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Guest Joel Wendel

Bret Hart

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After hearing this interview, I don't think Bret will ever be back in the WWE.




Fuck you, Vince for not swallowing your pride and saying "I'm sorry".

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Guest jackie fargo

Good Interview... I believe this leans more towards his wrestling return..




Bret "The Hitman" Hart was recently interviewed on a pro wrestling radio show. Here are some highlights from that interview:


-Talks briefly about the NWA Legends Fanfest as well as Dory Funk Jr., Terry Funk, and Harley Race. Others involved in the Legends convention.


-Said he missed certain things about the business. He wishes he could still wrestle so he could have matches with people like Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, and more stuff with Chris Benoit. He said he doesn't, however, miss being dropped on his head, hotel rooms, rental cars, or a flight to catch everyday. He simply misses being inside the ring and performing in front of a crowd, a place he felt at home.


-He mentioned that he does not follow the current WWE product. He said he'd rather put tapes in and watch old matches for his wrestling fix. He said today's in-ring style is all about high-spots and random series of moves practiced before hand, getting away from what pro wrestling used to be completely.


-Said he wishes WWE kept their characters more legitimate, using the "Stone Cold" Steve Austin persona as an example of a good one. He claims today's characters aren't believable, and that WWE should go more the reality route instead of the soap opera with bad acting like they've been doing.


-When asked if he would accept an on-air role, for either WWE or TNA, he said the usual "never say never."


-He likes the spunk of TNA trying to be the counter-product of WWE, and feels the business thrives off competition. He said as far as negotiations to work with TNA, talks have been left on the table. He is still waiting for the right opportunity and circumstances.


-Talked a bit about the bad state of tag-team wrestling these days, saying it's basically ignored by WWE anymore. He talks about The Road Warriors, British Bulldogs, Rockers, and Hart Foundation as examples of great old-school tag-team wrestling, and how it can be succesful.


-About officially burying the hatchet with WWE, he said he thinks it will be one day, but nothing specific indicates that. He was proud of his time in WWE and said his career shouldn't be summed up with the last few minutes in Montreal in 1997. He says the main thing that bothers him about WWE is the respect issue. He feels WWE exploits the Montreal incident as much as possible, instead of admitting some fault or bad judgement, and just finally putting it behind them.


-Said he'd be willing to be part of the WWE Hall of Fame, and that he still wants to produce a DVD of his best career matches and other pro wrestling moments. He's still working with WWE on a way to make that happen. And of course his book is still in the process of being written, with him saying anytime it comes time to talk about Montreal or his brother Owen, it's hard to put it down on paper in the right words.

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I'm mildly irritated whenever someone who admittedly does not even watch the product presumes to know what they're doing wrong. Now, if Bret Hart were to sit down and watch Raw or Smackdown, THEN tell us this, I'd be more inclined to see his point. I actually agree with him on many of his point, but how do I know he's not just repeating what he's heard others say if he doesn't even watch anymore?

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Guest jumpingbombangel
I'm mildly irritated whenever someone who admittedly does not even watch the product presumes to know what they're doing wrong.  Now, if Bret Hart were to sit down and watch Raw or Smackdown, THEN tell us this, I'd be more inclined to see his point.  I actually agree with him on many of his point, but how do I know he's not just repeating what he's heard others say if he doesn't even watch anymore?


I hardly sit through more than 10 minutes of Raw and/or Smackdown myself because I literally feel myself getting dumber whenever doing so lately. However, if the results or spoilers I read via the internet make for shitty reading, I can pretty much discern that the product sucks that week and they're doing something wrong.


With that said, Bret obviously lurks here and reads your posts. That's how he can tell they're fucking up.

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Sometimes stuff comes across better on screen than on the page.


Bret's criticism seems more geared toward what wrestling was like a couple of years ago. Today it sucks for different reasons he didn't mention. He's got more wrestling knowledge in his pinky then I have in my entire body, but I wouldn't trust a mechanic to correctly tell me what wrong with my car if he hasn't looked at it yet.


I think you should actually see something before you comment on it.

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Guest jackie fargo

Brets whole life always revolved around wrestling, I would assume, even though Bret says he doesn't keep up with the WWE, he probably watches a show every so often and gets reports via the internet about the current product-

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Guest Ransome
-Said he'd be willing to be part of the WWE Hall of Fame, and that he still wants to produce a DVD of his best career matches and other pro wrestling moments. He's still working with WWE on a way to make that happen. And of course his book is still in the process of being written, with him saying anytime it comes time to talk about Montreal or his brother Owen, it's hard to put it down on paper in the right words.


I guess this doesn't rule out the possibility of Bret Hart being inducted into the 2006 Hall of Fame, and by extension an appearance at Wrestlemania 22. If the 2005 HOF had a Wrestlemania 1 theme to it (Hogan, Orndorff, Piper, and to a lesser extent Shiek and Volkoff all playing a vital role to WM 1), then it would be logical to give a Wrestlemania 2 theme to next year's HOF, leaving people like Bret, Randy Savage, Terry and Dory Funk, King Kong Bundy etc as potential choices. The problem is, of course, that it means that Flair wouldn't be inducted until 2012, despite winning his first world title years before *many* of the other inductees even hit their peak (Tito Santana, for example).

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Brets whole life always revolved around  wrestling, I would assume, even though Bret says he doesn't keep up with the WWE, he probably watches a show every so often and gets reports via the internet about the current product-


Its possible he watches it more than the interview exerpts make it seem like he does.


Like I said, Bret makes some good point, but I think some of his views are a little outdated because the company has bigger problems now than the ones these exerpts describe.

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Like I said, Bret makes some good point, but I think some of his views are a little outdated because the company has bigger problems now than the ones these exerpts describe.


I don't really agree with this. He was talking about how none of the characters are believable, and he's right; that is the main problem. Look at Cena; his lines don't ring genuine the way Stone Cold's did and as a result, it's really hard to get into his character. Sure, he says something funny occasionally, but when he's talking about people looking down on him, etc., etc., he just seems more like an actor than a character.


JBL's the same thing, but magnified to the 800th degree. Whenever he delivers lines, I expect to see big flashing lights over his head that say HEEL HEEL PARODY PARODY. Just nothing about him seems real at all.


Batista actually did seem real for about a month or two, and it resulted in one of the biggest buyrates the WWE has ever done, but as soon as he became generic tough hoss #98, the connection was lost altogether.

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I actually disagree on his assertion that everyone is out there doing pointless highspots. If anything I'd LIKE to see some guys bust shit out rather than this boring as all fuck OVW style that half these rookies use. A crappy match with some wild spots is at least entertaining...the average Carlito or Orlando Jordan match has nothing.

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Well the average ovw guy still uses random spots...except they aren't high spots. They are...sleepers, body slams, and eye rakes and they don't amount to anything.

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