Joe v. Styles. Lynn v. Waltman is another strong ppv X division match, as will hopefully be whoever they decide to put Daniels in against.

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I think casual fans will tune in to the X-division or stay on the channel if they see some guys flying around. I was watching TNA's special on Best Damn Sports Show with Ultimate X and he was impressed by it. Probably because he had never seen anything like that before.


I always thought that the X-division should be a separate but equal title to the heavyweight...well, maybe not as equal, but of very high importance nonetheless.

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I have a bit more hope for TNA though, because of the bookends. UFC is heavily promoted. And Stern goes with the whole Spiketv type attitude for men. Time will tell.



We may have to forget the bookend theory. The Stern talks with Spike have reportedly been suspended without success according to TVWeek. TNA without a popular lead-out like Stern will obviously have a more difficult time holding on to that casual audience.

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I always thought that the X-division should be a separate but equal title to the heavyweight...well, maybe not as equal, but of very high importance nonetheless.


I agree. And this can be done since it hasnt be called Light Heavyweight, Jnr Heavyweight or Cruiserweight. Casual fans may say, X Div, whats that?

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